
5 Years ago Yugi caught Yami cheating on him with Anzu. Yami then told Yugi he was leaving him for her. 5 years later the tables are turned. Anzu cheated on Yami who caught her with Duke. Yami feeling regret for what he did wants Yugi back. How will he get to Yugi threw his over protective brother, brother in law and friends? Will he be able to win Yugi's love back? And what is this about a child? (I want to make Atemu and Heba Hikari and Yami in this)


YamixYugi Puzzleshipping

AtemuxHeba Blindshipping

SetoxJoey Puppyshipping

MarikxMalik Bronzeshipping

BakuraxRyou Tendershipping

I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh

This is in no Way shape or form related to yamiyugifangirls story My Mistake



Disclaimers: Yu-Gi-Oh is not mine. I wish it was! But sadly it's not mine...


Verb: Feel sad, remorseful, or disappointed over something that has happened or been done.

After the ceremonial duel, all Yamis wanted their own bodies in order to be with their Hikaris and friends. The gods decided to answer their requests, so now all the Yamis are with their Hikaris….except for one.

Yami was sitting in his bed staring at a picture of him and Yugi that he still had while remembering what happened just an hour ago between him and Anzu. Anzu was Yugi's childhood friend. After spending some time with her, Yami fell or thought he fell in love with her. Now he just realized how wrong he was. 'Just like then huh, Yugi? What Irony.'

Flashback: 1 hour ago

Yami just finished his work early. He was planning to propose to Anzu tonight since they have been dating for 5 years and it was only right that they finally get married. Yami is already 27 and decided that it was about time he settled down and have a family.

Yami unlocked the door to his and Anzu's apartment.

And froze…

Standing in the middle of the hall was Anzu and Duke. That was not the problem; the problem was they were KISSING!

They apparently didn't notice his presence so he decided to announce himself.

"DUKE, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" Yami yelled walking towards them.

Duke and Anzu gasped and turned to him.

Yami grabbed Duke by the neck and slammed him against the wall. Duke was gasping for air and Anzu was crying and trying to pry Yami off Duke.

"Yami! Stop! You're going to kill him!" Anzu yelled.

Yami turned to her and let Duke go. Duke ran behind Anzu and hid.

Yami looked to her demanding and explanation.

"I'm sorry Yami. I'm leaving you for Duke. I'll get my stuff later." Anzu said and she and Duke left.

Flashback end

Yami sighed. 'Why did I do this to you, Yugi? I missed you so much over the 5 years. I was so stupid to leave you for Anzu.'

Flash back 5 years ago

Yami and Anzu were on the couch making out. Yami has been cheating on Yugi for 3 months now. He felt bad but he was in love with Anzu. He planned on breaking up with Yugi today.

Suddenly a wave of hurt, depression, self loathing and betrayal hit him through the mind link. Yami snapped his head up and saw Yugi standing in front of them. Yami could clearly see the tears and betrayal in Yugi's lovely lilac eyes.

Yami stood and took a step towards his little Hikari who took one step backwards. This continued until Yugi ran out of a room and Yami was a foot away from his Hikari.

"Yugi, I'm sorry. I'm leaving you for Anzu." Yami said.

Yami could feel the sadness and pain in the mind link until it was cut off completely.

Yugi blocked Yami...

Yami was hurt but he understood. He took Anzu's hand and they left the shop.

Yami spent most of the day with Anzu until she went home and he returned to the game shop hoping to talk to Yugi. But when he got there, Yugi was gone.

Yami stayed at the game shop for a month and it became clear to him that Yugi was not coming back. Even his millennium puzzle lay on his desk next to Yami's.

When the Yamis got their own body, the Millennium items split into two: Making a dark half for the yamis and a light half for the hikaris. The items act as the link between the hikaris and yamis.

Yami was hurt that Yugi left his millennium puzzle of all things and since he knew that Yugi wouldn't be coming back he moved out of the shop.

Flashback ends

Yami sighed and lay down. 'I need you, Yugi. Where are you? I want you back.'

Yami got an idea. 'Atemu is dating Heba and Heba must know where his brother is.'

After the ceremonial duel, Atemu and Yami decided to go by the last name Sennen. Yami and Atemu are twins. Atemu is tan and once the Pharaoh of Egypt while Yami is pale and was the prince of Egypt. Atemu was released by Heba from their copy of the Millennium puzzle as Yami was released by Yugi. There are 4 millennium puzzles in total.

Heba Moto, Yugi Moto's twin brother they are identical twins except that Heba inherited their mother's tan skin and Egyptian looks and Yugi has his father's pale skin and Japanese looks. Yugi and Heba are like Yin and Yang; Yugi is calm, quiet and non-violent while Heba is loud, easily gets angry and violent but when it is necessary only.

Yami got up and went to the phone. He dialed Atemu's number.

"Sennen's." Atemu answered.

"Atemu, it's me, Yami." Yami said.

"Yes Yami? What do you want?" He said coldly.

'Why is Atemu mad at me?' Yami questioned himself.

"No need for the coldness Atemu. Do you know where Yugi is?" He asked.

"No and if I did, I wouldn't tell you." he answer. His hostility is clear in his voice.

"Why?" Yami asked shocked.

"Because of what you did to him!" Atemu yelled and slam the phone.

Yami sighed. He hung the phone and went back into the living room.

'My only other choice is to rely on Marik, Malik, Bakura, Ryou, Joey and Seto. One of them must know where Yugi is.'

Yami went to lie down after that.

~Sennen residence~

"AFTER 5 YEARS, HE WANTS TO FIND YUGI NOW!" Heba shouted from the living room.

A small 5 years old child with crimson eyes, long straight black hair, crimson tips and blond highlights, ran into the living room.

"Uncle Heba, somthin' wrong?" She asked tugging on his pant leg.

Heba looked down and smiled. "Not at all Kairi. Sorry to scare you."

She giggled and ran along while Yugi entered.

"Brother, why were you yelling? And don't lie to me like you did to Kairi." Yugi said.

Heba sighed "Yami is trying to find you."

Yugi froze.

"Why now? After I sent a letter telling about Kairi and had no answer from him why now?" He questioned them and they just shrugged.

"I don't know Yugi. Maybe Anzu left him and he wants you as a rebound." Heba growled.

"He better hope that's not the reason." Atemu said equally pissed off.

Yugi sighed and went back to his room. After Yami left the game shop, he went to retrieve his stuff.

He went to the closet and pulled out a golden box with hieroglyphics on it. Yugi opened it and smiled…the millennium puzzle. After the fight, he disassembled each pieces of the millennium puzzle to stop its magic power and completely cut his mental link and bond with Yami. He misses Yami and he wanted him back. He knew that he'll never love anyone as much as he loved Yami but he is also mad, hurt and betrayed. He remembered that day too well.

Flash back 5 years ago

Yugi was walking home from the hospital. He had himself check because he didn't feel well these past few days. And when he found out the reason, he could not wait to tell Yami the good news. He hoped Yami would be happy as him.

Yugi opened the door of the game shop and walked upstairs to the house section. But when Yugi reached upstairs, his entire good mood vanished. In the living room on the couch was Yami, his Yami, his boyfriend was making out with Anzu!

Yami must have sensed Yugi's pain and sadness through the mind link, because he turned his head up, and Yami's eyes met Yugi's pained, teary lilac eyes.

"Y-Yami, w-what's g-going o-on.?" Yugi stuttered out barely above a whisper through his tears.

Yami sighed and stood up. As he took a step towards Yugi, Yugi took one step backwards. Yami continued walking towards Yugi but Yugi also continued stepping backwards until he was cornered and Yami was about a foot away from Yugi.

"Yugi I'm sorry. I'm leaving you for Anzu." Yami said.

If Yugi thought that if kissing Anzu hurt him, Yami's words was like a million knives that continued to stab Yugi's fragile heart. Every word that Yami had said shattered his heart into pieces. He quickly blocked his end of the mind link and to stop Yami from reading his thought and feelings.

Yami without another word took Anzu's hand and left. Whether Yami came back or not, Yugi didn't know because the next thing he knew, he was running to Heba's house.

Yugi pounded on the door. When Heba answered it he saw Yugi on his knees, crying his eyes out.

"Yugi! Yugi! What's wrong!" Heba said kneeling before his brother. "Where is Yami, Yugi?"

At Yami's name, Yugi cried harder. Heba realizing that Yami was the reason why his brother crying yelled, "ATEMU!" said man appeared in a matter of seconds.

"Habibi?" He asked then noticed Yugi. "Yugi!" He kneeled down before the little one as well.

"Atemu, put him in the living room!" Heba ordered.

Atemu pick Yugi up in a bridal style.

Once Yugi calmed down, he told them what happened at the game shop.

"YOUR BROTHER IS A DEAD MAN, ATEMU!" Heba yelled and ran for the door but Atemu held him back.

"No, no, Habibi! I have a better plan." Atemu said and Heba looked at him confused.

"We'll keep his hikari from him and that will kill him."

Heba nodded. "Yugi, you're not leaving and you're not allowed to see him."

"O-one p-problem…" He said.

"Hmm?" they both responded.

"I'm p-p-pregnant and Y-Yami is the f-father." Yugi said. Both Atemu and Heba gasped as Yugi burst into tears again.

Flashback ends

'I should have known. I was no good for him.' Yugi sighed. 'I'm weak and pathetic. I always relied on him for everything that's why he didn't want me around anymore.'

After the incident, he sent a letter to Yami telling him about Kairi. But Yami never replied nor sought them out and never contacted them. He assumed he was happy with Anzu and wanted nothing to do with them anymore.

'Of course they are happy. Anzu is strong and had the courage to stand up to bullies. Not like me, all I did was run away; Yami must be in love with her.'

That thought still hurt Yugi.

He even named Kairi in honor of him. When they were dating, Yami told him how much he loved the name Kairi and wanted to name his child that if it is a girl.

Yugi wanted to honor Yami's wish and named his daughter, Kairi.

Kairi inherited Yami's features: has pale skin, a deep blood red crimson and black hair with crimson tips and blond highlights except that her hair is long and goes to the middle of her back.

How Yugi wished Yami could meet her.

"Papa?" A small soft voice said.

Yugi looked down to see Kairi worriedly staring at him.

"Yes, my daughter?" his voice cracked and he mentally cursed himself for it.

She reached a small hand up and brushed Yugi's tears. "Why are you crying, Papa?" She asked.

"Nothing for you to worry about, Kairi." Yugi picked her up and the two curled into the bed.

Review please


Hikari- Light

Yami- Darkness