It's the final chapter!

Yugi: aww...

I know! T.T I'm upset too! But it's the happy ending!

Ryou: Ah! Will we get to see Yugi's baby?

Yami & Yugi: *instantly interested*


Ryou: Aww... I bet he's cute!

Yami: Or she.

That's true. Girl or Boy? *giggle* I've also got some other tip-bits thrown in there to make people smile and wonder. I'm sure everyone will love this one.

Yami: I do, I get to have a family *cuddles his aibou*

*fangirling* yep! The family lives of all, if not most, of our characters is explained here. And we go back to old lady Rebecca. How many people forgot about her? A raise of hands!

Yugi: Reviews to reply to! For the last time as well, if you liked this story, viewers, go and read Yugioh Pocahontas and leave some comments for us. :)

Okay! *reads list* the first is to...

Your welcome, thanks for all the comments and your support, and here's what happens next.

Thank you, I'm sad it's over too. I know it was over quick, but I couldn't figure out how to drag it on without really making it boring, so I settled for short and sweet. *grabs Ryou and Yugi plushies* Thanks for the dolls! I love them! Thanks for all the comments and support. :)

Everyone, including me, was very relieved to see Yami walk away from that :) Yeah, I got so many glomps from the two I have bruises, but I don't care! Bring on the glomps! I'm not having any more evil twists, just nice ones or unexpected ones. :) Promise! Thanks for all the comments and your support!

I'm glad your hair wasn't a permanant casulty, *nervous laugh and anime sweatdrop* I'm so glad that they live too! Now I can write about their lovely baby! "Ding dong the Dartz is dead!" Maybe I should have Joey sing that sometime... That seems to be a theme, I've had two reviews with the wizard of Oz mentioned. *giggle* I think that everyone loved the frying pan, Go Isis! (And Go Mum's, she is a Mother in this fanfic, remember?) I don't mind you not reading the unhappy ending, but in truth it'll have some sort of happiness in it, just read if you want to. Thanks for all the comments and your support!

I loved the frying pan idea, I had justed finished watching Tangled with my baby sis (for the millionth time) and the frying pan is just awsome all the way through, so that's my little tribute to the awsomeness fo frying pans. :) Thanks for all the comments and your support!

I had to finish this before school started, because when it does I won't have a life! *lip wobbles* so not much time for fanfiction... *cries* I'll survive somehow. I loved the tender moment too, I'm a shameless fluff lover, cute and sweet is like my best teddy! You can go and tourture Dartz if you want, if you promise to give him pain I'm sure the gods will let you kick his ass :) Not many were exepecting the ex Pharaoh to turn up, but I got inspired by the Robin Hood Alternate ending, so had to write it as I saw it Yugioh style. :) I'm so happy that they're all free, now let's see that really cute baby, yes? Thanks for all the comments and your support!

Thanks for all the comments and your support!

Yami is okay, he's just got a little more posion to fight off first. oops... i forgot about that. Ah well, Yugi will think of something :) I'm not sure about Yugioh snow white, I'll think about it, because I've got Adventures in a New World to update, then the unhappy ending, then I want to do an original idea. Very agasty though, it made me cry just thinking about it... But we'll see because I had a few idea's for that one. Yep, SUCKS TO BE YUGI DARTZ! Bye bye! I'm glad you liked Yami's daddy showing up and kicking ass :) Just like in Robin hood alternate version, go see that if you haven't already. Thanks for all the comments and your support!

Yay Dartz is gone! And if you want to beat him up, just look in hell, there's the visitors entrance *points*. I'm a little sad it's over too, but now I can write about the unhappy ending and other outstanding fanfic's. Trust me, I'm not going to stop writing. Let's get to the cute little baby and you'll hear from me on other fanfic's soon. :) Thanks for all the comments and your support!

Thanks for all the comments and your support! Dartz is gone and now we can see the happy family! Sexy Dad, Beautiful Papa and Cute baby!

You got that right, Dartz really got the wrong end of the stick in that situation didn't he? *not looking sorry*. I'm glad you liked the return of the exPharaoh and I'm sad that it's over too, I don't mind ranting BTW it's fun to read :). Thanks for all the comments and your support! *munching on sweets* ooh! cookies! (Yugi, Yami & Ryou: *facepalm*) Please read my other stories and leave comments, I like reading yours! *offers cookie*

Oops... no rocket launcher? Sorry! *hands you specail key* it's a way into hell, you can blow him up there *points to door*. Yugi's baby will appear here, what a cutie! Um... don't hit the guy too hard, he's still heavily poisoned you know. *rubs Yami's arm*. O.O... D: you ate my cookies? *looks into empty cookie Jar, lip wobbles* Thanks for all the comments and your support, but you have to give me more cookies you theif!

"No one mourns the wicked!" Your the second person to link that to the wizard of Oz... maybe I should have Joey randomly sing that... *excited smile* that'll be a drabble to write! Puzzleshipping will always end in smiles! There is a wedding scene here, but it's a flashback, hope that's alright. Thanks for all the comments and your support! Please read and comment on my other stories because your reviews are so much fun to read!

That's everyone. AWw OMG I'm seriously going to miss all these people *hands out hugs*

Yugi: Me too *blows kiss* I hope we'll see you all again soon!

Ryou: *smiles* what's next Amme-chan?

*grins* the unhappy Yugioh Robin Hood ending, then Adventures in a new world must be updated (though I must admit I'm struggling with the next chapter, Festival of Hathor, I'm not sure what to put) and then I want to write a really depressing and agasty original.

Yami: Really? What's that goint to be called?

"Dear Yami"

Ryou: *blinking* it's not a 'dear john' parody is it?

Don't think so, I've never seen that movie, but it's an original idea, I think, so it's not baised off of any movie or book.

Yugi: Come on! let' the people read! *giggling*

*smiles* I don't own Yugioh or Robin Hood or Yugioh GX, as those characters appear here again. Please enjoy and leave me a nice big review/comment!

The night was velvet dark, the sky deep purple and lit with countless stars, the golden dunes were a mixture of their gold and the silver of moon and starlight. The Nile was a strip of whitish blue silk in the sands, the villagers houses were occasionally lit with the flames of cooking fires and life.

The wind blew and a palm tree leaf flew up into the air, withered and light. A tanned hand caught it as it passed over the stone balcony.

Yami stood at the balcony on his bedchambers staring up at the sky. The Palace had been rebuilt, the villager's houses had been the first priority though, and now an entire year had passed. Yami looked at the leaf in his hand and left it go with the wind again, it was a cool evening after Ra had set.

Yami was once again dressed as a Pharaoh, his kilt and shirt were new and expensively made, gold earrings hung from his ears, armbands on his upper arms and wrist clasps of gold glinted in the moonlight and in the light of the torches from inside. Around his ankles were gold clasps like armour along with a golden belt around his waist, around his throat was a golden choker with the normal rope and Millennium Puzzle hanging from his neck. Finally a golden crown rested on his head, where it belonged, it was found in the possession of a servant girl called Mana.

She had been keeping it safe from Dartz just encase the Pharaoh returned, she was rewarded for her bravery and now was learning under Mahad as she expressed her wish to be a magician.

Yami sighed as he remembered returning to this place… Yugi had returned an hour ahead of him to take control of the former brainwashed soldiers, they had woken up and were panicky and disorientated as they couldn't remember all the last year and some even before that…

Yugi stood before the Palace gates with Dartz's necklace in his left fist. He waved up at the soldiers on top of the walls and soon he was spotted.

"Who's that?" a guard asked.

"It's Prince Yugi!" another shouted, recognising the boy as he used to work in the Palace.

"Open the gates!" Yugi called up to them. "Let me in, I'll explain everything to you, I know you've just woken up from something scary. We'll sort it out" he promised, smiling encouragingly up at the anxious soldiers.

The large stone gates opened and Yugi stepped inside. He was surrounded by guards at once "Prince! Tell us, what happened to us? How did we end up in Kehmet?"

Yugi smiled "Kehmet it is once again" he closed his eyes and smiled "Please listen to me, for the past year each and every one of you with amnesia right now has been brainwashed by my brother and the Orichalcos" he held up the necklace that glowed an eerie green.

The soldiers all backed away from it. Several made gestures to keep away evil. Yugi lowered his hand "Last night my brother was slain and given the gods justice, this is all that remains of him. Under his control you all did horrible things, and the people of Kehmet now live underground in fear of brainwashed soldiers"

The guards cried out in denial and looked both ashamed and terrified that they had been doing evil for so long.

Yugi held up his hands comfortingly "But you can help rebuild Kehmet from the mess Dartz left it in, and we can all restore the people's homes and faith in us" he smiled around at the guards "Right now, people are emerging from the underground city and are returning home, they need supplies and materials to rebuild their homes"

The guards nodded and commanders began ordering their men into groups to carry food and water and other supplies to the people. Yugi smiled at the production that was happening around him. He looked at the necklace in his fist and smiled "Now Dartz has gone I'm in charge" he sighed and placed it into a pouch out of reach of others and rushed back outside to the small group returning to the Palace.

Seto and Bakura supported Yami as he weakly walked back to his home, a grim smile in place as he walked despite the pain. Each step was a triumph to him. Joey and Ryou stood slightly behind them, holding some person items. Mahad and Isis were right beside Yami and his helpers, Isis held her necklace and some bags filled with her medicines. Ishizu was also holding bags of medicine along with clothing and other personal items.

Marik and Malik were marching with Rex and Weevil on leads right behind them, they were going to be put in the dungeons to be punished once Yami had recovered. Both blond males were grinning happily, because both liked to torment someone.

Mokuba had his toy bow and arrow out to guard people, he saw Yugi approaching and ran ahead of the others to meet him. Yugi opened his arms and let Mokuba run into them "Hey" he greeted.

Mokuba smiled and took a step back before asking "Are we allowed inside? Are we going home?"

Yugi nodded, "I've sent the guards out to help the people rebuild the farms and villages, then I'll take them back to Atlantis"

Mokuba looked hesitantly at the men marching past in a dignified manner. Some winked at him and offered hellos to the raven haired boy. Mokuba stayed close to Yugi but waved back.

Yugi moved to Yami and Yami loosened an arm from around Seto's shoulders to hug the smaller teen. Yugi smiled at him "Welcome home" he said softly.

Yami looked around and nodded, the soldiers all bowed or saluted to him and called him Pharaoh as he passed. Yami smiled back and winced as Bakura urged him onwards. "You have all the time in the world to talk to these guys after you can walk again" Bakura grumbled "Let's get this guy to bed"

Yami chuckled as he remembered being taken inside and having an entire army of healers tend to his wounds, he had recovered very quickly under their combined care. He had been able to walk with a crutch in just over a week and without within another week.

Dartz's necklace had given Yugi the means to make antidote to the poison of the Orichalcos and the first dose had done wonders for Yami, his condition improved so fast you could almost see all his strength return to his limbs. His face lit up and the fever just vanished. Yugi had laughed at everyone's reaction to it and still found it rather funny.

As soon as Yami was able to walk, and after Mana came forwards with the crown she had been hiding form Dartz, the ceremony that should have happened over a year ago was completed.

Yami was crowned Pharaoh. He was now Pharaoh Atem to all the nobles and in the scribes scrolls, his name was also carved into the long list of Pharaohs.

Yami straightened up as the crown was placed on his head, Seto doing the honours, all his living priests were back in their gold attire, items present as they should be. The witnesses cheered and Yugi rushed up the steps at first opportunity and Yami swung him into his arms for a kiss.

But that explosion of joy was nothing compared to the cheers that sounded as Yami stood on the balcony that overlooked the entire of Kehmet. The people saw their rightful ruler crowed and the country shook with every person's cheers. Yami stood proud and tall at the end of their struggle.

But there was still a lot to do. Ishizu got the honour of holding the Millennium scales and Mokuba was put in training when the Key showed interest in him. Seto and Mahad were reunited with the Ring and the Rod. Yet the Millennium eye didn't find an owner until a month behind present day, a young servant called Alister accidently invoked its powers and became its chosen master.

Yami had both him and his younger brother placed under Seto and Mahad's care so that they'd be able to master magic and the item. Alister wore it in a chocker around his neck rather than ruining his eye, but he could still invoke its magic whenever he pleased and could even see out of it. He was smart and witty and made people laugh, yet he also creeped a few out, because whenever he lost the eye he would see out of it and find it that way.

Yugi found it amusing but Ryou wasn't too impressed, he was rather paranoid whenever it got lost, he said it was because he hated being watched.


Yami blinked and looked over his shoulder and saw Yugi standing just behind the flimsy thin silk curtains, Yugi brushed the see through silk aside and stepped out onto the balcony to join his husband.

The pair had been married merely two months ago, they had invited all their friends along with the necessary nobles to the ceremony and it had been a wonderful day for the both of them.

Yugi had worn a decorated kilt with Atlantian twists all through the fabric, he didn't have kohl or any desert makeup. He stayed true to his Atlantian birthplace and wore sea shell earrings, a silver platted necklace, a cape of sea blue, and he had Atlantian symbols painted over his pale skin in turquoise green ink. Yugi's eyes had shone like jewels that day.

Yami had been dressed as a Pharaoh with hieroglyphics inked in black across his bronze skin. Kohl was drawn around his crimson eyes, making them stand out and appear captivating. Yami and Yugi remembered exchanging vows and each feeling like the happiest man on earth.

Seto nodded at Yugi "Giving first" he gestured him to speak.

Yugi took a deep breath before glancing up at Yami and feeling the world drop away from him, the words came so easily now "I Yugi, King of Atlantis, take you, Pharaoh Yami Atem, to be my husband, in good times and bad, until death takes me and past it. I promise to love you, be faithful to you, to honour and cherish you, and to give everything that I am to you. I am yours" he finished with a blush dusting his cheeks.

Yami smiled warmly, his eyes shining and his heart just about to leap out of his chest in joy. Yami took Yugi's hand between his and squeezed it, Yugi smiled and a tear escaped his eye and glittered on his cheek as their dream came true.

Seto nodded at Yami and Yami spoke "I Yami Atem, Pharaoh and Hero of Kehmet, take you, King Yugi, to be my husband, in good times and bad, until Anubis takes me and past death. I promise to love you, be faithful to you, to protect and cherish you, and to give everything that I am to you. I am yours"

Yugi's breathing hitched as Yami finished. Seto stood back to allow them to place the rings on each other's fingers. Seto smiled, this day was too long coming, "In the eyes of Ra and all the gods I declare you married, bound through every eternity-"

"Just kiss him already!" Bakura shouted from the audience. Ryou smacked him on the leg as he ruined a beautiful moment, although just about everyone in the room laughed.

Yugi wasted no time and leapt into Yami's arms for a tender but fierce kiss. Seto raised an eyebrow but shrugged and stepped aside to hold Joey's hand. They smiled at each other and exchanged a kiss of their own before being joined by Mokuba. All three of them stood back to watch the happy couple take their seats on the thrones of Kehmet.

Yugi joined Yami on the balcony and touched his hand gently, "Why are you out here so late?" he asked, slightly sleepily. His large eyes were tired looking but they still glittered like the stars, he was dressed in a light sleeping robe of white.

Yami smiled at his lover and husband and cradled Yugi's head in both his hands before pressing his lips against Yugi's sweet pair.

Yugi's eyes closed and he returned the gentle, tender kiss with just as much love and care. Yami pulled back and held Yugi close to him, Yugi's arms wound around his torso and he hummed happily before softly asking "What has gotten into you? Not that I mind if I get more of those"

Yami chuckled deeply and rubbed his nose against Yugi's "I was just thinking aibou, it's been a long day…" his hands kept rubbing Yugi's back and sides while they spoke. Yami sighed and kissed Yugi again "I'm so happy your here"

Yugi smiled and kissed Yami's jaw "So am I, love. Let's enjoy every second before I have to go again"

Yami grinned wickedly and began to kiss and gently nip down Yugi's neck. Yugi held Yami's shoulders weakly as he was reduced to a mess of moans and gasps. Just as Yami was about to scoop Yugi into his arms and carry him away for the night, a soft whimpering was heard coming from the room that joined onto theirs.

Yugi's attention was at once on the little noise, he gently broke away from Yami, who had looked up as he heard the noise too, and made his way towards the source of the crying.

"Aww. What's wrong baby?" Yugi cooed as he entered the little room.

Yami followed and chuckled while shaking his head dramatically "Just as I'm about to get laid" he teased, leaning against the doorway to the room where his husband was. Yugi laughed as he reached into a shell themed cradle and lifted out a loosely blanketed infant.

Their child…

"You always say that love, but Abiri needs attention" he cradled the boy close to him "Shh… its okay, baby" he cooed to his son.

Yami smiled, the beautiful sight of Yugi holding their son would always be precious to him. Yugi rocked the baby and swayed around the room to try and get the three month old baby to go to sleep.

Abiri gurgled and reached up with chubby hands to pet Yugi's face. Yugi hummed out laughter, not wanting to be too loud to give the baby the impression that it was alright to wake up. Yami's smile grew again.

Abiri was their beautiful healthy baby, he was a unique combination of both his parents. He had the spiky hair like his Father, only it was always droopy because he messed it up squirming in his blankets, he had the extra blond streaks going up into his spikes that were tipped in red. His face was round and full of baby fat but you could see the spiting image of Yami all over the infant's face.

The baby's eyes were large but Yugi was sure that they were shaped just like Yami's, but the eye colour was Yugi's, a pure amethyst. His skin wasn't as tan as his Father's but it wasn't as pale as his Papa's either, it was exactly in the middle. He had Yugi's giggle and Yami had burst out laughing when Abiri tried to pout for the first time, because it looked adorable but exactly like his Father's attempt at a pout.

Yugi saw Yami watching them and smiled while cooing their lullaby to the dozing child "Go to bed Yami, I'll be there in a minuet" he assured him before returning his attention to the sleepy infant.

Yami nodded and left the room silently for his own chambers. He lay down and missed Yugi's warmth. He treasured every second he was with his little aibou, all because he wasn't always around like this.

A month after Yami's recovery Yugi left Kehmet for Atlantis. With Dartz gone, and no other known heirs to the Atlantian throne, Yugi had to become the sea surrounded country's ruler. Yugi left with the promise of sending news the second he got there, and he took all the Atlantian guards who wished to go home with him.

Yami was saddened that Yugi had to leave but knew that he had no say in it. The messenger appeared at the Palace fifteen days after Yugi left the Palace, he handed Yami a letter written by Yugi and an invitation to come witness Yugi's crowning. The second Yugi returned to his birth country he destroyed the Orichalcos so that no more people would be hurt by it, he became a hero in his own right.

Yami and a few trusted friends; Mahad, Ryou and Bakura, all left to witness Yugi's ceremony. It was a big event, because Atlantis was more influential than Kehmet, it was a lot more crowded than Yami's crowning!

Yugi took his place on the elegant throne and after the celebrations announced a project that he and his new counsel had been considering; a bridge. One that would link Kehmet and Atlantis directly, it would make any crossing to either country from either place quicker and easier.

Yami supported this plan as did many other countries. Yugi and Yami talked on how to make their tricky arrangement work and came up with a simple solution. Yugi would live in both Kingdoms; staying a month at a time in each before moving again. Yugi made up a counsel of ten trusty men and women to keep things under control when he wasn't there.

Yami considered doing the same so that he'd never have to leave Yugi's side, but he knew that with his kingdom newly restored and generally in ruins, it would be impossible to leave it on it's own for some years. That would be irrisponsible.

The couple were pleased with their arrangement and every month Yugi would make the one week journey to Atlantis to rule there for thirty days personally before returning to his husband's side.

Yugi had transfused a lot of his country's wealth into Kehmet over the past year to help get it back on its feet, and soon Yami would be able to do the same thing that Yugi was doing, living part time in both countries while ruling both.

Three months ago, Yugi had been in Atlantis, he'd barely arrived when he went in to labour. Being King was hard enough, but Yugi had to do everything while expecting a child, it wasn't easy. Luckily the birth went without a problem and a messenger appeared on the Palace doorstep to inform Yami about the birth of his son. Yugi had returned early to introduce them to each other, Yami had never felt more happy and amazed. They'd named him Abiri, it meant; My strength, My hero.

Ryou had started travelling with Yugi again, to look after Abiri while Yugi ruled in Atlantis. Yugi only trusted his son with Ryou when his Father and Kehmetian friends weren't there, because there would always be assasins and other people willing to hurt or kidnap a King's child. Bakura didn't mind Ryou traveling with Yugi as he said that Yugi would have done the same it if it was Ryou's child.

Bakura and Ryou had been married just over seven months to the present day, they had had a simple and quiet wedding, only friends attended and it had been in very much Atlantian styled. Ryou had a wedding circlet on his head while Bakura wore a ring that looked like a smaller version of Ryou's circlet.

But they weren't the only ones to tie the knot. Marik and Malik married, only family and their closest friends witnessed it and it was over so quickly many had trouble remembering exactly what happened. The two platinum blonds had built a large house on a dune above the Valley of the Kings, so that Marik could still be tomb keeper whist living a normal life above ground.

Seto and Joey were to be married later in the next year, they had said that they wanted to wait to see if their relationship would work out first.

Yami heard Yugi's singing stop and smiled as he imagined Yugi putting Abiri back to bed. Yugi tied the curtain shut over their son's bedroom and padded barefoot over to their bed, he joined Yami under the covers and they wrapped their arms around each other. Yugi smiled "Our son definitely has your stubbornness" he whispered.

Yami chuckled and leaned forwards so their foreheads were touching "But he has you beauty" he countered before holding Yugi close.

Yugi sighed and relaxed in his husbands hold "Ryou's pregnant" he said softly.

Yami sat up slightly "Your kidding!" he gasped out. Yugi shook his head with shining eyes. Yami smiled widely as he imagined Bakura's reaction, Ryou and him starting a family was fantastic news. "That's amazing!"

Yugi giggled "I know, Ryou was ecstatic when he told me. Isis gave him a check up when the operation scar became sore again, like mine did when I was expecting Abiri" he ran a hand over Yami's back and found the small scar that marked the night he became a legend. But it was also the thing that nearly killed him.

Yami saw Yugi's face fall and sadden when his hand touched the scar, Yami sighed and pulled Yugi close to him "You have to let that go" he said.

Yugi nodded and let Yami place him back against the pillows "I know… it's just… hard to" Yugi cuddled into Yami's side "Sometimes… I wake up and I think that I'm back in the fortress… that Dartz can get me…"

Yami chuckled and kissed Yugi's nose "He's have to get through me, first, before he ever got near you"

Yugi giggled and the fearful mood was broken. "You're so right. But, I think that Mahad and Isis want a crack at him as well before you deal with him my Pharaoh"

Yami chuckled and nodded "They were kept apart because of him, and Bakura and Marik would want a chance at a torture, no matter who it was"

Yugi wrinkled his nose and paled a little, he knew that Bakura and Marik were the last resort for any criminal who wouldn't talk. They would be rather ruthless, but they were the last resort, and every criminal talked once they were finished. "Right, in that case, he'd better stay away or I'm going to be traumatised in more ways than one"

Yami laughed but agreed. Yugi poked him in the side "Have you heard of that silly statue they want to build of us?" he asked, having overheard the servants gossiping outside in the gardens.

Yami snorted and nodded "Yeah, it was a big discussion at the table of the counsel… I'm not so keen on it…"

Yugi nodded with a wrinkled nose "It was technically your Father who killed Dartz, I have no idea why they'd want us build up like that, it should be one of Aknamkanon"

Yami groaned "But the people in the village have already started gathering stones and workers, they've even got a space cleared for it"

Yugi giggled "They're that keen on it?" Yami nodded seriously. Yugi lay on his back and thought for a while "I guess a monument wouldn't be so bad, as long as it looks good" he giggled.

Yami smiled and pulled the blanket back up around Yugi's shoulders. "Alright, I'll consider it, but nothing big. I don't feel like a god or hero, just like a tired Dad"

Yugi laughed and shook his head slightly. They lay quietly for a while before Yugi's eyes shone with an idea "Hey, once the bridge connecting our countries is completed, will you come to Atlantis? There's so much I want to show you"

Yami pretended to think about it "Mmm, well, I do have a few priorities…" Yugi pouted adorably and Yami gave in with a roll of the eyes "Of course I'll come with you Yugi, I've wanted to see Atlantis for years, I saw a little when I witnessed your crowning… but I want to see all of it. More than just the Palace"

Yugi smiled and laid his head on his pillow and closed his eyes "Me too… Yami? If Abiri get's up, you get him, love. I'm so tired"

Yami chuckled "I can see, sweet dreams aibou" he kissed Yugi's forehead and Yugi smiled before drifting off.

Not fifteen minuets later a soft wailing was heard. Yami groaned and got out of bed before entering his son's bedchamber. The infant was squirming in his blankets, crying softly with his little chubby hands clenching and unclenching as he looked for his Papa's arms. Yami smiled and lifted his boy out of the crib. "Looking for Papa?"

The infant calmed a little at his Father's voice, his soft crying turned into an odd humming and gurgling, as if he was trying to talk back. Yami smiled and cradled the little boy close to him as he walked out to the balcony again. "He's sleeping, like you should be, Abiri. He's been looking after you all day, whist running a kingdom a weeks journey away… you think he deserves a rest?"

Abiri opened his amethyst eyes and blinked up at his Father before gurgling again. Yami chuckled "No? You'd rather have him with you every second of the day?" Abiri smiled slightly, his toothless mouth trying to copy his Father's grin.

Yami chuckled again "You and me both, junior" he looked out over the land as he was doing before and smiled. He looked down at his snuggling son and sighed "Pharaoh Abiri, has a nice ring to it doesn't it?"

The infant prince only blinked up curiously before pulling another gummy smile.

Rebecca smiled as the ending of her story came. "So you see, it wasn't the brave Pharaoh who killed Dartz. Like all your legends say, it was the gods themselves taking justice and revenge on him"

Jaden's eyes were wide and his jaw was hanging open in awe. Syrus was just the same. The brunette shook his head and said "But what happened after that?" all people looked at him in surprise, only Rebecca has spoken since her story started, there were no interruptions or mutters besides joint laughter and some unintentional coughs or sneezes.

Jaden blushed at the reaction to his outburst. "I mean, Yugi had three children, right? But, what about Ryou? And there are still tomb keepers, but you said Marik was the last one, and Malik couldn't have kids"

Old lady Rebecca nodded "Yes, Yugi had three healthy children before the effects of the operation stopped. Our currant Pharaoh's Father; Abiri, his younger brother, who is the currant King of Atlantis Arioch, who is now an elderly person like myself" she chuckled dryly. She suddenly smiled like a proud parent. "And Yugi's only daughter, little Dalya. She grew up beautifully, I was her nanny and playmate while both rulers were busy in the daytime"

Alex smiled "What happened to her?"

Rebecca smiled "She grew up into a fine young woman and fell in love, then married the crowned Prince of Libya" she smiled "I believe she is still with us as the elderly Queen, but I cannot be sure, it's been so long since I last heard from her"

Syrus pulled on Rebecca's sleeve "What about Ryou? Did he have kids?"

Rebecca nodded "Oh yes, twin daughters. One called Amane, a shy little girl who didn't speak much, she was the younger one, a little on the small side like her Papa. She had green eyes, I remember that, just like Ryou's mother they told me. As for the elder twin" she shook her head with a chuckle "a fiery brown eyed youth she was, Kisara. Just like her father, very bold and had an unladylike habit of getting into fights with Abiri, even if he was a year older than her"

The adults chuckled at the thought, Jesse grinned like a fool and said "What happened to them?"

Rebecca sighed "Well lets me see… if I remember rightly Amane married a young lord in Atlantis and they still live there, and Kisara… well, she became the first female solider, with such a powerful Ka insider her she lead each battle to victory until she retired as a general when she got married around the age of twenty three. There were a lot of battles against Kehmet a many years ago because other countries thought it was weakened and easily conquered, but Kisara and her Blue eyed dragon taught them a lesson or two. Bakura was so proud of his girl"

Jaden scratched his head "What about the tomb keepers?"

Rebecca smiled "Ishizu's children carried on the tomb keeping tradition. Malik never had the operation, when Ishizu had children they agreed to have at least one carry on the line, she had a little boy if I recall correctly… yes, Leo, a very pleasant young man. He was proud to help his uncles"

Jaden smiled "That's nice"

Zane scratched his head "But what about Joey and High Priest Seto? There's so much that's left out in the ending…"

Rebecca looked at the sky. "Joey became captain of the guard and Seto rejoined the priesthood, there isn't much to tell about those two. Apart from their famous arguments they lived quietly and happily together until they died"

She sighed and shook her head "All are dead now; Yugi, Pharaoh Atem, Isis, Mahad, even little Mokuba, all passed away. Abiri died a few years ago as you all know, Kisara a while before him, ah, it pains to be one of the last in living memory"

Alex nodded "We know that. Kisara married Abiri didn't she?"

Rebecca nodded with a laugh "Of all the girls Abiri chose the most rebellious one, that's for sure, he surprised everyone when he admitted that they had been secretly courting and that he was considering marrying her. They only had one child, the currant Pharaoh Akiiki. I personally never met him, but I have heard traits of his grandparents in him, all four of them" Ryou, Bakura, Yugi and Yami…

Zane smiled "You must miss them"

Rebecca nodded "I do. But I shall see them again someday, gods willing"

Jesse made a face "Um… what about Rex and Weevil? What happened to them?"

Rebecca cackled in mirth, sounding evil for a moment. She shook her head and regained her composure after a moment. "Forgive me… but an interesting story for both of them…"

Rex and Weevil approached the throne room. As they entered their eyes fell upon the two on the thrones. Yugi, dressed as the Atlantian King, and Pharaoh Atem sat ready to judge them. Yugi's baby bump was showing slightly as he was just about four months into pregnancy. The Priests stood by; Seto, Mahad, Isis, Mokuba and Ishizu. Mokuba and Ishizu were going to be trying out their newly required and mastered items for the first time on criminals.

Rex and Weevil were 'test dummies'. Yami and Yugi decided it as part of their punishment for tormenting the people of upper and lower Kehmet as well as willingly supporting Dartz in his rein of tyranny.

The Millennium Eye was placed on a cushion by the throne, ready to be claimed by a worthy master

Rex and Weevil were shoved onto their knees by Marik and Bakura. Ryou and Malik stood by as witnesses, Joey stood with the guards regally and professionally. One thing that Seto and Joey had in common was their work faces, they were both so hard and unreadable it was as if they put on masks of themselves.

Yami cleared his throat to get their attention "Rex and Weevil, you both are being tried for crimes against the country of Kehmet" the two began to sweat, they looked to Yugi, hoping that a fellow Atlantian would stand up for them. Yugi simply sat and watched. Yami glared slightly "How do you plead?"

Weevil at once shouted "Not guilty! We were forced to do this!"

Rex nodded "Yeah, you saw what he did to the ones who said 'no', they couldn't even remember their own names"

Yami looked at Ishizu. Ishizu's Millennium scales glowed as she weighed the truth of their words. The scales dropped completely to one side. She opened her eyes and shook her head "There was no truth in their statements"

Weevil and Rex froze. Yugi glared "Lying to your King, or his husband isn't showing any loyalty, you have no sympathy from me" he said evenly, nodding at his husband to let him know that he had his permission to punish them as he saw fit.

Yami nodded back in confirmation and turned his attention to his priests. "Please continue to judge them, let me know if there is any good in them before I ask Isis what their punishment will be" Isis looked into the future calmly but remained silent.

Mokuba took the key and touched it to Rex's forehead. Bakura kicked the prisoner in a warning to not move. Mokuba took about five minuets to complete his examination. "His soul room is covered in images of himself surrounded by wealth and money. He is selfish, greedy and full of pride" he declared. Seto and Joey watched proudly.

Weevil was much the same.

Seto tested for Ka, but found none in them. Mahad used the ring to seal any magic they had in them, they also had none.

Finally Isis stepped forwards "I can see a choice in their punishment. One, they must work for the reminder of their lives in the coal mines" the two exchanged a glance. Working in the mines was a bad thing! Mines were dangerous!

Isis continued "I also see them being fed to the crocodiles along the Nile" She smirked slightly "And finally they are leaping off of the same tower the Pharaoh leapt of in his great escape, I think that if they survive their punishment will be less so"

Yami and Yugi gave each other a look before returning to the trembling criminals. Yami cleared his throat "I may not be your ruler, or your ally, and gods forbid I am not your friend. But I have more compassion than Dartz did. I'll give you a choice between the three Isis has listed"

Rex and Weevil looked at each other and finally chose.

Zane's eyebrows rose "Well? Which did they pick?"

Rebecca chuckled "They chose to jump off of the Palace walls. Splat! And that was the end of them" she chuckled again, "Good riddance I said back then and I stand by my statement now"

Jesse and Jaden shuddered, Syrus paled. Alex spluttered "You watched it?! But you were a child!" she protested.

Rebecca shrugged "It wasn't like they could stop us watching it, it was in a public place, and they chose that way of dying. To this day many criminals have chosen that path of execution, and only Yami Atem has ever managed to leap into the moat and survive the fall, everyone else… Splat!"

The children and crowds all shivered again. Rebecca smiled "That is the story, in all it's simple truth. Yami Atem was a very brave man, yet man he was. Not god, not superhuman with great strength or powers, but a legendary human being" she nodded and leaned back in her chair with a sigh "Remember it well and tell it as I have told you to others, if the truth should be lost then I will have lost faith in humankind"

Slowly people trickled away, chatting about the tale they had heard a hundred times, but never form the memory of someone who lived it. Syrus lingered for a moment and turned to old Lady Rebecca, his great grandma, and settled back at her feet with a question.

"Granny?" he asked. Rebecca looked at her youngest looking Grandson with a withered and wrinkled smile.

"Yes dear?"

Syrus hesitated "What happened to the Pharaoh and King Yugi?"

Rebecca blinked then smiled "Well, they raised three children, ruled two countries, and became hero's and gods in our eyes"

Syrus nodded "But what's the end of their story?"

Rebecca instantly was solemn. "Their ending… well, my dear, that is something that I will never be able to tell you truthfully. I wasn't there to see the end of their story, but I suspect that they entered the afterlife together surrounded by loved ones. As should everyone ideally" she answered honestly, having been happily married in the village and a mother herself at the time of their passings.

Syrus nodded and looked at his hands "I guessed so… but… The Valley of the Kings… it doesn't have their tomb in it"

Rebecca nodded. "That's right, Syrus. Yugi and Yami decided to rest together, yet that was against both customs that they were raised in, you may look forever in that sand filled valley, but you will never find them"

Syrus blinked "Because they aren't there?" old lady Rebecca nodded mysteriously. "Then where are they?"

Rebecca looked up at the statue of the heroes; The Brave Pharaoh Yami Atem, hero of Kehmet and his husband Yugi, King of Atlantis, the destroyer of the Orichalcos. She smiled and her eyes twinkled merrily "Where do you think?" she asked as she looked back at her curious great grandson.

Syrus thought very carefully "Somewhere that isn't religious... somewhere where they won't be found… somewhere very safe… The infinite city!" he gasped out at last.

Rebecca nodded "Exactly" Syrus looked thunderstruck, Rebecca sighed "When the city became their tomb of everlasting rest, their children and friends sealed off all the exits and entrances. Even for the water. So that no one could ever disturb their eternal sleep"

Syrus gasped "So… because no one can know their way around the city, and no one knows where the entrances are, they're safe forever?"

Rebecca nodded. "That was the intention"

Syrus edged closer and whispered "Do you know a way in?"

Rebecca shook her head "No. The tomb was sealed as were all ways in. Many have looked yet none have found any entrance to their resting place" she explained with her eyes on her cane.

Syrus nodded and sighed "I guess all we have are memories, stories and that statue" he looked up at the statue of Yami and Yugi, overlooking the town.

Rebecca agreed with a secret smile "Yes… so we must treasure them. Oh! Goodness, listen to me prattling on about the past when you could be off playing with the others!" she patted Syrus on the head gently "Run along and enjoy today, my dear"

Syrus smiled and nodded "Okay Granny!" he jumped up and ran after Jaden "Jaden! Zane! Wait up!"

Rebecca smiled and looked up at the statue once again. She hated lying to her family, but then again… the heroes deserved their final rest. She winked up at the statue and chuckled "Don't worry my heroes" she whispered. "Your secret is safe with me"

Because… really, who would ever think, that the entrance to their sacred tomb… was right under their feet… literally.

Directly beneath the statue and the sands, beneath the celebration and the memories, out of sight, hidden with time; two sarcophaguses lay side be side…

Ryou: Wow!

Yugi: *blushes as Yami cuddles him* We had three children?

*nods* Two boys and a lovely little girl.

Yami: They sound fantastic. So the statue of us hides our resting place?


Yami: That's actually rather clever.

*squeals* YAY! Your being nice to me for once! And Ryou and Bakura had two lovely daughters, one a real cute Papa's Girl and the other a female warrior that ended up marrying Yami and Yugi's oldest son.

Ryou: Does that mean that we're all related?

Yep! I had to put that in there. I hope everyone likes?

Yugi: I Love it! *jumps in the air*

Yami: *pulls Yugi out of the air and into his lap* I like it too, it's a little ironic that Bakura ened up with two girls before the operation effects ran out.

Ryou: Why do they run out?

Um... I don't know really, I just put that so you both didn't end up with twenty+ kids because of lack of birth control in this time period. (OMG I just had my ass kicked in a review, a guest told me that they actually did have a birth control. How cool, I wrote this before I was enlightened... please continue and ignore this) I guessed that since Ryou had it longer than Yugi his would run out first and stuff, or maybe having twins made it run out quicker or something...

Ryou: I don't mind, it's still very good.

Thank you, oh and anyone I missed out just went back to their normal lives, grew up, grew old, got married, all that jazz. Please give me nice LONG reviews as a goodbye gift, because this is the end! THE END! I hate those words!

Everyone: Goodbye! See you soon.

NICE LONG REVIEWS TO MAKE ME THINK THAT THIS WAS WORTH IT. And look out for the unhappy ending coming out soon!