Just Another Wrter: *blows into tissue* Why must this end so soon?!

Yurio: Cuz if she didn't end this then Viktor and Yuuri would still getting tortured

Just Another Wrter: Tru

Viktor: *hugs Yuuri and glares at me* You better have a plan of making up for all the things you put us through.

Me: No worries last chapters hopefully makes up for everything.

Viktor: What do you mean hopefully?!

Yuuri: *turns to audience* Midnight hopes you enjoy this final chapter and make sure to review at the end also keep in mind that she does not own any of us or the anime except for her OC.

Some say the Ice King of Russia had lived the rest of his days alone without another lover, with only his true lover visiting him in his dreams during the dark of the night but he never once stopped smiling for his friends, family, and for his people. Word got out of what has happened in the mysteriously lost ice continent through the kingdoms of the world and thankfully, there hadn't been any change of how life ran other than the kingdom of Japan finally allowing itself to be connected with the other kingdoms. The story had explained the mysterious comebacks of magic or the awakening of more ice wielders, but everyone in the kingdoms did send their condolences to the king of Russia for having to lose a lover during the battle.

Despite his unwillingness to get married to another who wasn't his lover, the ice king still needed an heir by the demand of the laws and his advisors to continue the line of royalty. As a matter of fact, he adopted a daughter who was found all alone in the forest during his morning strolls alone, he had no idea why the child was abandoned but he took her in and raised her as his own.

The strong alliance between the kingdoms of Russia and Japan have never been so strong than it ever was with the promise to help one another so another tragedy would never occur because of the forces of evil. The kingdoms have never grown so close and the people who lived in them have expressed so much love that all seemed like a utopia.

Unfortunately, that era of peace and happiness could not last for long especially before the wedding of Sir Plisetsky and Sir Altin. War broke out between groups of magic users across the kingdoms that began to rebel against their rulers. They claimed that King of Russia was incompetent to rule Russia if he allowed his own lover to die at the hands of groups have taken over the Kingdom of the Americans, slowly making their way to Asia after the royal family of that Americas managed to escape safe and sound but not without the death of the queen. After that, the rulers were forced to send their troops of strong knights to fight back against the enemy that was growing, to bring back order. Many have perished during the war, unfortunately, including Sir Lee, Sir de Iglesia, Sir Crispino, King Leory, and Sir Plisetsky despite the strength he and Sir Altin provided. Once the war was over, the kingdom of the Americas had to crown a new ruler with one of Leroy's siblings to take over.

The scars were painful but the kingdoms slowly were able to recover, until another death occurred. A year after the war as ended, Ice King has grown old and passed away in his sleep with a smile on his old wrinkled face. Without warning or any logical explanation after his death, all forms and types of magical forces were slowly beginning to vanish into the sky, as if the heavens above were draining the lands of magic which probably could have been the case. The Kingdoms were at a loss at how to handle the situation, especially when the current rulers were the surviving new generation who were chosen did not have the guidance of the ice king to help them.

Pretty soon the growing disappearance of magic affected the animals that had their forms changed due to the lack of magical energy their bodies were accustomed to which only provoked more panic amongst the people. No one could understand why the world was suddenly being drained of magic energy as it finally began to affect people. Those who were ice wielders have perished, causing an enormous plummet of human population while those who are not Ice Wielders not only lost their magic abilities but any memory of life with magic has been erased from their minds. Those who forgot only led to more chaos when they were in huge numbers accusing those who still had their magic to be sources of evil leading to executions of whoever tried to remind them of their past life.

At last, the world was finally erased of any traces of magic with only the sensation of love beating within every soul no matter how small or big. It took the world centuries to get back on its feet, for the people to evolve from their ways and advance to a future without magic, only technology. Kingdoms were no more, alliances were forgotten, as well as the story of the love shared by two ice wielders.

But some say, that those who have passed on before the magic crisis, who's hearts were truly pure, were able to be reborn just not with the memories of their past lives, however, they remember their past emotions based on the magic they had. If they were ice wielders, their hearts would continue to feel the burning sensation of love once they have found their reborn soulmate once again and fulfill the happy ending their past selves could not have gotten.

At least, that is what some say.

Five-year gold medalist Viktor Nikiforov didn't know why he feels so empty and hollow while at the same time, his chest feels overwhelmed with loneliness and sadness with the yearning for something. Honestly, figure skating was the only thing he had in life other than his beloved poodle Makkachin, strict coach Yakov, and his rink mates who are just as talented but he still could not shake off the feeling that he was missing something. For the past twenty years, he's neglected life and love for the sake of winning gold for himself and his fans but sometimes he couldn't help by wonder how he managed to have the skill to skate the way he does.

He just stood there that night at the banquet after winning his fifth gold, holding a glass of champagne while he was engaged in a conversion with other skaters and sponsors who were impressed with his performance. If he could, he would have just skipped the banquet and cuddle Makkachin in their lonely dwelling and wonder in those endless nights about why his heart feels so strange.

That was until his eyes glanced over at the growing crowd who were gawking at a sudden dance battle of some sort.


Skater Yuuri Katsuki had no idea why he even tries to continue figure skating when he always his anxiety to get the best of him and fail so many times especially since he was placed last at his first Grand Prix final. There was no way he could have the talent and skill to skate on the same ice as Viktor Nikiforov, no matter how hard he tries, the chances are just impossible. Honestly, where did all his motivation go, after the death of his poodle Vicchan, he just feels that his world was just crumbling without any means of escape but the worst part was that he couldn't get rid of this hollow feeling in his chest as if it was nothing by emptiness.

He didn't want to go to the banquet, none of the skaters were his friends unless he counted Chris but the swiss skater was too sexual to hang out with. The only reason he was at the banquet in the first place was because Celestino dragged him over but while his coach was off somewhere in the party, he was just alone. Unable to bring himself to talk to anyone, especially Viktor, he just turned to the nearest table and began drinking as much champagne as he could until he reached his sixteenth cup.

With his mind under the influence of the heavy intake of alcohol, he spotted Yuri Plisetsky and with a confident smirk, he demanded a dance battle!


Viktor could care less about how annoyed Yakov was getting, or how Yuri looked like he was going to murder someone, his eyes were on the sexy Japanese figure skater name Yuuri Katsuki who was winning that dance battle like there was no tomorrow! Especially when Chris pulled out a pole and saw how the Japanese man stripped down to do the most intriguing performance that Viktor thought that he might as well nosebleed to death from all the Eros he witnessed! Suddenly, Yuuri's chocolate brown eyes meet Viktor's ocean blue eyes as they narrowed with determination and boldly approached the Russian man to demand a dance battle with him. Needless to say, that moment, Viktor suddenly felt that overwhelming feeling of loneliness blooming into this new emotion of life he never thought he would feel as he and Yuuri danced the night away.


Yuuri didn't care if he lost that night, he was having too much fun having dance battles to care about anything at the time. As he made his final spin on the pole, his eyes landed on Viktor, new determination filled his body when he approached the man to demand a dance battle. As they danced, Yuuri didn't realize since he was having to much fun that the emptiness he was feeling in his chest was suddenly getting filled with an emotion he didn't realize he would be feeling.


However, it wasn't until Viktor was being humped by Yuuri, listening to him ramble on about hot springs until the young man's eyes lit up and exclaimed a request that brought shock to everyone surrounding them, "Be my coach!"

At that moment, Viktor realized what this new emotion that was blooming deep within his chest.


Yuuri had no idea what was going on, one moment he was just hiding away in his room after that viral video incident and next thing he knew, he was in the hot spring that was outside, pleading that the foreigner in it wasn't who he thinks it was. But that pleading was for nothing when he burst through only to see the Viktor Nikiforov right in front of him, in all his naked glory, getting up and announced,

"Hello, Yuuri! Starting today I'm going to be your new coach, you're going to get to the Grand Prix Final, and you're going to win!"

All Yuuri could do after hearing what Viktor had said then see him wink at him as he felt his heart skipping several beats was shout at the top of his lungs, "WHAT?!"

Is he crying? Is he mad? Yuuri asked himself the moment he ended his free program after adding a quad flip at the end of his performance, his eyes searching for Viktor at the sidelines. I need to know! When he finally spotted him, Yuuri didn't waste any time skating ahead to reach his coach, "Viktor! See that, I did great right?"

Viktor said nothing, his eyes were on Yuuri with a smile on his face and then without warning he leap forward, his arms wrapped around Yuuri as their lips met when they fell on the ice, still in each other's arms. At that moment, within that kiss, both of them suddenly felt their chest burning with a sensation that they thought that for a moment, their hearts could have glowed!

"I wanted to surprise you more than you surprised me," Viktor smiled as he lifted his head to look down at Yuuri. "This was the only thing I could think of."

"Well, it worked," Yuuri smiled back.

Being apart, even for just one competition had driven both Yuuri and Viktor insane especially when their chests were suddenly feeling empty and heavy again although they tried their best not to show it. Unfortunately, Yuuri broke too soon was hugging every skater he came across to, scaring everyone with those random hugs. Those hugs were fine but they were not the same as Viktor's hugs, those hugs gave Yuuri more feeling and warmth he couldn't quite yet understand. Viktor was much worse, he couldn't keep himself together when he constantly worried about Yuuri, wondering if he was alright, longing to hold him again.

So the moment they spotted one another at the airport that night, all they could do was run as their hearts raced until they met each other at by the door, arms outstretched until they were holding each other into an embrace. They didn't want to let go, not yet, so they just held on to one another as their hearts were warming up once more at the comforting feeling of being in each other's arms once more.

All that worry and loneliness just melted away.

The golden rings sparkled at the lights of the cathedral behind them, the carolers singing only made this moment more special to them both.

Viktor didn't know why but as he watched Yuuri slide the ring through his finger, he felt this comfort and joy flowing through his veins as if he was reunited with something he had lost for so long. So as he slid the ring through Yuuri's hand, the young man also felt those same emotions running through but it was as if he had finally accomplished something or finished a journey.

They didn't know why these feelings were showing up, but all they could do was smile at each other with the joy of an engagement that Yuuri would soon find out later over a group dinner with the other skaters.

The pair skate.

As their hands touched with their golden rings glimmering with light, they could feel their hearts soar from the overwhelming feeling of love and life through every inch of their bodies. They never took their eyes away from one another as they danced on the ice while the song "Stay Close to Me" sang through the rink, feeling nothing but joy. Viktor didn't know why but as he lifted Yuuri in the air, he felt tears stinging his eyes even though he didn't feel sad, nor happy to the point of tears, at least not yet anyway. No, these tears are different, more like those tears of joy of reuniting with someone he had lost but he couldn't remember.

Yuuri never felt such joy during their performance but most of the joy for other reasons he didn't understand. Reasons like the accomplishment of finally finding someone he was separated from that filled his heart with emotions he was missing.

"Do you Viktor Nikiforov take Yuuri Katsuki to be your husband for as long as you may live?"

"I do!"

"And do you Yuuri Katsuki take Viktor Nikiforov to be your husband for as long as you may live?"

"I do!"

The glowing spring day at the beach was filled with wedding guests consisting of family, fellow skaters, coaches, and close friends who all watched with tears in their eyes as the grooms say 'I do' while struggling no to cry themselves. Viktor and Yuuri have come a long way from strangers, coach and student, lovers, competitors, and finally husbands who will spend the rest of their lives together with happiness.

"Then by the power invest in me, I pronounce you husband and husband! You may now kiss!" The officiator announced with joy as everyone cheered and applauded while some snapped pictures.

Viktor and Yuuri didn't hesitate to embrace each other and engage in a long passionate kiss but the moment their lips met, memories of their past life has flashed right before their eyes, every last detail from the first dream that the two princes shared as children until the bitter death of the ice king! Their hearts finally were filled with the powerful sensation of love devouring the empty voids that had been left from the past!Once they parted from their kiss, they could only stare at one another in surprise and shock, still trying to process what they just saw in their memories.



Before they realized, they both found themselves crying heavy tears as they choked through their laughter as Viktor pulled Yuuri into an even stronger embrace than any other he had given him while Yuuri didn't hesitate to return the embrace. Viktor could only whisper how much he missed his lover, how he loved him, and how he accomplished his final promise to have waited this long. Yuuri just whispered comforting words to him, reassuring him that he was right here, that they'll always be together forever from now on.

Meanwhile, no one knew why those two cried they were so they just brushed it off as heavy joy that overwhelmed the newlyweds which were probably for the best.

"We won't end up separated as our past lives were, look we're here," Yuuri whispered to Viktor through his tears while wiping his husband's tears, "We'll do much better and make up for all the years of loneliness your past life has felt, together."

"Oh Yuuri," Viktor sniffled as he wiped his husband's tears as well. "As long as you stay close to me, that will be enough..."

Yes although in the past, the Ice king and his lover never got to marry and stay together, their love never dies and their souls have met once again on the ice to continue the journey that was interrupted. Despite how long it took for the two souls to finally be reborn, for their lives to start all over from a clean canvas, they were able to find each other once more to cherish one another and stay together much longer than in the past.

They had to leave the past behind them now but satisfied to know that after so long, they were finally together again. Despite the fears and dangers that are out there in the world, together Viktor and Yuuri smiled proudly towards the future that awaits them.

Viktor's hands cupped Yuuri's cheeks as he smiled with the brightest heart-shaped smile he could make, "I love you, Yuuri Katsuki-Nikiforov."

"I love you too, Viktor Katsuki-Nikiforov," Yuuri beamed, their golden rings shimmering from the sunlight over them.

Without another word, they shared another passionate kiss as pink petals from cherry blossoms were being thrown into the air and falling over them.

For there is no stronger magic than the power of love in their lives.

Me: *crying on top of a table* I CAN'T BELIEVE I FINISHED THIS! IT'S OVER!

Viktor: *crying* This is just too beautiful! Midnight, I take back all the mean things I said!

Yuuri: *crying* Oh god this was too much for me to handle...So perfect!

Just Another Wrter: It's been a long day without you, my friend!

Yurio: Don't start singing that song damn it! You're going to make me shed some sweat over here!

Me: *sniffling and turns to audience* I'd like to thank every one of you guys who took the time to review and read this story I really hope you enjoyed this journey.

All the YOI Characters: SEE YOU ON THE NEXT STORY!

Just Another Wrter: *gasp* You're making another story!?

Me: shhh, that's for the A/N I'm posting later!