Author has written 26 stories for Inuyasha, Naruto, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, Sherlock, and Avengers. Hey guys! I'm new to writing fanfiction, so please be kind! Due to complications, with University and other things, I won't be uploading as much as I would like. However, I will try to do so at least once every two weeks, if not then every month. Either way, I will never just abandon this site - I've constantly got ideas in my brain, even if I don't upload for several months ;) My favourite pairings have got to be InuyashaxKagome, SesshoumaruxKagome, Youko(Kurama)xKagome, HieixKagome, InuyashaxAyame, KougaxSango, MirokuxAyame and others not based around the Inuyasha fandom - or even YYH. Anyway, hope you enjoy my musings! BP Ja ne! 23/11/12 I'm currently working on about two stories that refuse to be forgotten. One of them I have been trying to start for weeks, but it refused to be written until now, so hopefully I'll be uploading the first chapter soon. The other desperately needs more inspiration so I can complete the first chapter and start the second, so don't be surprised if (or when) I upload it and then don't manage to finish it for a while - though i might continue it at a later date. 2/12/12 I'm thinking about writing a sequel for Shadows: Past, Present and Future, and if I do write the sequel, it will probably turn into a trilogy. There is a basic plan for the second and third edition of Shadows, but it would be very helpful if, after I have finished the present one, all my readers could give me some idea of what they want to happen in the second Shadows, which will be called Shadows: According To Fate. So let me know what you think! BP Ja ne! 11/12/12
Thanks, BP 15/12/12
Thanks, BP 08/01/13 First of all, may I just say, Happy New Year! I know it's a bit late, but the internet at home has decided to become tempremental. By the way, thank you for all your support last year, as I wasn't sure how my pieces of imagination were going to be recieved, and I'm glad that you like my stories. I know I keep making Kagome into something else, other than a miko, but I can't help it. The fact that the Shikon no Tama disappears without causing some havoc and creating a new stir-up is just inconcievable to me. Also the fact that Kagome doesn't get thanked kind of puts me at odds with the original plot, along with the fact that she get shoved with Inuyasha. And yes, I'm rambling and this is not really relevant to my update. Along with many other un-finished stories, I must have started at least five or six new ones in the last month and will (hopefully) be posting them soon. And that is a BIG hopefully. But, yeah, you might be getting some new material! Hope you all have a good year! Ja ne! BP 11/06/13 Hello, my dear readers! I'll be putting Healing up for adoption, so do let me know if you want it. Sorry I'm not continuing, but the idea just deserted me, unfortunately. Also, Black Diamond may or may not be going up for adoption - it's the same situation. Yeah, all of this has been building up for the last five months, so I have quite a few announcements! If anyone would like to do Shadows: Past, Present and Future's sequel, it's up as a challenge. It'd be nice if you could call it Shadows: According To Fate though, so let me know if you want to do it. And... that's all I've got. :) BP 23/06/13 I've been reading through Healing, and I'm going to close the window for adoption in one week - after that, I'll probably either continue it on a new tangent or remove it completely, so be quick if you want it! BP FANFICTION- UNITED NATIONS!! Has anyone else noticed how a lot of us get along and make friends on here and we can be from completely different countries? WTF!? We're here making world peace on the INTERNET and we have all those ambassadors and senators and whatever struggling with it!! If you realize this (or read this and agreed) copy and paste this and add your name and country (country is optional) to the list. SPREAD THE PEACE!!: Naruto-fan-Okami-chan (USA), NaraTemari011 (Puerto Rico), Lala girl in Lalaland (USA), Kakashi Forever (England) Anime895(USA), Starwatcher-shadow (Belgium), icyprincess1 (USA), Girl With The Wolves (USA), phoenixyfriend (USA & Serbia), I'mJustWhoIAm (France), AmelieElizabet (UK), BlackPepper3964 (England) 01/03/14 Hello, there! I just wanted to let you know that I am going to continue the sequel to Shadows: Past , Present and Future and it will still be called Shadows: According To Fate. Hopefully I should have to first chapter uploaded soon. Also, updates will be irregular for the forseeable future as I'm having problems with my laptop. Once I have it straightened out, there shouldn't be a problem. With love, BP 03/10/14 Yeah, not much is going on, though I'm writing up Chapter 17 for Monsters Attract. I have now got a Tumblr Blog, that you can access here, and you can see when I've done some progress, and I'll be putting up some extracts of chapters that I'm working on, so you lucky people get a sneak peak! You can also put requests up for stories that you want to see, in any universe that you've seen I've already done, including little one-shots :) So feel free to visit! BP 30/10/14 Hey, guys, just wanted to let you know that I'm working on a sequel for How To Scare A Forensic Technician, but it might not be out in time for Hallow'een day, so it may be the day afer or the day after that, sorry. But I'm hoping that it'll be done, so look forward to it! BP 03/11/14 Okay, it turns out I told a lie - the sequel for the Hallow'een fanfic didn't go anywhere, as I started it far too late and didn't have much of an opportunity to finish it. So, yeah. Monsters Attract chapter 18 has been started, and should be here within a month - hopefully. And I am so sorry it's going slower now, it wasn't what I wanted to happen, as I really enjoy writing it. Damn real life. Anyway, I'll be updating here and there, so look forward to it! BP 'Forbearance' Universe: Timeline 1. Figurative Nonalignment 2. Frank Security 3. Firm Fire 4. Forbearance 5. Figments of Power 6. How to Scare a Forensic Technician 7. A Familiar Face 8. Safe 9. Frustrated Fun 10. Her Fightening Nature -/- Her Fightening Nature Alternate Version Just thought you'd like to know when everything happened... :D 03/04/16 Hey guys, just thought I'd let you know that no, I haven't abandoned anything, Monsters Attract especially. I'm just having some problems with the epilogue - but it is coming. Also, I have been writing little bits here and there for other fandoms, but it's difficult either completing them or getting them to a state where I feel proud to upload on here, so they may or may not be coming. So yeah, thank you for your continued support and patience! BP |
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