Reviews for You Deserved It
Guest chapter 4 . 7/4
You know, I have a question... Is it bad to love a bad-ass pissed Kuroko Tetsuya, or is it perfectly all well and dandy? I really can't tell, but you've got me OBSESSING over it!
xXCreepyKattyLBGXx chapter 4 . 10/25/2019
When are you going to update? This story is getting good, I also like this
eunoiapaint chapter 4 . 8/31/2018
Hiina chapter 4 . 2/3/2018
I really like this!
godess bubbles chapter 4 . 7/26/2017
I loved it!This version of Kuroko was bad ass!I wish you would have written about the other schools realizing just how much the others are scared of and respect Kuroko...
Faery'sConfessions chapter 4 . 5/5/2017
Awwww i knew at the beginning it would only be 4 (amazing btw) chapters but I really wanted to read kuroko 'talking' some sense into Murisakibara as well... Please? Like pretty please with a cherry on top? Just for me? I need itttt... And yes I know I'm a selfish little bitch but you know what. Why the hell shouldn't I be...please? Oh well, I genuinely hope you do..and pm me if you do or you can make it it's on separate little one shot thingy..*sigh* anywayyy THANKS loved the story and I may be checking out your account for more! Hope to see some nice things! High expectations!
Faery'sConfessions chapter 3 . 5/5/2017
Loved! Sorry.. I'll comment on the last one probably but I just loved the two different endings and had to announce it..THANKS!
aesthetically useless chapter 4 . 1/22/2017
How everything could've been stopped from the root. Great fic, Kuroko's strong and lovely here which is refreshing. Need more of that Kuroko
Marie-Vegas chapter 4 . 12/19/2016
MHR - one last time, Ya hoooooo!. this story was, like, awesome! cant wait to read some other of your works!

Marie-Vegas chapter 2 . 12/19/2016
MHR - yayaaaa, thiz be so dang awesome, i be like, "ya hooooooo!"

Marie-Vegas chapter 1 . 12/19/2016
MHR - ya hoo! still love this story and falling in love with it all over again!
Amethyst288 chapter 1 . 10/14/2016
kylC chapter 3 . 10/7/2016
I love how during Kuroko's rant, the thing he sounded most indignant about was the freaking plate metaphor. AND THEN HE FREAKING CALLS AKASHI AN EGG I CANT.
Marie-Vegas chapter 3 . 9/22/2016
Oh gods Omake Hilarious!
Whoa this is ... Amazing
I love how you made kurokos rage seem in character for him instead of making him OOC props for that
The bad thing is that you made kuroko too angry and now he seems a little psycoyic
So all in all I give this 9\10
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