I'd appreciate it if you guys read this :)
But you don't have to!
First of all, I want to thank you guys! I know this may seem really cheesy and junk, but reading all of your comments on my story and seeing all the 'Added to favorites' really made me happy. And it made me feel like I might not be the worst writer in the world! :D
For that reason, I started a book! Yay!
I dunno if I'll ever finish it though…
Okay, enough about me! Here are some things that I wanted to get done in this story; if you wish, please comment on if I did so!
-Hopefully, I kept the characters in character. (Big issue for me!)
-Hopefully, I presented a good story…
-Hopefully, I didn't bore you all out of your minds! :3
-Hopefully, I made my fellow Mai x Naru shippers happy. 3
Lastly, I have considered making a sequel…
Would any of you be interested?
Or I could make that Detective Conan one I mentioned way back when…
Or maybe both! :)
Well, thanks guys! I admit it has been quite fun. I loved writing this story, and I hope you all enjoyed it!
Look out for new things from me.
-Allikitty13 + Tuna =^.^=
The black cat in this story, the one named Luna? Yeah, that's named after my black cat. Hence the Tuna in my signature^^
She inspired me for some parts of the story :)