Author has written 11 stories for Misc. Movies, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Death Note, Merlin, Danny Phantom, Fraggle Rock, Aladdin, Star Trek: 2009, Friends, If I Had Wings, Good Witch, and Once Upon a Time.
I'm a person of many fandoms and hope you will enjoy my future works. Updates will be sporadic at best because the muses and I haven't been on the same page for a while.
General Disclaimer
Every story posted here is done for fun. I don't own the characters of their location of origin. I'm not making any money off of these works. These works are the result of a mind with too much imagination and an off sense of humor.
Story Status
Take My Hand (Hiatus)
[11/28/2014] This story has been in the works for years. I adopted it from a friend who did a lot of research and I'm currently writing the next chapter. Thanks for being patient.
[12/29/2014] So, I got another chapter written. The bad news is that it's not the second one. Maybe like the fourth instead. Sorry. I'm trying.
[05/10/2015] Made a discovery! The names of the story cities are real and can actually work for it. This story is really hard.
[05/20/2017] Two years, still not abandoned, just on the back burner.
Not Alone (Complete)
[05/25/2017] This is not me giving up on Take My Hand. This is just what happened while the big story causes headaches.
What I did, I did for you (Hiatus)
[12/29/2014] I love both Jefferson and Tarrant as the Mad Hatter and couldn't resist combining them in a piece. Chapter two is written, and in the process of being edited and typed up. To those who read this, thanks for your patience.
[01/09/2015] Chapter two is up and chapter three is halfway written. Enjoy and thanks for being patient. Also, a spoiler for those who don't like their mom (I don't either): after chapter three, Arianna will no longer be in the story.
[01/18/2015] Chapter three is written and in the process of being edited. Thanks for your patience.
[05/10/2015] I did have chapter three done and now have an apology. Due to severe flooding last month, most of my work was lost. It isn't a total tragedy, but this story is one that I have had to re-write. Spoiler for Arianna haters: she ended up dying in the re-write.
[08/23/2015] Chapter three is up and I have parts of chapter four written. Enjoy and thanks for those who have patiently stuck with me. Spoiler for chapter four: Jefferson gets his first views of another world.
[09/23/2016] This story is not abandoned. I just got distracted by something else. Sorry. As an apology I'll share that the first world Jefferson finds when he explores his own hat is the world without color. It prompted a minor panic attack at first, but that was because the boy thought he'd just lost his ability to see color. It's not much, but I hope it works to tide readers over.
[05/20/2017] This story is currently on hold. Not abandoned, I'm just having issues with it. Sorry.
Something Once Forgotten (Complete)
[01/18/2015] This was a plot bunny that exploded while I made dinner tonight. It's complete and I hope you like it.
Too Close For Comfort (Complete)
[05/10/2015] I watched Merlin's Apprentice with my brother and we decided that Brian needs to actually be a boy. Then it just kinda spilled out. Nothing too explicit; mostly cause I have trouble writing it. Story is complete and please don't hate if it just doesn't seem like your kind of story. Thanks.
Setting An Example (Complete)
[04/14/2016] This just sort of happened. I'm not sorry.
Life Is Not Fair (Complete)
[05/20/2017] This is a classic example of how we tend to hurt our favorite characters. Sorry if it upsets anybody.
With The Drums (Complete)
[05/25/2017] I'm not sorry. Male belly dancers are breathtaking and Aladdin as one was just begging to be written.
The Perfect Gift (Complete)
[12/03/2017] Written for K/S Advent. Star Trek was harder than anticipated.
Double Standards (Complete)
[12/05/2017] I watched this episode of Friends and it bothered me that the characters made fun of Joey when he said the girl he was seeing hurt him. So, I wrote a different side to the story. Violence isn't cool.