Author has written 12 stories for Twilight, Naruto, Infinite Undiscovery, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy VIII. Hello, I'm Evil-Snow-Bear! I'm a big fan of Yaoi, a teenie bit of Yuri (it depends on who it is) and Heterosexual- girlxboy, though Yaoi rules above them both. I'm a UBER Fan of Final Fantasy as I was practically brought up with it, six years old and pressing button circle for my big bro, ah the good times :) I nearly love everything Square-Enix produces, though I can't say ALL as some I haven't played, bummer! I love writing though, I still haven't mastered the art of doing both at the same XD but getting there! I'm a girl, obviously. I don't like the colour pink, my favourite colour is silver, though black, blue and red are just as nice. People say I'm a little bit crazy, I like to call it " being Eccentric." I tend to get attached to the characters in a game, like Cloud seriously needs to eat a lot of stew or something! It's a wonder he can pick up that sword, he's sooooo skinny :( See? eccentric XD OMG, to all those who read my stories and have been waiting aaaaaaaaaages for an update, I sincerely apologise from the deepest depths of my heart! I will be updating regulary once more soon, promise! I think it's time to dish out my favourite pairings of all time! Most I probably won't write myself but that doesn't stop me from loving to read them. On with the show! Naruto; SasuNaru, NejiGaa, NejiNaru, KibaNaru, ShinoKiba(O.O), ItaDei, ItaNaru, SasoDei, TobiDei(O.o), SakuHin, SakuIno, ShikaTem, ShikaNaru, KakaIru, KakaNaru, IruNaru (yes Naru is the ultimate Uke) KyuuNaru(just imagine). PainKonan(O.O). FMA; RoyEd, JeanEd, MaesRoy, JeanRiza, RoyRiza(not that much of a fan but it's just funny to imagine Roy getting shot at) MaesEd(have no idea if that pairing even exists!) Vampire Knight; KanameZero, TakumaZero, ShikiTakuma, KainZero,KaienTouga(o.O) Star Ocean; TLH; CroweEdge, ArumatEdge, SarahMeracle, EleynaMeracle, FaizeLymle (weird .) Final Fantasy13; SnowHope, FangLightning, VanilleSerah. Final Fantasy8; SeiferSquall(squeals), IrvineSelphie, QuistisSelphie(??) ZellQuistis. Final Fantasy7; CidVin, ZackCloud,TifaRude, RufusReno,TsengRufus,ZackAerith, SephCloud,VinCloud, CidCloud, TsengReno,CloudKadaj. Final Fantasy9; KujaZidane,SteinerBeatrix. Final Fantasy10; TidusYuna, AuronTidus, LuluWakka, LuluRikku,RikkuGippal, BaralaiGipple. GipplePaine. Final Fantasy12 BalthierVaan,BaschAshe, BalthierFran, FranPenelo, LarsaPenelo. Infinite Undiscovery; EdCapell,ToumaCapell,AyaFeina, EugeneMichelle. Last Remnant; DaveRush(kyaaa) Kingdom hearts 1&2; CloudLeon(Squall!) RikuSora(omg Sephiroth look-a-like!)KairiNamine(only time I like her) AkuRoku, SephirothLeon(*.*),TifaAerith. Enchanted Arms; TouyaAsuma. Lost Odyssey. KaimSarah, JansenMina, KaimTolten, ToltenSeth. Ouran High School Host Club; TamakiKyoya, HikaruKaoru, MoriHunny. Fruits Basket; KyoYuki, HatoriAyame, ShigureAyame.RinTohru, KagumaTohru. Twilight; EdwardJacob, SamJacob, EmmettJacob, EdwardBella(not getting that much love from really) JarardSeth, EmmettEdward, JasperAlice, RosalieBella. Harry Potter; DracoHarry, RemusHarry, RonHermione, BlaizeHarry, BlaizeDraco, SiriusRemus, SeverusHermione, SeverusHarry, LuciusHarry, FredHarry, GeorgeHarry, CharlieHarry, GinnyNevelle, LunaGinny. HermioneLuna. And thats about it I think, short attention span- Oh Candy (goes off to find more) THE KH SURVEY (Please copy and paste this onto your profile and answer the questions! Spread the KH fever!) SECTION ONE; The "Favourite" Questions 1. Your favourite KH guy. wow that's a toughy, I would say Riku, because...well he's HOT and is a bad guy in KH1 but really a good guy, need I say anymore? 2. Your favourite KH girl. Hmm well is it possible not to have one? No, okay, then it would have to be Namine. 3.Least favourite KH guy? Why? Umm hard one, it would have to be Demyx from KH2, though he is horrifically adorable, fighting him is draining, especially on the way to the valley in Hollow Bastion. I lost count of how many time I died fighting him. x_x 4. Least favourite girl? Why? Kairi. She is just annoying throughout both games, surely by KH2 she would know how to fight! Why does she make Riku and Sora run after her all the time? Does she even thank them? Makes you wonder. 5. Favourite world? ( includes KH1 and KH2) Oooh hmm, okay KH1 would have to be between Hollow Bastion and Halloween Town, and I can't choose. and KH2 without a doubt is The World That Never Was. Just Awesomness! I'd so live there if it was real. 6. Least favourite world. KH1; Alice in Wonderland. WHAT WAS THE FREAKING POINT! KH2 is most likely Atlantica, it was rubbish, and what was with the SINGING! Ugh and the timing button presses was annoying too. 7. Favourite weapon. (Includes both KH1 and KH2) OOH toughy! Sleeping Lion and Lionheart pwns all. Though in KH2 Sora's Ultimate Keyblade form is AWESOME along with Oath Keeper and Oblivion ( such brilliant names) and Riku's Way To The Dawn is sheer genius. Yes, I'm a big fan of Riku and Leon and Cloud. Mind you Demyx's Sitar has to come third for it's annoying habit of kicking my ass. Not a stronger fighter my ass. 8. Least favourite weapon? Ugh I don't know, it's a tough one ( notice how I have said this a few times and because it is!) Most of Sora's Keyblades to be honest, most are crap and horrible to look at. Crabclaw, Fairy Harp, Olympia and Ladyluck were the worst for KH1. Starseeker, Decisive Pumpkin, Photon Debugger, Monochrome and Mysterious Abyss are the worst for KH2. 9. Favourite Summon?(Includes both KH1 and KH2) Hmmm, Love Stitch. Bambi has to be second. Mushu is just fun, especially blasting the enemies. The summons I didn't like were Chicken Little, confusing. Genie in both KH1 and 2, just couldn't take to him. Tinkerbell was just annoying. 10. Favourite form. (aka. Sora's forms.) Master, has to be Master form. It's just awesome, Though isn't there a Anti-Sora form? I think there is because I remember Sora being all Darkness-y and being one annoying speedy thing while attacking Heartless. Wow that was a shock, never got that form again :( So that has to be second. 11. Favourite Pairings? (Includes Yaoi coupling) Why? You sure you really want to ask? Okay, your funeral. (insert shrug) Oh and note that the dominate are at the front. Kinda like Dom/Sub. Yaoi; Cloud/Leon, Riku/Sora ( I refuse to believe Sora can be a Dom in that relationship) Zexion/Demyx, Axel/Roxas, Zexion/Roxas, Sora/Roxas ( c'mon, against Riku he's a Sub, against Roxas, well he can Dom.) Xemnas/Saix, Axel/Demyx. Leon/Sora (aww) Cloud/Riku, Sephiroth/Leon ( so works) and Sephiroth/Cloud. Hetero;...None, sorry, I can't deal with either Sora or Riku being with Kairi as she is a pain in the ass. If I was to really try, and I mean try, there would be a smidgen on Roxas/Namine. but that would be about it I'm afraid. Just no room in KH for Het couples. Yuri; Tifa/Aerith, Tifa/Yuffie, Kairi/Namine ( though I loath Kairi, she's goes pretty well with Namine.) Larxene/ any girl, probably Kairi, as they could bitch to each other all night long. And a bit Olette/Fuujin (thats her FF8 name) as I can see that. Olette isn't my most favoured girl in KH but I like her. Xion I have no idea about, I haven't actually played any other KH games other than KH1 and KH2. Sad, I know. 12. Least favourite Pairing? (Includes Yaoi coupling) Why? UM! Least favourite, would have to be Sora/Kairi, Riku/Kairi. Xemnas/Sora is just WEIRD! And hard to believe. 13. Any cool crack pairing you've heard of? List 'em. (blinks several times) Uh no, but if Zack was to be in KH then it would probably be Zack/Cloud/Leon with Little kitty Leon as ultimate Uke. AND as Seifer is in the game and he is just walking Alpha anyway, he would be good with Leon too, though I don't know why they have him as Uke in KH stories. Given his back ground in FF8. Irvine being in KH would just be awesome too, he would wreak havoc LOL! 14. Weirdest Pairing(s) You've ever heard of? Uh None so far, though Xemnas/Sora would have to be the weirdest. I am a open minded girl so not a lot can weird me out. Unless it's reallyfar fetched like-I don't know- Xehanort/Sora. That I find hard to believe but you never know. 15. Any "KH-pet-peeves" You have? OH MANY! For one, in KH1 why does Kairi, after Sora gave his heart to wake her, leave him there! Only at the near exit does she wait for him?! Though controlling Sora while Heartless was ADORABLE! And why is Kairi even in the game? True she is not the worst character in the game but still, she's a pain in the ass who waits for either Sora or Riku to clean up her mess! By KH2 she should know not to go near things that is MADE FROM DARKNESS! Also why did Square-Enix, though I love them, make Axel out to be such a goofball AND WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE MANN!!!!!! He was the most bestest, funniest, and admitedly cutest character besides Sora who is the GOD of Cuteness. And in KH2 why did they make Atlantica so rubbish? I liked swimming around with Ariel and kicking ass. Dancing and Singing is not my thing and is just a little bit childish! And while Port Royal was fun because of JACK SPARROW who I love, There was just something off about it. I dunno what it was, there was just something, maybe it was Elizabeth who I never liked in the films anyway.. And what was up with Luxord in TWTNW? Ugh besides Demyx being one tough nut to beat, you had to beat Luxord as a DICE! EH?! Ugh that took me a while too. Though I enjoy a tough boss, I hate the ones that make up their own minds whether they want to be easy or not. Take Xemnas for example, seven times I faced him and on the third time you fight him, He kept kicking my ass and then on the 8th time it was a piece of cake! I'm sure he was messing with me. Okay I think I have ranted enough...I think . 16. Favourite partner in KH (Includes Both KH1 and KH2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH ugh KH1 one would be either Beast or Jack from Halloween Town, gotta love him! Kh2 is without a freaking doubt, can you guess, RIKU! WHOOOO Big fan and he is oh-so hot in KH2, shame you have to wait near the end of the game to have him. :/ SECTION TWO: Do you believe it, or not believe it? 17. Do you believe in the Xemnas/Saix theory! Uh I didn't know there was one, but if the theory is about them totally having the hots for each other, then yes. I do believe. 18. Do you believe Zexion is emo? I don't really know but from the picture of him, I'd say yes and no, maybe inbetween? Is there a inbetween? (looks confused) 19. Do you believe Marluxia is gay? Definitely, I mean come on! Who has pink hair? Really who? 20. Do you believe that Kairi is the most annoying character in KH? Yes. Yes. YES! Holy mother of pearl YES! SECTION THREE; Answer yourself. 21. If Roxas had to choose either Namine or Olette, who would you root for? Why? MEH!? You want be to answer that. OOOOOH so unfair but it would have to be Namine, sorry Olette. 22. Whats your theory on KH: Birth By Sleep. I have no idea, I've only recently heard of it, and seen a few clips so I cannot comment. Only that being born while having to be asleep must suck. 23. Was Chain Of Memories a waste of time? ( Looks confused) A what now? I don't know, never played it, though I would like to. 24. If you had the choice of meeting ONE (and only ONE!) KH Character, who would it be? Oh you are horrible, but it would have to be Riku, if he was unavalible then it would have to be Leon. But it would be Riku all round. 25. Which KH character do you relate to the most? Why? I have no idea, I would have to say Sora but then I'm a bit of a oddball to be honest. 26. What's the most embarressing moment that ever happened that had something to do with KH? Hmmm It would have to be while fighting Demyx in Hollow Bastion and finally defeating him and screaming " YES!!!! IN YOUR FACE DEMYX, IN YOUR FACE!!" Only to turn round to see my mom and sister staring at me like I had grown a extra head. But I get into my games, especially while fighting bosses (pouts) I forget that people might be there. 27. Have you ever cosplayed as a KH character? If so, who? If not, who would you like to cosplay as? No I have never cosplayed before and probably won't :( If it was possible, it would be Riku. But I doubt I would be very good as him, cuz he rulez. So It would either be Leon or Aerith or Namine. Though I don't think I could pull Leon off well. 28. The funniest moment in all of KH would be? Definitely Sora being dressed by fairies. 29. The hardest enemy/boss was..? Sephiroth . naturally. Xemnas comes second, I swear they are all related, stupid silver haired bosses. Xehanort in Riku's body would come third and Demyx fourth. 30. What was a good edition in KH2 that made it oh-so-addictive? Oh that one is tough, there is so much! Besides the awesomeness of Cloud's outfit from FF7; Advent Children. And KH2 not being so kiddy like. You must admit KH1 did have a lot of childy qualities. And new worlds, like Disney Castle with Minnie who Pwns everything with her Faith attack. And of course having Riku on your team. Leon being more kickass, especially with Cloud covering his back ( Aw CUTE!) SECTION FOUR; Decisions, Decisions... Note; You MUST only choose one! "Both" or "Neither" is Unacceptable!! 31. Hayner or Pence? Easy, Hayner. 32. Zexion or Marluxia? Marluxia, I like his name :) 33. Riku or Roxas? Pfft Riku of course. 34. Roxas or Sora? Sora. 35. Axel or Demyx? Axel, cause he is just the best Pyro in the history of games I've played so far. 36. Kairi or Larxene? Hmph, Larxene. I refuse to have Kairi. 37. AkuRoku or SoRiku? HA! Sora will never dominate Riku. AkuRoku. 38. Namixas or Namiku? Namixas. 39. Zemyx or AkuRoku? Though I like both a lot, it would have to be AkuRoku. 40. SoKai or SoRiku? Gah! Damn you! Only this once, SoRiku. (pouts) 41 Sea Salt Ice Cream or Paopu Fruit? Pfft Sea Salt Ice Cream baby! 42 Cloud or Leon? WTH!? NOOOOOOOO I-I cannot choose... though It would have to be Leon, cause Leon(squall) was in the first Final Fantasy I ever played. But I still love you Cloud!! *cries* 43. CloTi or Clerith? Clerith, I don't really like Tifa, but I like Aerith. 44.Simple and Clean or Passion? Ugh you are killing meeeeee. Though it would have to be Passion as for some strange reason I played KH2 before I got KH1. Weird yes, but it still rocks. Simple and Clean is relaxing though. SECTION FIVE: The Last Section. 45. List all the KH Characters you've fallen for. (Includes Final Fantasy characters as well.) I loved Leon/Squall before KH2, as well as Cloud. Riku would be my bad boy XD Sora would like need protecting all the time, along with Roxas. Damn Square-Enix for making such cute, adorable characters. Axel would be next, cuz he just rules and he is basically Reno's twin, I swear to everything Final Fantasy related that they are. I never really liked Sephiroth until KH2 though I have yet to beat him.. Cid will be forever famous for his bad language. Demyx was annoying at first but he has grown on me. Seifer still rules though I find it a teenie bit annoying that he doesn't know Leon. DX Fuujin also only grew on me in KH2 as she is awesome, nice to see Raijin still the same as ever. Though I never liked Minnie, she pwned all Heartless in her castle! 46. What crossovers would you like to see with KH. KH with either Final Fantasy 13 or 12 would be good. Balthier would be a blast! Along with Larsa! I think Infinite Undiscovery would be good, though I don't know how they would fit it with the game. The World Ends With You would be good too. There is a lot of stuff they could crossover with but most of all would be the CHOCOBO'S! They have got to have Chocobo's in there at some point surely. A crossover with Final Fantasy isn't complete without Chocobo's. Though This would sound strange, but Capcom, Square-Enix and Disney should join together and do a crossover with Dante and his merry crew from Devil May Cry. OMG That would be awesome! Seeing Sephiroth fight Virgil *.* That would be all round silver haired awesomeness. 47. Does anyone in KH look like another character? List 'em all! Kairi and Namine (duh) Sora and Roxas ( double duh!) Axel and Reno. See above in question 45, I mention he was the twin of Reno. I haven't spotted any others. 48. Which new KH game can you absolutely NOT wait for? Well most of them are out I think, like the one for the DS ( I can't rememeber) But I'm sure its 358/2 days. I'm sure but I'm not. I wouldn't mind having a go at Birth By Sleep. 49. Do you like KH1 or KH2 better? Why? KH2 because Riku is hotter, Leon is still pretty much the same though, I never knew he could make his Gunblade so big :O And Cloud having a totally kick ass outfit. The characters a lot more mature looking. Sora being...well, Sora. New characters. New Worlds. Being able to be a lion in Pride Lands world. Who didn't spend a extra few minutes just running around like a loon just to laugh at Sora for being a speedy lion cub?...Okay just me? Alright v.v. 50. Last Question! What makes Kingdom Hearts one of the best games in the world?! Duh! Because it was new, no one had ever thought of doing a crossover and well, it just is the best game in the world! Though I will always favour KH2 over KH1 any day. They both are just awesome, with awesome story and plot lines. As well as humour but it can also be deep and serious. Plus it just keeps you guessing. And it is good for getting your frustration out on, who has been that angry that they just slashed thousands of Heartless and felt better afterwards? and it's good for your heart too. This I don't like in a story. They aren't many XD 1. Male members turned female, I just hate it. It's not right DX okay i think that is it XD. The girl you just called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills. I am that girl, YOUR GUY SIDE: Total- 10 (not looking good :/ ) YOUR GIRL SIDE: Total- 6 (I really suck at being a girl XD) |
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