Author has written 15 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Peacemaker Kurogane, Inheritance Cycle, House, M.D., and Across the Universe. Hello, readers! I'm Rei, a college student majoring in musical theatre and creative writing. I don't write as much fanfiction anymore, but when I do, it's mostly one-shots. Hopefully they're enjoyed. :) To all my faithful readers who've stuck with me since the good old days of YYH songfics, you may have noticed a lack of some of my older fics. I pretty much purged my profile of all the old stories I figured no one would be reading anymore, namely the very old songfics from my (somewhat embarrassing) days of my Evanescence-listening eighth grade career. Updates on fics such as MAJIKKU NO SEIREI and FAITH are in the works, but don't expect them any time soon--sorry again. |