A/N: So, finals in two days and am I prepared? No. Am I preparing? Obviously not. Is my new obsession with Kuroko no Basuke making this worth it? Hell yes. Here's the first work-product, messy as it is. Hope you all like it, despite any OOC-ness that comes of my lacking canon knowledge (only seen the anime!).
A/N2: Minor updates posted January 1, 2013.
Rattle the Stars (And the Shadows Will Find You)
Chapter One: Kise and the Captain
Kuroko glanced up at his taller companions and almost smiled at their easy bickering.
Their street game was long over and Kagami was waving down Seirin, when Kise froze and winced. Mildly concerned at the expression on Kise's face, Kuroko ignored his team's shouting to follow the blonde's eyes toward the vision of fury coming up on their left: Yukio Kasamatsu.
Standing quietly under Riko's ranting, Kuroko watched as Kise's short-tempered new captain sped in shouting about selfish disappearing acts and obsessing over old teammates, raising a fist to knock his ace around as Kuroko recalled him doing several times during their match.
As he watched, Kise seemed to forget his companions, shrinking in on himself and flinching in preparation for a blow.
Letting the smallest frown rise to his features, Kuroko ignored the sudden silence from the gathered Seirin players and moved with the sort of speed he rarely bothered with off the court.
Blinking, Kasamatsu stared bemusedly at his arm and then at the unexpected force which had pressed it aside as easily as a passing basketball. Staring right back at him, that force frowned.
"I understand that Kise-kun is often frustrating and you might desire to raise a hand to him because of it, but I cannot approve taking such action, especially so frequently."
Kuroko's voice was as monotone as ever, but Kasamatsu went almost as still as Kise had just from the look in the little guy's eyes. This Kuroko had never seemed so much like a member of the Generation of Miracles as he did in that moment, looking back at Kasamatsu with empty pits for pupils and ruthless determination set in every line of his face.
He was saved, shockingly enough, by Kise, who cleared his throat from his place behind Kuroko. Laying a hand lightly on his old teammate's shoulder, the blonde spoke more quietly than Kasamatsu had thought he was capable.
"I'm alright, Kurokocchi." Smiling, small and sincere, when Kuroko looked back at him, Kise tried to break the tension with a joke, "Aominecchi hits harder."
Kuroko's frown did not fade, but it did soften some. "Aomine-kun never hit you so hard or so frequently." Kise shifted nervously on his feet, unable to argue that. Kuroko clearly did not expect a response, turning back to face Kasamatsu with his usual expressionless mien.
"You will not touch Kise-kun again. A captain should not abuse his teammates, not for any reason."
Kise choked behind him, but Kuroko did not turn around, observing the rising shame in Kaijo's captain before he replied to Kise's silent comment, "Akashi-kun never laid a hand on any of us, despite his threats. He understood his duty and treated punishments as only what they are: training."
"Do you understand me, Kasamatsu-san?" Watching, Seirin barely contained their own surprise at Kuroko's sudden sharp tone. When Kasamatsu nodded carefully, appearing truly apologetic to Kuroko's practiced eye, the smaller softened again.
Satisfied, Kuroko concluded with a last, quiet warning, "I'm glad. I do not tolerate harm to my team."
No one missed the present tense, and when Kuroko finally turned around, Kise was smiling the most genuinely any of them had seen, "You're still so overprotective, Kurokocchi."
Kuroko did not deny him, and his lips twitched, "It is not my fault you require so much extra care, Kise-kun." Unable to contain himself, Kise chuckled and threw himself on Kuroko once more. The shorter boy did not smile, but their audience noticed that this time he gently patted Kise's back before drawing away.
Pressing Kise lightly toward Kasamatsu, Kuroko watched him bounce off beside his quiet captain, as Seirin watched him in silence. This was a new side of Kuroko and none of them were sure how to feel about it, but something told them – Kuroko turned, suddenly simple and invisible again – this was only the beginning.