Yo! i don't own Ghost hunt or any of its characters! please enjoy! ;D

Wednesday, December 16th

Mai woke up in her bed with a jolt, she was afraid, very afraid. Of what? She her self didn't even know, all she could remember was a dream, no a nightmare, that made her very scared. Looking down at her self she noticed that she was drenched in sweat. This bothered her, Mai has never had a dream like this before, unless it had some thing to do with a case and even then she had a reason for being this frightened.

She got up and took a shower no longer feeling safe in her own apartment. Quickly drying her hair and she changed into jeans and black button down shirt. What ever her dream was about, it gave her a ominous feeling that she couldn't shake off.

Mai slipped into her shoes and grabbed her jacket on the way out the door. It wasn't safe in her apartment any more. She didn't care if it was three in the morning she was going to one place she knew she would be safe and that was the SPR office.

The cold December wind made her shiver. Fresh snow was everywhere, making her surroundings look like a ghost town in the dark. Zipping up her jacket and folding her arms tightly across her chest she made her way through the ankle deep snow to her only safe haven.

Naru parked his car and turned off the engine. He sighed regretfully at the thought of getting out of his warm vehicle, maybe he should come back later (it was after all ten minute to six).

Buttoning up his black trench coat, he opened his car door. Met with a blast of snowy wind he was tempted to get back in his car and leave, but he had better things to do. Naru closed the car door and trudged his way through the knee high snow to the door of the SPR building.

Which was easier said then done he thought, as he half slipped on some ice buried beneath the snow. Cursing the foul weather he reached the door only to find some one covered in snow huddled on the ground next to the door. Bending over and to take look at the person's face he found to his surprise, a girl.

Moving quickly he brushed the snow away from her face and off her shoulders, confirming his suspicions. Naru got his keys and opened the door, he quickly scooped Mai up in his arms to carry her inside. Pushing the door closed with his foot he made his way towards the 'living room.' Naru deposited Mai on the couch and took off her cold soggy shoe and skimpy looking jacket.

Concerned, he took off his trench coat and lied on top of her. He then left to go make tea and find an extra blanket.

Not being as skilled as Mai when it came to making tea, he over steeped it and had to start over. Setting the now scolding to hot to drink tea on the coffee table he went to find some blankets.

Finding nothing he went back to Mai worried that she might still be to cold. 'Why was she out here anyway? I didn't need her to come in today,' He thought some what confused, which was the only time he ever was. It was always his assistant that did that to him and it annoyed him to no end when she did.

He relaxed slightly when he saw that she had curled up at the end of the couch with his coat pull up to her chin. Naru sat down next to her and lifted her into a sitting position. Gently, he took his coat and put her arms through the sleeves, then he buttoned it up.

He was about to get his tea when he saw her starting to tremble. "Idiot" he murmured to him self as he picked her up yet again, Naru decided to sit in the love seat that was big enough for both of them to sit side by side. Putting his arms around her slim shoulders, hoping some of his heat would transfer to her. He rubbed her arms until his own arms were tired.

Shifting to get into a more comfortable position his eyes drifted to her face. A small sigh escaped his lips when he saw that she had the color come back to her face. Naru kissed the top of her head, taking in the sweet smell of her shampoo. He pulled her cold legs on to his lap and with her head resting against his chest, he then leaned back restin his head on the back of the chair.

Naru close his eyes, knowing that it would be a while before anyone would show up. He started to wonder how long she had been out there, and more so as he had asked himself before – why?

Some how he knew, he knew that when he woke up this morning at 5:30 or so, that it was going to be a long day. Looking at his assistant, Naru glanced at his watch and sighed, it wasn't ever seven yet.

Lin parked his car next to Naru's, not surprised that the workaholic was already there before him. Glad that he waited for the wind and snow to stop, Lin got out of his car and walked actually quite grace fully threw the fresh snow to the door.

The tall Chinese man took off his coat and put it in the closet. Figuring his boss was busy, he made his way to the small office near the 'living room'. Then he stopped in his tracks when he saw Naru asleep in the love seat with his arms around Mai, who was sleeping with Naru's coat on, in Naru's lap.

Lin quietly went to his office, smiling the whole way, to retrieve the camera he kept in his drawer. (and this my readers isn't just any camera. No no no no no no! This! This is Lin's special camera.) Yes, he kept this camera for special occasions just like this.

When he came back to the 'living room' he noticed they had both had snuggled closer (if possible) to each other. Letting loose one of his rare smiles, he crept toward them to take three glorious photos. Being careful not to wake them the tall smiling man went again to office and closed the door. He sat down in his swivel chair and spun around to turn on his laptop.

After waiting a few moments he plugged in the camera's memory chip. He pulled up his special folder and saved the pictures to that and his hard drive. Lin knew how much Madoka loved it when he sent her that moment he wonder what would happen if Naru ever found out. Shaking off the thought, he wished Mai would make Naru do these cute things more often.

Knowing Naru would be mad if he found out that he was here and didn't get any work done, Lin pulled up the official SPR email account to check for knew requests. Only finding two, he clicked on the first one from Monk. Then immediately deleting it after opening the attachment.

Disgusted he opened the next email, hopping it wasn't from that perverted Monk with more porn. Visibly grateful that it was from an actual client he started to read……

Dear members of Shibuya Psychic Research

We are the owners of an Inn located in the Sansaki area by the mountains. It's commonly referred to as the Blushing Sakura by the locals in the near by town.

For several years now we have been having strange things happen at our Inn. Small fires breakout in the kitchen at 3 am at random. Nobody is ever in there! Our guest complain that there are people knocking at their doors but when they answer there door no one is outside their door or in the hall. But recently it's gotten worse! People have been locked in their rooms and the children that have stayed here have also said that they have had their beds moved in the middle of the night.

Do to these strange occurrences we constantly have to close the Inn to make repairs on the doors and kitchen. Please! Please help us! We are willing to offer you ……

Lin raised his eyebrows at the amount, knowing that it was more than enough to convince Naru to take the job and it would probably compensate for the time it would take to reach those ever beautiful snow topped mountains. Lin did like mountains they made him feel normal* and happy in a weird way.

Lin printed out the email and stuck it in a folder. Turning back to his computer the amazingly tall, smart, and talented dark haired man started his research on the Inn using his strange and mysterious internet sources.

"I deserve a raise." He said to himself tiredly as he checked his watch.

It was only 8:30.

*Lin's referring to his height and how mountains are much larger, also there are fewer people in the mountains and he doesn't stand outas much.

Ahh! thank you for reading! i really hope you keep reading cuz it will get better! Now if you please review that would make me very, very happy!