Reviews for Of birds and bees
JayQuinox chapter 1 . 5/10/2018
Hi... honestly, I'm not sure why I feel the compulsion to leave a comment on this story after all this time, but the brain wants what it wants, eh?

I have history with this absolutely exhilarating fanfic; I've previously left a review under an old FFN account which I now can't recall the login for, and have been re-reading this work since it was released in 2009...

I just need you to know that this is one of the only fics that I've ever repeatedly gone back to over the past like, nine-ish years? I can't get enough, and I've never since found anything that even touches the quality of the smut contained in this fantastic piece of work. Honest to fucking hell - I'm down? Let’s read Of Birds and Bees! Want a distraction? OF BIRDS AND BEES! Fed up with subpar smut on AO3? OH I KNOW, BIRDS AND BEES! :O

You are like, the God of smut, hands down. I just felt the need to tell you. Because after coming back here for the millionth time to experience your gloriously well-written smut, I was bursting at the seams with admiration at how I can continue to enjoy this after so many years... it's absurd, but completely true. I don't even really read Bleach fic anymore! But this fucking work leaps to the forefront of my mind every time I want a good read.

Gosh... I hope that wasn't too weird or overwhelming. Honestly, I'm pretty sure you don't even read these comments after so much time (it's 2018 ffs, last time I was active here was probably 2012 or earlier, I imagine you're the same!), but on the off chance you do, know that you'll always have a strange little admirer, coming back to your old, breath-taking fanfic again and again and AGAIN.

I'm now going to satisfy my smut thirst, because after all, that's what I came here for.

Peace my amigo! _

Guest chapter 10 . 1/11/2016
This is easily, hands down, by far THE BEST Renichi fanfiction on this, or any site on the web. I come back to it all the time when I'm down or bored or just when I think about it because it's so good and it's so hot and just everything about it is amazing.
People don't recognise this diamond for what it is (probs because of the kind of misleading blurb *that probs needs fixing tbh* sshhh ;-) ) and that kills me. If anyone is looking for 10 chapters of sexy, heartfelt, REAL love between everyone's favourite couple, then this is the place to look.
authoronhiatus chapter 10 . 5/2/2015
This is so fricken beautiful TT
cake chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
Oh my god. I reviewed on this a couple years ago, back when I first found it, but to this day it remains my favorite fic I have ever read. Your writing is just exquisite, the entire style, the detail, the raw emotion, everything. You show a different side to the characters that I at least haven't encountered before, and it's gorgeous. There aren't words enough to describe how highly I regard this fic. Thank you so much for bringing this work of art into existence.
iimurr chapter 10 . 9/20/2014
It was a lovely story and I cant beleive English isnt your primary language! The story was written so well! Thank you for such a wonderful story. (:
honeyMellon chapter 10 . 10/3/2013
Can't believe that english is not your first language! This is perfectly written, with just enough balance of humor, romance, and hotness. Love it!
Akrasian chapter 10 . 9/30/2013
Plot was mediocre, and I found Ichigo too angsty.

But the smut. Oh My God.

Thanks for the awesome read.
Miss Lizzy-chan chapter 10 . 7/21/2013
Sweet story. Awesome plot :P
WhimsyUsagi chapter 10 . 7/10/2013
first renxichi fic i've read but i've read a lot of other fanfics for years.. like millions.. godsssss, this was one of THE hottest ones ever, i was so happy while reading. i swear to god, it made me want to molest my boyfriend so bad.. and since i couldn't for a whole week do just that, it's put me through hell as i've read this.. but it was still god-send good! i'm sure it'll be loooong until i forget any of it, and i will probably re-read it anyway.. thank you very much for the read, i loved it a whole lot!
ichixeveryone chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
This is amazing...I love that they are reading their own stories. Absolutely amazing.
AiyokuSama chapter 10 . 5/12/2013
I know this is an older fic, but just found it and loved it. You're characterization of the boys was spot on and I was grinning at their interactions. Ren is such a sweetie! And dear Ichi is a lovable idjit. As for your English, if any gives you a hard time, I'll happily kick their ass. Yes there are a few misused words here and there, but over all your written language is better than a lot of folks that were born to it.

In short, excellent job :) Now to go see what other stories you have.
Scarlotte O'Hara chapter 10 . 4/23/2013
thank god! i'm so glad ichi totally got to top renji. i read some that it's constant ichi on bottom i just always have this feeling he's too strong for that...loved it!
Scarlotte O'Hara chapter 4 . 4/23/2013
love this! ren and ichi go so well together. lol caffiene and nicotine eh, i worship that alter as this story!
Huredhiel chapter 10 . 4/18/2013
omg! I loved this! I love the way you write Renji! Would be it selfish of me to ask you to write more stories with Renji like this? xD You new favorite Ichigo and Renji author! Must troll your bio page for more stories! Until another time :D
MissJudged chapter 10 . 2/12/2013
I absolutely love this. Not just because its kinky and smutty and fills a void in my sad life, but also because it is written so well. You include the nasty details that make relationships so ugly and wonderful. Not to mention the characters are really well done. They all seem to be in place and no one seems really out of character or missing a good personality. Great job!
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