An: Last chapter! I've enjoyed writing for all of you and hope this story was a bit of fluff that brightened your day. I had to rewrite this chapter and the previous one a lot because I kept trying to stick Kohaku in the bathhouse. It just didn't work. Not with the way he'd wanted to be written earlier. (Plus, I sort of hate memory loss stories. That probably hampered my muse.) Anyways, Cadge is a beast that just keeps demanding to be fed, so Beguiled is my comfort, fluff piece in comparison. I like happy!Kagome, lol.

"I knew she'd have him bring her here!" Shippō crowed to Sesshōmaru after the tears and hugs had stopped.

The dog demon merely looked at him impassively. "This Sesshōmaru did not argue that point, fox."

Huffing, Shippō ignored him and levelled a look at Kohaku. "Pretty sneaky of you to make your river a Crossroad, though. I wouldn't have thought of it."

The dragon rolled his shoulders, his eyes soft as Kagome petted Kirara and happily met the cat's family.

"It provided me with avenues to meet needs I knew my priestess would have," he replied quietly.

Sesshōmaru's lips turned up ever so slightly at that far-reaching idea. "You mean to bring her here when she tires of the human world."

Kohaku didn't deny it. "Yes. This is where the rest of her family will be."

The mischief Shippō had been pondering momentarily fled at those words. Looking at his heart-sister, he felt relief swamp him at the knowledge that she'd returned to his life for good.

"Thank you," the fox told him.

"Indeed, the priestess has long been an ally. This Sesshōmaru is pleased to have such a powerful priestess once more by his side."

Kagome walked over then, holding Kirara's youngest daughter. "I never thought I'd hear that," she grinned. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Sesshōmaru."


Laughing, she looped her arm through Kohaku's and looked up at him with large, grateful eyes. Her soul radiated peace, mending the desolation in his that he'd acquired in the lonely years without her. Placing his hand over hers, he silently let her know that.


Unfortunately, Kagome's high school past made a comeback one bright day in June when she'd finished up the talismans for the shrine's shop and was relaxing on the river bank.

"Kagome!" a familiar voice greeted.

Turning, Kagome mentally groaned at seeing Ayumi, Eri, and Yuka dragging a blushing Hojo over. The scene was so reminiscent of her school days that Kagome experience a brief moment of surrealism where she wondered if the last few years had been a dream. The widening of the four's eyes, however, and the hand that was offering to help her up shattered that thought. Smiling, Kagome accepted Kohaku's aid and stood beside him as her former friends approached.

"Hey, guys," she replied.

"We haven't seen you in ages," Yuka gushed, eyeing the unearthly male beside Kagome. "Who's this?"

"Kohaku, this is Yuka, Eri, Ayumi, and Hojo. We were friends in high school. Guys, this is my husband, Kohaku."

Four flabbergasted expressions met that announcement.

"Husband?" a dejected Hojo asked, making Kohaku tip his head to the side curiously.

"Yes. Kagome has told me about you. We had a private ceremony, otherwise, I'm sure her friends would have been invited," Kohaku told them easily.

Kagome smiled at his way of phrasing that. He'd sexed her up underwater after enchanting every sensibility she had. Private, indeed. And, if any kind of formal ceremony had occurred, the only friends that she would have invited were her heart-family in the past.

"Oh, of course," Eri recovered enough to say. Practically shoving Hojo aside, she grabbed Kagome's hand and dragged her to the side. "Just need a moment for girl talk, Kohaku!" she called back as Ayumi and Yuka followed.

"You've got some explaining to do," she hissed at Kagome. "Are you pregnant?"

"What?!" Kagome blanched. "No!"

Ayumi looked relieved. "Oh, good. Congratulations, Kagome," she told her sincerely.

Yuka crossed her arms. "Where on Earth did you find a man as gorgeous as him?" she fanned herself. "And why didn't you bring me along?"

Rolling her eyes, Kagome exchanged looks with Ayumi, glad that the quieter girl hadn't changed. "Kohaku saved my life when I fell into a river," she admitted, figuring she'd get away from them quicker if she spilled some of the info.

"How romantic," Eri sighed, hearts in her eyes. "How did he propose?"

"At the same river where we'd met," she huffed.

"I'm getting the feeling that you aren't glad to see us," Yuka drawled.

Kagome narrowed her eyes. "You guys ditched me after you went off to college and show up out of nowhere today to-what? See if I'd finally date Hojo? See if you could make fun of me because I didn't get into uni?"

Ayumi looked horrified. "No! Kagome, we ran into Hojo on our way to see you and he tagged along! We just wanted to visit with you. I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch."

Relenting, Kagome blew out a breath and nodded. "Yeah, me too. Look, you guys just caught me by surprise today. Why don't you call the next time you're in town and we'll go do something."

"With your yummy husband?" Eri asked, a sly look in her eyes.

Grinning, Kagome nodded. "If he can. Now, let's go save Hojo from completely embarrassing himself. I think he just told Kohaku he'd fight him to the death for me."

Bewildered, the girls turned and did, indeed, see Hojo with his fists up. Kohaku was staring at him as if he wasn't quite sure what to make of the human.

Hurrying over, Kagome looked up at Kohaku for explanation while the girls tried to get Hojo to calm down.

"He seems to be under the impression that your family arranged our marriage and that he'd be doing you a favor if he…defeated me," Kohaku told her, arching a brow.

Sputtering, Kagome glared at Hojo. "What the hell, Hojo? Kohaku's my husband and even if we did have an arranged marriage it wouldn't be any of your business!"

"Which, we don't," Kohaku pointed out. "Kagome is my perfect complement."

Ayumi smiled at that. "Oh, just like in the stories about spirits and priestesses! That's so sweet!"

Hojo finally freed himself from his friends. "I swear, Kagome, I—"

Whatever he was going to say, they'd never know, as he abruptly slumped to the ground. Yuka stared at him in confusion and nudged him with her foot.

"What was that? He's alive, but I've never seen anyone just pass out like that."

"Maybe we should call an ambulance," Kagome noted, sliding her hand into Kohaku's and squeezing it in thanks.

Agreeing, they called the ambulance and sent Hojo off to be diagnosed with something that had nothing to do with 'loss of consciousness due to ticking off dragon.'


"I don't know why you like this place," Kagome grumbled as she and Kohaku paused at the edge of a short bridge.

Looking up at the massive bathhouse, Kohaku smirked. "You like it as well, Kagome. You simply allow your distaste of Yubaba to hamper your enjoyment of it."

Narrowing her eyes, she poked his side. "She is a ruthless witch and her bouncing heads freak me out. Not many things can claim that anymore, Haku."

His expression softened at the nickname and he pressed a kiss to her temple. "I'll treat you to your favorite herbal bath."

"It's our anniversary," she began to relent, "can we have a private bath?"

"Of course. I already made arrangements," he agreed. "As soon as they light the lanterns, the boiler will fire up and we can go in."

A noise behind them had them looking over their shoulders. Both of them stiffened when they spotted a human child looking around nervously. Kagome took off with a sprint, Kohaku right behind her.

"Hey! You! Little girl!" she called, catching the human's attention. "Get out of here!"

"What?" she gaped, but was already rushing back to her parents.

Kohaku cursed when he saw them eating, the protective spells around the food beginning to take effect. Kagome threw up a barrier around the food while he used his wind to latch onto the two and drag them behind.

"You have to get back to the tunnel before nightfall!" Kagome insisted, hauling the girl by her hand. "Otherwise, you'll be stuck here and it won't be pretty. Your parents ate spirit food. They'll be sick back in the human world for a few days, but if they stay here, Yubaba will turn them into pigs."

The girl began to cry, but determinedly kept pace with them. Kohaku hurled the irresponsible parents into the tunnel, Kagome following with the girl shortly.

"Go on then," Kohaku urged her. "This is the spirit world, little girl. You don't belong here."

Sniffling, she nodded and bowed. "Thank you very much! I won't forget your kindness."

As she scurried through the tunnel and through the veil to the human world, Kagome breathed a sigh of relief. Leaning on Kohaku, she laughed in disbelief.

"We can't catch a break even over here," she chuckled. "I am so glad we spotted her before anyone else did."

"Or before her parents had eaten enough to turn into pigs," Kohaku agreed. "She must be sensitive to have passed through the veil so easily."

Humming in thought, Kagome held onto him as he flew them back towards the bathhouse. "I wonder how her parents will rationalize being chucked out of the spirit world by a dragon."

He grinned. "You should have brought your bow. A priestess patrolling the border between the worlds would be a wonderful story."

"Welcome back, Lord Kohaku!" a frog greeted as they walked across the bridge. "And, Lady Kagome! I hear it's your anniversary, congratulations!"

Kagome smiled down at him as Kohaku nodded.

"Thank you."

When they were shown to the bath they'd rented, Kagome arched a brow at her husband. "If Yubaba harasses you about working for her this time, I might purify her."

Amused, he helped her into the water and then drew her back to his chest. "I might let you."

Appeased at his easy words, Kagome ran her fingers through his soft hair. Kohaku leaned his forehead against hers and then brought them under the water. Smiling, the priestess lost herself in her spirit, just as she'd done all those years ago when he'd first beguiled her.

The End! And thank you all for your amazing reviews! You keep my fingers to the keyboard and my muse tempted!