Me: Okay!~ This is three days after the babies were born, so they are able to go home :) This is the FINAL chapter to FDI. And the first chapter of CID is complete! So in one week, CID will be out and into your view! ^w^ It was fun ladies and gents! But FDI has to come to an end so CID can continue the series ^_^ To my lovely reviewers: :)

To Rose: I know! So much cuteness overload. The second installment is ready to go ^w^ And, you know how I am, I probably won't even wait the whole week before posting it. I'm so freaking excited! :D But, I'm glad you love this story ^w^ I think this is the most popular story I have so far XD And I'm pretty sure everyone will enjoy the sequel (Took me 10 mins to think of that word... No joke XD)

To Kitty Paws: I am so happy to hear you like it ^w^ I'm still working on CID, but as soon as it's ready to go, I'll get it started. ^w^ I have another new one coming out with it I think... Maybe two new ones... We'll see... Yugi is clingy because during pregnancy you are all sorts of things :)

Yami! Disclaimer please!

Yami: Yeah as if my hands aren't full enough...

Me: Quit being a crybaby!

Yugi: ^w^ He can't help it. He is a cry baby. Anyway,

Yami: =3= Nickey doesn't own YGO or anything pertaining to YGO...

Me: Thank you!

Yugi: Enjoy everyone!


Chapter 41

Home Sweet Home

Yugi sighed as they walked into the house. Yami was carrying the twins while he carried the bags. "Honey watch these two and let me go put Brutus and Blue in the back. I'll introduce them slowly on their leashes."

"Okay" Yugi sat with the twins while Yami walked into the house.

Yami came back out a few minutes later "Okay. I got the boys out back. Let's get these two inside."

Yami placed the two carseats on the couch where they wouldn't fall off. He uncovered the babies and walked to the laundry room, leaving Yugi to sit next to the babies. "Yami, please be careful."

"I'm putting them on their leashes baby, don't worry." Yami walked out the back door, walking back in with Blue on his leash. "I'm gonna bring them in one at a time so they don't fight."


"Easy Blue" Yami said as he led Blue to the couch. Blue gently placed his front paws on the couch, looking in the carseat where Akari was. Yami chuckled at Akari's face "Honey look" he chuckled. Akari's eyes had widened at the sight of the dog and her mouth hung open a little bit.

"She's like 'what the hell is that?'" Yugi chuckled.

Blue got down and moved over to Yuki, letting out a whine when he saw him. "No. Easy Blue." Blue sniffed at Yuki while he wagged his tail. Yuki crossed his eyes at the dog and waved his hand around. "I don't think he's gonna be a problem. We'll just have to watch him because he's excited. They're new and he doesn't know better. They've never been around babies, so we'll have to watch them anyway. I wasn't worried about Blue though. I'm more worried about Brutus."

"Just don't let him hurt them."

"I'm not worried about him hurting them. I'm worried about anyone that tries to pick them up with him around."

"You think he'll bite?"

"I don't know baby. Like I said, they've never been around babies. I'll just watch them."

"Okay. Be careful."

"I will. Blue, go lay down" Yami said, letting the dog off his leash. Blue ran out of the room and into the laundry room, bringing back a toy. He gave the toy to Yugi and waited for him to throw it.

"Oh Blue, you big baby" Yugi chuckled as he threw the toy.

Yami came in with Brutus on the leash and Blue ran to the laundry room, laying down on his bed. Yami led Brutus in just like he had Blue, Brutus stood on the couch and sniffed the twins. Yami watched for Brutus' body to tense, or any sign that he was going to attack, but Brutus never tensed. Instead, he wagged his stubby tail and let out a little whine, looking over at Yami then back at the twins. "No bub, you can't have them" Yami chuckled. "Get down Brutus."

Brutus got down as he was told, sitting back and watching the babies like a hawk. "This is what I was worried about" Yami said, tying Brutus to the coffee table that doubled as a fishtank. "Let's see what he does" Yami thought aloud, reaching over for Yuki. Brutus' eyes locked on Yami as he got closer to Yuki, his body going tense. "That's what I thought."


"Watch" Yami looked over at Brutus, his eyes constantly on him as he reached for Yuki. Brutus growled a warning growl when Yami's hands were just inches from the carseat. His lips curled back as he snarled at Yami when he touched the carseat. Yami reached for the baby and Brutus attempted to nip his leg, but he was just out of reach.

Yugi's eyes widened "Why is he being like that?"

"Because he's protecting them. They're new, I have to show him that they need us." Yami picked up Yuki and turned towards Brutus. Brutus quit growling at the sight of the baby, tilting his head as he looked at him. His nose began wiggling as he sniffed in Yami's direction. Yami squatted down to show Brutus the baby and Blue came walking in. "Whoa" Yami stood back up and handed Yuki to Yugi. "Take him."

Yami watched as Blue put his front paws on the couch, looking at Akari. Brutus let out a snarl towards Blue, warning him to get away. "Blue get down." Blue walked around Yami to look in the empty carseat and Brutus launched forward. "Shit" Yami cursed as he tried to seperate the two dogs.

Luckily for Yami the others decided to come visit just then. "Seto! Help me."

Seto ran forward and grabbed Blue while Yami pryed Brutus off him. "Get the hell off!" Yami yelled, slapping Brutus across the jaws when he tried to latch onto Blue again. "Put Blue on the porch" Yami untied the leash and lead Brutus to the back. "You get out. You're in trouble. Go to your house!"

Brutus tucked his stubby tail and put his ears back as he ran to his dog house. Yami shut the door and ran to the bathroom, getting out a first aid kit. "Is he okay?" Yugi asked, sitting Yuki back in his carseat.

"I'm going to check on him. Just stay with these guys" Yami said as he walked out the door. Blue had bite marks on his front right leg, and his back left leg. "He's okay" Yami said, walking in after he wrapped up Blue's legs. "The bites aren't that deep, they were just warnings for him."

Yami sat in the recliner and rubbed his forehead, heaving a heavy sigh. "So what now?" Yugi asked.

"I don't know. I was hoping that would work."

"What the hell happened?" Amun asked as he looked around the room.

"My dogs got in a fight over the babies. Brutus is the protector so when Blue came in to be nosey while I was showing Brutus the babies, Brutus snapped and attacked Blue."

"So you can't have them both inside?"

"Well, I'm sure that if Brutus can learn commands, FDI commands, and how to sniff out a bomb and drugs, he can learn this." Yami thought for a minute, his eyes narrowing as he thought "I've got an idea. Yugi, you hold Akari. Seto, I'm gonna need your help. You're the only other one that Brutus will let handle him."

"Okay" Seto said, a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Just trust me." Yami got up and walked into the laundry room, grabbing the other leash. He walked back in and clipped the leash to Blue. "Dad, hold him."

"Okay" Aknamkanon shrugged as he held the dog leash.

Yami walked back out of the room, grabbing the first leash and opening the back door. "Brutus! Here boy!" Brutus came walking over to Yami, his tail still tucked and his ears still back. Yami clipped the leash to Brutus, walking him inside and handing it to Seto. "Okay, hold him. Whatever you two do, do NOT let go."

Yami walked over and took Yuki back out of his carseat, Brutus watching him with his body tensed the whole time. Yami walked over to Blue first "Easy Blue" he said, patting Blue's head while the dog sniffed Yuki. Brutus let out a whine from where he was standing on his toes, attempting to reach Yuki from his spot across the room. "Sit Brutus, wait your turn." Yami stood up and walked over to Brutus, doing the same thing. "Easy boy" Yami said, his voice low as he patted Brutus' head.

Brutus tilted his head as he sniffed Yuki once again, getting a good look at the boy. He looked over and saw Blue trying to sniff Yuki as well. Yami noticed Brutus' attention leaving Yuki and turning towards Blue, so he pulled a treat out of his pocket, gaining Brutus' attention once again. "Good boy" Yami praised Brutus. He looked over at Blue and handed his dad a treat for him "Hold that for a minute. Yugi, walk over to Blue with Akari. It'll pull his attention from Yuki, and Yuki will keep Brutus' attention from Akari. With them being twins, this'll be a lot easier."

Yugi walked over and bent down with Akari in his arms. Blue turned when he saw Akari "Easy Blue" Yugi said, petting Blue's head.

"Give him the treat dad."

Aknamkanon bent down and gave Blue the treat, ruffling his ears as he stood back up. "Okay, so this is how it'll have to be. We'll just have to keep their attention on seperate babies until they get used to the idea of having them around."

"At least they're not fighting anymore" Yugi sighed.

"Home sweet home huh honey?" Yami chuckled.

Yugi looked over at Yami and smiled "Yeah. Home sweet home."

Me: And that's the end! ^w^

Yugi: What a happy ending! :D

Me: And it isn't over yet :)

Yugi: O.o But you just said the end...

Me: *giggles* :) There's a second one coming out Yugi.

Yugi: Oh yeah! What was that called again?

Yami: -.-' It's CID, love...

Yugi: *sweatdrops* Oh yeah, I forgot :P

Me: Until next story everyone! ^w^

All 3: *waves* Goodbye! :)