Author has written 11 stories for Death Note, Bleach, and Junjō Romantica.
UPDATE: For anyone who reads this. I do still write, but my current interests have shifted a little. Don't expect me to get back to Sugar Cubed because I don't think I'll be doing that. If I get the time ot refine some of the new stuff I've been working on, it will be here. It is X-Men. Don't look at me like that.
Thank you.
Last Updated: 05/02/10
Death Note
Title: Beautiful Chaos
Word Count: 345
Pairing: L/Raito
Summary: A photo is snapped just moments before a storm begins to come down on the pair of friends. And just as the rain begins to fall on them, they share a kiss. Simple in it's worded state but incredibly difficult to grasp under the peals of thunder. This is just a drabble about the infamous pairing.
Title: Working Out Frustrations
Word Count: 8,734
Pairing: Ichigo/Dark Ichigo(Hichigo)
Summary: There are no fights to be had; nothing for Ichigo Kurosaki to do. That is, until he hollow offered him an outlet for his excess energy. What happend when what Ichigo thought he was getting, isn't what he gets though?
Junjo Romantica
Title: Have His Cake...
Word Count: 1,326
Pairing: Misaki/Akihiko (Romantica)
Summary: Misaki makes a cake for Usagi-san but when the writer himself surprises him in the kitchen, everything turns into a mess. But what's a little cake between lovers after all?
Junjo Romantica
Title: Waiter! Another Napkin Please!
Word Count: 2,820
Pairing: Shinobu/Miyagi (Terrorist)
Summary: Maybe it wasn't the best idea to have dinner with his boss and family at such a swank place.
Title: Late
Word Count: 1,418
Pairing: Byakuya/Renji
Summary: Byakuya hates being late for his dinners with Rukia. Renji knows this and he'll take every chance to make his noble lover late.
Junjo Romantica
Title: Close the Barn Door
Word Count: 896
Pairing: Hiroki/Nowaki (Egoist)
Summary: Takes place after another story that I have (not on FF yet) where Hiroki has a close call in his office after being 'bullied' onto the couch by a needy Nowaki.
Title: Fairest Holds All the Cards
Word Count: 1,076
Pairing: Yumichika/Ikkaku
Summary: Yumichika lords some rather lovely control over his lover. He has his writhing about on the couch, under the the extreme pressure of pleasure. How long would the beautiful shinigami hold his like that? Only until he decided he wanted more, of course, because teasing Ikkaku was more wonderful than anything else he could have been doing on such a boring day.
Junjo Romantica
Title: Stuck Between a Writer and a Hard Place
Word Count: 2,676
Pairing: Misaki/Akihiko (Romantica)
Summary: On a mission to change Suzuki-san's ribbon/make sure Usagi-san wasn't writing pervy things, Misaki finds himself trapped under a desk hoping that his lover doesn't notice him there. He doesn't realize that he had already been found out and is in for more trouble than he bargined.
Junjo Romantica
Title: The Professor Who Never Smiles?
Word Count: 3,894
Pairing: Hiroki/Nowaki (Egoist)
Summary: Nowaki's come back from his trip and he's ready to draw a week's worth of love out of Hiroki in one sitting. Unfourtunatly, a certain unwilling Hiroki is still at work. And why did Misaki see the cold devil Kamijou smiling at an empty desk? Is the whole world in a mess?
Death Note
Title: The Best Cheesecake In the Area
Word Count: 4,406
Pairing: L/Raito
Summary: Raito inviting L out for lunch at a public coffee house? Suspicious? Oh very, but L doesn't seem to see it quite for what it is and things start to get a little out of hand thanks to some suggestions that had been previously recieved from one Matsuda.
Death Note
Word Count:
Pairing: L/Raito
Summary: Working long hours together does no good for the famous duo and a break is exactly what they both need. According to L anyway. But a little fight gets out of hand and, again according to L, his younger companion needs some medical attending to...at his own hands. This will not be ending well for Raito.
Death Note
Title: Sugar Cubed
Chapters: 3 (ongoing)
Word Count: 8,607 (And Counting)
Pairing: L/Raito
Summary: Raito needs a summer job and Sugar Cubed is hiring. Isn't the entire situation a little funny though? And don't the employees seems a little...off? When the famed owner, L, sets his sights on the new employee however, and take him out of the country for a short trip to see the birthplace of the resturant, a certain problem arises and follows the two back to Japan. And why is Raito's charm not working on any of these people? How is this mess going to get straightened out? And is there something brewing between the two beyond a boss an his employee? (AU, chapter story, description will improve over time)
Haitus-Possibly Cancelled