AN: I don't even know where this came from. I've been sick and I suppose the meds probably contributed. There are a lot of time skips because of Kagome's affinity in the story. And, I altered great swathes of Tomoe's history. Because I could. :) I hope you like this anyway. It's a two-shot so the other part will be up in a day or two. (Depending on how I feel. This medicine makes me very loopy.)

Bare feet lightly touched the earth as an ethereal figure glided through the early-morning mists. Her blue eyes narrowed as she heard a large group of hunters hurrying through the woods.

Tipping her head to the side, the female sent out her powers, her lips pulling down when she recognized the feel of Ikusagami's aura. She wasn't particularly fond of the Spirit of War, but recognized his role in the balance of life. He'd been complaining loudly recently about two demons who were being more wasteful than normal in their killing ways. It was the same thing every meeting of the Spirits and so she hadn't bothered attending the last one.

Apparently, that had been a mistake as it seemed that Ikusagami had finally been given leave to eradicate the demons. Heaven forbid anyone make Ikusagami look bad at his job.

All this the figure would have dismissed as none of her concern if the other Spirit hadn't involved humans in his hunt. Turning, she disappeared only to step into another place, this time beside a calm river.

Only a moment later a tall figure stumbled out of the forest. Obviously critically wounded, the white-haired fox (a true kitsune) swayed when he stopped abruptly upon seeing her.

His eyes were a violet so dark they were almost black with his emotions and pain. Still, he held whatever attack he could have mustered, confused over her presence and lack of hostility.

"Lady Spirit," he greeted, barely managing that before he collapsed.

The female moved to kneel beside him, watching him steadily. "Ikusagami would have you dead for your senseless slaughtering," she began softly. "Why should I assist you?"

Panting, the fox blinked rapidly, realizing that she was giving him a chance to save his life.

"I have never killed innocents," he whispered weakly, his mind racing.

Her blue eyes were measuring as she inclined her head. "You are seeing me because you have shown potential for redemption. However, you've also not prevented others from killing innocents when it has been within your power to do so."

Blood trickled out of his mouth as the fox's breathing turned shallow.

"You are so young," she murmured, stroking his hair out of his face and soothing him, some of the pain receding at her touch.

"The men I killed deserved to die," he told her, not backing down from that point. True, he'd reveled in the killings, but he only truly went after those who were long passed redemption.

She made a considering noise. "Perhaps, but you altered too many fates. You stepped into lives that had other roles to fill and you altered them irreparably." She frowned, her eyes going deep and sad. "And, you don't see the value of life at all; not even your own."

Hearing the hunters closing in and knowing he had mere moments to live, he desperately clutched at her hakama.

"I can learn," he swore. "I will serve you faithfully, Lady, if you grant me this chance."

Surprise colored her fair features, making his stomach twist. With the moon shining on her and her simple clothes, her beauty was so much that if she was the last thing he saw, he would count himself blessed.

"You would tie yourself to me as a guardian? A familiar?" she asked, her brows up incredulously.


Her expression softened as she smiled ruefully. "I've always had a soft spot for foxes," she breathed a laugh. "It figures that a Wild Fox would be the first to want me as his patron."

Meeting his dulling eyes, she leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. Immediately, his wounds healed and he was revitalized. Sucking in a sharp breath, he felt an anchor settle into his soul, flooding him with acceptance and a sense of belonging. It was overwhelming and would have brought him to his knees if he'd been standing.

The woman grinned at him as he sat and looked to see that even his clothes had been restored. When he turned his attention once more to her, he found that they were in an altogether different location.

"Who are you?" he asked as she continued to watch him.

She smirked. "That probably would have been a good question to ask before you bound yourself to me," she teased.

At his stiffening, her grin faded.

"I'm Kagome," she relented, "the Spirit of Time."

Violet eyes widened as he realized just how powerful a being she was. Leaning forward, he pressed his forehead to the back of his hands, prostrating himself before her.

"I am your servant, Tomoe, Lady."

"Get up," she admonished, wincing when she felt their bond force him to obey. "I'll have to work on that. Can't toss around orders like confetti if you have to obey them."

His brows drew together as she stopped, her eyes fixed on the top of his head. Swallowing, she motioned up.

"Would you mind?"

Unsure what she meant, he nevertheless shook his head. Delight washed over her as she scooted forward and gently began stroking his ears. Shuddering at the sensation, Tomoe couldn't help but lean into her. Behind him, his tail twitched happily at the reverent attention she was paying him.

"You're so soft!" she exclaimed, pulling away reluctantly.

Opening his eyes, he wondered at the mix of wisdom and innocence she carried. "What would you have of me, Lady?"

Wrinkling her nose, she huffed. "You can just call me 'Kagome', you know."

Before he could reply, the air rippled and Kagome was on her feet. She brought a blade up to block another, both seemingly materializing out of nothing. Tomoe's claws lengthened as he leapt to his mistress' side. His gaze hardened when he saw that her opponent was Ikusagami. The Spirit of War snarled as the sacred blade dulled.

"You have no place in this, Kagome."

"The white fox you hunted has died and my familiar is born, Ikusagami. Your blade will submit to me, so stand down," she shot back, a fire in her that startled Tomoe.

She was guarding him-protecting him against one of the most powerful Spirits. It made the fox's claws flex nervously.

Pushing violently, Ikusagami dropped the attack. "Him?! You, of all people, have taken a murderous, rabid mutt as your familiar?"

Kagome let her sword hang at her side. "Time often gives opportunities to those some would find undeserving. He asked and I accepted."

Wrath subsiding somewhat, the male Spirit sheathed his blade and looked between the two across from him. He knew the fox was cunning, but this was entirely unexpected. Despite her naiveté, Kagome wouldn't have been fooled by a last-ditched scheme to escape death. The fox must have shown her something else, something that made her think there was something about him that could be redeemed. It didn't sit right with Ikusagami.

"Kagome, even Inari forsook this creature," he pointed out, watching as Tomoe went rigid at her side. Looking back to her, the Spirit dismissed the fox.

An ugly, writhing thing twisted her insides at the pity she saw in Ikusagami's eyes when he continued.

"He won't replace your kit."

Snarling, she fought back the searing pain his words inflicted and pointed her finger at him. "Don't you speak of Shippō. Don't you ever speak of my son when you are part of the reason he's lost to me."

Holding up his hands, Ikusagami backed down. "I would have spared him the spell if there had been any way, I swear it. The only reason Sesshōmaru was spared was he will one day ascend as well."

His gaze flicked again to the tense fox standing just slightly to Kagome's left-as if he wanted to step in front of her protectively, but recognized it as not his place. The Spirit of War blew out a breath, admitting defeat. Already he could see Kagome's influence weaving around the destructive creature, settling him. Clenching his jaw, the Spirit jerked a nod.

"Fine then, foxling, I'll relinquish my claim on your life so long as you are in Kagome's service. However, know that if you forsake her, I will bring such suffering on you that you will wish every moment that she had let you die by that river." He sighed as he stepped back. "A gift, Kagome. May you not regret it."

And he was gone.

Relaxing once his senses assured him they were truly alone, Tomoe looked to his mistress. She'd banished her weapon, but the sorrow in her gaze bewildered him. He had no idea what to do.

"Your…son was a fox?" he asked tentatively, his curiosity piqued and unable to be pushed aside.

She smiled sadly. "He was. I saved him from the demons that killed his parents and eventually adopted him." Hugging herself, she stared off into the distance. "It's a very long story that ends in happiness for most everyone."

Except her, he realized as she shook herself and almost painfully pulled on a happy façade.

"Come on then. I'll tell you all about it on the way."

Intrigued, he complied, wondering at this un-looked-for turn in his life.


At the end of the hunt for the Jewel of Four Souls, Kagome restored it and then went to the future, hoping to get more medical supplies. Her friends and allies had all survived, but were each injured in varying degrees of severity.

It was meant to be a short trip to the future and back again.

What it became was another thing altogether.

As soon as the magic of the well activated, Kagome's humanity fell away. She ascended to what she was always meant to be-the embodiment of Time. As such, she could exist at any moment, lessons from all across her life flooding her mind as she floated in the magic of the well.

Her soul dissolved the Jewel of Four Souls, purifying it out of existence. It would have relieved her, had the consequences not been so devastating to her personally. The Spirits decided that since she'd effectively un-made the Jewel so that it had never existed, the lives she'd touched in the past would have their memory of her wiped, too. After all, she never would have met them the way she originally had if the Jewel had not existed.

"And so," she finished, tears in her eyes, "my Shippō got his parents, but I lost my son. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, but of all those I lost, I miss him the most."

Tomoe tried to process that incredible tale, turning it over and over in his mind as he looked at it from all angles.

"Were you ever human?"

She gave a watery chuckle, shrugging. "Not really, no. It's funny, Sesshōmaru is the only one who ever noticed. In the first hour of meeting me, too. He asked me what I was. Not 'who', like a normal person-the jerk-but 'what'."

Running his tongue over his fangs, the fox debated asking his next question. She was being remarkably open with him, chattering away like she hadn't been against his entire previous way of life. After hearing her story, Tomoe realized that she'd given second chances to everyone she met. She honestly didn't hold the past against a person if amends were made for it.

"Do I remind you of your son?"

Her steps faltered and she stopped. Haltingly, she turned and stared at him a long while, seemingly seeing into the depths of his soul. Finally, she reached up and cupped his face, her blue eyes gentle.

"Only in that you are both foxes and both found me when all other options for you were gone. Shippō was a kit, Tomoe. He needed a mother and I needed someone to believe in me."

The wildness of his power stilled at her touch, making him savor it. "I am young yet," he allowed, "but not so young as to need a mother."

That made her grin, the shadows fleeing from her face. Her fingers slid into his hair, rubbing his ears fondly as she agreed.

"No, no you need a purpose, Tomoe, besides trying to fill the emptiness you feel with massive destruction and debauchery."

His tail swished, unnerved as he was at the ease in which she understood him. So, he pushed back, just a little. He was a fox, after all.

"And what do you need, Mistress?" he purred, watching in surprised amusement as red painted her cheeks and she snatched back her hand.

"Not that!" she squeaked, swatting at him when he laughed. Huffing, she stormed ahead, not bothering to answer when he caught up to her. She could still feel his amusement, the jerk.


Life with Kagome was never boring or idle, Tomoe learned. She had duties in all manner of things and still somehow managed to stay involved with her friends. She was the Spirit of Time, though, so he supposed that allowed her greater freedom than any other being.

"They are not your friends," he pointed out one day when they left the Slayer's village.

Sango was at the age now that she'd been when Kagome had first met her. The village had built a shrine to Kagome years ago, honouring her for the favor she showed them. They'd only been slightly surprised when she'd turned up with her familiar, but none had dared speak against it. She was of the Spirits, her familiar would have to be someone powerful.

"What?" Kagome blinked at him. "Of course they are."

Tomoe crossed his arms, his hands sliding into the unadorned blue material. He'd been with Kagome a long while now and slowly his flamboyant style faded into something that matched her simple taste. Most of the time. There was something to be said of letting his clothes provide a tidy foil complement to his looks, which simplicity did.

"You are their friend, yes, but they are not yours. Not truly. They set you too far above themselves. They do not know you."

Flinching, she dropped her eyes and didn't say anything else. Tomoe frowned at her reaction, wondering why she'd drawn into herself. Kagome was highly intelligent; she must have realized this herself.

"There is a village ahead that needs a boost to their crops. Please see to it," she instructed lowly before disappearing.

Panic flared in his mind at first, not understanding why she had left him. His soul curled around their bond in reaction, his lungs only unfreezing when he noted that she hadn't repudiated him.

Forcing himself to calm, he held onto the warmth of their bond and puzzled at his own reaction. Wouldn't it be a good thing if she released him? He'd be his own master again, free to do as he pleased.

Walking to the village his mistress had pointed out, he rejected that notion. He wasn't certain Ikusagami's reprieve would be upheld if Kagome willingly revoked the bond. His old life with Akura-ou held only emptiness for him now when he thought on it.

Beyond that, foxes were creatures who thrived on pleasure and power. Kagome didn't give him sexual pleasure, but her affection and care brought a softer yet equally potent satisfaction. And, she wrapped her spiritual power around him constantly, effectively calming his wild, continual search for an energy source. Foxes flourished when they found someone or something they could have a mutual energy exchange with. He was a powerful fox-one feared across Nippon-and his age only aggravated his need for constant energy influxes. He needed a stable energy source. Sex and war could only give him brief rushes that never lasted.

Kagome centered him, steadily grounding his power until he was slowly gaining control over it even as it grew. Plus, though she confused him greatly, he actually liked her as a person.

Looking out over the failing crops, Tomoe absently sent out a spark of power to prod the plants to health.

"My gratitude," a voice said.

Snapping his head around, Tomoe found an unfamiliar Spirit standing to his left.

The young-looking male grunted in approval at the crop perking up. "I'm Mikage, Spirit of Land."

Stiffly, Tomoe gave him a shallow bow, which prompted Mikage to grin.

"Now, why would a fox be aiding a human village?"

Tomoe narrowed his eyes. "My mistress asked it of me."

Mikage blinked. "Ah, you must be Kagome's familiar. No surprise, really. That girl will never do anything the easy way." He eyed the foxed. "No, she has to offer her friendship even to those who will hurt her. Perhaps, especially those that will hurt her."

At that, Tomoe bristled, foxfire sparking under his skin. "I would never betray or injure Lady Kagome."

The Spirit's expression was calculating, but melted into compassion. "You will. You won't be able to help it. It's in your nature to puzzle things out and then break the puzzle once it no longer holds your interest."

Spirit or no, Tomoe flashed his fangs at the male and let his fire curl in his palm.

"How dare you imply she is so weak," he hissed lowly, each word cold and menacing as his eyes went dark with protective offense.

A surprised, but approving gleam flared in Mikage's expression. "Not weak, kind-hearted," he clarified.

Pointedly, he looked around. "Where is she now?"

Getting the message, Tomoe subdued his fire. "She is not wounded and we discussed nothing that she didn't already know before she set me this task," he stated defensively.

Mikage sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Save me from ignorant males," he muttered almost too low for Tomoe to hear. Louder, he asked, "Look, what does Kagome give you?"

Brows furrowed, the fox was bewildered at the strange creature in front of him and his ability to pick up on the very thoughts he'd been previously contemplating. Sighing, he decided to humor him since Kagome had yet to return.

"She said she gives me purpose."

The Spirit clapped. "Yes! Excellent! She gives you someone that needs you. She's someone you hold yourself accountable to because you don't want to let her down. Now, what do you give her?"

Looking away, Tomoe remained silent. Mikage wanted to wipe that confused, forlorn look from the fox's eyes, but that was paired with a healthy inclination to hit him. Hard.

"Tomoe," he entreated, surprising the fox with his knowledge of his name, "what do you give Kagome?"

"I don't know," the familiar admitted in a subdued tone.

"Best you figure it out. You've got a long stretch of forever together."

Tomoe blinked and found himself once more alone.

Unnerved, the fox looked back the way he'd come, wondering what he was supposed to do now.


Thankfully, Kagome emerged a moment later, though the evidence of her shed tears made his ears droop.

"I…apologize if I have offended you, Mistress," he offered, taking a few steps closer and breathing in her scent.

She waved him off. "It's okay, Tomoe, just me being sensitive. Wow! The field looks great!"

He bowed. "Lord Mikage sends his gratitude."

Smiling, she nodded. "He's quite fond of humans. My guess is, however, that he wanted to prod at you when I'm not around to tell him to mind his own. Nosy Spirit."

The words had a fond tinge to them, leading Tomoe to believe that she considered Mikage to be a friend or ally. Friend, he decided, remembering his mistress's temperament. He blinked when Kagome took his arm and leaned her head on his bicep. She was a good deal shorter than he, but her power coiled about her, lending her a presence unlike any he'd ever witnessed.

"You're right," she began, sadness creeping into her scent, "those friends that I made on the quest for the shards of the Jewel of Four Souls no longer exist. Not like they were. I've never fought beside them, shared secrets and experiences that no amount of recounting can truly convey. It breaks my heart, but at the same time, I've also watched over them since before they were even born. Well, everyone but Sesshōmaru, Inuyasha, and S-Shippō."

She paused, rubbing her face against his arm for comfort, making his eyes widen. She'd never done that, never really leaned on him for anything. It made him swallow, unsure how to face that, how to give her what she was seeking.

"The rest are so happy, Tomoe. I can't be truly sad in the face of such an outcome. I just miss them and if seeing them from time-to-time as a Spirit that favors them is all I can have, I'll make do with it."

His ears twitched and he gently untangled his arm from her hold so that he could hesitantly wrap it around her. She looked up at him in question, but tucked herself into his side easily.

"Why have you avoided those three?"

Closing her eyes, she pressed her face into his haori and tried to rebuild her battered emotional walls. She could feel his power twining with her own, uncertain and yet trying so hard to understand. Human emotions were a mystery to him and regardless of her lost humanity (or the illusion of) she still felt things as they did.

"Because Inuyasha's fate will most probably have changed the most. Since Sesshōmaru remembers, I'm not sure what changes he's made to the timeline. I don't know what his reaction will be to seeing me. We were allies before and during the final showdown with Naraku, but hadn't ever really progressed to friends-even by my standards."

That drew a grin from him, which in turn provoked a rueful one from her. She didn't say why she hadn't visited Shippō, but by now he could guess. Seeing the kit would be the hardest for her.

"The longer you wait, the harder this will be to face, my mistress," he told her softly, knowing from prior experiences that internal demons only grew the longer they were ignored. "You will not move on from this."

A few more tears slid down her cheeks, but she nodded. "I know. I do, but I don't know how, Tomoe."

His eyes narrowed, wondering at the vulnerability she was displaying. She was the strongest, most powerful person he'd ever known and he didn't understand why this one thing she was letting make her weak.

"You will simply do it. You are not weak," he stated, his head tipped to the side and his ears focused on her.

That made her nearly glow, everything about her softening with elation. He was startled out of his awe when she threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Tomoe, you're the best!" she declared, drawing back.

Baffled at her sudden joy, he studied her. "Thank you?" he asked more than said in his disoriented state. "What has made your sadness flee?"

Giggling, she cupped his face. "You, silly fox! Now, let's go find a large home and wallow in aristocratic amenities! We'll leave some kind of boon behind, but I'm totally feeling a relaxing bath indoors."

Something very much like happiness bloomed in his chest at her delight. Because of him. He'd done something to make her like this, the shadows from earlier banished in the face of her determined joy.

If this was the reward for trying even without fully understanding, Tomoe would dedicate his life to figuring out how to make and keep her as she was now. Her power sang to him through its anchor in his soul, filling him with purpose and a strength he didn't know he was missing.


Later, after they'd both taken time in the indoor hot springs some shogun had, Tomoe returned to their room to find Kagome brushing her hair and absently humming a tune. Lips tipping up at the contentment in her pose, the fox slid the door closed and moved to kneel behind her.

"Will you grant me leave, my mistress?"

Looking back at him, she poked him with her comb. "I really wish you'd stop with all that 'mistress' stuff."

Catching her hand, he liberated the comb from her grasp and then met her eyes. "I call you Lady Kagome."

Huffing, she turned around so that he could run the comb through her hair. It was soothing, making her relax even as she protested, "Not the same, my fox, and you know it."

Only a minute jerk of his hand gave away his shock at hearing her address him as so. She didn't notice, thankfully, so he focused on his task while his mind spun. She'd never indicated any possession of him before, even though he was hers. Not like that. She'd only ever called him hers when she was speaking to others and they asked what he was to her. He was her familiar. That was his station.

He was also a fox and that encompassed every sense of him. She'd called every part of him hers just now. Licking his lips, he finally understood.

"Apologies, my lady," he murmured, setting the comb aside to plait her dark tresses.

Kagome opened her eyes in astonishment at that, a blush heating her cheeks. He'd probably done it on purpose, the sneaky, too-smart, fox.

He finished in silence, both of them content with the presence of the other. When he was done, she ran her fingers down the braid and turned to smile at him.


His eyes lightened to a warm violet, crinkling at the edges. "My pleasure," he answered, returning her comb.

When she twirled her finger at him, he laughed and gave her his back. She loved combing his hair and petting his ears and he was quite happy to let her. His childhood and life hadn't been easy or filled with much besides violence. This quiet affection was something he craved and hadn't realized he'd been missing until Kagome began to supply it. She made him want to be better, to prove that he could be worthy of the gift of her trust.

His posture went from relaxed to ramrod straight before he melted to the floor. Astonished, Kagome looked at him, comb in one hand and his tail in the other.

"Er, Tomoe?"

A wheezing rumble came from his chest, sounding very much like the fox version of a satisfied purr. Eyes crinkling in glee, she continued to carefully brush out his long, silky tail; glad he wasn't upset at her touching it.

Regretfully finding her job done a while later, Kagome set aside the comb and shuffled until she could see Tomoe's face. His eyes were heavy and he looked like a boneless heap of pleasure. Giggling, she stroked his white hair from his face and kissed his crown.

"At least you landed on a futon," she grinned.

Closing his eyes, he stretched and then put his head in her lap. Perplexed, she nevertheless began gently rubbing his ears and massaging his scalp. She adored his ears and tail, but his hair was just as soft-as if it were simply very long fur. That he took pleasure in her attention to them delighted her.

Technically, she didn't have to sleep, but Tomoe did every now and then. It was boring without him so she'd gotten into the habit of dozing a bit when he did.

Submitting to sleep, Tomoe curled around her, as if to protect her even while unconscious. It made a tender smile perch on her lips.

"Keep trying, my fox," she whispered almost silently to him, "you're getting there."


Tomoe's violet eyes slid to hers. "How will you approach the last three?"

Kagome fiddled with the end of her braid. "I'll start with Sesshōmaru. His memories of the original timeline will return to him when he begins his search for the Tetsusaiga."

Sensing something more, the fox arched a snowy brow, prompting her to smile.

"Sesshōmaru's actions will impact a great deal of people, not the least of which is Inuyasha. There is a bare instant of time between me emerging from the well for the final time and the spell taking effect. I'll find the Sesshōmaru of then and give him a choice: let the past play out as it does, or send his memories even farther back."

Her face softened with a great deal of compassion as she looked at him. "I've learned a lot about Sesshōmaru since first meeting him. As much as people rave about his pop, the Great Dog General gave a pretty raw deal to his eldest. Especially in this era. Technically, no matter the feelings involved, Inuyasha's mother was the General's concubine and therefore Inuyasha is a bastard. That the father gave his life in defense of them, leaving his barely-mature heir to the mercies of running the West…well, it kind of sucks. Then, he gives this awesome sword from his own fang to Inuyasha and the sword he gives Sesshōmaru turns out to be nothing more than a missing piece of the Tetsusaiga."

"I thought he surpassed his father?"

Kagome shrugged. "He did, once he finally came into his power. But, think of it, Tomoe, the Great General died when Sesshōmaru was only around two hundred. He'd have been considered a young teen if he had been human. The Tetsusaiga would have greatly helped him protect his lands and it would have legitimized his claim to them. His father left him to fend for himself, basically. All for a child that hadn't even been born yet. Not that Inuyasha and Izayoi didn't deserve protection, but I can see where Sesshōmaru's resentment comes from."

The fox's tail swished as he thought on that, understanding the dog's actions from Kagome's stories more now. He'd be bitter, too, if he'd had a father he adored and said father seemingly gave up on him.

"Will that pocket of time be enough for you to give him a choice?"

Laughing, she nudged him with her elbow. "Tomoe! Who do you think you're talking to?"

Lips turning up, he bowed his head in agreement and let her take his arm. In a blink, they were transported to a clearing with a dry well in the middle of it. A moment later, blue light flared from the depths and Kagome waved her hands. Time stuttered to a standstill.

"There," she nodded in satisfaction and tipped her head up to listen for something he couldn't hear. "I believe our favorite dog lord is that way."

Taking his arm again, she moved them to a campsite where a tall, silver-haired demon was standing, as if waiting. Tomoe's hackles immediately raised at the deadly power coiling around the dog. Before he'd become Kagome's familiar, this was the kind of challenge he'd been seeking. A battle with the demon would give him a thrill the likes of which was only found in testing yourself against a worthy opponent. Part of him still itched to do so, his claws flexing and his fangs elongating in silent preparedness.

This dog was a threat, regardless of what Kagome said, and he would not allow him to hurt her.

"Priestess," the dog lord rumbled, facing her almost curiously. The frozen figures of his small pack didn't seem to faze him.

Kagome beamed. "Hello, Sesshōmaru. I'm not a priestess anymore, however."

Lifting his head, he scented the air and let his power push at hers to test her words. When he discovered what she truly was, his eyes widened fractionally and the faintest hint of a smile appeared on his face.

"It seems I have my answer at last."

Snorting, she rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, kudos to you, smarty-pants. I didn't come here to assuage your curiosity, though."

His gaze sharpened and he strode toward her, making Tomoe stiffen. Sesshōmaru cast him a swift glance, but that was all. He did, however, stop a respectful distance away.

"What has happened?"

She gave him a very abridged run-down, making him frown thoughtfully, before coming to the part involving him.

"Eventually, you're going to ascend as a Spirit. That's why you'll be allowed to keep your memories of what has happened with the Jewel of Four Souls. The sticking point is that these memories will only reawaken in you when you begin your search for Tetsusaiga. That's where you began to be affected by the Jewel."

He studied her, a calculating gleam behind his icy eyes. "And you are unsatisfied with this?"

Shrugging, she looked away. "Look, we've never been friends, and there's been a large amount of attempted killing on both sides, but I think you got shafted with what happened when the General died. I'm willing to awaken your memories farther back, if you want. Right after the General fights Ryūkotsusei."

Although he didn't show it, Sesshōmaru was surprised at the offer. He knew that should she do so, a great many things would be changed. He would not allow himself to make the same mistakes he had the first time.

"Do so."

Her face relaxed in a smile as she bobbed her head. "Alright, then. Good luck, Sesshōmaru. I'm…I'm very happy that someone else will remember. That the sacrifices and struggles will not be forgotten truly," she admitted softly.

Some of the ice in his eyes melted. "This Sesshōmaru will always remember his allies."

Tomoe took her arm when it seemed like she would cry, so she simply smiled gratefully and disappeared.

Time released and the past shifted.


Hundreds of years before, a younger Sesshōmaru stood behind his father on a ledge. He'd demanded his father's two swords before he went off on his damned fool quest to protect the whore birthing his bastard.

"Do you have something to protect, Sesshōmaru?" the General asked him, somewhat resignedly, as if he knew the answer, but hoped otherwise.

His son opened his mouth to reply when a gentle touch against his temple stayed him. Instantly, the memories of another life-another time awoke in him. The future Sesshōmaru reopened his eyes to find himself in his younger body, staring at the father he'd long missed. Whether he ever admitted it or not. Realizing exactly what conversation they were having, he answered the way he should have the first time.

"I care nothing for protecting your pet human, Father. However, you will forfeit your life in this venture. It has been a while since we saw battle together."

Shocked, the General turned to face his smirking son, wondering at the reply. Wondering at the sudden warmth in the young dog's normally cold and dull eyes. Taking a step forward, he studied his son. Maybe, maybe he hadn't failed him.

A grin began to pull at his lips as he tightened his hand on the hilt of his sword. Whatever the reason, he wouldn't question it. If his son was willing to aid him in protecting what mattered to him, regardless of Sesshōmaru's own feelings on them, then he would keep his peace. He swallowed hard, though, at realizing with the offer, just how much Sesshōmaru must value him.

"Yes," he choked, "it has been too long, my son. Come; let us show this samurai the strength of the West!"

In a flash, they were off, speeding toward Izayoi and bringing death to Takemaru.

Invisible to them, Kagome and Tomoe watched from the sideline. Tomoe looked down in amusement as Kagome kept patting his arm in excitement.

"This is intense," she whispered, even though the dogs couldn't hear them. "I'm so excited for Sesshōmaru. Hah! Did you see the General's face? He looked completely poleaxed! Good on you, Sess!"

When the dogs rushed off, the fox asked, "Are we going to see the results of this change?"

"Hell, yeah!" she exclaimed, pumping her fist.

The air filled with fox laughter as they faded from sight.


Tomoe was impressed at the skill of the dogs as he and Kagome watched the battle with Takemaru's army. It was obvious that the Dog General was wounded in a prior altercation, but Sesshōmaru was doing an excellent job of watching his back. When Sesshōmaru's power flared to unimaginable heights at the sight of an arrow piercing his father, even the General paused in awe as Sesshōmaru pulled a sword out of his own power.

With a lightning-fast strike, the soldiers were eliminated and the way to the castle cleared. Straightening, the General absently pulled the arrow out of his shoulder and stared at his son.

"That was quite impressive, Sesshōmaru," he managed, watching his son examine the sword with something like satisfaction.

Golden eyes turned to meet golden and the younger dog inclined his head.

"It appears I have no need for your swords, Father. Perhaps, you should keep them a while yet."

Surprised into a laugh, the General wiped blood off his face and nodded. "Perhaps so."

Seeing the weakening of his father's aura, Sesshōmaru pulled Tenseiga from his side and flicked it at the older dog. The General gasped as his wounds healed and he was restored to his massive power.

Since when did Sesshōmaru master Tenseiga? Near-gaping, he looked from his son to the swords in his hands.

Sesshōmaru smirked again, inwardly cackling at finally being able to garner his father's respect and regard. Finally, it was the eldest being sent that warm expression.

Returning the sword to his father, he didn't let his thoughts show. Instead, merely asked, "Should we go to your human now?"

Shaking himself out of his stupor, the General narrowed his eyes, just knowing his son was extremely pleased with himself. Still, he was nearly full-to-bursting with pride for him, so he supposed the boy had a right.


Takemaru was absolutely no match for the dogs when either was in top health, much less both of them. Sesshōmaru simply stood back and let his father extract his vengeance on the up-start. Because they'd cut through the human army extremely swiftly, the samurai had no time to kill Izayoi or Inuyasha, nor set fire to the castle.

A pained scream echoed from the woman's room. Face tight at the thought that they'd missed a hidden threat, Sesshōmaru quickly moved back to Izayoi's side. And that is how Sesshōmaru ended up being the one to deliver his half-brother into the world.

The Dog General was just in time to see Sesshōmaru clean the squalling infant and Izayoi pass out in exhaustion. For a moment, he was seized with the fear that his eldest would kill his youngest. It passed when Sesshōmaru gently-far more gently than his father would have thought possible-wrapped the infant in clean cloth and presented him to his sire.

"Your son, Honorable Father," he told him.

Joy shone from the older dog's eyes as he looked at his sons. Reaching out, he laid a hand on Sesshōmaru's shoulder.

"Thank you, Sesshōmaru," he whispered.

For something in his bones told him that he would not have lived to see morning had his eldest not set aside his own agenda and finally decided to protect something.

Glancing at the now-silent hanyō, Sesshōmaru let the last of his bitterness at the boy fade. He didn't know if he'd ever like him, but for his father…for the pride in his father's eyes now for him, the heir would let go of any grudges he'd once had. This was a second chance he didn't know he'd wished for and he would not let anything destroy it. Besides, he'd already formed Bakusaiga, something that had quite shocked him, if he were honest. He had thought he would have to build his power up again, but it seemed that with the memories, his power was once more unlocked.

And that satisfied him much more than his father's second-hand fangs.

"Of course, Father."


Kagome was in tears at the end of the evening, but Tomoe knew she was beyond pleased with what had happened.

"Your ally has begun the changes you hoped for," he murmured to her as they watched the two dogs talk.

"Yes," she choked, wiping her eyes. "Oh, this is brilliant, Tomoe. Sesshōmaru played that perfectly. I really shouldn't have doubted him."

Brows lifting, he turned his gaze to her. "You had doubts?"

Giggling, she motioned to the elder son. "Well, it's Sesshōmaru, you know. He's not exactly known for being forgiving. I gambled that he would take this chance to make things right with his father-and not kill Inuyasha before the boy was old enough to fight back."

"A risky gamble, my lady," he chuckled. "You would have been forced to intervene and I don't think the Spirit Council would be happy."

Shrugging, she silently let him know that she wasn't terribly concerned about them. When Sesshōmaru exited the room to give his father time alone with his other family, Kagome and Tomoe followed him. He strode to the garden and tipped his face to the moon. Quietly, Kagome let them shimmer into existence just behind him.

"You've granted this Sesshōmaru a great boon," he rumbled to her. "You have my thanks."

Grinning, she drew up beside him. "You're welcome. I never expected you to be the one to deliver Inuyasha, though!"

Shuddering, he frowned. "No, that was an unwelcome change. What do you wish in return?"

"Nothing, Sesshōmaru," she told him gently. "I could help you and so I did."

"You could have manipulated events so that Inuyasha did not lose his mother so soon," he pointed out sharply. "Why use me to better his life?"

Her eyes were earnest as she shook her head. "That was a very nice change, but this was a gift for you. It was to better your life and your relationship with a father I know you missed."

Reaching out, she lightly patted his forearm. "I'll watch over him, but I'll leave you alone after this."

Shifting, he tipped his head to study her. She had been a great nuisance to him for a long while. Yet, somehow she'd transformed into a valuable ally and then someone who had given him his most secret wish. She'd given him the opportunity to make his father proud.

"This Sesshōmaru would not be adverse to your visits."

That made her eyes light up with happiness. Tomoe moved closer to her when she lifted off the ground and pressed a brief kiss to the dog's forehead.

"A favor from the Spirits, Sesshōmaru," she told him formally, power lacing her words, "because you have not yet ascended."

Then, she and the fox vanished, leaving a smug dog behind. He glanced over his shoulder to see his father staring at him with shocked eyes.

"Sesshōmaru, what have you been doing since our paths last crossed?" he sputtered.

He'd come to find his son once Izayoi and Inuyasha were asleep and stumbled into the scene of a powerful Spirit apparently blessing his heir.

Mischief danced in Sesshōmaru's eyes as he turned back to his father. "I managed to acquire a most valuable ally."

"I'll say," the General snarked, feeling like he'd been wrong-footed all night with his son. "What did you do that you gained her attention? Even her familiar radiated power." He sniffed. "Shame that he was a fox."

Sesshōmaru felt compassion twist his heart at that observation, because he knew that-with time-he could eventually regain his ward, Rin. Kagome would not have that chance with the kit she'd adopted. They were the only two who were left to remember how things were, and-as she said-the sacrifices that were made for this better future. He would remember hers, he vowed, for he knew that as powerful as she'd become, she would give it all up if she could retain her friends and their happiness.

"Lady Kagome has always had an affection for canines," he answered. "Not simply foxes."

The General was no fool. He gleaned quite a bit from his son's words. "You've known her a while."

The younger dog inclined his head. "We have fought together."

And the father knew he would get no more from his son on the matter. For whatever reason, Sesshōmaru was protecting that Spirit even from well-meaning questions. If it meant that much to him, the General would let it go.

"Very well. Perhaps we can build a shrine for her at the estate."

For some reason, that amused his son greatly.

"I believe that's an excellent idea, Father."

The General wasn't certain he hadn't somehow provided his son a great deal of entertainment…somehow with the suggestion.


"And, I'm going to be as great as Big Brother is!" a tiny Inuyasha declared to the statue of the beautiful Spirit of Time.

He often came to the shrine on his father's estate when he had something exciting happen to him. For some reason, he always felt warmly welcomed, as if the Spirit was truly listening to him. His father had been surprised at the observation, but his brother had uncharacteristically assured him that his instincts were correct. If Sesshōmaru said it was so, then it was.

"He is the best demon ever and he doesn't hit me when I can't do my maths right."

Kagome and Tomoe watched as the child babbled on about how awesome his brother was and how he was going to grow up to be just like him. The Spirit covered her mouth to keep from cackling at the irony.

"Goodness, that's so weird to me I can't even begin to tell you," she chuckled. "If my Inuyasha had heard this, he would have blown a gasket. I wonder how Sesshōmaru is taking being hero-worshipped."

It was still both galling and flattering that Sesshōmaru had arranged for a shrine to her to be built. She just knew he got some kind of twisted amusement out of it.

Tomoe eyed the child, wondering at his ability to be a complete mess every time they popped in to see him.

"You said that he allowed the human girl to follow him; that she was the same way. I doubt he will reject Inuyasha after doing so much to save him."

"Yeah, but I bet it freaks him out sometimes."

Feeling nostalgic, she allowed them to shimmer into the room so that the child could see her. Immediately, Inuyasha whirled around, his little claws leaping into a defensive position. When he saw her, recognition lit in his amber eyes and he relaxed.

"Spirit?" he asked in reverence.

"That's right, little one," she cooed, stepping toward him. "I'm Kagome and this is my familiar, Tomoe."

Inuyasha tore his eyes away from her to examine the tall, powerful fox at her side. Violet eyes flashed with curiosity, a white tail languidly swishing behind him.

"I thought foxes got more tails when they grew up," he blurted.

Brows raising, Tomoe smirked. "We do as we grow in power, Inuyasha. However, it would be cumbersome to wear them all. You'll only see all of our tails when we are in our true form."

Understanding, Inuyasha nodded. Seeing the fox's ears, the child pulled at his own. "You have ears like mine! I've never met anyone else who does."

That made Tomoe chuckle as Kagome giggled.

"Well, we know who the favorite is, don't we, Tomoe?" she teased.

Eyes widening, Inuyasha jerked his attention back to her and shook his head adamantly. "No! I like you both! I promise!"

Reaching out, she ran her hands through his hair and petted his twitching ears. "I'm teasing, Inuyasha. Tomoe is rather impressive."

"For a fox," a voice drawled from the door.

Their attention turned to find Sesshōmaru entering the shrine. Tomoe sniffed at the insult, moving closer to Kagome as the dog neared. He still didn't trust him and he disliked the closeness the dog had with his mistress.

"Sesshōmaru! That's not nice," Kagome chastised, but smiled at him when she was done.

Inuyasha's eyes went large as he ran to clasp his brother's hand. "Brother, do you know the Spirit?" he asked in a hushed tone.

Sesshōmaru allowed the contact. "Indeed. Show your respect, Inuyasha. It is only by her grace that you have the life you do now."

Hearing the seriousness of his words, Inuyasha immediately bowed low to the Spirit. Kagome smiled at him, her face soft at his obvious love for his brother. When she met Sesshōmaru's eyes, she was happy to see contentment there that had never before graced him.

"I'm pleased you are well," she told him. "Are you still satisfied with your choices?"

Looking down at the child holding onto him so trustingly, Sesshōmaru couldn't help but nod. This was how things were supposed to be, and he found that having Inuyasha's unwavering devotion wasn't as annoying as he would have thought. (Although, a tiny, secret part of him wanted to rub this in the old Inuyasha's face. He'd gotten the last laugh and his brother would never even know.)

"This Sesshōmaru is satisfied."

"Good, then we'll be off," she declared, taking Tomoe's arm.

"Where did they go?" Inuyasha asked his brother, blinking innocent amber eyes at him.

Sesshōmaru prompted him to walk and they left the shrine. "Lady Kagome has many duties, Inuyasha. You were blessed that she showed herself to you at all."

Somberly, Inuyasha nodded. "The fox had ears like me, Brother! And he had a tail! I wish I had a tail."

The General met them in the hall just in time to hear the last two sentences out of his youngest son. Bewildered, he looked to his eldest for explanation.

"Inuyasha was blessed by a visit from Lady Kagome and Tomoe," he supplied.

Understanding, their father dropped to his knee in front of Inuyasha and smiled. "And what did she say?"

"She told me who she was and Tomoe told me all about fox tails! Big Brother said that Lady Kagome is the reason I have a good life, Father. We should light extra incense for her," he declared seriously.

The bit from Sesshōmaru made the General arch a brow in interest. Though he'd never had any proof, he'd long suspected that the Spirit had a hand in the events of the night of Inuyasha's birth. It was nothing less than a miracle, truly, and he knew now that Sesshōmaru knew more than he would ever tell.

"Then we will," he agreed, sweeping the boy into his arms and slapping Sesshōmaru on his shoulder.

"Let's get some food, first. I'm starving."

Inuyasha's stomach loudly rumbled his agreement and the three dogs drifted toward the smell of dinner.


"What have you done to your hair?!" Kagome nearly shrieked when she came back from a hot spring and found Tomoe with only chin-length white locks.

The rest of his hair was in a neat braid across his legs. Shrinking back, he looked at her in confusion. Seeing that, Kagome felt ashamed of her reaction and rushed to his side.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that, Tomoe," she assured him, grasping one of his clawed hands. "It's lovely, I was just shocked. You cut off so much."

Dropping his eyes, he stared at the long braid in his lap. He wondered what to tell her; to admit to. Both of the dogs she valued so much had long pale hair and Inuyasha even had triangular ears. In a fit of anger, he'd cut off his hair, hoping that the resemblance would lessen.

"I wore my hair long before I bonded myself to you, my mistress," he stated softly, because that was a part of it, too. He didn't know how long he'd been with her now, since time wasn't linear for them, but he knew that it had been long enough that he'd grown another two tails. He knew that he'd learned enough from her that he was ashamed of his old life. Cutting his hair seemed like an outward expression of officially leaving it behind.

Kagome watched him struggle for words, but she grasped his meaning. The part of his soul that was bonded to hers felt less dark with this act, almost as though he was finally ready to move forward.

Taking the braided hair, Kagome wrapped it into a coil and shrank it down until it was flat and no larger than a hand. Then, she froze it in time, making it hard, like a small disk. Turning over Tomoe's hand, she placed it in his palm and curled his fingers over it.

"It is good to let go of the past," she agreed, "but we shouldn't forget it, either."

Eyes bright with his emotions, he bowed his head to her and tucked the disk into his haori. His muscles relaxed the rest of their tension when Kagome ran her fingers through his shorter locks.

"I have to say, though, I'll miss it long. You've always had the prettiest hair of anyone I've ever seen."

Smiling, he pushed his head into her hand and flicked her wrist with his ear, tickling her lightly. "At least you won't have so much to brush now."

Tweaking his ear gently, she scowled at him. "How is that a good thing?" At his laughing eyes, she rolled hers.

"It makes you look older. Are you happy, Tomoe?"

Startled, he straightened to meet her gaze, wondering why she would ask him that. "Of course, my lady."

Relief bled into her eyes. "Good. You've been so quiet recently, and distant. I thought you might be trying to find a way to ask me to release you. I would, you know," she admitted quietly. "If you wished for your freedom, I would release your bond and even Ikusagami would leave you alone now. You've more than proven yourself better than he thought you could be."

Guilt swamped him at the vulnerability in her form. She was rarely so, only on the matters that meant a great deal to her. Even then, she was more likely to paste on a determined mien and stubborn through the ordeal. He realized with that he would hurt her more than he knew if he asked for his freedom. He also realized that she was telling the truth: if he asked, she would give it to him, even if it cut her to the quick.

His service to her had never been a burden, not truly, but her words lightened it into true joy. If he followed her now, it was because he wished it, not because he was trying to save what was left of his worthless life.

But, Kagome had taught him that he wasn't worthless. She valued him, he recognized, and through her he was beginning to value himself.

"I would not be parted from you, my lady," he told her softly, his eyes lightening to a shade of amethyst she'd never seen.

The fervency in his words made her heart twirl in her chest, and sparked her power to rush into the place where their bond was. Tomoe sat up at the rush, a feeling of euphoria racing through him as his energy was given a shot of her undiluted power. It made his eyes roll back at the delicious sensation, a delighted growl rumbling from his chest.

Leaning over, he rubbed against her happily, pleased when she gasped a giggle and then began stroking his ears.

Any lingering jealousy over her collection of dogs disappeared. He was the one she wanted by her side, after all. Only he was allowed to see her unguarded and vulnerable. She only trusted him to faithfully serve her, to protect her. Not those dogs. Just him. He was the only familiar she'd had and if he had his way, he'd be her only familiar ever.

He told her that last bit as he pulled back to meet her warm eyes. Then, before she could speak, he pressed a gentle, closed mouth kiss to her lips. She'd still had her arms loosely around his shoulders, but they tightened briefly in shock at his action.

"To reaffirm my bond to you," he clarified, feeling their bond sing with life and belonging.

A tiny sniffle escaped her, making him look to her in confusion as her entire form seemed to soften.

"Does that make you sad?"

"No," she choked, sliding her arms around his neck and drawing him into an embrace quite out of the ordinary for her.

Perplexed, he nevertheless returned the hug, relishing in her closeness. Perhaps he still did not comprehend what he gave to her, but he was aware that he'd become important to her.

And that was enough for him.

Final chapter coming soon!