Anonymous: Thanks :) As for your questions...well, you'll find out what was written on the paper in this last chapter. The sequel isn't going to be an epilog to this, but a brand new story ;)

PianoCatRulez: Yes. Yes, I did XD

Moonumb: Since Matsuda took her back to Japan, Maki will be in the next story, although not as a major character


L stood on the opposite side of the road from the kindergarten, watching it, looking for one small figure in particular.

It wasn't hard to spot him, haring around and scrambling onto the jungle gym. Sato had been right; the child really did have L's hair, although it was a lot neater.

My son.

It didn't seem real. Even now, even seeing him, it didn't seem real. It had taken him this long to work up the courage to come to Kyoto, and in the end he'd only managed it because Wammy's was no longer a threat. He hadn't heard from them directly, but Soichiro had received a brief email from Mello, saying On island. Sato no longer a threat. No charge; it was fun! Matt's email had been even less explicit: he'd just copied and pasted Mello's and underneath had added, With Mello.

Both of them on their own private island, L thought. Not that Matt was likely to care, so long as he had his beloved games, but at least he was out of the sewers and away from Wammy's. L didn't know if he'd end up getting involved with either of them or with Near again, but he wished them well.

Dragging his gaze away, he studied the cars that were beginning to arrive in the car park, ready to pick up the children at the end of a school day. He'd hacked into the appropriate database before coming all the way out here, and found out the make, color and registration number of the car he was looking for. It wasn't hard to spot; there weren't many large, navy blue Jeeps around here.

Great, you found the car. Now what?

L stepped back, weighing his options. Going back wasn't an option, not until he'd done what he came to do, but what was he supposed to say? Maybe he should have brought Soichiro with him. The older man had offered to come, but L had turned him down, saying he wanted to see this through himself.

The car door opened and a woman emerged and began to walk toward the school. Now was his chance. L waited until she passed him, then stepped out behind her and cleared his throat.

"Hello Hitomi."

She froze motionless and then, as if against her will, turned very slowly to face him and L found himself looking into a face he'd never thought he'd see again.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" L commented.

Hitomi didn't answer, just stared at him as he stood there, waiting quietly. She hadn't changed much from the girl in his photograph, although her hair was now short and she'd traded the bright floaty dresses for more sensible trousers and a blouse. It didn't matter as far as L was concerned. He would have known her anywhere.

"Shogo?" Her voice was so soft that L only knew what she'd said by the movement of her lips. He nodded.

"They told me you were dead," she said at last.

"They told me you were," L answered. "They even stuck false records in my file, just in case I started snooping around in there."

Hitomi shifted her weight a little. "How did you find me?"

"With this." L held up the sheet of paper Soichiro had given him in England, one that had been signed by Watari himself.

The false records have been planted. It is hoped that 'L' will no longer be distracted after learning about the supposed death of Hitomi Murasaki. Since his son shows no signs of genius, he and his mother may as well be returned to Japan.

"He kept it out of my file," L added. "He must have known I'd search there sooner or later. He told me you'd been kidnapped and murdered by some of my enemies, then I found my file and discovered he'd lied about that, and you'd committed suicide instead." He shook his head, smiling bitterly. "It never occurred to me that he could have lied twice. When I left Wammy's, Watari's successor seemed to think I had a right to know. After that, it was simple enough to track you down."

Hitomi moistened her lips. "What...what do you want?"

"To see you," L said simply. "To learn if you really were still alive. And to apologize to you; I never dreamed they would bring you into any of this."


"Mama!" A small, black-haired comet detached itself from the other children and hurtled toward them, then skidded to a halt, looking a little confused at the sight of L. "Um..."

"It's alright," L told him. "I'm a friend of your mother's." Seeing the silent plea in Hitomi's eyes, he went on. "She and I were at school together."

Ryota tilted his head slowly on one side. "But you don't have a Kyoto accent."

L smiled a little. "No. I wasn't here long enough to pick one up before my family moved." He paused, then told himself what the hell. For all he knew, this could be the only chance he had to speak with his son. "What about your family? Is your dad around?"

Ryota shook his head. "No. Mama thinks he's dead. But she says I'll have a new dad soon!"

Ah. That explained a lot. "Is that so?"

"Yes. His name's Daisuke and he's Takeshi-kun's dad so I'm gonna have a brother too!"

"Do you like Daisuke-san?" L asked.

Ryota nodded vigorously. "Uh huh! But—"

"Ryota-kun—" Hitomi's voice was strained— "go wait for me by the car, okay?"

She waited until Ryota had scampered off obediently, then turned back to L and lowered her voice.

"Shogo, I..." She hesitated. "Well..."

"You're going to ask me to leave," L stated.

"No, but this can't happen again. It...well, it would be too confusing having you around. For Ryota-kun, I mean. He's a smart boy. Too smart, sometimes; it wouldn't take him long to work it out. And you and I...well, it was years ago, and I spent most of those years thinking you were dead. I've moved on."

L smiled. "Yes, I can see that. So have I."

The strangest part about it was that it was true. He did feel a pull of attraction as he looked at Hitomi, but it was for the sake of what had been, not for what still was. She was alive and safe. That was enough for him; at least there was one part of his life he could stop tormenting himself with. One part he could finally let go.

"But I really am glad to see you," he added. "Watari told me you'd been kidnapped and murdered because of me, and then I read the notes in the file telling me about Ryota-kun and how you'd committed suicide after he was born..." He shook his head. "I've never felt so bad about anything. When I found out you were still alive, I needed to see you, to speak to you. I had to find out for myself if it were true."

There was a silence, but it was less awkward than before.

"So," L said at last, "this Daisuke-san. What does he do?"

Hitomi gave him a look he was unable to interpret, but answered, "He's a salaryman."

"A salaryman?" L echoed.

"Yes. Not a world-famous detective, not someone who goes around saving people on a regular basis, just a plain old salaryman who goes to the office every day and comes home at night."

L smiled. "Good. I'm pleased for you. I really am." He glanced over at Ryota, looking at him for a long time, then back at Hitomi. "Promise me one thing. If anything ever happens, if he ever goes missing or gets into any trouble, promise you'll contact me, not just the police, because I'll find him faster."

Hitomi hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded. "How will I contact you?"

L pulled a much folded piece of notepaper out of his jeans and held it out to her.

"This is my email address and my phone number. If it ever changes and you need to get in touch, call the NPA and ask to speak to Soichiro Yagami, or if he's not there, Touta Matsuda. They can always find me."

She took the paper, biting her lip, then nodded. "I'm sorry, Shogo."

"So am I." A wistful light crept into L's eyes and he went on. "It would have been nice, you know. You, me, a family in that apartment of yours. A normal life. I could have become a salaryman or something, gone to the office in a suit and tie everyday."

That won him a small laugh. "I don't think you even know how to put on a tie!"

L considered this seriously for a few moments, then nodded. "You're right. I don't, so perhaps it's better this way."


"I brought something for you," L added. "Two things, in fact."

Hitomi hesitated. "I'm not sure—"

"Here." L took the necklace out of his pocket and held it out.

Hitomi stared at it. "You...kept it? All these years?"



"Because it was yours. Watari didn't know, otherwise he would have destroyed it like he destroyed the photos." L smiled a little. "Since you're alive and well and we're no longer involved with each other, I think it's time I returned it."

"I...well, thank you." Hitomi took the necklace with a hand that shook a little. "I thought I'd never see it again."

"You're welcome." L reached into his other pocket and took out a small box he'd begged off Sachiko, one that contained the ring he'd acquired for Hitomi all that time ago. "And I realize this may sound like a rather inappropriate question to ask a woman who's engaged to another man, but will you take this ring?"

He held out the small box. Hitomi looked at it but made no move to accept it.


L raised a hand. "There's no commitment. Like you said, we've both moved on down different paths. You've found someone else and I...well, my life's been spun around enough already and things are still very chaotic for me. I don't think I could cope with a long term relationship right now, let alone a kid." He pushed away thoughts of Maki, who was currently squatting in his apartment with no signs of leaving, telling himself that she looked after herself well enough without his attempts at helping. "But I would still like you to have it, for old times' sake. Just as something pretty. After all, I rescued a kidnap victim and put her kidnapper away for life to get it for you."

Hitomi looked up at him with a half serious, half playful expression that was so familiar it made his heart twinge. "Really? Most people would just walk into the jeweler's and ask to be shown a selection."

"My way's more original. Cheaper, too."

Another small laugh, then Hitomi took the box and tucked it into her handbag. "Alright. Thank you."

"And if he asks about me directly, tell him the truth. He won't forgive you for lying. Believe me, Hitomi, I know."

Hitomi hesitated, then nodded very slowly. "I will. But not for a few years. Not until he's old enough to understand."

She turned and took several quick steps toward the car where Ryota was waiting patiently, then stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"Shogo...did you escape in the end? Are you free now?"

L smiled. "Yes."

"Good. I'm glad." Hitomi opened her mouth, hesitated, then closed it again. "Well...goodbye."

L raised a hand, half at Hitomi, half at Ryota, who was waving at him. "Goodbye, Hitomi. And thank you."

He didn't move. Didn't even lower his hand as Hitomi helped a now eagerly chattering Ryota into the car and got in herself. The engine started and the car backed out, heading into the afternoon traffic. Neither driver nor passenger looked back.

L stood there, hand uplifted in a final goodbye as he watched them drive out of his life, then turned and walked back to the station.

AN: So, another story ends :( I apologize for the more scattered tone and delayed updates of this one; when I was writing it, life seemed to get in the way far more than with Resurrection. Anyway, there will be a third story (Family Values) but I'm not sure when it'll be uploaded. For those of you who have followed and reviewed this story all the way through, thank you so much; you guys made it all worthwhile, and I hope to see you again at the next story XD