Recipient: adaina for itanaruswap on livejournal!
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Both ItaNaru and NaruIta
Warnings: Mentions of underage (post puberty) as their relationship started in the past before Naruto was 16. Also, Tobi = Uchiha Madara here (without upgrades and whatnot).
Summary: On the night of Naruto's birth, the Kyūbi is taken by Akatsuki and Konoha is sealed away for good. Sixteen years later sees Madara searching for the one to revive the Jūbi and conquer the world, and the only people in his way are Itachi and Naruto. The only problem is Itachi's carrying one too many secrets, Naruto's hearing voices calling to him in his sleep and all the while they need to keep their relationship a secret from their rival clans.
Author's Notes: Thank you to totallysweetfantasy for the amazing beta!

Caught up in the Stars


A heavy feeling had settled in Naruto's gut as he woke. The light through the window was dim and a quick glance outside showed him that rain clouds were gathering. It would be a day best spent inside, though the odd feeling Naruto had pointed him in the other direction.

Itachi wasn't there. His chakra signature was beginning to fade too, though Naruto noticed his bags were still in the room.

"Where's he gone?" he muttered to himself, stretching out and climbing out of the covers. He decided to dress, wondering if Itachi would come back soon.

A burning feeling began to build in Naruto's stomach and he hissed, pulling his top up. His eyes widened at the sight of his seal, hot and glowing.

"Shit," he cursed, grabbing his jacket and the weapons he needed. The senjutsu scroll stayed where it was; in the fight he was about to enter, Naruto wouldn't have time to breathe, let alone summon clones from Myōbokuzan.

Despite what was taking place – and Naruto could feel the pull of Kurama's chakra directing him towards Konoha – the world was calm. The closer he got to Konoha, the more deathly silent it was. It was surprising to Naruto as he had been expecting hoards of evil blocking his path. There was nothing and he arrived outside of Konoha in good time, making full use of his top speed.

It was time that he put to use what Kurama had told him. It was time that he helped Itachi to defeat Madara and time that Konoha' gates finally reopened.

"You're right to say that we don't know each other," Kurama said, behind the huge seal that lay inside of Naruto. He was free to move now, unlike in the Gedō Mazō seal.

"How exactly do we stop Madara?" Naruto asked, coming between the bars of the seal. He had no reason to fear Kurama; they were partners now.

"We don't stop him," Kurama retorted. "Our powers combined will be nowhere near refined enough to take him on. Don't forget that we're going in without any training whatsoever!" Naruto rolled his eyes and nodded.

"You'll be lucky if we can hold a joined form at all, let alone produce a bijūdama." Kurama's visible eye stared down at Naruto as he turned his head. "But I can feel that you learn on the fly." He grinned.

"It'll be interesting," were Kurama's next words and Naruto shared his smile, elation burning in his veins. They could do great things together, Naruto could feel it.

"We don't have much time and will have even less when we're in the fight." Kurama brought his head back down, teeth bared still. "The bijū are controlled by the Gedō Mazō and, though it, Madara. You already know what you need to do," Kurama said and Naruto looked away.

He'd been afraid of it ever since he'd understood what his dream-world really was.

"Is dying painful?" he asked and Kurama stood, chuckling darkly.

"Who knows? Are you planning to die anytime soon?" He looked down at Naruto and Naruto smiled.

"No I'm not," he said, meaning every word.

Naruto moved through the forest at high speed, covering the large distance in half the time he knew it would have taken anyone else. It was a little wasteful on chakra, but Naruto could afford the losses.

The area around Konoha's gates was cleared of trees. A huge space – easily larger than the width of Kurama's cage – spanned out and upwards. Inside, Naruto could see the huge Gedō Mazō statue and three figures; Itachi, Madara and Sasuke.

"Naruto?" a tentative voice asked and Naruto turned to look at the speaker. Sakura looked worried and she moved to his side, grabbing his hand and looking so relieved.

"Thank goodness you're alright. Everyone's been on high alert since no one knew where you had gone." Sakura looked over to the sealing barrier, worrying her lip between her teeth.

"Uchiha Itachi is all that stands between us and the Jūbi destroying the world," she said fearfully, turning to Naruto as if he would have some reassurance for her. The words that escaped her mouth were surprising, even to someone like Naruto. "We've been wrong about their clan the entire time."

Hearing the words that Naruto had longed to hear for so long filled him with a sense of happiness. He slid his hand from Sakura's and smiled at her worried look, taking a few steps away from her.

"You're wrong you know," he said quietly, aware that others aside from Sakura were watching him. "Itachi's not the only one."

He felt Kurama's chakra – no, his chakra now – explode around him as he reached for it. Unlike a traditional bijū-jinchūriki partnership, Kurama had willingly given Naruto his chakra. When Naruto had asked why (the Kyūbi was known for its malice after all), Kurama had simply laughed. After a few seconds, in which Naruto doubted Kurama's sanity, he'd finally explained.

"Spending years in solitude with only the suffering of your fellow bijū to listen to changes even the most hate-filled of creatures." Kurama had smiled sadly then. "Think of it as my revenge. In another life we might have formed a true partnership, but I'm willing to give this a try if you are."

Naruto soared upwards as Kurama jumped, flying high in the air to attack the sealing barrier from above. It was higher than any of the toads had ever managed to take him and Naruto looked down at the ground below, amazed at how small it looked all of a sudden.

"Naruto," Kurama growled, pulling his attention back as they straightened in the air. Naruto nodded, thinking on his Rasengan training and on everything Kurama had told him of the bijū's ultimate attack. They had this one chance to break through the barrier and Naruto was not going to fail.

The power of the bijūdama was extraordinary. It cost Naruto and Kurama their ultimate shroud, but they had accomplished their task and Naruto drove the bijūdama into the Gedō Mazō. Kurama had told him that the bijū were already partially sealed in Sasuke, but the seal was made so that Sasuke had no control over them. If Madara decided he wanted to use the bijū to attack Naruto physically, he'd need the Gedō Mazō to control them. Without the sealing statue, Madara lost a large portion of his control of the bijū.

The explosion and aftershocks from the bijūdama were extraordinary. Naruto had to close his eyes, navigating to the ground on pure instinct alone. He felt Kurama's glee at their success and smiled himself, opening his eyes to take in the scene properly.

Madara was missing an arm and it looked as though the eight chakras of the other bijū were overwhelming Sasuke. Only a basic shroud seemed to be showing, though, and Naruto knew they had time before they overwhelmed Sasuke.

"You look like you're holding up well, Itachi," he quipped, kicking aside a lump of wood that had landed on his foot. The Gedō Mazō statue was completely destroyed, at least. "But I've been waiting for this for a while. You'll have to forgive me later for interfering."

They were both going to get out of this. Naruto wasn't known for backing down and even if Itachi had got it into his head that he was to be a sacrifice to stop Madara, Naruto would put an end to his stupidity. They would work togetherand they would come out alive.

Naruto saw the flash of recognition pass through Itachi's body as he neared. He smiled, glancing at Madara and then Sasuke.

"I'll deal with the Jūbi if you keep one-arm occupied for a while," he said, letting Kurama's chakra cover him in preparation to deal with the other bijū. Despite the fact that Kurama was now sealed inside of Naruto, some of his chakra had remained inside of the Gedō Mazō. Even a small amount of Kurama's chakra was a lot and though it would create an imperfect Jūbi, it would still have ten tails and be able to cause so much damage.

He turned until he was facing Sasuke and his back was towards Itachi. He smiled when they bumped slightly, feeling the strength and courage Itachi held on his shoulders and moved off, ignoring Madara's preaching as he sent chakra arms to test the sealing circle Sasuke was enveloped in.

"Well this is shoddy," Naruto said, letting Kurama's chakra probe past the barrier and into Sasuke. He had no fear that Kurama would suddenly bring the Jūbi out, though it was a little risky as it had the potential of aggravating the chakra surrounding Sasuke.

"The seal is poorly done," Naruto muttered, staring down at the markings. "Two seals forced together… fucking hell, one-arm's an idiot. This wouldn't contain a weak fish, let alone the Jūbi."

Naruto glanced up at Sasuke, noticing his wide, panicked eyes.

"It's okay, Sasuke," he said, looking at him and nodding his head. "I know you can understand me, even with everything that's happening inside of your head. There's eight very loud voices in there, isn't that right?"

Sasuke didn't reply, but the chakra bubbling over his skin slowed for a fraction of a second. Naruto smiled; so Sasuke really could hear him.

"Two more voices will be entering there soon, but it'll just be me, okay?" Naruto took his eyes off of Sasuke's and looked down at the seals, glad (and not for the first time) that Jiraiya had persisted in teaching Naruto his clan's trade.

"I'll sort the butchery of these seals out first." He glanced up at Sasuke and smiled. "Sorry, I'm supposed to introduce myself aren't I? I'm Uzumaki Naruto."

Naruto narrowed his eyes and searched for the weak point of the seal. Uzumaki chakra was accustomed to dealing with seals and it broke with a bit of effort. Sasuke fell onto the ground and Naruto closed his eyes, allowing Kurama's chakra to circle over Sasuke and contain the chakra about to burst free from him.

Time itself seemed to stop and everything around Naruto faded. He'd only been aware of Madara and Itachi fighting in the back of his mind, but it was gone completely now. Sasuke had vanished too and Naruto looked around the white space he was in, Kurama at his side.

It took two paces before the scenery changed once more. Naruto blinked and, when he opened his eyes, found himself in a circle, the other bijū around him and Kurama.

"And you said you would bring us the one who could stop us transforming into the Jūbi," one of the bijū – the Ichibi – said. "It's a brat, and a useless one at that!"

There was a growl and the huge cat next to the Ichibi spoke. "If this useless brat can handle Kurama's chakra, then he's hardly 'useless'."

"Matatabi does have a point," the Gobi said. "Kurama would never willingly give his chakra up unless he felt the boy was up to standard."

Naruto narrowed his eyes, taking a step forward. At once, the bijū quietened, turning to him.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto," he said and a roar of laughter emitted from the Ichibi's mouth.

"Idiot! He's an idiot!" the Ichibi laughed, throwing his head back. "He comes here and introduces himself!"

"Shukaku!" the Hachibi snapped, turning to peer down its long nose at Naruto. "We don't care how much you hate Kurama. Naruto is the only one who can stop us from forming the Jūbi once more-"

"I have no desire to be merged with Kurama, you know that Gyūki," Shukaku interrupted, staring at Kurama as he grinned.

"The feeling is mutual," replied Kurama, tilting his head. "There is only one technique that will work and Naruto is the only one who will be able to use it."

The Yonbi leant forwards as Kurama nudged Naruto into the middle of the circle. Faded lines were drawn on the floor and he frowned, recognising marks of the Sharingan and Rinnegan.

"You intend for him to use Onmyōton? You don't even know if he can use Yin or Yang chakra and you want him to combine them?" The Yonbi shook his head fiercely, baring his teeth.

"I can use the Rasengan," Naruto said, staring up at the huge ape. "I have to manipulate Yin and Yang chakras for it to work, and I managed to use the bijūdama with Kurama."

"Impressive," Matatabi said encouragingly. "But Naruto will still be unable to use the Banbutsu Sōzō. Without that, the Rikudō Sennin's jutsu, there's no chance we'll be able to stop our transformation into the Jūbi." Matatabi's words were directed at Kurama, but Naruto was the one who answered.

"Believe in me," he said, deadly serious. Naruto wasn't under any illusions that this would be easy, but he felt that he could do it. "Believe in me and we can do it."

He winced at how cheesy it sounded, but the uncertainty had faded in Matatabi's eyes.

"Something makes me want to trust this one," Matatabi said softly, stretching out a paw to touch Naruto's side.

Before Naruto could speak, the other bijū followed Matatabi's gesture, circling Naruto with their hands and paws. Kurama was the last and he spoke before he stretched his arm out.

"We will give you some of our chakra," he said. "Or at least the others will. The Rikudō Sennin used his head to create the effects of the Banbutsu Sōzō, and now it's up to you to complete what he started."

Kurama's hand touched him and Naruto felt himself being pushed from the dream space. He opened his eyes to the real world once again, hardly any time having passed since he'd met with the bijū. Naruto could feel their power – their trust – resting with Kurama's chakra and he took in a deep breath, looking down at Sasuke.

Sasuke was still conscious, breathing heavily and lying on his side. Even though the seal had vanished and the bijū had come to a temporary stall, they were still wreaking havoc on Sasuke's body. The process was too far gone to contain the bijū with seal work and Naruto now had to think on his feet.

"Say, Sasuke," he began, thinking back to a story Jiraiya had told him a while ago. He'd always thought Jiraiya's stories were a little odd, but he'd liked the thought behind this particular one.

"I'm going to tell you a story, okay? And don't look at me like an idiot. Your brother's out there fighting for all our lives and I need to tell you this so you understand what to do." Naruto smiled and raised his eyebrows when Sasuke groaned.

"Don't try to talk. We don't have much time and the bijū are only stalled for a short while. The story's about the man who created them from the Jūbi; the Rikudō Sennin. I don't know much about him, but the story says he had two sons." Naruto closed his eyes, running through the story and thinking of what he needed to do. An idea was forming, slowly, but surely.

"He gave his spiritual energy to one son and his physical energy to the other, in essence his Yin and Yang chakras. They then became Uchiha and Senju and now we've became locked in this bitter rivalry." Naruto smiled and opened his eyes. "I don't know much about you Sasuke, but when this is over I hope we can be friends. I think it's time we put our past behind us and focused on our future."

Naruto stood, looking down at Itachi's brother. "I'll be needing your help," he said quietly, taking a step back as a blast of wind came at him, Madara following with his gunbai in hand.

Susano-o blocked him a second later and Naruto smiled at Itachi, nodding to him.

"I'm going to do something a little reckless," he said cheerfully, ignoring how Itachi's eyes widened as he began to gather chakra in his hands.

Naruto poured every inch of will he could into his chakra, splitting Yin from Yang and concentrating. The chakra of the bijū inside of Sasuke began to resonate and Naruto grinned, ignoring Madara's efforts to push past Itachi once more.

"Banbutsu Sōzō!" he shouted, slamming his hands together, the force of the impact resonating through the area and smashing through the sealing barrier.

The world seemed to shift and fall from under Naruto's feet, but he kept his mind on separating Yin and Yang chakra, pushing them together to bend under his will. He could feel Sasuke gathering his own chakra and was glad he was a smart Uchiha. Naruto had needed him for this technique to work and luck had made it so that the remaining bijū's chakra would resonate with Sasuke's Uchiha blood.

All that chakra – Naruto's, Sasuke's and the nine bijū's – were pulling at each other, merging under Naruto's will and binding itself at a deadly force.

And as suddenly as Naruto had begun the technique, it crackled and pushed him back. Naruto fell to the floor and he heard Sasuke gasp, falling silent a moment later. Naruto knew why; and looked up with grave eyes, staring at the almost-formed Jūbi. It had left Sasuke completely under the influence of Naruto's Banbutsu Sōzō, but the technique had failed before he could re-seal the bijū.

"Itachi!" Naruto called out, standing and casting a glance over his shoulder. "I need your help."

Sasuke would have been perfect for Naruto to use. He couldn't complete the Rikudō Sennin's technique without an Uchiha and Sasuke should have been the one so that Itachi could then keep Madara at bay. Instead, the seal Madara had used had eaten away at Sasuke's chakra and the pain of the bijū inside of him had finally pushed him into unconsciousness.

"Naruto," Itachi greeted casually, standing with his back against Naruto's. Susano-o enveloped them both and Naruto smiled slightly. Itachi was slumping slightly, clearly exhausted, and Naruto felt the backlash of the Banbutsu Sōzō beginning to take effect.

"I need some of your chakra to seal the Jūbi," Naruto aid quickly as Itachi stretched his arm out, controlling the Yata no Kagami against the barrage of attacks Madara hurled their way.

"You're explaining everything in detail when this is over," Itachi said calmly, reaching a free hand behind him to grip Naruto's. He threaded their fingers together and passed some of his chakra to Naruto, the flow warming Naruto's hand.

"And you owe me an explanation as to why there was no pre-combat sex this morning," Naruto muttered, needing the comic relief before what they were about to face.

The chakra began to fade between them and Itachi made a slight noise. "I'm not sure," he said. "It would have been messy and too emotional. Not very sexy to me," Itachi continued, looking behind him and smiling at Naruto.

"Sasuke's safe," Naruto said, turning to Itachi with golden eyes. Their brief rest had allowed him to gather a small amount of his senjutsu.

"Keep yourself safe too," Itachi said before he moved forwards, taking Susano-o's protection with him and facing an enraged Madara.

Naruto looked at the Jūbi. Kurama was silent inside of him and though he could feel the lingering remains of the other bijū's chakra, though there wasn't much left. While a true Jūbi couldn't be formed on account of Kurama being inside of Naruto, a little of the Kyūbi's chakra had been left in the Gedō Mazō. It was because of this that the Jūbi, while not perfectly formed, would have almost as much power and form. Kurama was silent because of this too, being pulled in different directions by Madara's plans to form the ultimate weapon.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto formed two clones giving them all of his senjutsu chakra. They would keep the Jūbi distracted while he worked on the Banbutsu Sōzō, manipulating all of the chakras he had.

He ignored the tell-tale sound of the Futon: Rasenshuriken and thought of how much the world needed this to work. The bijū needed it so they could finally be at peace, the Uchiha needed this so they could see that Madara wasn't perfect and that someone without the Sharingan was worth something and the Senju needed this so they could forgive the Uchiha clan and realise that an abandoned village wasn't important.

Most of all, though, Naruto needed this to work. He needed his to work so he could protect everyone who was precious to him. He needed this to work so he didn't have to hide his life with Itachi. He needed this so he could finish the job his parents had entrusted to him.

It was the thought of Minato and Kushina that grounded Naruto. His parents had given their lives to protect the people of Konoha – Naruto included – and their hopes ignited within him, pushing forward the drive that Naruto needed.

"Banbutsu Sōzō!" he called once more, ignoring the numbness that was starting to take over his body. Before everything else, Naruto needed to complete this task.

The Jūbi roared and lashed out as it realised what Naruto was trying to accomplish. It was too late though; it had none of the intelligence it should have had, only being partially formed. It hurled a bijūdama at Naruto, but the intensity crumbled as it travelled towards him, hitting him hard yet not fatally.

Naruto began running through the chakra he had left, dealing with the bijū first and pulling them towards him. His hands burned with chakra and Naruto felt heavy with the continued attacks of the Jūbi, but he persisted, building up chakra in his hands until he felt Itachi's flow through him, full of love and power he needed.

At some point during the attacks the Jūbi had launched at him, Naruto' shirt had torn. It revealed Kurama's seal and made Naruto's job easier.

As if comprehension suddenly dawned, the Jūbi began to pull away from Naruto's influence, screaming out as it did so. Naruto was aware of Madara renewing the vigour of his attacks and he grit his teeth, pulling on the chakra the bijū had given him and forcing the rest of the chakra to come to him, to bend to his will and to rest inside of his own seal.

That was the beauty of the Banbutsu Sōzō. It was the original technique that had been used to split the Jūbi into the nine bijū and required imagination rather than a set line. It was, in other words, whatever you wanted it to be, and Naruto wanted it to seal each of the nine bijū separately inside of himself.

Seal work was tricky, but Naruto's clan were masters of it. While Naruto knew he had a long way to go before he was proficient enough to be recognised for his work, the Banbutsu Sōzō would take care of anything Naruto couldn't do.

Kurama's seal glowed even brighter as Naruto laid his hands against it, manipulating the seal to accommodate eight more bijū. It was what Kurama had told him to do, what the fox had assured was the only way to stop the Jūbi. He'd spoken of the Rikudō Sennin's legacy and how he had believed Naruto to be that man.

Sweat dripped down Naruto's face as he continued the technique. He felt his life force fleeing him and held on, gripping with everything in him to continue the technique. The Jūbi was only a blur now, a mass of chakra rolling over itself before him. Naruto had plucked out each of the chakra of the bijū and he let his hands leave his stomach, ignoring the lurch of pain as he did so.

"You didn't warn me about leftover chakra," Naruto muttered, stumbling forwards as the chakra in his hands faded. His words were directed at Kurama and he smiled when he felt the spark of the bijū's chakra, just enough to summon a Hyōten Gama.

The toad looked at Naruto and turned toward the mass of chakra from the Akatsuki sealing the bijū. It was potent and could become dangerous if left as it was, but it would be safe inside of the Hyōten Gama, sealed inside until it faded.

Applying a tiny seal to the gourd opening, one that would let small amounts of chakra out, a harmless way to deal with the mess of chakra, Naruto helped the Hyōten Gama seal the chakra inside it.

With his task finally done, Naruto turned to see Itachi, falling to his knees as he did so. He heard Madara shout his name and looked up with half-closed eyes, effort and exhaustion overtaking him.

A blade came towards him and Naruto's eyes widened, knowing he wouldn't get out of the way in time. A huge rush of air swept past Naruto before blood spilt onto his hands, eyes still wide and staring, unfocused, at Madara before him.

The Totsuka no Tsurugi stopped just before Naruto and Madara twitched around the blade, his own sword falling from his remaining hand and onto the floor. His blood coated Naruto's hands and Naruto watched wordlessly as Madara was sucked backwards into Itachi's gourd, relief that it was overflooding through him as he fell to the side, consciousness finally leaving him. He could trust Itachi to take care of the mess now that they were safe.


Susano-o faded as Itachi put his Sharingan to rest. His eyes were burning and he gripped his bloody right eye, trying to calm it after his overuse of Amaterasu. Keeping Madara back had been tough work, but he'd managed it, somehow, even when the Jūbi had formed and Sasuke had fallen. Itachi trusted Naruto and knew that Naruto would pull through, but it hadn't completely faded his worry.

It didn't matter now though. Madara was sealed away forever, despite Itachi originally wanting to bring him back for interrogation. Madara had known a lot and could have put rest to more than one rumour or war waging in the world. Still, Itachi hadn't been able to hold back when Naruto's life had been in danger and the Totsuka no Tsurugi had ended Madara for good.

Itachi walked slowly to Naruto. He was exhausted of chakra and will to fight, but he knew that he wouldn't lose consciousness. Though he'd fought with his all and Susano-o worked off of his life force, Itachi still had enough power to remain awake and had to do so for multiple reasons now.

"Itachi!" a deep voice called, but Itachi ignored his father's words, checking that Naruto did indeed have a pulse and that his breathing was regular.

The sealing barrier Madara had created had been destroyed with the technique Naruto had used, but until now, both Senju and Uchiha had remained watching. They'd all understood that it was not their fight – or rather that they were powerless against this enemy. Only now were people beginning to come forward, Fugaku and the former Sandaime at the front, followed by Mikoto and Hatake Kakashi.

Itachi watched as Fugaku ordered some people to tend to Sasuke and smiled when they informed Fugaku that Sasuke was okay. He turned his attention back to Naruto and let his hand slip from his right eye, keeping it shut.

"You really do care for our Naruto," an elderly voice said and Itachi looked at the Sandaime, not bothering to move from his crouched position by Naruto's side.

"I care for everyone who came from Konohagakure," Itachi said quietly. "And I love Naruto," he added, almost too quietly to hear. The Sandaime did though, for he nodded and turned to his gathered clansmen.

Itachi looked up to the man he remembered as the Sandaime. Though he was older and time had not been kind, Sarutobi still carried his Kage air around him and Itachi knew he was about to finally listen and accept what Naruto had been telling him for years.

"Naruto was right when he said we cared too much to return to Konoha. I have been blinded for all these years in thinking that a title mattered, when it is the people who make Konoha what she is." He turned to face the Uchiha clan, words booming across the battleground. "We'll return to our camp for now and let these men recover. In three days we will return to the gates of Konoha and invite our brothers, your Uchiha clan, to join us once more."

Itachi could feel his father's anger and was surprised when Fugaku nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm not agreeing to anything more than a meeting," Fugaku said sternly, nodding to Mikoto as she moved to Itachi's side. "But we will be there."

Looping her arm around his shoulders, Mikoto helped Itachi stand. He was too tired to do anything else and understood that the clans needed time to wrap their heads around everything that had happened. It was also a sign of trust from the Senju; they understood that the Uchiha clan had suffered a terrible betrayal from Madara and were giving them time to regroup without feeling threatened.

The walk back to their clan grounds was quiet and sombre. Itachi's thoughts were with Naruto and while he knew Naruto was safe, he still couldn't help but worry. The three days they would be separated was going to feel like an eternity.

"You did well," Mikoto said gently into his ear. She was smiling, tears filling up her eyes.

"It was… Naruto…" Itachi said faintly, but Mikoto simply shushed him.

"It was the two of you together. Your job is done now and all you need to do is rest." Itachi nodded as they carried on walking, glad that his mother was supporting him and not his father.

Instead of the questions Itachi had been expecting, He was taken to the medical tents and set up in a comfortable bed. No one spoke to him, aside from medics when they absolutely had to, and Itachi didn't mind that. He wanted the peace and quiet it offered, knowing that he would have a lot to answer for when the storm broke.

It took two days, in the end, before Fugaku marched into his room, face stern and lips pressed tightly together. Itachi had been flicking through a book Naruto had given him long ago, and with his father's appearance, he tucked it under his pillow, hiding the title from his father. He didn't know how well Fugaku would react to Itachi reading a Sannin's first novel, after all.

"How are you feeling?" Fugaku started and Itachi raised an eyebrow slightly.

"Very well, all things considered. My chakra is still depleted, but that's to be expected." Itachi paused, wondering if it was too early to mention the breadth of his skills, but decided to say it anyway. "Susano-o protected me from physical attacks."

Fugaku looked at him sharply and nodded.

"I wanted to talk to you about your fight with Madara-sama." Fugaku winced at the honorific he automatically attached before continuing. "We are to meet with the Senju in the morning and I would like to understand more before we go."

"Madara was using the Akatsuki as much as he was using the Uchiha clan," Itachi began, seeing no point to wait for questions. He had nothing to hide or fear anymore and he wanted Fugaku to understand.

"I discovered his intentions when I was investigating the Akatsuki," Itachi said, narrowing his eyes as he tried to remember howhe'd come across Madara's betrayal. It was hazy and such a long time ago. "And he approached me, recognising that I would do anything for peace."

Itachi smiled slightly and ignored his father's deep scowl. Fugaku was entitled to think what he wanted, but Itachi would always be on the side that brought peace.

"I worked with him for years in the Akatsuki. I helped him to collect the bijū even, though I searched for the one who would be able to stop the Jūbi as a side project." Itachi opened his mouth to continue, but Fugaku interrupted.

"And that is how you met Uzumaki Naruto?" he said, voice firm. Itachi shook his head though.

"I met Naruto a long time before I started looking for someone who would be able to control the Jūbi," he said and Fugaku looked down. "I never even considered that Naruto was the one, even though I knew he was supposed to be the Kyūbi's jinchūriki."

Feeling a little reckless, Itachi continued, "I suppose that's what happens when you're in love with someone. You simply want to protect them, even to the point of ignoring the obvious."

Fugaku's eyes snapped up and there was a hint of anger there, but not as much as Itachi had expected. He wondered if his mother had mentioned something or if Fugaku had come to the realisation that Itachi wouldn't be continuing the clan and marrying by himself.

"You're not the only person in the clan who longs for peace," Fugaku said unexpectedly. "We all do, but many have come to me to express how grateful they are that we are to speak with the Senju clan once more."

Itachi looked up in surprise and his father nodded.

"We all formed bonds with the Senju clan. I know some still keep up friendships and even my son was able to form a strong relationship with a member." Fugaku seemed to deflate before Itachi's eyes, shrinking from the great man he'd always been. "I blindly trusted Madara and never once questioned his judgement."

Itachi's eyes widened as his father looked at him, smiling widely.

"I'm proud of you, Itachi," he said and Itachi looked down. His father had never been a man to sing praises and while Itachi knew, deep down, his father loved him, he'd never shown his affections.

"We held a council meeting and I made a suggestion. It was accepted unanimously so now it's simply up to you." Fugaku smiled and Itachi knew what was coming.

"I'm stepping down as clan leader. We want you to take that position, though you will not need to take upon the regular duties that come with the title." At Itachi's questioning gaze, Fugaku continued. "Namely, you will not be required to marry and father children."

For a moment, Itachi sat there in silence. He inclined his head slightly, unable to fully commit to a nod and accept what he'd been given. Was he ready? Could he really lead the Uchiha into peace with the Senju? Itachi knew the answers and gave a faint smile, nodding fully.

"It would be an honour, though I'll need your counsel." Fugaku nodded and the nerves that had welled up in Itachi's stomach faded. He'd been training to be the clan head since his birth and knew what the task would entail, but actually being given the title was another matter entirely.

"Get some rest," Fugaku continued. "Sasuke's been asking for you. He's being discharged tomorrow so he'll be in bright and early. He's not fully recovered and will need a long while to recover fully, but he argued his way out of that hospital bed and they can't get him to stay put. "

Itachi nodded, understanding. He smiled as his father stood, making to leave.

"Thank you," he said quietly and Fugaku looked back.

"You don't need to thank any one Itachi," he replied. "We should all be thanking you. You and Naruto saved us all while we just stood there, not knowing anything or being able to do anything. We're even in negotiations with Senju once more and I can feel peace beginning to settle."

He paused, shaking his head. "You and Naruto truly are something else. You two will be great."

Fugaku left and Itachi sat there with a warm feeling in his chest, knowing that with Naruto by his side, greatness was within their reach.


Naruto sat cross legged in the centre of the Rikudō Sennin's circle. Only Kurama was present and he sighed, looking to the fox.

"Stop it," Kurama ordered, closing his eyes and crossing his forelegs. "I've already explained that the other bijū are merely resting. They've used up too much of their chakra and it'll be a while before they can recover, let alone appear here."

Naruto frowned.

"They are safe and sealed inside of you. I do not know if you will ever be able to use their power or even if this is a permanent solution, but the seal is strong and they will rest peacefully inside of you for many years." Kurama grinned, teeth white and glistening in the glow from tall lamps.

"I just thought I'd be able to talk to them and find out if they were happy." Naruto looked down at his hands, taking a deep breath and smiling at Kurama instead. "I'll keep them safe until they wake up. They all deserve their rest."

Kurama's laugh echoed through Naruto's body and he felt himself stir.

"Will you be okay by yourself?" he asked as he began to wake in the real world.

"I still have you to keep me company, though I will also sleep to regain my strength. I would like to see the opening of Konohagakure though, so sleep will need to wait for a few days." Kurama grinned again and Naruto was about to ask what he meant about Konoha when he felt a push, jolting his body upright and awake in the real world.

"Naruto!" a voice cried and Naruto peered up at Jiraiya as he leant over. "Tsunade will be here in a moment, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, Ero-sennin," Naruto muttered, adjusting the pillows until he was comfortable. His chakra was at a ridiculous low and his body felt bruised all over, but other than that, he was fine.

"Bet you're glad I taught you about sealing," Jiraiya quipped, smiling widely. Naruto could tell that he hadn't left his side and had probably been worrying himself to death and his heart warmed.

"It did come in handy," Naruto replied. "Though I couldn't have done it without Kurama."

"Kurama?" Jiraiya asked, shooting a glance at Naruto's belly. "Is that the Kyūbi's name?"

Naruto nodded. "We managed to shift him into his rightful seal, the one on my belly, before this started. It was with Kurama's help that I was able to stop the formation of the Jūbi, and the help of the other bijū, Sasuke and Itachi."

Jiraiya rubbed a hand through Naruto's hair, standing as Tsunade entered.

"Everyone's grateful to you and your Itachi," he muttered. "Proud of you too. I think Sarutobi's looking to make you the next clan leader."

The idea wasn't as sickening as it had once been and Naruto shrugged.

"I just want to protect the people I love," he said and smiled at Tsunade came to his side. "If I can protect them all by being leader, then I'd gladly do it."

"Slow down kid," Tsunade said, checking on the few bandages Naruto wore. "You'd have to go through a hell of a lot of training to get up to scratch. I know you were never the bookish type, but there's a lot of reading to go with the job."

She continued to check him over and proclaimed him healed enough to be released.

"Sarutobi wants to speak with you," she said. "He's going to meet with the Uchiha clan in a little while and I believe he wants you to go with him. Kakashi's going too, as is Jiraiya." Tsunade shot a glare Jiraiya's way and he rolled his eyes.

"Come on then Naruto. Let's get you changed into proper clothes then you can see Itachi again." Jiraiya's words had an instant effect and Naruto cheered at the prospect of seeing Itachi for the first time since their battle.

"He's okay then?" Naruto asked as he slipped clean underwear on under the hospital gown and then wriggled into a new, orange and black jumpsuit.

"He was determined to make sure you were alive and alright before he was dragged away by his mother," Tsunade said, smiling fondly. She, like Jiraiya, had always approved of Naruto's relationship with Itachi. "Aside from chakra exhaustion, it didn't look as though anything was deadly wrong with him."

Naruto slipped his jacket on and looked at Tsunade. "You two were there?"

"We caught the end, really," Jiraiya said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Everyone who could get there was there."

They bid Tsunade a farewell and were directed to clan entrance. Sarutobi was there already, surrounded by a group of shinobi who would be accompanying them to meet with the Uchiha clan.

"Naruto," he greeted warmly and everyone turned to him, smiling widely. Sakura ran to his side and hugged him tightly while others – Kakashi and a few other high ranking shinobi – walked over, congratulating Naruto and thanking him.

They talked about the fight on the way to meet the Uchiha clan. Naruto explained about Kurama and how he spoken to the bijū themselves. He also talked about the Uchiha clan and how important they'd been, even touching upon his relationship with Itachi.

"I think everyone knows that they're the other half to our whole," he said to Kakashi, though everyone else was listening. "I know Itachi's certainly mine, but we need their support just as Uchiha need ours."

As they drew closer to Konoha, Sarutobi called Naruto up to the front, distancing them a little from the rest of the group so that they wouldn't be overheard.

"You care for the clan more than I realised," Sarutobi began, smiling at Naruto. "I began to think about this when you spoke to me of your relationship with Itachi."

Sarutobi paused, patting Naruto on the shoulder. "I want you to succeed me," he said, just as Jiraiya had predicted. "It'll take time to train up to take on the roll and all it entails, but I want you to lead the Senju."

Naruto's heart skipped a beat and he let out an involuntary noise. He looked at Sarutobi in surprise, the shock melting off at the trust and belief showing on the old man's face. He had such faith in Naruto that Naruto couldn't help but nod, allowing Sarutobi's wishes to be entrusted to him. As a clan leader, he would have the power to watch over the people he cared for and be able to protect them. He would be able to continue the hard work of his parents and show Uchiha and Senju that it was okay to forge relationships together.

"You could become the Godaime Hokage one day then," Sarutobi said with a chuckle, leaving Naruto standing at the dropped bomb as he cleared the trees. He hadn't even thought about Konoha, but he supposed that Sarutobi was right.

Kakashi clasped his shoulder and he smiled at his team leader, walking in step with him. They passed through the last row of trees and Naruto frowned at the amount of damage his battle with Madara and the Jūbi had done. It would be a while before anything new grew, but it had at least been cleared of the wreck the Gedō Mazō had been reduced to.

Sarutobi led them to the gates of Konoha, where a group of dark haired men stood. At Sarutobi's look, Naruto came to stand beside the old man, the rest of the group standing beside them.

Looking over the group, Naruto smiled as his eyes met Itachi's. He raised an eyebrow and looked Itachi up and down, noticing that he was wearing a long cloak with an Uchiha insignia over the breast.

"I am Uchiha Itachi, head of the Uchiha clan," Itachi said, sending a small smirk Naruto's way. Naruto rolled his eyes, trying to think of new phrases he could use to wind Itachi up in bed. "With us is my brother Sasuke, my father and former clan leader Fugaku, as well as council members Yakumi and Kagami."

Sarutobi looked past Naruto and smiled to the elderly man at the back.

"It's been a long time Kagami," he said and the man nodded in reply.

"I thought I'd be dead before this day," Kagami replied, wrinkled face beaming.

"I am Sarutobi Hiruzen, current leader of the Senju clan. With me is Uzumaki Naruto, heir to my titles, Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura, Shiranui Genma and Namiashi Raidō." He bowed his head. "It is good to be working with you again."

Though he knew why they had chosen to meet outside of Konoha (neutral ground, where they had decided to reunite and where an epic battle had occurred only a few days ago), Naruto wondered if it really was the best place. They weren't going into deep details about what an alliance would mean, simply skimming the surface to find out what the other clan wanted and getting to know each other after such a long separation. Even so, Naruto felt that it was a strange place to hold talks and wondered if Sarutobi had picked the place just to because it was easier for him to stand than have to sit and get back up.

(He wasan old man, after all. Naruto had seen the slight wince Sarutobi gave whenever he had to stand and couldn't really blame him. It's just standing up was so uncomfortable and felt a little awkward for now.)

Though, Naruto thought, perhaps it was also the beginning of trust. If anyone should attack, standing was the best option to get away from the situation. No one was forced to sit down and so they could relax and be less guarded.

Naruto shifted where he stood, looking past Itachi and Fugaku to smile at Sasuke. Sasuke stared back with a frown, as if he thought Naruto was an idiot, but gave a slight smile and nod of thanks a moment later.

"He's kind of hot," Sakura whispered into his ear and Naruto half-turned, eyes narrowed.

"Of course Itachi's hot," he hissed in reply. Sakura rolled her eyes.

"I meant Sasuke-kun," she hissed back, poking Naruto's arm sharply. "I wouldn't dare lay a hand on your darling Itachi. I do have some self-preservation."

Naruto laughed and conversation stalled as everyone turned to look at him. Sakura flushed red, but Naruto continued laughing, shaking his head as he stopped.

"Sorry, sorry," he apologised. "I couldn't help myself."

While Itachi was smiling, Sarutobi and Fugaku wore slightly disapproving looks for being interrupted. Naruto shrugged their looks off, smiling secretly to Sakura as she poked his arm again.

A small break was called for and Naruto navigated to Itachi's side at once, the pair slipping away from the group slightly. They were by Konoha's wall and Naruto remembered something that Kurama had said.

He closed his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to fall through layers of his mind before he stood next to Kurama. They were back at the Rikudō Sennin's circle and Kurama looked down at him.

"You surely don't need me to tell you what to do now?" he asked and Naruto shook his head, grinning.

"I just wanted to thank you," he said. "In case I don't get a chance before you rest."

Kurama gave a soft laugh, closing his eyes. "Thank me by surviving until I wake up," he said. "And maybe I'll consider liking you for real."

Naruto smiled as he opened his eyes, linking his hand with Itachi's and placing his free palm on the gates barring Konoha.

"You ready for this?" he asked softly and felt Itachi squeeze his hand tightly.

Despite the fact they still had loose ends to tie up and still had potential enemies – the Akatsuki only being one of many – Naruto knew this was right.

"I'm ready if you are," Itachi replied, voice low.

This time, as Naruto pushed the gate, the seal fell like silk from a table and he smiled standing with Itachi before the open gates of Konohagakure, before their true home.



And there we go! All finished :) Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! I do appreciate the feedback if you have any. (and seriously, have you seen how big and blue the review button is now! Gave me a bit of a shock when I first saw it haha)

Have a great weekend!