Reviews for Special Gifts
SpaceAutumn chapter 6 . 7/8
So what Thor are you imagining? The one from the myths and legends or Marvel Thor?(or any other Thor that might exist but I haven't heard of)

Does Hiccup have multiple gifts or one gift that consists of multiple things? Like a Dragon related gift that makes him fire resistant, as fast as a land dragon(like Speedstingers), and helps him speak their language?
Or maybe he's mimicking them?
NightFuryRanger chapter 1 . 2/11
Please write a sequel, my whole family( Five sisters) love this story...
Brave She-Elf chapter 26 . 2/10
I want to know what happened to Mildew and the others who tortured Hiccup. I felt Stoick didn't deserve forgiveness so easily either and it bothered me that you made it that Hiccup did so readily along with the people who made his life a living hell. Not only did Stoick played a part in hurting Hiccup- by striking him in the face but it's because of him Hiccup was subject to torture and amputation. I know-not intentionally but it still happen while he was determined to head to the nest.
I'm not surprised that Hiccup died for a time. All that pain and suffering he had to go through would make anyone's heart give out. Anyway, that's my opinion, or dislike about your story. I actually like it but I felt it needed work on that.
Aurastar Warrior chapter 26 . 2/8
awesome story
AirCaptainBiggles chapter 26 . 11/14/2019
Second time reading this. (I seem to be revisiting all my favs lately.)

What happened to the sequels?

Fanfiction seems to be the only thing giving me some semblance of sanity as of late.
meteor13 chapter 1 . 9/22/2019
I like this
avidanApostle chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
Gonna have to disagree with your assessment of humans right there in the beginning of the first chapter. Humans have a couple of things going for us, even setting aside our absurd intelligence compared to everything else on this planet. The biggest one, though, is that humans are built for ENDURANCE. Most other animals can run faster than a human, but we can run for a longer time. Apart from that, we can throw things better than any other animal and our bipedal stance is a huge advantage.

...That was a bit longer than intended. Sorry. It’s just a topic that I happen to find interesting. As far as the writing goes, I’ve got no complaints so far.
Thedyingjokepastaway chapter 6 . 7/26/2019
Waaah I read for nearly five and a half hours, 4:30 AM, maybe I should get sleep...

Yeah, scr** going to 5 AM, I need my minimum three hours of sleep.
Thedyingjokepastaway chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
Uh, so basically Hiccup’s the Flash, guess I can accept that, at least I haven’t seen that idea written before.

Also is it normal I’m getting very, very mixed signals from Astrid and co.?
Guest chapter 20 . 7/19/2019
The stitches are leather, right? And Hiccup's immune to fire...mostly? So, just burn the stitches off. It won't hurt him, but leather burns (as we all well know) so he would just have to deal with scars.
CrazyGamer313 chapter 26 . 5/10/2019
Review for the entire story soo i really liked your approach with the gifts and choosing hiccups gift the scene where hiccups has been jaled wss espacially sad all in all good story with a satisfiying end cheers
Fidget the Zorua Fossil Fighte chapter 14 . 4/20/2019
The part with the memory of Petri tells Hiccup that he is vähän-Little Bit, never fails to make me cry because my grandparents, both of who are now dead my grandma died from colon cancer and my grandpa died from heart failure, used to call me Little Bit
L'assassin orange chapter 26 . 3/31/2019
It's a very fitting ending, bittersweet, with so much lost, but still so much Hope that it will be better, if they work for it. Hope that sequel actually happened, because I'm stocked!
L'assassin orange chapter 24 . 3/31/2019
I'm going to go on a limb, and say that next chapter will involve Gods' shenanigan. And I lvoe the idea of a skylight! Damn Hole in the roof indeed. I hope we get to see Mildew's and his cahoot punishment, because I want him to burn.
L'assassin orange chapter 23 . 3/31/2019
I hate how they tried to take everything from him, and how he lost the one joy he always had. I hate that he actually love them, will forgive them most likely, after all the shit he's been through. That's one thing that always baffled me: so few acknowledge that Hiccup is one incredible human being, because most of us would have snapped if we were treated as he was in the movie. Here, with the added weight of his secret, and what happened to him by Mildew? That's the kind of event that creates monsters like Drago Bludvist.
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