Author's Note: Hey everyone ^^ Sorry for taking so long… I have a lot of stuff going on. To make up for it, I've decided to start this chapter off with some cute flashback stuff.
And this chapter's kinda weird cause I'm playing off an idea I have, but just work with me XD
Beyond could remember the first time he ever met L. Tiny feet pattered down the Wammy's House hallway as a six year old Beyond Birthday tried to tip toe as quietly as possible, hoping to sneak even the quickest glance inside Watari's office. He knew L was in there. Not often, L would sometimes meet with Watari and Roger inside that office to discuss the progress of Wammy's students. And they always did this late at night, assuming the children to all be in bed.
But not B. And neither was A, as the blonde would always insist on being around B to keep him out of trouble. Even if that meant being woken up in the middle of the night to go spy on L.
"B… Cmon.. Lets just go back to bed, okay?" A rubbed his eye tiredly.
B shushed him, "He's in there… I can hear him. Cmon." He mouthed, before rounding the next corner and tugging A along with him by the wrist.
And then, they found themselves right in front of the office door. B dropped A's wrist, silently placing his hand on the wall beside the entrance. He tilted his head forward, trying to look inside the slightly ajar door without actually opening it or making any indication anyone was watching outside…
Widened ruby red eyes looked around the room. There was Roger, sitting behind the desk in that big spinny chair. Then Watari, standing by the wall. And finally, a ten year old boy he'd never seen before – with messy black hair similar to his own. He sat in an odd position, a lollipop stick between his lips. With a glance above his head, B immediately knew who it was. It was L.
As soon as he came to this realization, dark onyx eyes connected with his own. He'd been spotted. And yet, he didn't move in the slightest. As if he didn't even know he'd been caught. A, without any knowledge to what was going on, tried to sneak a peak of his own before L looked away. And Watari, noticing almost a full second after, pulled the door immediately open.
Both six year olds fell inside.
The door was closed behind them.
"So this is… A and B, correct?" L asked.
"…Yes." Roger hesitantly confirmed. "Alternate, Backup… This is L."
And then…
"Don't call us that. We have letters." B broke the silence.
A blinked widely with surprise. He agreed with B of course, but wouldn't dare speak against L. But, much to his surprise…
"Of course, those are your letters, B… But they stand for Alternate and Backup, do they not?"
L smirked ever so slightly, lollipop stick moving with each word.
B's eyes narrowed.
"You children shouldn't be out right now. You should be asleep." Watari made a subject change.
A's excuse was cut off.
"Wanted to see you." B spoke directly to L, thumb raising to be placed to his lip. This was a habit he picked up during his short time of watching L, one he'd continue to carry around with him long after this day.
"Oh?" L asked. "Now you have. Now what do you think?"
"You're beautiful."
B answered without missing a beat, honesty shining in his eyes.
This was the first sign of the child's love and obsession for L.
It wasn't as though B and L saw each other much more after that. Extra measures were taken from then on to ensure they could meet in private without anyone listening behind the door. Needless to say, A's death completely changed B's young love for the detective he grew to hate. Something about seeing the only one who ever cared for him ever, hanging himself in his bedroom closet the morning after the boys got in their first ever fight, made his heart break. His mind snap. He was never the same. His whole life he'd been a ticking time bomb, set off at that moment.
And then… When all seemed bleak…
He found love again.
Just to have it ripped away from him by Light Yagami.
Of course, this time he wouldn't ever even dream of trying again with anyone else. No, he'd only live long enough to see Kira behind bars. Light behind bars.
He knew he'd never see L again. Beyond believed in some sort of afterlife, one where good people went – and one for the bad. He knew if Heaven and angels existed, L would become one with them. And he… He would be cast down to Hell, of course. Where the evil souls such as his own belonged.
And he was okay with that.
The days following became somewhat of a blur to Beyond. It was starting to feel like an investigative team led by Light, with Beyond tagging along. He still felt like the backup to L… The feeling he hated most in the world. Even more than being alone, or having anything taken away from him.
Light continued to work with Kiyomi Takada, and the others praised him for his smooth charm. Beyond, however, shrugged it off with a condescending scoff. Never would he ever praise Light for anything, even if the time ever came when he'd deserve it.
Beyond knew Aizawa was making regular contact with Near at this point, but the last time he himself talked to L's successor was also the first time – by phone call. The one he really wanted to contact wasn't Near. It was the second successor who reminded him to much of himself. It was Mello.
Up until today, he assumed there was no way. If there was, wouldn't Light have tried it by now?
Until he realized… Light wouldn't want to.
Mello was of no use to him. He'd kill him once he got the chance.
Nothing was stopping him. And there was a way. Soichiro knew the location, he was there before he died… So… if there was some way to find out how to get back to where Mello hid out…
Matsuda was his best chance.
Slipping into the kitchen, Beyond leaned casually against the wall.
Matsuda, surprised, almost dropped his coffee.
"Woah, Ichigo, I didn't see you there.." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Whatsup?"
"I need your help."
"With what?" He almost seemed overjoyed to help.
"I need to get to Mello."
The smile dropped from Matsuda's face.
"What? But- why would you need to do that? Do you know something we don't?"
"No, that's kinda what I'm hoping to find out." Beyond's gaze shifted over to the side. "Mello and I have a history, just as I do with Near and L." He cleared his throat. "I know them better than any of you do. Just trust me on this."
Matsuda sighed, "Even if I agreed, there's no way they'd allow it… Light would-"
Beyond's eyes narrowed into a threatening glare.
"The day I take orders from Light Yagami is the day Hell freezes over, you understand?"
He did.
Matsuda nodded his head quickly, "Y-Yeah, I know that, but-"
Beyond challenged.
The other sighed, obviously defeated. "Okay, fine… Yes, I'll help you get to Mello… Just don't tell anyone, alright? I don't think they'd like it… I mean, they know they can't stop you and whatever, but me helping you is a completely different story."
"Got it."
Beyond grinned, patting him on the back.