Title: Caught up in the Stars
Recipient: adaina for itanaruswap on livejournal!
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Both ItaNaru and NaruIta
Word Count: ~45,300
Warnings: Mentions of underage (post puberty) as their relationship started in the past before Naruto was 16. Also, Tobi = Uchiha Madara here (without upgrades and whatnot).
Summary: On the night of Naruto's birth, the Kyūbi is taken by Akatsuki and Konoha is sealed away for good. Sixteen years later sees Madara searching for the one to revive the Jūbi and conquer the world, and the only people in his way are Itachi and Naruto. The only problem is Itachi's carrying one too many secrets, Naruto's hearing voices calling to him in his sleep and all the while they need to keep their relationship a secret from their rival clans.
Disclaimer: The characters hereon belong to their respective owners. No profit is being made from this work.
Author's Notes: Well, this was originally supposed to be darker, but it seems I've failed at the darkness. I'm sorry! So failing that, I also tried to combine the Uchiha-not-approving of their relationship which… sort of works? I really don't know, but I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope that you like it!
A massive thank you needs to go to my beta (who I'll name after reveals) for her amazing work and ability to put up with me (and this) as it just grew and grew and grew. I could not have done it without her whatsoever.
Caught up in the Stars
"Move to the western gate!" someone shouted and Hiruzen looked over to the group of lingering villagers, their escort chūnin surrounding them protectively. He knew they were the last to leave the village and hefted the huge scroll he was carrying a little higher on his back.
If only things had been different.
Hiruzen placed himself firmly, squaring his shoulders as the Kyūbi no Yōko stared down at him. The bloodlust was shocking and he fought to keep his stance, moving to undo the seal and destroy the demon as best he could.
A blast rocketed through the village and Hiruzen was thrown back. He opened his eyes, expecting the wrath of the Kyūbi, but, instead, found that he'd been pushed to the very edge of the village, past the gates and outside. A cloak was in his direct line of vision and Hiruzen's eyes widened as Minato took a step away from him.
"Minato!" he called, desperation edging his tone.
They'd all assumed the worst when the Kyūbi had been sighted and he'd begun evacuating the village before the demon had been summoned into the heart of Konoha. They'd all assumed that Kushina had died, Minato and the baby with her, but here he was, protecting them all as was a Hokage's duty.
"I'm sorry Hiruzen-sama," Minato said and Hiruzen frowned. He was at the edge of the gate now and as he took a step forward, he encountered a barrier. Minato had sealed the entire village – himself and the Kyūbi included – and there was no way that Hiruzen would be able to get in.
"Minato!" he repeated desperately. "Don't do this."
Minato was too young. He had so much to live for (and if Minato had lived, perhaps Kushina and the baby had too) and Hiruzen couldn't just lethim die. Hiruzen had to be the one to seal the Kyūbi, he just had to.
Except there was a seal. A seal that Hiruzen didn't know. A seal that cut Minato off from the world; a seal that would stop Hiruzen making the sacrifice.
It was all he could do to watch as Minato placed his hand on the ground and summoned something. Hiruzen's eyes widened when he recognised the white basin and watched Minato unload something – no, someone- from his arms and set them into the basket.
"His name is Naruto," Minato said, just loud enough for Hiruzen to hear. "Kushina was killed and he is all I have left. Please look after him."
Minato's hands moved quickly, but even so, Hiruzen knew the seal. A shinigami rose behind Minato and sealed part of the Kyūbi, shrinking him as Minato grit his teeth, heels digging into the ground in determination. He began to form another set of handseals, to seal the rest of the beast into Naruto, but a huge wave of chakra blast over them, knocking Minato over and pushing the basket away.
"It's not so easy!" a voice shouted and Hiruzen watched, pressed against the barrier, as another figure stepped between the Kyūbi and Minato. "This isn't something you can escape."
The man murmured something more before turning to the Kyūbi and forcing him down. Hiruzen watched in shock; the only man who could control such a creature had been Senju Hashirama, with Uchiha Madara following to control the Kyūbi alone. This man couldn't be Madara, he just couldn't.
As if watching a dream, Hiruzen could do nothing as the man – Madara? – sealed the Kyūbi himself. It was a basic sealing technique, made to last only for a short while, but the pot vanished a moment later and Madara turned to Minato, face completely covered in a menacing mask.
The shinigami was beginning to fade and Hiruzen knew Minato had almost no time left. Even though he had failed to seal the rest of the Kyūbi, Minato had still protected the entire village and he would forever be a hero because of it.
Instead of launching to attack Madara, Minato moved to the side, a blur even without the Hiraishin. He discarded the sealing basket and picked the crying baby up, holding him to his chest tenderly. Minato's breathing was beginning to labour and Hiruzen knew that just standing up would be almost too much of an effort, but Minato was determined to save his son.
The barrier weakened for a moment, just enough time for Minato to run to Hiruzen and pass Naruto through. The baby was warm and wriggling in his arms and Hiruzen looked back to Minato in alarm as he fortified the seal, evidently intending to trap Madara inside of Konoha after his death.
And then he fell to the ground, eyes closed and a smile on his face. Namikaze Minato had fallen in battle, but had died protecting his beloved village and son. Hiruzen looked to Madara in triumph, but his gut twisted as the air around Madara rippled and spiralled until there was nothing left.
He almost fell to his knees and despaired. Minato's sacrifice had been for naught, Madara had taken the Kyūbi and the seal over the village had held. Konoha was a wasteland now and they would have to find their own way until they could find a way to undo the seal.
Naruto wriggled in Hiruzen's arms, grizzling with his eyes shut tight. He was unaware of how much his life had changed in the space of a few hours and Hiruzen felt a pain in his heart for the loss of Naruto's parents. He could barely process their deaths and when his mind drifted to the thought of the others who had been at the birth… Hiruzen tried not to think of Biwako.
"Come on, Naruto," he said, smiling at the baby. Naruto paused in his grizzling and turned towards Hiruzen, mouth opening and closing. The poor child was no doubt starving by now and Hiruzen wasted no time in moving out.
Shinobi cluttered the forest, but they simply fell into step with Hiruzen as he walked through the forest. They knew of Konoha's sealing and the message had been passed through the ranks. No one mentioned the Yondaime or the baby in Hiruzen's arms and Naruto remained silent, letting the world take its shape around him.
"Like our ancestor clans the Senju and Uchiha," Hiruzen began when he reached the point the entire village had gathered. "We will return to the forests until we can return to our village."
There were murmurs, and Hiruzen knew some were directed to the identity of the child he was still holding, but he ignored them. Their will of fire would not be crushed, even if they had to live in the forests surrounding Konohagakure. They would protect their village with love and wait for the moment they could return.
Sixteen years was a long time. Sarutobi Hiruzen, leader of the Senju clan, sighed heavily and paced the inside of his tent. Sixteen years could change even the most kind-hearted person into a monster, but somehow he had managed to hold onto his sanity.
He hadn't taken up the mantle of Hokage again. The village of Konoha was needed in order for him to be a Hokage and she was still inaccessible. They had tried everything – from counter seals to blood oaths and from force to pleading. Minato's dying wish had been upheld and the seal remained intact, something that one could argue had brought terrible misfortune, while others argued it had been a blessing.
The biggest change had been the regression of Konoha. It was perhaps overdue (things had been restless for years now), but the Uchiha clan had separated, claiming that they would be the ones to unseal Konoha and take it for themselves. Wherever Senju went, Uchiha followed. And wherever Uchiha went, Senju followed.
Of course their clans were more than simply 'Uchiha' and 'Senju'. Konoha had become diverse over the years and the inhabitants had chosen who they wanted to side with. Both sides were vast, spanning out in the areas that surrounded Konohagakure, and while they largely kept to themselves (when possible), skirmishes couldn't be helped.
Hiruzen rubbed his eyes. Two prodigies, like Madara and Izuna, had risen up quickly. Itachi and Sasuke, though anyone who faced both of them and lived to tell the tale always concluded that Itachi's skills were superior to Sasuke's, were feared in equal measure, no matter if you were a shinobi or otherwise. They were as famous as a shinobi could get and even Hiruzen had to admit they deserved it.
It was strange though. Hiruzen could remember the pale face of Itachi as the war had waged around them and could see Sasuke as a newborn in his mother's arms. The memory he had matched nothing of the stories that came flooding in and it was hard to believe that, had they been in another life, another time, those children would have been under his care.
It didn't do well to think of the past, Hiruzen thought. The past contained too many mistakes and he had other things to think of.
There was no one in the Senju clan who could go head-to-head with Itachi and Sasuke. Yes there were those who could fight them (and perhaps outmatch them), but there was no one for the Senju what Itachi and Sasuke were for the Uchiha. Asuma, his son, had no inclination to topple the world, instead furthering the clan's connection to the Fire Country though the Twelve Guardians, and the only other family member in the shinobi business was his grandson
Perhaps in a few years Konohamaru could be great, but they didn't have a few years. Konohamaru was too young and there was no one else who could bear the Will of Fire to take back their village.
Though that wasn't strictly true. Hiruzen reached for his pipe and lit it, inhaling lightly. There was another, though that one believed himself to be a lowly orphan for obvious reasons. If his parentage was discovered, there would be outcry for him to dosomething when there was nothing that could be done.
Uzumaki Naruto, son of Uzumaki Kushina and the Yondaime, Namikaze Minato. He'd been born on a terrible day and Hiruzen had never quite forgotten the weight of the baby that had been passed to him back when Minato had sealed the village.
Naruto knew nothing. He, like the rest of the population, had no idea that the Kyūbi had been taken by the Akatsuki. He was just a normal boy, though more of an outcast and darker character than Hiruzen would have liked for Minato's boy, but that couldn't be helped. Living in the forests was hard, even harder still when you were alone.
Hiruzen set his pipe down and rubbed his eyes. It had been a long while before anyone had seen true potential in Naruto and it was one of many things Hiruzen regretted. Perhaps if they'd given Naruto a little more attention, trained him more and supported him, he would be less uncaring and less of the failure Hiruzen had made.
"You only get that look on your face when you think of Naruto," a voice commented and Hiruzen turned to his former student.
"That difficult student of yours," Hiruzen commented lightly. Jiraiya had been there to succeed where he had failed, seeing the talent plain and outright in Naruto and plucking him up and away. He'd taken Naruto to see the world and it had done wonders, though the vices had also increased.
"He'll be back in a few days." Jiraiya smiled. "We went to Myōbokuzan this time and he's mastered senjutsu."
Hiruzen's eyes widened. "Without Shima and Fukasaku?" he asked, incredulously. At Jiraiya's nod, he shook his head in amazement.
How had he ever overlooked Naruto? Yes he had been busy, but that was no excuse.
"I would like to see him when he's finished…" Hiruzen's mouth twitched, "de-stressing."
Jiraiya gave a bark of laughter and nodded. "So that's what we're calling it these days," he muttered and Hiruzen watched him leave, wondering why nothing was ever easy and why even Naruto hadn't been the one who could free Konoha from her stasis.
He sighed and rubbed his eyes again. Naruto would be back in a few days and, this time, Hiruzen needed to have a stern talk. It was past the time for Naruto to hide away in the dark, whether he liked it or not. Naruto was one of the best shinobi they had and Hiruzen had left him alone too long. It was time for Naruto to join then fully, to step amongst his peers rather than slip past them.
Easier said than done, of course. Especially considering Naruto's favoured past times were considered the biggest vices to a shinobi.
Naruto grunted in frustration when his cock slipped out as he shifted his hips. The man below him shifted himself at the loss before tipping his head back in glee as Naruto readjusted them, slipping back inside and leaning over his sweaty torso.
"Hah," he whispered softly into a flushed ear, kissing along a sharp jaw and flicking his tongue lightly over slight stubble. "So good."
His partner said nothing, but the hands gripping the bed sheets spoke volumes. The room was already hot and musty and the sheets had been ripped from the bed long ago. They pooled half on the bed and half on the floor, but there was plenty to grab. Naruto moved his hands until his palms covered the set clinging to the bed and he moved from jaw to mouth, kissing sloppily before he increased his pace and straightened up.
"That's it," he muttered, voice low as he stared down at his partner – his prize. It was a game they played and Naruto supported a muscled leg as he thrust, kissing calves and running his hands absently over inner thighs.
"For fuck's sake," the man below him said, practically growling. "You call this fucking?"
It was as much of a beg as Naruto was going to receive and he lowered the leg to the bed, leaning down once more and moving faster, deeper, more, more, more, more-
Naruto came first, but he kept moving slowly, closing his eyes at the oversensitivity. It felt good, so good, to be able to lose the stress he'd carried around the past few weeks and he opened his eyes slightly as he felt his partner's hand move, jacking himself off and coming quickly.
"Twenty minutes," Naruto announced, refusing to back off just yet. "Twenty minutes and then again?"
Strong hands pushed him back and Naruto smiled slightly as he slid out, come trickling from the pink hole.
"Twenty-five," his partner shot back, wincing and reaching for the table beside the bed, grabbing a handful of tissues and wiping himself. "And I demand a proper bath after that."
Naruto smiled warmly, taking extra tissues that were offered and cleaning himself up a little. He was almost tempted to leave some of the come on his stomach, just to be annoying, but it was cooling and felt pretty disgusting.
"Such high maintenance," Naruto muttered as he fell back onto the bed, fluffing one of the squashed pillows and tucking it under his head as he rolled onto his side. "But that's what I get for fucking a celebrity I suppose."
"I'm not a celebrity," came the reply and Naruto rolled his eyes.
"I suppose so. But you can't deny that you don't have a fanclub. Oh Itachi-sama," Naruto said in a whimpering voice. "Please use my uterus to spawn the next generation of Uchiha babies!"
Itachi rolled his eyes and moved to face Naruto.
"Never happened," he said softly. "And besides, there's only one person I'd be interested in 'spawning' with, if it were possible."
He moved forwards quickly, biting Naruto's lip before kissing him awkwardly. Their noses bumped, but Naruto simply pulled him closer and rolled them over, lying astride Itachi instead.
"Such a disgrace," Naruto muttered as he pulled back, wiping his mouth with his fingers. "No one would admit it even if they knew, but you're a disgrace to your clan."
Words about the Uchiha clan were always able to provoke Itachi, no matter how well he tried to hide it. He usually didn't bother around Naruto anymore and Naruto smiled in satisfaction as the Sharingan flickered to life. Any Uchiha was dangerous with their Sharingan, but Itachi's was even more deadly than anyone realised.
Naruto knew the story because Itachi had told him. It was a strange thing to talk about, but Naruto had seen the mangekyō and been curious. He might have threatened to spread word of Itachi's skills, but that was neither here nor there.
He had acquired the eyes willingly after a clash between their clans that left Shimura Danzō and Uchiha Shisui dead. No one knew why or how, but Naruto had since learnt that Shisui had forced his eyes on Itachi and given him the mangekyō, an invaluable advantage that Itachi kept hidden (almost completely) from the living.
"If you cared more for your clan, you'd understand my feelings," Itachi said, piercing stare never leaving Naruto.
"I do care for them," Naruto protested, lowering himself a little. Itachi's neck bent at an awkward angle so he kissed his chest gently, lying his head down as he scooted his body back onto the bed. "Just not for their opinions of me. Sarutobi-jii-jii knows I'm out here fucking myself to sleep and he doesn't give a shit."
Naruto saw the slight twitch in Itachi's fingers and he grabbed them quickly, frowning.
"Don't start that again. He doesn't know it's always you I see and Ero-sennin hasn't made him think otherwise." He linked his fingers with Itachi's, sighing. "Not that Ero-sennin knows who you are, but at least he knows it's just one person."
Itachi was silent and Naruto looked at him. The Sharingan had faded, but Naruto didn't mourn its passing too much. He felt desire curling in his stomach and knew that their rest time was almost up.
"And if I was a disgrace," Naruto said softly, "at least I'm not a public one."
Predictably, Itachi said nothing. He never did when Naruto talked of his place- the place he had made for himself – in the Senju clan. He had fought to stay hidden, not caring about the intricacies of the clan or the desire to regain a barren village. So what if a man had sealed it to defend them? It was just a place and Naruto believed that it didn't matter where you lived, but it was the people who made the proper home. He'd never bothered himself with the village for they'd never bothered themselves with him. Only Jiraiya had, but Jiraiya roamed the lands and while he'd made it clear he loved Konoha, he was more like Naruto than anyone else.
In other words, he understood.
Something darted through the window and Naruto let himself be pushed back as Itachi let his crow summon land on his arm. It stared at Naruto with beady eyes before vanishing, splitting and drifting into Itachi's eyes, obviously imparting its message.
Itachi sighed and slipped from the bed. That wasn't a good sign for their next round of sex.
"A search party has already been ordered out," Itachi explained, voice regretful. "Though it's a little welcome as you've worn me out."
Naruto smiled and slid from the bed. The tip of his cock was a little sore, but it wasn't that often that he won their mock battles and he'd been planning to make the most of the deal. Still, being found by the Uchiha clan wasn't on Naruto's list to-do list and he followed Itachi out of the room and into the adjacent bathroom, thankful they had had the foresight to warm the large bath up before.
They both washed quickly and then slipped into the indoor onsen, stretching aching muscles and relaxing in the water. They couldn't stay for long. Itachi's crow was the first line of defence and warned them when Itachi's clan made the decision to move out rather than when they were close. It was a method that had taken a few near-misses to perfect, but it worked. Eventually, no matter how long it took, Itachi would be tracked down and Naruto knew his presence wouldn't be welcomed.
At least no one from the Senju clan came looking for Naruto. Jiraiya respected his privacy (hell he practically cheered their antics on) and no one else came close to caring. The only other person who might be interested was the Senju leader, but he couldn't up and leave the clan to search for a nobody.
Naruto moved to Itachi's side, settling his arms over the back of the onsen. Itachi spared him a look before sinking deeper into the water.
"I had hoped they'd lay off the search parties for an extra day," Naruto said lightly. Itachi looked at him again and he continued. "I didn't want to go back to Senju until tomorrow, but I suppose it can't be helped."
"Whether or not you want to be there," Itachi began, "it's the best place for you."
It was an old argument between them and one of the many reasons they kept their relationship purely sexual. Yes they talked, but neither of them expected more than sex or perhaps a willing ear from the other. It worked, had worked for years, but that didn't mean it was harmonious most of the time. Itachi had differing views to what the Senju clan should be to Naruto, just as Naruto had different ideas on what Uchiha should be to Itachi.
"Sarutobi-jii-jii will be surprised to see me," Naruto muttered with a smile. He'd never arrived just after Jiraiya and the old man would be shocked that Naruto had returned so early.
Naruto soaked a little longer after Itachi had left the room. It wasn't often he got to experience such luxuries. Despite outward appearances, Jiraiya worked him hard, uncaring for the excuses that Naruto would make to everyone else. He trained Naruto because he saw the potential and it was his ruthless digging that had helped Naruto to master senjutsu.
He didn't bother to dress when he emerged from the bathroom. A towel around his waist was all he needed with Itachi around and he'd soon change after Itachi left.
"I'll see you soon," Itachi said as he shrugged on a dark cloak. The Uchiha crest stamped on the back of his clothing was hidden from sight, away from prying eyes and those who would seek to harm the pride of the Uchiha clan.
"I'll beat you again in our fight next time," Naruto said with a smile. They didn't fight to gain control of the sex, but it was part of their foreplay. Itachi and Naruto were both skilled fighters and there was nothing like a fight to get the blood pumping. They would test each other's moods and skills on that day and they decide mutually who would 'top' and who would 'bottom' and the winner usually had first picks on what they wanted.
It wasn't often that Naruto had won (though it wasn't as if he hadn't loved the sex), but there was an even sweeter taste of accomplishment he felt knowing that he had beaten Itachi before they fucked.
Itachi looked over his shoulder, a brief smile on his lips.
"I look forward to it," he said, and then he was gone, leaving Naruto cross-legged on the freshly made bed. Itachi must have smartened it up as he was changing and Naruto lay back on it, ignoring the scent of sweat and sex that clung to it.
He lay there for a while, wondering what it was all worth. Naruto didn't have any goals in life and yet now he had power. What use was the power when he cared for naught? He didn't want to use it to unseal Konoha (and Sarutobi had tried him, worked him for a week through various seals and blood work before finally admitting that Naruto really wasn't anything special), didn't want to go against the Uchiha and he most certainly didn't want to use it against Ame.
Naruto closed his eyes for a moment, wondering if he just cared that little bit more then would he have fallen in love with Itachi by now? He cared for him to an extent, but it was mainly respect and lust, far from love. Naruto had had this conversation in his head so many times and there had never been an answer. He didn't expect one now, but sometimes Naruto wished that he could feel something, that hecouldcare about something.
Time began to pass and Naruto changed into his clothes. Despite not wanting to be noticed, Naruto had never shied away from the colour orange and it decked part of his jumpsuit. He gave the room one last look before he left, ignoring the whispering in his head, the voice that was calling to him.
He simply didn't care.
"Nii-san!" a voice called and Itachi crouched low on his landing, turning around and straightening himself. "You're finally back!"
Itachi ignored his father's heavy stare on his back and nodded, shrugging his cloak off and folding it as he walked into the Uchiha clan's grounds. Sasuke was, predictably, already waiting for him after being refused out on the search party team.
"Where did you go this time?" Sasuke asked, falling into stride with Itachi as they walked back to their family home. It was a modest house and marked Fugaku as head of the clan.
"Nowhere interesting," Itachi replied, ignoring the deep frown on his father's face as he passed them. Itachi knew he would be facing (another) lecture, but he'd sit through it like all the others just for the days he could escape from the pressures of the Uchiha clan and do something for himself.
Well, himself andNaruto, if he was going to be technical.
"You always say that," Sasuke muttered, looking down with a crinkled brow. Itachi might love Sasuke, but he wasn't going to divulge the saucy details of his sex life, no matter the circumstances. Even if said sex life had to be carried out in uttermost secret due to the rivalry of their clans and Itachi's status as one of the Uchiha 'celebrities', as Naruto put it.
"It's always true," Itachi retorted, smiling ever so slightly.
They entered their home and Sasuke was instantly pulled away by their mother, Mikoto sparing a glance for Itachi that spoke of fussing after Fugaku was done with him.
"Come," Fugaku said and Itachi followed him to the securest room in the entire clan's compound. It was dug deep into the ground and supported on all sides by thick stone. The markings of their clan stamped the walls and Fugaku took his place at the head of the room while Itachi sat before him, demure and the image of a perfect son.
"We were supposed to discuss your marriage contract yesterday," Fugaku said and Itachi kept his eyes low. "Instead I found that you'd already left, vanished into thin air as you regularly do."
No one knew where Itachi went all the time and he was thankful for that. Not all of his 'invisible' visits were to Naruto though, but they were the ones that were most hidden. They were the ones that were most important, even if it was just sex.
"Act your age," Fugaku scolded. "I was married by your age and it's time you did your duty for the clan."
"I do my duty every day," Itachi said respectfully, calmly. There was always a risk of letting his mangekyō slip when he was in the presence of fellow Sharingan users, even more so when he let his temper get to him. "I've become strong to protect our clan."
And here Itachi was playing a careful game. Only Naruto knew how much he despised fighting the endless rivalry between Uchiha and Senju, yet Naruto only knew because they both shared the same thoughts. There was no sense in fighting over an abandoned village – an abandoned patch of land – when the people were thriving. No one seemed to understand that aside from a handful of people.
"You're skimping on your clan duties Itachi," Fugaku said, voice sharp. He was angered by Itachi's constant vanishing acts and the only thing that had kept his mouth shut until now was that Itachi had never run away as blatantly as he had yesterday.
"I'm merely redirecting my efforts," Itachi retorted and he clenched his jaw as Fugaku angered further. It had been a misjudgement to speak those words, but they were in the air now and there was nothing Itachi could do to snatch them back.
"Your name might be known throughout the shinobi world, but when you're a part of this clan, you act like it." Fugaku's eyes flashed dangerously and Itachi knew his father was only just holding back his Sharingan. Unlike a lot of dojutsu, the Sharingan was directly linked with emotions and anything strong the user felt could bring out the bloodlimit. It was something Itachi had experienced frequently with Naruto, but his father had never lost control before.
"You will marry and father children," Fugaku snapped, leaving no room for Itachi to argue. "As the next head of the clan, you have an image to uphold and a path to follow."
"And if I die?" Itachi asked, voice low. The Sharingan flared to life in his father's eyes and Itachi let his come to life. It was a challenge, not a physical one, but a fight nonetheless. He had to meet every challenge his father threw at him or there would be no place for him in the clan.
"You have plenty of cousins who are strong enough to continue on the Uchiha name." Itachi's eyes narrowed. It was as he'd expected.
"Not Sasuke?" His voice was sharp and he could feel his power swell. He was more powerful than Fugaku by far, but battling this far under the ground could cause damage to the above land, something Itachi wanted to avoid at all costs.
"That's right," Fugaku mused. "If you had been here yesterday, you would have heard the announcement."
Itachi raised an eyebrow, feigning indifference.
"Madara-sama volunteered to privately teach Sasuke in the hopes that he will achieve the ultimate mangekyō Sharingan." Fugaku's lips turned into a grim line. "Though he has acknowledged it will never be perfected in the same manner the mangekyō became eternal in the past."
So it was exactly as Itachi had thought; exactly how Nagato had told him. Madara was making his move already.
"I should hope not," Itachi muttered, ever grateful that he had kept his mangekyō hidden from everyone. If Madara knew he had already achieved the level, there was no doubt that he would trap Itachi and take his eyes. Itachi couldn't be bent to Madara's will, but Sasuke – younger and far more impressionable – could easily be pushed and pulled into exactly what Madara's plans needed.
"As he will be studying under Madara-sama, he does not have the same clan obligations as you do." Fugaku looked at Itachi. "It is an extreme honour for Sasuke and the clan; the least you could do is show up for clan meetings."
It was like a slap in the face, but Itachi remained passive and forced his Sharingan to fade. Everything was balancing on a precarious tilt right now and he needed to stay aware and track everything.
"Forgive me," Itachi asked softly, bowing his head to his father. "It was arrogant of me to assume I could miss an obligation and I will endeavour that it is an action I will never repeat."
The words satisfied Fugaku – though there was still a hint of mistrust – and Itachi was permitted to leave. His mother fussed over him for a moment before allowing Itachi to go to his room and change before dinner.
When in his room, Itachi unsealed his travelling bags from his travelling scrolls and slipped a book from them. He then resealed the book into a red scroll, tucking it under his pillow for later. He'd re-read the information he'd gathered before bed, but for now he had to play the perfect son.
Dinner was a quiet affair. Itachi noticed that his father switched between looking at Sasuke with pride and then to him with narrowed eyes, as if he couldn't fathom anything that Itachi did. Mikoto diffused some of the tension with talk of her day and catching Itachi up on what he had missed while Sasuke frowned down at his meal. Itachi could literally see the questions he was holding back and knew he would be in for a long answering session soon.
"Excuse me," a voice called from the welcome hall and all four of them turned in surprise. The voice was familiar and Fugaku practically leapt from his seat to welcome their visitor.
He returned with a masked man in tow and Sasuke brightened a little instantly, standing and bowing.
"Madara-sensei," he said respectfully and Mikoto also paid her respects before it was Itachi's turn.
"There's no need," Madara said hastily as Itachi stood slowly. At least one thing hadn't changed between them at least. "If you'll forgive me, Fugaku-san, I was wondering if I could borrow your eldest for a short while?"
The request surprised everyone bar Itachi, and Sasuke looked at Itachi with something akin to outrage. It was to be expected; Sasuke clearly felt threatened now that Itachi was back and would be speaking to Madara. He had no idea that Itachi would never dream of studying under him and despised him with everything he had.
"Of course Madara-sama," Fugaku said quickly when he'd recovered from the slight pause. "Take as long as you need."
He shot Itachi a look, a warning, and Itachi nodded to keep him happy. His 'talk' with Madara would be anything but respectful and he knew his father (and most of the Uchiha clan) would hate him for his relationship with Madara.
They left the house and returned to Madara's tent. It was perched on the edge of the plot, insignificant yet heavily protected. Madara let the seals free just so Itachi could pass through and then reactivated them, blocking out sound and sight of the outside world. In this little green tent – so unlike the more permanent huts of most other members – no one could hear or see them. It was perfect for privacy.
"There was no Akatsuki meeting yesterday," Madara commented as he sat down, gesturing for Itachi to take a chair for himself. He did so, sitting opposite Madara with a table between them.
"No," Itachi agreed. "I indulged myself instead."
Madara laid his mask on the table and smiled widely.
"Of course," he said. "Though I believe your father told you of my plans for Sasuke?"
Itachi didn't rise to the bait. He simply nodded as Madara sat back in satisfaction.
"It's regrettable that he won't be able to achieved the mangekyō in the same way that I did, but I'm sure we will find a way around it." Madara's smile dropped a little, his gaze sharpening.
"I never took you to be someone so careless. Shaming your father by skipping your clan duties, disappearing when there is no reason to for personal urges…" Madara shook his head. "You're a disgrace to the name Uchiha."
Itachi said nothing and Madara laughed. "Of course I prefer you as a disgrace to that name. After what this clan did to me, it is what they deserve. I know you feel the same way and that is why I am proud to call you my kin, unlike the rest of this disgusting clan."
"And yet you take on a student from the very clan you loathe," commented Itachi, shaking his head at the absurdity. "Despite your intention, I still believe it will be a good experience. No matter the teacher, I have faith in that Sasuke will learn what he can from you."
Silence greeted Itachi's words and he sighed softly. Confrontations with Madara were never easy and he hated them. He hated the silence they brought more and he almost burnt with the urge to say – do – something.
"Have you had any luck finding the right container?" Madara asked then and Itachi looked up, his Sharingan flaring to life. So Madara had been aware of his private goal? Why had he waited this long before mentioning it, unless he had discovered Naruto and assumed Itachi was keeping him close because he was 'the one'?
"Not so far," Itachi said truthfully. "There is no one who is suited to control the chakra from all nine bijū. What you are asking for is impossible."
"Still you went looking when you discovered the reason I was looking for people." Madara smiled, kindly, though it looked so bitter on his face. "But you can rest in the knowledge that I have found that one."
Fear began to slip cool and dangerous through Itachi's body. He couldn't mean…
"With the right guidance and training, Sasuke will be the perfect container. He will take all nine bijū and combine them to form the Jūbi and the Akatsuki will be able to spread our peace over the world." Madara looked at Itachi calmly. "I know our goals differ and that you plans don't see eye to eye with the rest of the Akatsuki's, but I suppose it's true of all members."
Lounging back on his chair, Madara looked comfortable, but Itachi could feel his annoyance and defensiveness thrown up like a wall between them.
"It will end the war that plagues us all," Madara said softly and Itachi closed his eyes.
It wasn't only the people of Konoha who had become shadows of their former selves when the village had been sealed. The entire shinobi world had suffered, Madara and the Akatsuki cultivating the mistrust over the world. The Akatsuki were the ones with all the power now, the ones with all nine bijū and they had made sure the world would be ready for their war.
Itachi had joined the organisation years ago, when he'd first acquired the mangekyō. It had been Shisui who had warned him of its existence and of Madara's hand in it all. Itachi had always been aware of Madara, never trusting him like the rest of the clan did, and it was with good reason. Madara hated his clan, with the exception of Itachi (and perhaps Sasuke now) for what they'd done to him in the past.
"There will be a meeting next week," Madara said as he stood, Itachi following at the sign of dismissal. "The Akatsuki will be informed of Sasuke's role and he will learn about us."
Itachi narrowed his eyes slightly. "You intend to make him a member?" he asked, but Madara shook his head with a smile.
"He is strong, true, but he does not have the mentality for the Akatsuki. He cares too much for his foolish clan." Madara paused, clasping Itachi's shoulder as he moved to undo the seals with his other hand. "Though you may not share my ideals, you are not loyal to the entire clan. It's something we have in common and that kind of person is someone I can work with."
It wasn't quite a compliment and not quite an insult. It had unnerved Itachi when Madara had first mentioned that he felt he could work with Itachi, but he'd soon overcome his shock and worked with it. Madara allowed him a degree of freedom compared to the other clan members and it was Madara's weight that counted. While they didn't interact in public (aside from now, a meeting that would unsettle his family no doubt), Madara's whispers spread far and wide.
"I shall be returning home now," Itachi said. "Shall I provide a cover story for our conversation?"
A nod was all Itachi received before he left the tent, making straight back home. Dinner had been cleared away, but everyone was still settled at the table, a tense silence draped over them.
"I'm home," Itachi called before he met them and scanned over the angered scowl on Sasuke's face and the worried furrow in his mother's before meeting his father's cool stare.
"What did Madara-sama need to discuss with you?" Fugaku asked sharply and Itachi knew why. They'd all accepted that Sasuke was the one to be trained. He was far easier than Itachi as to read and there would be no back-stabbing schemes when Sasuke was the one training for the ultimate power.
"He wanted to ask me a few questions on Sasuke's skills and personality. Nothing too invasive, but he didn't want to inconvenience the clan head with such a trivial matter." The lie slipped from Itachi's mouth easily and Fugaku bought it because he wanted to. Mikoto smiled warmly too, but the scowl remained on Sasuke's face.
"I'll be in my room," Itachi said quietly and he was allowed to leave. It was late and he would be put back on the mission rota tomorrow. Due to his skill, it would be hard work, but it was simply part of life.
It didn't take long for footsteps to approach the door of Itachi's room. Sasuke entered without knocking and Itachi paused in unpacking his bags, hands folding clothes, to look at him with disinterest.
"Why did you lie to mother and father?" he asked and Itachi set his clothes on the ground, shifting around until he could look at Sasuke.
"Why do you think that? I assure you that it was only the truth." In a way, they had talked about Sasuke's skills and personality, though it had been in relation to the Akatsuki.
"I'm not an idiot Itachi," Sasuke said and Itachi inclined his head in agreement. "You always do this; vanish without a trace and only come back when a search party is finally dispatched. You never tell anyone where you go or what you do and you always lie afterwards and say it's not important."
There was nothing Itachi could say so he remained silent.
"Why do you have to lie so much?" Sasuke said, shaking his head.
They had always been close. Itachi loved Sasuke more than anyone else, despite one perhaps. He would do anything for Sasuke and it was for that reason that he kept the Akatsuki a secret. The Akatsuki were dangerous and he had hoped to keep it a secret for as long as possible (before war broke) before Sasuke found out. Sasuke had been dragged into it now though and would likely be paraded before the organisation as their 'hope'.
"It's not a lie. You wouldn't be interested in what I do." Itachi smiled, but he knew it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Besides, you didn't tell me that Madara-sama was interested in teaching you." Itachi had almost forgotten to tag '-sama' to the end of Madara's name and that certainly would have raised a question he couldn't bluff out of.
"You're never here, so how could you know what would interest me or not?" Sasuke snapped back and Itachi frowned slightly, not expecting the outburst. Had his actions really affected Sasuke that much?
"I'm sure you'll have things you don't want to talk about when you enter your new training." Itachi hated to cut Sasuke short, but it was getting late and he wanted to look through the information he'd gathered before bed. "I need to rest now."
Sasuke left the room after shaking his head. Itachi sighed before finishing folding his clothes and changing for bed. He felt his father's disapproving stare on his shoulders as he went to brush his teeth, but Fugaku didn't approach him so Itachi ignored him. They would never see on the same level and it annoyed Itachi how Fugaku thought he had claim over his son. There were bigger things going on than just the Uchiha clan, but Fugaku only rarely bothered himself about anything but the family. Very short sighted, especially when a war was about to fall down on them all.
He climbed under his futon covers and pulled the scroll he'd stashed away earlier. It was the scroll that Itachi used to track down potential candidates who could control the chakra of the nine bijū, though all of them had proved to be unsuitable. None of them had been strong enough, in character or physical power, and Itachi knew his personal goal to be fruitless. Still, he had to try before Madara infected his brother and destroyed Sasuke; there was more at stake now than ever.
There were a few more people on the list that Itachi could try to track down before and after the Akatsuki meeting next week. None of them brought hope to Itachi's mind, but it was worth a try. There was no hope that Sasuke would go against Madara's wishes, even if he knew it would lead to war. It was the only weakness Sasuke had, but it was a terrible one, one that could end the world if led in the right direction.
He resealed the book and tucked it away again, rolling onto his back and throwing an arm over his eyes. Itachi would also need to get in contact with Naruto, so they could meet again next week. Usually the gaps between their meetings were longer as neither was willing to risk it (well, Itachi wasn't willing to risk leaving so much), but it was unavoidable. He'd be out of the clan's grounds anyway and after that Itachi knew Fugaku would place him under heavy watch so that he couldn't leave the clan for a long while.
Itachi sighed and tried to clear his mind of Madara and Sasuke. It was hard, but then his thoughts turned to Naruto and it became even harder to sleep. Given time, Itachi believed Naruto could grow to care about the people and the community, but it was as if something was missing. Though he wouldn't admit it, he'd grown to love Naruto, despite Naruto's lack of care and compassion for his people. Deep down, Itachi could see that he loved his clan (why else would he keep going back, keep training to become stronger, no matter what he claimed), but Naruto would never admit it.
He smiled at the thought of how he had woken this morning – Naruto sprawled over him, the sun streaming through the window – and Itachi began to settle into sleep. He had more than his family and strangers to fight for; he also had Naruto.
Sarutobi's eyebrows were high on his forehead when Naruto entered and he only just managed to hold back a laugh.
"You should see your face," he said instead, smiling widely as Sarutobi set down his pipe. "It's not hard to believe that I'd come back early is it?"
Of course, Naruto hadintended to spend the day sleeping, eating and fucking (not necessarily in that order), but the Uchiha clan had (once again) thwarted his plans. Sarutobi didn't need to know any of that, though, and Naruto simply smiled, rocking back on his heels.
"Jiraiya mentioned that you had completed sennin training," Sarutobi said gravely and Naruto's eyes narrowed, smile fading instantly.
"I did," he replied neutrally, tilting his head to the side. "What of it?"
Sarutobi picked his pipe up again, unable to hide the trembling in his hands. Age was getting to him, Naruto knew, but he'd still be able to protect the clan, without a doubt. He hadn't become a Hokage of Konoha for nothing and he cared for his people. Naruto had seen what care could do to a person and never wanted to cross someone with a cause they truly believed in.
Compared to them, what did Naruto have?
"For someone so uncaring, you go to tremendous lengths," Sarutobi commented and Naruto felt his hackles rise. Though his tone wasn't mocking, Sarutobi knew well that Naruto didn't like talking about his lack of feeling.
"You must be tired," he said suddenly and dismissed Naruto, gaining a promise that Naruto would visit for a longer talk the next day.
It was already late evening and Naruto decided to return to his home, a nondescript flat in one of the outer apartment blocks. The buildings of the Senju clan were made from wood, out of the forest itself, something that had taken months to complete. It rang true of their clan line though, a throwback to Senju Hashirama and his mokuton.
His apartment was mostly empty. It had basic furniture and a few furnishings (pictures that Jiraiya had forced him to take, though he was, admittedly, happy in them), but it had never been a home to Naruto. He was most at home on the road with Jiraiya or Itachi, though he would never admit that to either of them.
His bed was soft and Naruto smiled as he climbed into the sheets, dressed down to his boxers and sleeping cap pulled from under his pillow. It was a secret not even Itachi knew of, the sleeping cap he kept when he was with the Senju. He'd always had it, couldn't remember where he'd got it from, and it was a habit that he'd wear it in Konoha.
Naruto fell asleep with ease, but, like almost every night for the past few weeks, he was able to open his eyes in an entire new world.
Naruto grit his teeth. For the past few weeks, sleep had been anything but restful. Whenever his body would fade into unconsciousness, Naruto would be brought to this strange world, a blank, deserted place. Someone – no, some things- would call to him and he had little choice but to try and find them.
Naruto, you are needed…
The voice changed, as it always did, overlapping with the first. Between the first time he had heard the and now, Naruto had tried everything he could think of. He'd tried running through the dry grass of this world, tried to use ninjutsu to transport himself and even tried to summon Gamabunta to help him. Nothing had worked – though that made sense. It was Naruto's soul that was in this world, not his body.
Still, something kept calling him.
"Why me?" Naruto asked, not for the first time. He didn't know why the voices need him, but he knew it wasn't just a passing whim. They needed him for something, something big and important, and for once in his life, Naruto wantedto help.
It was always the same though. No matter how hard he tried or how hard he fought, Naruto could never see the faces of those calling to him.
"What can I do?" he shouted and a wind whipped up around him. Naruto closed his eyes, trying to hear the voices calling out for him above the howling wind, but they had fallen silent, as they always did.
Eventually the world let Naruto go and he opened his eyes to his apartment. He rubbed his eyes and sighed, not fully revived, but enough that he could manage a meeting with Sarutobi. It would be tough work – Naruto knew his status in Senju had to have changed now he knew senjutsu and Sarutobi would want that – but he would survive it.
Though Sarutobi hadn't specified a time, Naruto had a sneaking suspicion that the old man wouldn't be expecting him at this hour. It wasn't exactly early, but Sarutobi's image of Naruto was a drunken, lecherous man who slacked off where he could. Naruto didn't exactly care what he was thought of as, but he didn't care to add to the image.
Sarutobi was still in his sleepwear when Naruto asked to enter his home. He was granted permission and Sarutobi smiled at him, pipe between his lips as he walked through the room to sit at his kitchen table.
"I apologise for the informality of it all," he said, but Naruto shook his head. This talk would be a tricky one without adding stuffy surroundings to it.
"It's fine Jii-jii," Naruto replied, sitting at the table with his legs outstretched. "I'm not bothered by it."
Sarutobi smiled, letting out a puff of smoke before he set his hands down, pipe cradled in them.
"I want... no, I need to tell you some important things." Sarutobi's voice was clear and Naruto knew they were getting right to the heart of the matter. He liked that about the old guy; Sarutobi skipped the pomp and praise.
"Whether or not you care to think about it, you're one of the strongest members of the Senju clan." Sarutobi took another puff of his pipe. "Going by the system we used in Konoha, I'd place you at ANBU level; the best of the best."
Naruto watched smoke curl from the corner of Sarutobi's mouth, trying to ignore the weight of the words. He'd told Jiraiya that strong people got trapped and yet he'd continued on, seeking power for no real reason.
"Everyone in this clan has tried to unseal Konohagakure no Sato." Naruto thought back to his own time and nodded. It was a basic rite of passage everyone underwent and it wasn't news for Naruto. "I lied to you when I told you everyone went through the same amount of effort as you. Most people have only an hour before the gate and yet I asked you to try for an entire week."
More smoke drifted upwards as Naruto's eyes flickered to meet Sarutobi's in shock.
"If not for running out of ideas, I would have kept on asking you to try." Naruto waited patiently, silently demanding an explanation. "It was my belief that your connection to the Yondaime would grant you the ability to break the seal."
"My connection?" Naruto asked, frowning. The Yondaime had died the night he was born and Naruto had been picked up from the rubble of the orphanage. He'd been lucky to be alive, but taken to the woods along with all the other villagers that had fled Konoha.
"Sometimes we lie because we believe it is the only path we can take," Sarutobi said, setting his pipe on the table. It turned onto its side, but Sarutobi paid it no heed, looking intently at Naruto instead.
"I will tell you the truth of the night the Yondaime fought the Kyūbi no Yōko. In order for me to do so, I ask that you simply listen until I am finished, no matter what you may feel." Sarutobi's voice was stern and solemn and Naruto could do nothing but nod in agreement. No matter what was about to be revealed, for once he would sit and respect.
"You are aware of the Akatsuki?" Sarutobi asked and Naruto nodded slowly.
"Ero-sennin's told me all about them. How they've collected together huge masses of chakra and plan to combine it to start a war to end all wars." Sarutobi nodded at Naruto's words.
"The masses of chakra are also known by another name. They were once the nine bijū, one of which was the Kyūbi." Sarutobi set his pipe up again and frowned slightly. "The jinchūriki of the Kyūbi was a strong woman from Konoha. She was wife of the Yondaime – Minato – and circumstances forced the seal containing the Kyūbi to weaken and the beast to be summoned from her."
Sarutobi shook his head. "The leader of the Akatsuki had time to plan when to attack us and he struck Kushina and Minato quickly. We assume that Kushina was killed there and then, despite her skills and strength, while Minato raced back to Konoha, where the Kyūbi had been summoned to."
Naruto nodded, leaning forwards in his seat.
"The Kyūbi was simply too much for Minato to deal with on his own and he sealed half of its chakra in himself with plans to deal with the other half by creating a new jinchūriki. He sealed the village to stop the Kyūbi wreaking more havoc while he dealt with it, but it wasn't enough." Sarutobi shook his head.
"Creating a jinchūriki failed and Minato lowered the barrier enough just to pass you through to me." Naruto's eyes widened and he moved back, shaking his head lightly. He almost said something, almost left, but Sarutobi was still telling his story. "He fortified the seals, planning to keep the Kyūbi and the leader of the Akatsuki inside until they died, but he was able to free himself, taking the Kyūbi and sealing it for himself."
It was almost too much to comprehend and Naruto's stomach was in turmoil with the butterflies inside it. It couldn't be that- but what else? There was one question he needed to ask, one, burning, important, life-changing question-
"What is the condition to make the seal so weak it could let the Kyūbi break through?" he asked, voice void of emotion. From the look in Sarutobi's eyes, Naruto knew his initial guess had been right.
Written for the 2012 itanaruswap! This fic is complete on the site and will be updated weekly. There are 5 parts in total :D
I hope you've enjoyed it so far and thank you for reading! Reviews are always appreciated.