I honestly just couldn't take it anymore, I HAD to start writing these. Too many people shoved ideas into me that I just loved, and they inspired me to the greatest extent! And plus, you guys just continuously give me love and appreciation. I love all of you so much for making me feel special as a writer. God I wish I could meet some of you. A lot of you made some of my saddest days, my most brightest. You and these stories truly make me happy to just be here, living and alive. So, for the millionth time, thank you!
Alrighty, now that the mushy crap is outta the way, let's get down to business eh?
Here's how this'll work. If you got any requests, PM me or just leave a review. I will look, examine and consider every single review I get. It doesn't have to strictly be about Atem, Yugi and Yami. It can be about other characters. Characters that died off, characters that weren't really talked about after they were introduced, anybody. Even if it's a request that's just about only one character. If there are any lemon ideas, do not hesitate to give them to me. Heheh. You can even request specific fights you want to see written. Another thing, please be as specific as you can so I can write around the idea. Depending on the request, that will determine how long it might be as a chapter. Keep in mind, that these one shots will take place after the events of 95.I. And also note, that some of these one shots will be canon for the sequel. If you have a request that might have taken place before the end of 95.I, or would like some backstory, it will be written as a flashback. You will be credited for any and all requests you give.
As long as anything isn't too outrageous, ALL requests and ideas are welcomed.
- 95.I: One-Shot Collaboration -
Some lemon, RivalShipping.
1! - Brothers
Months later after Yami's revival from his coma.
Pushing his finger against the white horse headed piece, he raised his eyes back up at his younger brother. His opening was pretty good. He made sure his defense was superb and complex, making it practically impossible for even an expert chess player to attack. He had several ideas in his brain, constantly popping in what move or strategy he'll use next. Every second, planning what he would do if this happened, or that happened. Any possibility that would happen, he was mentally preparing himself what he'd do. Scheming how to set it up, and execute it perfectly.
Ever since he was a small child, he was a chess prodigy. Before he was a bullseye shooting sniper and expert gunman, he was the chess king. No one beat him. No one even came close to beating him. He defeated Gozaburo a number of times, even going up against the world's most challenging chess players. He's trained his mind, and body for years. Ever since he knew how to pick up a piece, he taught himself to learn. He taught himself the moves, he read the books, he watched a few interviews. He knew everything and anything there was to learn about this game.
And yet, his little brother was almost just as good as he was.
When Yami first moved in with himself and Mokuba, they bonded quickly because they both had a huge adoration for games. And Yami was very good at them. He was an extremely fast learner, and he was a tyrant when it came to being an opponent. His little brother may have been his most formidable and commendable rival yet. He never met anyone so unintentionally talented. And by that, he meant that he never met anyone who was so easily just...amazing, without trying. Yami never learned chess before, until he met Seto. And ever since then, he was an expert at it. He beat Seto more than once, on several occasions. While Seto still was better at the game than he was, Yami was dangerously close to taking that 'king of chess' title. Seto only won a few more times than Yami lost. In fact, they kept score.
About 34 to 30. That was the score.
The now blue eyed younger sibling took a black pawn, and moved it elsewhere on the board. He then looked back up and stared at the elder. Seto could faintly see a vast of numbers travel through his irises like falling codes of a screen saver. This, made him a little sad. But, he reminded himself not to stare. Ever since Yami changed, he realized the smallest things that bothered his little brother now. Things he couldn't, or rather wouldn't, speak up about. He didn't want to bother anyone with his pointless emotions. Or rather, what's left of them. He felt there wasn't a need to make a big deal out of what made him uncomfortable. However, he did make it obvious of what he didn't like.
He hated to be stared at now. He felt that if someone was staring at him, they were admiring him like some new store-bought TV, or some new smart phone that had new features. He also didn't like to be talked to like a computer or GPS. He didn't like it when people slowly and clearly spoke what they wanted Yami to do. Like if someone voice activated their phone to look up something on the internet, that's how some people in D75 treated Yami, now. He was treated like some kind of calculator. People asking him to calculate this, or determine this, or analyze that...He hated it.
He hated himself. That much was obvious.
While Seto didn't really take much liking to himself either, he wasn't nearly as depressed as his brother was. Seto did indeed have confidence and large pride in his abilities. He just looked down upon himself as a person. For Yami, he didn't like anything. He still calls himself weak, despite being able to destroy someone's skull with just one whack of his bat. He still thinks he can do better in everything he does, even though he's growing stronger everyday. He thinks that without being experimented on, he wouldn't be where he is now. And that he would be a weak little orphan, with nothing. He felt like a useless super hero. Without his powers, he was weak. He wasn't natural like everyone else was, and that was one of the main reason he hated himself.
Seto felt like this was partly his fault. He could have been someone he looked up to. He could have complimented him more on his efforts at school, his behavior, hell even his appearance. He didn't do a very good job at being an older brother. He didn't really do a good job at protecting him, or caring for him like he should have. He felt the same way about Mokuba, but he was more affectionate to the child than he was towards the teenager. And that wasn't fair. No wonder he never asks to spend time with him anymore. Once he started dating, it was like he and Seto never met.
And sadly, Seto couldn't blame him.
But, that's why they were playing chess now. Like old times. Their relationship was scarred once Yami found out about D75. It was terrible ever since. And of course the 'envious crush over Atem' fiasco made things worse, too. He had so much to make up for. He needed to spend more time with his brothers, and make them happy for once.
It's been quiet for almost thirty minutes straight. That was their little rule. Absolute silence when playing. But today, Seto would break that rule.
It was his turn to move a piece. But instead, Seto took his knight, and toppled it over. He crossed his arms over on the table and looked straight ahead at Yami, to see his puzzled expression.
"...Why did you-"
"I want to talk."
Yami blinked twice, his returning to their normal purple. "Say what?" Well that was new, Seto wanting to 'talk'.
"I'm a dick, that much is obvious. Right?"
This was baffling Yami to a very large extent. Why was this suddenly happening again? "Um, yeah I guess."
"I fucked up our bond. And I know, usually I don't talk or care about sensitive shit like this. But," He started to slowly shake his head at him. "When I see you like this, it makes me sick."
"..." He watched Yami furrow his brows.
"I've never, ever seen you this sad before. So pathetically depressed and hung deep into despair." Seto's ocean colored eyes traveled down to the polished circular table they played the game on. "You were a happy kid, Yami. You were excited and energetic about everything. You were head strong, you were confident. Almost nothing bothered you. You always looked at the bright side, even when there wasn't one to look for. You were..." He couldn't believe he was saying this. He never actually opened up to someone before. Well, not like this anyway. "You were kind, sweet and brave. But once you found about D75, once I kept hurting Atem in front of you, once you found out about yourself and what he did to you, you disappeared from me."
"What are you even saying, Seto?"
"I'm trying to say," He looked his brother dead in the eyes, to show he was being sincere. "I'm sorry."
...Yami didn't look happy after hearing that. He started to smile, and then chuckle. He looked around the room, before taking a minute to look back at Seto. "Ahaha. I'm sorry, say that again?"
An exhale. Seto had a feeling this might happen. "I said, I'm-"
"You know what, I'm going home." Yami stood up from his seat and stepped away from the table. The room was small. Black floors, black walls, the lights were off. There was one single window, that brightened up the area with the sunlight. The table, the glass chess board and chairs, were the only bright things in the room. There was a single white door, that Yami was now currently walking to. Seto immediately reached out and grabbed his hand.
"Yami, no."
"I'm leaving." His voice was very quiet.
"Just because I apologized? Really?"
"Yeah." Yami snatched his hand away and turned around. He looked angry. His eyes were red, and his face looked scrunched up. "You wanna know why? You saying 'sorry', isn't going to fix anything."
"Yami-" Seto stood up from his seat as well. "I did a lot of shit to you, I know I did. But I'm going to make up for it-"
"Make up for it!? Are you fucking shitting me right now!?" Yami abruptly stepped closer to his elder brother, his fists clenched tightly.
"What the hell are you getting so mad over?!" Seto yelled back.
"You didn't apologize to me when I found out you kissed my fucking boyfriend. You didn't apologize to me, when I found out you tried to dry hump him in that fucking hotel room! Oho yeah, you didn't know I knew that, did you!?" Yami hollered when he saw the expression on Seto's face. He started to breathe a little heavier. His face was even turning red. "You didn't say sorry when you left me and Mokuba at the house, several times and didn't come back until maybe weeks later without an explanation. You didn't say sorry, when those burglars tried to kill me in my own room. You didn't say sorry when you lied to me our entire lives, that you were a killer for money." He could see some moisture building up in the corner of his eyes. He could hear his voice slightly shaking. "You didn't apologize, when you almost broke Atem's spine and cracked his neck in half. You don't apologize about calling Yugi some 'deranged mutant', right in front my my face. You didn't apologize when you found out about me being an experiment, and not telling me." His mouth quivered, and he saw tears roll down a cheek. Yami looked away for a minute, before facing his brother once more.
"You didn't say sorry when you didn't care to find out if anyone at my school was trying to kill me. You didn't apologize, after you heard about that son of a bitch sticking a fucking needle in me! Down there! Inside of it!" He shoved his hands against Seto's chest hard, making the other almost lose his balance. "You weren't fucking there! You were never there! You aren't my brother! You tried to take the person I love away from me more than once! You willingly lied to me, constantly over and over! You kept secrets from me, you betrayed me! You don't care about me! You don't give a fucking flying shit about me! You NEVER did!" His voice cracked towards the end of that last sentence. He couldn't hold it in any longer. He stumbled over to the table and leaned his hand against the surface. He slowly fell down to the floor, onto his knees with his arms falling loosely at his sides.
His body shook as he cried, with his eyes shut tight. His head hung low, not wanting to face his brother any longer. He held up one arm, and covered his eyes as his tears dampened the sleeve of his shirt. "I'm so fucking tired," He croaked. "Of everyone telling me that. 'Oh, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm so sorry you're a fucking freak.'" He brought his arms to his head and clenched his hair, with his face burying into his own knees. "You don't love me, you love Mokuba. He's your blood relative, after all. I wish you would realize that. You don't feel shit for me. I'm no one to you!" His voice was a little muffled from the fabric of his clothes. "I get why you hid stuff from me. I know why you kept secrets. I get it. But after everything that's happened, after all this time, when you could have made things right, you waited too damn long. You didn't try to do this shit then, why are you trying now? Why...Can't you just.."
"I've never heard you apologize to me about anything you've done wrong." A sniff. "Please." He began to plead, much to the other's surprise. "Let me leave. Please..."
In just two words, he turned this emotionless, cold killer, into a nothing but a scrambled weeping mess. He was almost amazed at himself. How did he fuck this up? How? How in just one sentence, did he fuck this all up? Why was he such a screw up? Why did he keep hurting him? How did he keep doing it, with barely any effort? He couldn't bare to see Yami like this, not again. Not again. All because of him-
-No. Not again. No more. If he wanted to leave and not come back, he was welcomed. It was the very least he could do to make him even the slightest bit happy. If it was to get away from him, then so be it.
"...Go ahea-"
No. I'm not going to let it end like this again, fuck that. We always leave on bad terms, I'm not letting this happen.
"No. You're staying." Seto stepped around Yami, and walked towards the door. He turned, and stood in front of it. Guarding it, making it so that Yami wasn't allowed to leave.
"Seto," Yami voice was still shaky, but his tone alone was an obvious warning. "Let me leave." He demanded in a harsh whisper.
"Not until you listen to what I have to say. You had your turn, now it's mine." He leaned down and sat onto the floor. He leaned against the door, with one leg bended up while the other laid flat against the ground. He kept his eyes on the teen, forcing himself to keep a straight face. "I made so many mistakes. I messed you up." He said softly. Any vigor or strength in his voice all went away with Yami's outburst. "I thought that as long as you were physically okay, I was doing an okay job being the older brother. I didn't realize how much pain you were in. I didn't realize the danger you were in. I neglected both you and Mokuba. Yet, I only showed him more attention. I showed him more compassion, and sides of me you never saw. I only come across as some big sack of shit to you, and that's my fault. Because that's all I show you. I don't show the good parts of me. I'm just seeing now, that isn't fair for you. I knew you felt like an outcast in our own home from the beginning, seeing as how we aren't actually related. Because of that, you don't think I care about you."
Yami eventually leaned himself against one of the legs of the chairs, staring at the wall. Seto knew he was listening, so he continued.
"I was greedy and selfish, only thinking about what I wanted. I wanted Atem, I didn't think of you whenever I tried advancing towards him. Whenever I hurt him, I wasn't thinking of purposely trying to fuck with you. I just...I don't know what I was thinking. But I'm over that." He looked down at the dark floors, looking at the small details of the marble. "I don't give a damn about you not being my blood. I don't care if you and Atem are together anymore. I don't give a shit about your past, and I sure as hell don't care about my past mistakes. Not anymore. I won't forget them, but I won't let them stop me from trying. I don't care what you think of me anymore. Because," Seto grunted and stood up. He slowly walked over to where Yami sat, and sat beside him. Shoulder to shoulder. "I don't just love Mokuba. And I don't hate you, I love you too. No matter what fights we get into, no matter what we argue about or what happens between us. Even if you were to kill me right now, or hurt me like how you did in the old mansion, I'd forgive you. And I would still protect you, even without any of my limbs. No matter where you'd be, I'd hobble my ass over to you and protect you with what's left of me."
He saw Yami's eyes were lowered, almost as if he was going to fall asleep.
"You don't deserve me at my worst, and yet that's all I've given you. You deserve me at my best, and that's what I'm going to show you. But you have to give me a chance to do that." He turned his head down at Yami, hugging his knees just like him. "And I'm not just making empty promises. I'm going to be a better brother for both you and Moki. I don't expect you to forgive me for anything, but do believe me when I say, I'm sorry that I've failed you." With a sigh, and a lick of his lips from talking so much, he leaned back against the chair. "The least I could do for your mother and father, is take over and be there for you this time."
Once Seto leaned against the chair, it hit against the table. It shook, and Seto's white King piece fell onto the floor.
The sound didn't bother the two.
"I just want the old Yami back. I want you to be happy, and I want to be the cause of it. No, I will be the cause of it, whether you want me around or not. Fuck it, I'm not asking for your permission anymore."
A small giggle.
This made Seto blink and stare at his younger brother.
"First you're all sweet, then you say 'fuck it I'm making your ass happy, damn it.' Heheh." A few sniffs, and more chuckles. He was smiling. He felt the weight of his brother's head on his shoulder, leaning against him. He felt Yami's hot body temperature lower, to a more warmer and chill atmosphere. He felt Yami scoot even closer and wrap his arms around his abdomen, nuzzling his head into his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I got so mad after hearing you apologize."
"Cause I should have in the past. Once I said it, it probably triggered some old feelings you had buried in you. I should have shown I cared, I guess."
"You guess?"
"I'm messing with you. But I love you too. I always did. I never stopped." Yami held up his hand and rubbed one of his eyes before wrapping it back around Seto. "Atem told me you tried to get him into shooting you in the head, to kill you. That you felt like I hated you too."
"I thought you still did. I always knew I failed you. Ever since you called me a monster."
"Yeah. I...probably shouldn't have said that. I know that hurt."
"It did."
"No wonder you always looked so sad whenever you saw me." The teen closed his eyes, feeling at ease and comfortable. "I do want to spend more time with my brother. That'd be nice."
Seto sighed in relief. "Good. I guess I did something right then."
"You made the first step to change when you called me over to play. You are trying."
"I am. I-" He bit his lip, feeling tense. "I just don't want to fuck up again."
Yami felt his body stiffen, and nuzzled into him again to calm him down. "You won't. Well, no you will. Just not like how you have before. Something tells me after this, you won't ever make those dumb mistakes again."
"No, I won't."
"There you go." Yami praised. He took glanced up at Seto's face that was staring at the wall with conflicted eyes. He leaned up and kissed his cheek. Seto flinched, sharply turning to Yami.
"What the hell was that?"
"A kiss?" His little brother blinked. "Oh yeah, I haven't kissed your cheek in forever."
"Well don't do it again-Hey!" Seto started to scoot himself away, but he accidentally bumped into the chair behind them, hitting the table harder this time. Both it and the table fell over, scattering all of the pieces and the chess board. Seto stared at the mess with a sheepish frown, meaning he was distracted. Yami took this chance to give another kiss, but Seto wasn't having it. "Quit it!" He demanded. The teen made a sneer, and continued to crawl towards him.
As he smiled in his dreams, he turned over and hugged his pillow.
But then, something wasn't right.
He tossed over again, now frowning and muttering to himself.
...This wasn't right at all.
Yami pounced on top of his older brother, his arms tightly around him like a koala bear. He was sitting on his lower abdomen, his face pretty close to his own. "I'm gonna give you another one."
"No! One was enough!" Seto protested, trying to shake Yami off, but his arms were bound together.
"And this time," He leaned his head down and lightly parted his lips. He kissed Seto, closing his eyes as he did so. But it was a small innocent peck. "Here." He could see the red heat spread to his cheeks. He never saw Seto blush before like this, it was funny. The elder could feel the small vibrations of Yami's laughter. "Haha!"
"Yami..." Seto growled. He forced his arms loose and managed to tackle the other down. He held his hands on either sides of his head, his legs spread above him on the sides of his body. They were breathing a little too close to each other. Seto glazed his eyes all over Yami. His clothes. The long sleeved pale blue plaid buttoned up shirt, his dark jeans and black shoes. With a particular gaze, the other did the same. Seto's black T-shirt, failing to hide his tight chest. His black pants, barefoot. His shoes were taken off hours ago, even before Yami arrived at his house.
Seto began to lean forward, and hesitated. But then, he kept going and opened his mouth. Yami did the same, and welcomed the deep kiss. They sucked against each other, sucking on each other's lips. Seto broke the kiss, but not before biting the other's, first. He got off of Yami and sat down onto the floor. Yami crawled over and got into his older brother's lap. He kissed Seto again, this time being a quick chaste kiss. He kissed him again, roughly making out with him as he reached up his hands to his own shirt and started to unbutton it.
Seto stuck out his tongue and shoved it into Yami's mouth. The other gladly accepted it, pushing his tongue against his. He unzipped his pants, and reached down to grab a hold of Yami's fly. He shoved it down and pulled down his pants a little. His arse was showing at this point, and he grasped him by the bottom. He shoved Yami's waist to his own, their crotches rubbing against each other.
Woah woah wait this is wrong!
Yami gasped and gripped his brother's shirt. He bucked his hips and grinded against him. Seto made a low growl and did the same, but much harsher. "Harder. The teen moaned. Seto continued to shove himself against him, feeling himself become hard. He could feel Yami getting hard as well, and he tightened his hold. The teen used his other hand to grip Seto by the collar of his shirt, his forehead resting against the other's. "A-Aah.." He moaned.
With a groan, Seto squeezed against his ass, thrusting his hips harder into Yami. The teen dug his nails in tighter, arching his back.
"Seto..!" He cried-
"AHH!" Yami screamed as he abruptly sat up from his nightmare.
Okay, so all of those events happened up until the fucked up sex part. Why the fuck was he even dreaming of that?! Why of fucking his own brother? What kind of shit-Did he drink alcohol or something? Wait, no. He'd never do that with him, even if he wasn't in his right mind. Alright, let's look back over the events that transpired today. He got a call from Seto to come over his new house to play chess like old times. Mokuba was hanging out with Yugi today, so they could be alone. They played, but right at the end of their game, Seto all of a sudden started to apologize. Yami got pissed, and started to snap on him. Then Seto opened up to him, which was extremely surprising on his part, and sat with him. They hugged, Yami forgave him...Then he gave his older brother a kiss on the cheek.
After that, they hung out a little more and talked. Then, Yami asked if he could sleep over. Seto said it was fine, and then Yami asked if they could sleep in the same bed like they used to do when they were little. Seto was reluctant at first, but he allowed it. Late evening, they both went to bed together as brothers, and yet Yami had a dream as if they were lovers. Why the hell would he have a dream like that? He looked down at the crotch of his boxers, and saw he thankfully didn't have an erection. Thank goodness he didn't get hard from his own bro.
He sighed in relief, that part was all just a dream.
"Yami?" Seto asked, turned over. Wearing just a tank top and boxers as well.
The younger flinched and gave his attention to the elder. "U-Um..."
"You screamed." He held up one hand, holding a shiny metal desert eagle. Locked and loaded. "I thought I had to shoot someone."
Yami chuckled a little at his overprotectiveness. Then again, considering what they were, it might have been necessary. "I just had a nightmare, that's all. Thanks." He made a small smile.
"You showed me a lot of emotions today. You're not emotionally brain dead like you think." Seto said as he leaned over on his side of the bed and placed the gun on the nightstand.
"That's good." Yami laid back down and pulled up the covers over his body. He closed his eyes and steadily sighed. Seto rolled over onto his back and folded his hands onto his chest. He looked up at the ceiling, feeling very content with his little sibling by his side.
"What was the nightmare about?" He asked.
Yami snapped his eyes open after he asked that. He stammered and fidgeted in the bed. "Err," He really didn't want to tell him this, but he had to be honest. "I uh, had a nightmare that you and I...made out and...Did some foreplay." His voice decreased it's volume progressively throughout that sentence. As for Seto, he was certainly caught off guard by this. He cleared his throat and suddenly found the ceiling fan very interesting.
"Well um..." Shit, he didn't know how to respond to that. "You're not kidding, right?"
"No." Yami quickly answered.
"Right." Seto shifted and turned to his own side of the bed. "Well, just know that will never happen. So don't freak out while you're sleeping here."
"Yeah, I know."
The brown short haired man nestled his head into his pillow and closed his eyes. "Night."
"Night." Yami did the same and hugged the blankets closer to himself.
Even though they slept on separate sides of the bed, by the time morning came, Yami was laying all over his older brother, drooling and lightly snoring. Holding onto his shirt, with his legs sprawled all over him. When Seto awoke, all he could do was laugh to himself. After a long battle of chess, they'd sleep in the same bed, with Yami rolled all over the place. How funny.
Exactly like when they were kids.
END - 1!
The first one is some brotherly bonding.
I feel good about putting them on good terms.
Review or PM if you want a specific request! And remember, some may become canon!