Hello everyone, my new story for Yuri on Ice because my mind is not letting me sleep.
So basically I was going through Tumblr lately (well because I was looking through Victuri art and stuff) and after looking through most of them and then I was listening to (well forced to listen to) "Let it Go" from frozen until a ray of sunshine has shined above my mess of a brain to create this fanfiction.
With that, I hope you guys enjoy this, please favorite and review for our number one OTP. P.S the kingdoms are basically the countries/towns our characters live in.
Viktor: (cheerful voice) Just a friendly reminder for our fellow readers that she doesn't own the anime or any of the characters aside from one oc
Me: (In corner curled in a ball) no worries...It's cool...it's cool...
Yurio: I think you broke her already, you idiot -_-
Yuri: Just keep reading the first chapter while we try to revive midnightsky.
Ice magic was a rare ability indeed.
Not everyone is born or have that ability awakened, it's really a rare sighting in other kingdoms. Those powers are strong with different personalities, and those powers allow the wielder to be able to find his or her soulmate who has the same or different ability of the other. However, as each year goes by, the world is slowly reproducing the ice magic wielders to take the place of those who have been lost about 5000 years ago.
About 5,000 years ago, there was an entire continental kingdom of ice wielders ruled by their beloved ice king, queen, and prince, all loved by their fellow ice wielders for many years. Their kingdom was well known for every citizen and royal family's ice magic that was strong enough to make sure enemies thought twice before invading such a powerful kingdom. As beautiful, innocent, and pure their powers may be, that ice can turn into sinister, corrupt, and destructive depending on how the person controls their emotions and what purpose they have given themselves to use their magic.
Which was why those enemy countries have feared the kingdom until one night, that all changed.
A soldier has snuck into the territory of the what was the Ice Kingdom, with him, he hid a powerful weapon that stands a chance to defeating the ice wielders of the land. What he had was a crystal decorated silver chalice and crystal lid that had such an ability that it continues to bring fear to the ice wielders of today. That chalice had the ability to take away all traces of magic a person possess and transfer the strength of the power into the one who holds the chalice if he or she commands it to do so. It could hold one power at a time so it was common for the holder to have the new abilities transferred into his or her body as soon as possible. For any other magic ability, the person remains powerless for the rest of their days, unfortunately, that is not the case for the ice wielders of the Ice Kingdom.
Any ice wielder whose power has been taken away, the victim slowly begins to turn into solid ice until it shatters and turns into the wind like snowflakes following the winds of a storm. In other words, the victim is dead with their physical form erased from existence. One of the possible ways to save the victim is if another ice wielder was willing to offer their powers to the chalice in exchange of the power of the victim to be returned. However, that only works if the holder of the chalice is willing to allow such an exchange to happen and when that occurs, the one who offered their magic has taken the place of the victim's fate. There is a rumor of how the second ice wielder who is with the victim could also transfer his or her powers into the victim, saving that life while unfortunately, having to give up their own as well... Death seemed to be the only answer for one to live.
So on that unfortunate night, the soldier has snuck into the castle of the royal family with his original plan of first threatening the king and queen with their prince as a hostage and the chalice as a threat but that did not happen. The room in which the prince should have been in was organized by the queen so the soldier changed his plans, took her powers first, killing the queen at the same moment but he didn't have time to transfer any power when the king arrived. From what clues that have been collected, many assume that the soldier was quick to be able to get the queen's power into his body and take the king's power before anyone could do anything. As for the prince, many assumed had been a victim right after his parents, as the chalice holder's appearance has changed with the more powers of ice wielders he has taken. Within one night, he wiped out 3 villages of ice wielders, holding in many in prisons where he'll continue the power taking. By a month, the entire kingdom was victim to the single chalice, the land completely engulfed in a storm to keep prisoners in with no ways of escape.
Only a handful of ice wielders were able to escape the horrible nightmare and hide away in other kingdoms of other magic abilities that later joined forces to become kingdoms of Russia, and Switzerland while very few has hidden into the smaller villages not ruled by kings or queens.
Eventually, the Ice Kingdom has disappeared from out of nowhere, leaving no trace of what came to be the soldier or the prince. The survivors of the tragedy remained hidden in the kingdoms as they hope to never see that cursed chalice or the holder of it ever again. And as many years and generations have the past, the ice wielders are slowly growing again, with the hope of going past that tragic fall of their original kingdom.
"And that is why your powers are so special Victor," an older man concluded as he closed a heavy old book. "They hold such history and you're going to be the future and first ice king to rule over Russia." He looked up to face the person he was addressing. "Do you understand?"
In an instant, his seriousness switched to irritation the moment he addressed the person. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR LESSONS, NOT IGNORE THEM!"
Sitting in front of a wooden desk with a fancy paper on the table and his hand holding a feather was a young fourteen-year-old prince with long silver hair tied into a braid as he yawned and scribbled little doodles on his paper. "But Yakov, you've been telling me the same history story everyday every since I began to hold a quill and talk...It's getting rather tiresome from time to time," Victor smiled in spite of his boredom he was feeling. "I have the entire history memorized word for word by now. You don't have to worry about anything."
Yakov sighed and muttered under his breath loud enough for Victor to hear, "There's something else you rather hear isn't there?"
Victor's eyes lit up with excitement as he clapped his hands together, "How did you know? My, my Yakov you're getting wiser by the second."
"What would you rather hear other than the history of the ancestors who possess the ice magic you have?" Yakov sighed as he placed the book down.
"Well, if you insist," Victor smiled as he gave his request with the same glow in his eyes. "Tell me more about how ice wielders are able to find their future lover!" He then added a small lie in hopes of getting greater chances of being answered, "I seem to always be confused by that part."
"I wonder how since you always have me repeat the same thing more than I lecture history lessons," Yakov sighed once again, honestly he had no idea how he managed to have enough patience for the boy he took in after his parents passed away thirteen years ago. He then raised his left hand up to the midair and with a sudden gust of wind, they were surrounded by flying reference books until the one specific book was chosen as the rest returned to their place as if they had not been touched at all. "You're lucky I'm willing to use my telekinesis magic to put up with your requests."
"And that's why you're the best," Victor complimented, but Yakov could tell that the boy was impatient to listen to the ice wielders romantic spin.
"As I said earlier, the ice wielders ability has an extra use which is leading or guiding the user to their soulmate who are destined to live together unless one of them perishes first. No one knows how the ice magic ties in with romance, but many believe that it's the call of the ice love that can be found by ice wielders. Their first clues to their lover begin in their younger years when they usually brush those clues off as just their imagination. The first clues have something to do with dreams of meeting that person but never gaining the knowledge of their name. Later, in their adult years, those dreams appear again meaning that their lover is getting closer to them. When they are in a relationship with someone, they'll know if the person is their soulmate when they kiss on the lips. If the person is truly their soul mate then both their chests would begin to glow in a shape of a blue heart for a brief moment if the person is not their soul mate then their chest would only make a glow in the shape of a broken heart."
"Then what happens to that couple if they're not soulmates?"
"At first they deny that the glow meant anything but that same night, they both share the dream the ice wielder has seen as the denial of them turns to understanding. They usually move on as friends or move away from one another, depending on how they handle the situation. But as they move on, the ice wielder continues his or her quest of finding their lover. Some ice wielders give up and pretend to live happily with someone else, but usually, they end up finding their lover. And when an ice wielder is lucky, his or her ice magic would create a thin glowing line to follow which eventually leads to their lover."
"Do you think I'll be lucky enough to get that kind of clue?" Victor asked hopefully as Yakov shook his head.
"That sort of luck is usually when an ice wielder has grown old and has not found his or her lover up to that point. Or if an ice wielder is experiencing true pain and agony with nearly the loss of a reason to live." He then patted Victor's head in reassurance for the boy, "But you don't have to worry, I'm sure you'll be smart enough to understand your clues and you'll eventually find your lover. Just not right now."
"And what if that kiss between two lovers doesn't cause any glow at all?" Victor asked in concern. "What will that mean?"
Yakov was silent until he finally gave his answer, "It means that even the ice magic cannot be certain if that person is the soulmate, you usually have to try again another time for a better answer. Probably wait another week or month to try again with another kiss."
"And if that doesn't work?"
"Then there is only one possible if such a situation were to happen..." Yakov returned the book to its original spot. "The partner is simply not human, that he or she could be a lost spirit of the dead or someone who had not awaken from a coma." He looked out the glass windows, he could tell it was already late enough as it is. "Come now prince Victor, it's about time you go to sleep."
Victor nodded as he swallowed a yawn while he processed what he had heard. It must be painful to know that someone you believed to have love could be a spirit of the dead or someone in a coma. He then got up from his desk as he followed his mentor down the empty hall of the castle until he entered his room as the servants dressed him in his nightgown.
At long last, he was alone in his room in bed as sleep began to consume him that lead him to his dreams.
*The Dream*
"Wow, this almost looks like a winter wonderland here!" Victor smiled as he found himself in the middle of a field covered in snow as he looked up at the sky to see nothing but gray clouds dropping more snow. "I should consider taking little Makkachin here when I find this place again so he could play in the snow."
That was when he suddenly heard small cries coming from the deep forest that to the left of where he stood. Out of curiosity, he followed the sound of the cries, the deeper he got in, the stronger the cries were. "Hello?!" He called out in hopes of having a better chance of finding the person crying by getting answers straight forward. "Can you tell me where you are?"
The crying only continued until it slowly toned down to small whimpers as he then heard a voice of a little boy cry out, "...I'm here! I-I-I'm here..."
Wasting no time, Victor was quick to run through the heavy snow and pine trees that were slightly tilting from the extra snow until he finally arrived at a spot where there was hardly any sign of light all except for pines trees, snow, and thorn vines that were wrapped around the trees. Some of those vines even created a dead end, but he saw someone near the thorns with his knees up as he hugged them closely for comfort as tears were rapidly falling from his eyes. When he got closer, Victor could see that the boy was about three to four years younger than him dressed in torn up clothing, no shoes worn at all, messy raven hair, and brown eyes that were red and puffy from the tears.
"Hi," Victor cautiously greeted, not sure how to handle people when they're crying. "You called for me?"
In an instant, the boy looked up with his eyes widened in fright as he tried to back away from him but only to flinch to see that the thorn vines were in his way!
"Hey, calm down, it's okay," Victor reassured as he showed that he was not a threat by revealing that he didn't have any sort of weapon on him. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help you."
The boy was silent, he looked away from Victor as he whispered, "How?"
"Well first off, we'll start by getting out of this place," Victor suggested as he extended his arm out for the boy to reach for. "It's too dark, and its environment might make you feel worse than you already feel. Maybe going to a more open, friendly area can help you feel better."
"I'm just lost."
"Then it'll just mean helping you find your way out of here," Victor replied with a smile. "Come on, you can trust me."
The boy wiped his eyes from the tears that were falling as he gave him a cautious stare. "Are you sure? You mean it?"
"Cross my heart," Victor promised as he raised both his hands up to show that he wasn't crossing any fingers.
With that, the boy reached his hand out to accept the warmth Victor's hand provided as he got up to follow the young prince through the darkness of the woods. However, the boy tried to make sure he was a good safe distance away from Victor but the prince found a way to lighten the mood. "You know, I would get lost lots of times when I'm at the kingdom's marketplace...Always wandering away to those adorable little shops that sell sweets and little trinkets."
The boy was hesitant but he then asked out of curiosity. "How did you find your way back?"
"I usually use my magic to signal my guardian to find me," Victor sheepishly admitted, "But whenever I did that, I'd get swarmed by all the shoppers who want me to perform more tricks. I end up doing them but then my guardian would get mad at me by the time he finds me to take me back." They both shared a small moment of laughter as the boy stepped a little closer to Victor, which meant that he was beginning to trust him more!
"What kind of magic do you have?" The boy then questioned.
With a smile, Victor used his other hand to emit a small burst of snowflakes and ice that exploded into smaller bits of ice that looked more like glitter! "I have ice magic," He answered with a smile, only to see the boy's shocked expression melt into an astonishment!
"That's so cool, you have full control!"
"I wouldn't say full control just yet, but-" Victor then paused only to realize that they just stepped out of the forest entrance and at the path that led to the open field. "Look! We're here!"
With a gentle pull, they were both running down the hill, only to trip and begin to roll down while leaving an obvious trail on the snow! However, instead of panicking, they were both laughing as they both finally plopped down on the ground as they looked up at the sky to see the snow continuing to fall. "See, I told you I'm well trusted," Victor laughed, but when he turned to face the boy, he saw him crying again which triggered his concern. "Hey, are you okay?"
He slowly nodded as he turned to face Victor with his tears falling as he made a determined face. "Can you teach me how to do that ice magic? Because if I learn, then maybe I'll find my way home! Please teach me."
"You're far from home, huh?" Victor whispered, not even sure if the boy even had ice magic, to begin with. But seeing his determined adorable face, he didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise. So with a bright smile, he sat up as he nodded, "Don't worry, I'll teach you everything you need to know and we can find your home together."
Hearing this made the boy's eyes widened with happiness as he smiled and embraced Victor tightly. "Thank you! You're really going to teach me!" Being embraced by the boy and seeing him smile so happily caused a sudden warm and fuzzy feeling that was blooming within Victor as he failed to notice that his face was turning a little red.
His eyes opened within a second as the blinding light from the morning sun hit them as he jolted up from his bed. He was no longer laying on the snow in the middle of a field, the boy was nowhere to be found, and it wasn't snowing. No, in fact, he was in his bed, in his room, in the palace, but that only caused him to question his dream. "Was that all just a dream?" He looked at his palm as if he was still holding that mysterious boy's hand. "I don't even his name."
With a heavy sigh, Victor jumped out of bed to follow Yakov's orders but his mind couldn't erase the boy's face, his brown eyes, his adorable face, and his smile...I wonder if I'll ever see him again...
Me: *eating some instant ramen while Yuuri is patting my back* So that's the end of this chapter, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing this.
Yuuri: *reads a slip I handed him* A review would be nice to ensure more chapters and Victuri encounters. *Squints at me* seriously?
Me: Yerp
Victor: Can't wait to see you on the next chapter guys, bye bye!