Love Bound:
Chapter 12:
Case 1: The Seven Deadly Sins
Part 9:
December 20:
Day 3:
Oliver thought nothing of it. It had been natural, he reasoned, he had been half-asleep at the time. He clearly had not sensed Mai sneak into his bedroom, in all her possessed glory, to possibly rape him. The idea in itself was queer and uncomfortable and the chances of which happening, voluntary, were even less then zero. So it had been quite a shock when he had felt that soft brush of lips against his neck and he had shot up so quickly that the girl had fallen, rather ungracefully and the force of which had knocked her to her senses. Yes, he had been half-asleep at the time – the idea that he had found Mai rather appealing as she had sat on the floor was completely irrational and illogical. In his mind there was no such thing as attraction – well not for him at least. The word attraction in his mind held different words – ghost hunting, reading and writing rather then those of men his own age and he didn't really like dwelling into as what they might be. His sleep-deprived mind had that effect on him.
So he didn't really think all that much of it and the fact that he had found his assistant much the same as ever after the incident was proof of the fact that his mind had not working properly then. And it really wasn't an excuse that he was buying at – he didn't do excuses, he had, on the contrary evaluated the situation in rational and thought-provoking way. That was how he did things, logical and not simple in any way.
He was rather proud of the fact that he had been able to resist the girl unlike the people that he had usually met. They were pulled under the trap without knowledge of it happening and the attack just lingered around the corner until they pouring themselves over her and she would ambush them in the most charming and warming of ways. If would have to compare Mai in his life he imagined a 50-storey tower with Gene at the topmost floor, his parents at the 15th floor, Mai on the 4th floor and the rest of the people even below her. He had called them his friends, the term meaning associates and restricted only to professional life and somewhat to his personal life. It was kind of harsh, if he thought about it but really didn't care – he did value their positions and cared about them – even if he never showed it. He knew that they were important but he wasn't really very willing to socialize with them. He was after all a narcissist in Mai's bold words.
So, he pushed the thought of Mai and his one moment of confusion aside and put all his concentration onto the notes that he held in his hands. He swiveled a little in his chair, making it creak slightly with his weight as he gazed intently at the neatly sprawled words.
He had, a long time ago, interviewed the victims of the haunting – with nothing substantial coming out if it. He frowned slightly, his eyebrows quivered slightly – this case was getting really dangerous and the sooner he finished it then the better for him and everyone else.
He had gone as far as badgered Lin at the hospital to get the piece of paper translated – their one last chance of solving the case. Lin hadn't complained much as he had accepted the laptop without a word as he sat beside his slumbering wife; might as well kill two birds with one stone. Oliver had started down his nose at the Chinese man in slight annoyance but Lin had coolly nodded his head in assurance a slight tension, one that Oliver had never experienced from the man before. He had been unperturbed and unaffected by this new discovery and left the room with an arrogant sweep of his head and stalked out of the room with his head held high…never admitting defeat. That's what he was – a creature of intimidation and persuasiveness.
His eyes glanced upwards once at the heavy atmosphere that casted the unusually silent base. Everybody was on edge, and not so more then a particular worried-eyed brown-haired girl. Clearly her instincts were on the go which made him all the more determined to finish the case off – Mai's instincts hadn't failed them up till now…unless –
A new peculiar thought buzzed around his head alongside the countless others and he paused to contemplate on it. He had found the girl crying over the death of Gene. And although, he had tried to comfort her he didn't think that he did a good job of it. The girl had cheered up and he let the matter rest but now as he gazed at her face – he was beginning to think that that might have something to do with Gene's death. Maybe he should try talking again? He gazed up at the ceiling in thought, may be he should leave Mai up to herself? This wasn't the first time that she had lost someone and he thought her more capable of handling it alone then with him meddling it up with his unrefined skill.
His gaze went back to his notes, his mind settled this once, "Tea," he called carelessly across the room, not even bothering to look up at her, "Take Monk with you," he added as an after-thought, his eyes flickering momentarily on the oddly subdued Monk.
Mai returned with a wonderful smell emanating from several cups, jasmine tea – now that was appealing. He sighed in contentment as he inhaled deeply and brought the cup to his lips, the liquid touching his lips. He withdrew after a small sip, Mai's tea was definitely a cure for stress, noting the change of buzz around the room from anxious to calm.
It was then that the phone rang and he perked up at the name of the caller – Lin.
Oliver answered the phone with a slight gruff 'Lin' and immediately felt the curious eyes of his co-workers on his figure.
"I've got it translated. It's bound to catch your interest," Lin deep, baritone voice met his ears and he perked up with interest, trusting his word.
"You're coming back," he nodded his head.
"Under fifteen minutes. Madoka's coming with me. The doctor said that she was fine and could walk but should be careful about the baby," he paused and Oliver thought that he sounded little – proud? Happy? It was mixture of both, "So, I was wondering if it will be safe to bring her back?"
Oliver gave this a moment's thought before crossing his leg and shifting the cell in his hand slightly, "Bring her, she'll have protection here regardless of anything else,"
Oliver clicked the phone shut and set it aside. His eyes swept across the room, taking in everyone's expression – blank. He didn't bother questioning their looks and thought that it was obvious enough about what had been said during the short conversation.
He looked at the heap of papers with genuine interest and dismay mixed into one. He let out a sigh and crossed his arms as he ignored the words directed at him – interesting, very, very interesting.
Mai watched in bristling anger as Oliver ignored her for the third time and Monk restrained her back with a slight shake of his head and a hard poke to her side. She glared venomously up at him and he just shrugged it off with sheepish grin playing across his face, "Better not touch the boiler now that it's on – you'll only get burned,"
Mai snorted, "Boiler?"
Bou-san smiled slightly, "He makes you feel hot doesn't he?" he quirked his eyebrows at her suggestively and she blushed slapping him on his chest with a sound of disgust. Wasn't he charming?
"Got ya'" he said, poking a finger to her red cheeks with a smug air around him.
But Mai wasn't going to play it easy, "Is that how Ayako makes you feel like? I'm sure it's particularly hot down…" she trailed off and much to her satisfaction she saw Monk burn in embarrassment.
Monk shook his head rather dramatically at her, "What happened to you, woman? What have those boys been teaching you?" –
Mai interrupted him; "Whatever are you talking about?" she blinked innocently at him but before he could reply Oliver's cold voice interrupted them.
"Pay attention. I will not be repeating this," he studied their guilty faces with a hidden satisfaction. Relishing the silence he turned back to the notes, this matter did require their opinions…and consent. He would look at all directions for a way out of this. His eyes briefly landed on Lin who gave him a meaningful look before his eyes sidled back to rest on the base's window with small sigh. He blinked when he heard Mai's venomous voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Well, are you gonna open that mouth of yours or not?"
Amusement played at his heart as his eyes rested on the fuming figure of Mai, "A little patience is always charming, Mai," his words were laced carefully, insulting and infuriating. He watched her turn red; the anger on her face was very amusing, he smirked slightly.
"As I was about to say…We are in a dilemma…" he paused watching as their figures stiffened and their faces went white, "Apparently, I have solved the case but we are no where to eradicating this place of the menace," he glanced meaningfully at the notes in his hands.
"What- what do you mean? Don't we usually exorcise or cleanse a place when we find out the reason…?" Mai's curious and uncomfortable voice broke his words and he stared at her for a moment before replying.
"That may be so…but this case is rather peculiar in this sense," he waved a hand around carelessly around the room to gesture the haunting in the house.
"Do you mean the multiple haunting?"
He gave her a shrewd look before replying, ruffling the notes slightly, "No…that's not it,"
He let out a breath stretching his arms slightly, thinking of the best way to approach the matter, "It's a demon,"
He waited for the bomb to drop and sure enough – hell landed in Furukawa mansion like a nuclear bomb – his colleagues being a small amount of it, though.
"B-but how? Wasn't this a curse?" – John.
"But we don't deal in demons – we should evacuate immediately" – Ayako.
"Let's show 'em what we got," – Monk.
"Research is in order, Shibuya-san," – Yasuhara, "We should burn this building down," –
"Bu- but we just can't leave like that! We can't leave this place in mercy of a demon – even though that's not what we do," – Mai.
"I think it will be best if we don't do this in my presence," – Masako, looking sick. Yasuhara gripped at her.
"Let's not put anyone else in danger! Especially MY BABY!" – Madoka cried out all determined and defiant.
Only Lin chose to remain silent, holding a firm grip at his wife's wrist.
Oliver stared at them with a serious expression as he contemplated each and everyone in a thoughtful manner before handing out the translated notes to Yasuhara without a word and settled back in his chair in leisure. He waited patiently as the piece of paper made rounds around everyone with one reaction coming from everyone as they made sense of the words. He didn't wait for their replies.
"We should burn the board…" was all he said before getting up and bringing the board over with him and set within everyone's range.
"Do you think this will work?" Mai's quiet and scared voice cut through the heavy silence like a gunshot.
Nobody replied her…
They were standing in the backyard with their warmest clothes on for warmth. They would be carrying out the respected task in great care and observance and none of them could find any complaints against the caution. Mai, John and Madoka were to be kept at a safe distance away from the activity and had chosen to watch from the door with Lin for protection. They really weren't taking any chances – it was for once and for all or none at all.
Besides, they could trust Oliver with the decision.
Mai watched curiously as Monk carried stoked a rather large fire. His figure was hunched over it and he was adding more wood – collected by Lin and Monk from the surrounding trees. Anticipation and fear lugged through her heart as she clenched at her racing heart tightly. She really didn't like the feeling of this…
Monk stood up and she felt the muscles in her body tighten as he reached for the board and picking it up precariously.
Everybody hovered with bated breath as he shook slightly with a steadying breath and dropped the board into the fire…
Oliver watched with a dark expression as the board crumbled within the fire. He really wasn't sure about this course of action, but it had been the only way possible to rid this house of the manifestation. He had kept everything in mind and sent Katsuya and the butler to leave the house for safety precautions. He was rather certain of the fact that the demon was tied to the board and wouldn't possibly go to venture beyond this boundary. The burning flames reflected off in his eyes – giving them an orange glow. Something shifted within and he jerked –
"Takigawa! Get back!" Oliver's voice cut through the silence in a crack and the Monk retreated backwards – having seen what Oliver had seen.
Yasuhara pulled at Masako and led her over to where Mai and the others were standing – Lin pushing Madoka back, his expression dark as he gazed into the fire with narrowed eyes. John hovered in front of Mai – his face was unusually dark as he vouched with his bottle of Holy water. The revelation of the mystery had driven him to the point of disgust – everything that he stood for was opposed by this wretched haunting. And in the end it just had to target Mai as its victim…unforgivable. His legs were under strain from pressure as he flicked his Holy water over Mai for protection – sin would not touch her while he was still alive. Mai was poised with the nine cuts at the ready – immediate defense and instinct.
The cause of their reaction was only forming and Takigawa threw Ayako unceremoniously towards the rest of the group and only he and Oliver remained as the immediate threats of the black mass that was slowing taking shape.
"Naru-bou, get back. You shouldn't use your powers," Takigawa said seriously, his eyes held onto the figure in front of him, sweat trailed down his face as he poised in his traditional stance of exorcism.
"That won't work," he tried to sound reassured but there was a slight tenseness in his voice – was that fear?
Lin and John ran to their aid – they would fight this wretched and damned demon for their loved ones. They wouldn't give up – that was the last thing they did and both brave warriors embraced fate then and there. Adrenalin pumped through their veins in sheer determination and resoluteness. Emotions thudded in their hearts as they held themselves with moral and dignity.
Sin shall repay!
Lin reached Oliver and tried to push him back with a severe look in his eyes, "Look after the others – don't become an unnecessary burden for us," he knew his words were harsh and he couldn't help but feel that the boy needed them and deserved them – his pride be damned for once. Lin also knew that Oliver saw the logic in his words and would consider the severity of the situation before he goes jumping around.
He watched as in satisfaction as Oliver stepped back after a thoughtful glance in the demon's direction.
Oliver was about to move again when a violent tremor shook them to the ground. Just as suddenly as it came, it disappeared and Oliver steadied himself. He glared at the black shapeless mass whose color was darker then the likes of darkness itself. The darkness was its aura – it very essence – the creation of its being – feeding off the sins and growing stronger – pulsing with the hatred itself. Breathing raggedly – alive!
The only thing that could stop it –
Oliver rushed forwards – gathering his ki, he wouldn't let this beast kill anyone – he be damned if that happened. Lin blocked his way pushing him back but he held his stance.
"Noll, don't be an idiot," –
"You have better suggestions?" his cool voice cut him off as he side-stepped Lin and faced the demon with his power. What happened next was lost to him – he was tackled from behind and fell forwards with a warm body crushing his, thin arms wrapped around his shoulders as a familiar and enticing smell reached his nose – Mai.
He was about to reply rather rudely when his ki jerked from his grasp and his eyes widened in surprise – that never happened before. But there wasn't time to think as he stood up with Mai attached to his back and shot his ki at the hell-wringer of their problems. 'Naru! You jerk!' was the teary-voiced response that he heard from his back. He ignored it as his ki went rushing through the air with incredible power.
The ki cut through the demon – slashing it right down the middle. An inhumane shriek rented the air apart which made their blood run cold. They saw it faltering and crumbling – vanishing as though being sucked into a black hole.
They watched in awe and the hands on Oliver's shoulders tightened as they heard the shriek. Then it was gone – as easy as anything…
The evil and vengeful aura that had been flowing with much ease around them vanished and they felt considerably lighter – blinking several times as they readjusted to reality.
Oliver wrenched the hands on his shoulders rather roughly and turned around to face her with an arrogant aura around him. She stood there in her angry aura, shaking with anger – her face red. She raised an accusing finger at him, "Just what the hell is wrong with you?"
Oliver stared at her wordlessly as she started pulling at his arms, "Hospital! Now!"
Lin moved forwards to take charge of the man…
Oliver sat in his hospital bed – looking over the finally solved case.
Apparently, The Raymond's had developed a rather interesting game during their time – The Seven Sin's game as it was so effectively called. They housed all-male rounds with two partners involved in 'Purgatory'. Pigs, peacocks, toads, goats, snails and snakes – the animal representatives of the sins and used actively in the little games.
Purgatory was punishment for the sins – basically it involves the purification of a man getting ready to be sent to heaven – a fair price, Oliver thought, in luring the men to do it. The game, however, was vile in its own right and Oliver could really see where the greed part of it all fit. He had a shrewd idea as to what happened to the participants of the game. Their souls having been wrenched from their bodies and bounded to the earth, from where they searched for heaven – sadist.
That's what the Raymond Family was, lying underneath the mask of well-woven fabric. Apparently, the last of the Raymond's was a little phobic about the fact that people wouldn't get purgatory if they died out and so he had called upon a demon – forming a curse with it – a contract that made Oliver rile with disgust; souls in exchange for its service. That really was the whole gist of it. He closed his note-book with a small snap and looked up.
Hopefully, he wouldn't have to pretend to be sick for much longer – there was enough bribing that a doctor could handle…
A/N: Finally! Done with the case. Hopefully you liked it…Read and Review!
And don't worry I'll be starting the next soon enough…^_^
If you have any inquiries then do tell…^_^
Next Chapter: Epilogue
'A Christmas Tale!'
Stay tuned! =D