Blubb, I'm really sick right now and I don't know when next update will be. Just so you guys know.
Ichigo and Shirosaki was sitting on the bed, with Shirosaki's left arm around Ichigo's waist and Ichigo's arms around Shirosaki's neck. They were in the middle of a full blown make out session and Shirosaki's right hand was happily jerking Ichigo off.
Ichigo moaned, sending a jolt of eagerness through Shirosaki. They were still naked from the bath and Shirosaki had noticed how Ichigo now and then opened his eyes and looked down. But it took a while before he moved to let his left hand to travel down Shirosaki's neck, chest, stomach and to finally reach his hard on. Ichigo let a finger run up and down it before he gripped it in his hands painfully slow. He then started a slow pump at first but soon joined in with Shirosaki's faster rythm and Shirosaki groaned.
How wonderful it was that Ichigo finally touched him. Shirosaki let his arm slide up from Ichigo's waist to his shoulders and pulled him down so they were laying turned towards each other. Shirosaki then stopped kissing Ichigo, to nip at his jaw and lick his ear. When Shirosaki bit down on Ichigo's ear, he could feel the first shudder go through Ichigo and he stopped pumping with his fist.
"Bastard," Ichigo panted. "I am so close."
"That's why we're taking it a bit easy now. I don't want this to end now."
"Please let me come, Shiro," Ichigo begged.
"What do I get if I make you come?"
Ichigo seemed to try and figure something out in his clouded mind and he could only come up with one thing.
"I'll let you give me a blow job tonight."
Shirosaki stared at Ichigo for a second before he quickly started pumping again. He wasn't going to miss this chance.
"Promise you let me do it," he said.
Ichigo nodded.
"I promise," he moaned.
Ichigo shuddered as he came and Shirosaki smiled. A creepy smile in Ichigo's opinion. Ichigo had stopped pumping Shirosaki since he came and when Shirosaki sat up he grabbed his arm.
"You haven't come yet."
Shirosaki shook his head.
"It's fine. You get some rest now, you haven't slept that much last night."
Shirosaki grabbed a towel from the floor that had been left there when they had started their little make out session and took care of the semen on Ichigo. He then grabbed Ichigo and helped him lay down properly in the bed and put a blanket on him.
"Shiro?" Ichigo whispered.
"Yes?" Shirosaki whispered back.
"You'll be here when I wake up, right?"
Shirosaki chuckled before he kissed Ichigo.
"Silly, I'll always be here."
He stayed beside Ichigo until the other had fallen asleep. He then proceeded to get dressed and he left the apartment as quietly as he could. He had a certain woman to take care of.
Shirosaki walked with determined steps towards Rukia's house, or rather her brother's house. But he only got half way before he turned to walk up some stairs and she was standing at the top of them.
"Yo," he said and gave a grin.
"Can I help you?" she asked politely.
"You're Rukia, right?" Shirosaki said with badly hidden malice in his voice.
She frowned.
"Yes. And you are?"
"Doesn't matter who I am. I'm just here to tell you to stay away from Ichi."
"Ichi?" she asked curious. "Oh, you mean Ichigo? Why? He is my friend, you know."
Shirosaki snorted.
Rukia's frown deepened.
"Look, I don't know who you are but please refrain from telling me to stay away from my friends."
Shirosaki chuckled.
"Look, woman. Ichi is precious to me and you hurt him really bad at your little party. Tell me, would a friend really do that?"
Rukia took a closer look at him.
"I don't remember you at the party or being someone close to Ichigo at all. I mean, I've known him most of my life and I've never seen you."
"And I've known him longer and I know everything about him. I've been with him since he was born. And I'm telling you to back the fuck off. You have been a torn in his side a long time and not more than eight hours ago you took the final step to breaking him. So piss off or I break you."
"You..." Rukia took a few seconds to gather her thoughts. "You are that man Renji told me about. I don't know you, I've never seen you and yet you claim you have been with Ichigo that long? Sounds like a lie to me."
"Ever heard of the box of shadows?"
Rukia pondered for a while.
"Yeah, isn't that the special box where your shadow takes form?"
"Bingo!" Shirosaki gave her a huge, creepy smile and his eyes glittered with wickedness.
Rukia looked shocked at him for a long time before she was able to say anything.
"Y-you are his shadow?"
Shirosaki only smiled as he let it sink in to her puny little brain.
"But... how?" she whispered.
"Don't mind how. Just mind that you should stay the fuck away from Ichi."
"NO! Ichigo is my friend and I won't leave him alone."
"Just get it, you hurt him really bad and you will continue to do so if you stay around him. And now that you have fucked everything up, others will hurt him as well."
"That's why I need to...-"
Shirosaki grabbed her shirt and pulled her close.
"You stay the fuck away," he hissed.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" came Renji's voice.
Both Rukia and Shirosaki looked up and saw an angry Renji walk towards them. Shirosaki let go of Rukia and gave a huge grin.
"Your watchdog?" he asked amused and Rukia huffed.
When Renji came up to them he tried to stare Shirosaki down, but was only met with a wicked grin.
"Rukia?" Renji asked concerned.
"Nothing is wrong Renji, we just had a talk," Rukia said and smiled.
"Didn't look like just a talk to me."
"Doesn't matter to you. I'm leaving. Don't forget to stay away," Shirosaki said and turned to leave.
"He is my friend," Rukia said with a stern voice.
"Then you should know it's time to back off. For his sake as much as for your own life. IF you value your life that is," Shirosaki said and looked over his shoulder with murderous intent evident in his eyes.
"Hey bastard," Renji said and grabbed Shirosaki's shoulder. "Don't go talking to her like that."
"Hands off. I bite," Shirosaki said with malice dripping in his voice.
Renji didn't budge as he gripped Shirosaki's shoulder tighter. It then happened so fast, Shirosaki grabbed Renji's hand and pulled him towards himself as he turned around, letting his fist connect with Renji's stomach. Renji grunted in pain as he sank to his knees and Shirosaki's let go of him.
"I told you I bite, unlike my real self."
Rukia hurried over to Renji's side and hugged him close.
"You...-" she started but was interrupted.
"Don't forget what I said. Stay away or I'll thrash you harder," Shirosaki hissed and left.
Ichigo slowly opened his eyes as a noise coming from the hall woke him up. The front door had been closed, or had he heard wrong?
"Shiro?" Ichigo called out.
No answer. He tried again, this time louder and suddenly Shirosaki was at the door, looking in on him.
"What is it?" Shirosaki asked worried and hurried over to sit on the bed beside Ichigo.
Ichigo only grabbed Shirosaki by the neck and pulled him down for a quick kiss. Shirosaki looked so smug as he leaned down and brushed his lips against Ichigo's. Ichigo had gotten more and more bold, not that Shirosaki was complaining.
"You only wanted a kiss?" he asked and smirked.
Ichigo shook his head.
"Come," he said and lifted the blanket.
Shirosaki got it and crawled into bed with Ichigo, hugging him tight. It didn't take long though before Shirosaki felt frisky and started raining kisses on Ichigo's face. He let his hands slip down Ichigo's chest, playing with his nipples.
"Shiro, what are you doing?" Ichigo asked sternly, but without any real heat.
"I'm thinking of taking up on your offer from earlier today."
"My offer?" Ichigo asked uncertain.
"Oh, don't try with the "I don't remember". You will hold to your word, or I'll rape you here and now."
"I promised you something?"
Shirosaki sighed.
"Here, let me jog your memory."
Shirosaki sat up, pushing Ichigo to lay on his back. He straddled Ichigo's knees and leaned down, placing kisses along Ichigo's collarbone, then slowly made his way down the chest, stomach and finally ending up between Ichigo's legs. He licked his lips before he gently stroke Ichigo's member, trying to get it hard. Ichigo moaned and it didn't take long before it was hard. Shirosaki smirked in triumph.
"Now do you remember what you promised me?" he asked and looked up to find Ichigo blushing.
Ichigo nodded and looked away, he couldn't watch as he felt Shirosaki's hot breath on his hard on. Shirosaki's smirk widened and he gave a lick from base to tip, earning a moan from Ichigo.
Shirosaki focused on the task at hand and he kissed Ichigo's tip before he swirled his tongue around it. He let his tongue glide down Ichigo's shaft and he let his mouth engulf it just a second later. He let his tongue run over the underside of Ichigo's shaft as he listened to Ichigo moan like crazy. He looked up at Ichigo to find he had put his right hands index finger in his mouth, he was blushing crimson. Shirosaki then gave a suck and was delighted to see Ichigo arch his back off the bed and give a particularly loud moan. The moan was like fuel to Shirosaki's ego and he happily sucked away, listening to Ichigo's honey voice melt with pleasure and gleefully watched how his body responded to every little thing Shirosaki did.
Shirosaki had to hold Ichigo's hips steady when he started to buck them up towards Shirosaki's mouth, otherwise he would choke. But Ichigo was in his own world and didn't notice the iron grip Shirosaki had to have on his hips, leaving marks there. It didn't take long before Ichigo shuddered and came, without any warning whatsoever to Shirosaki. But Shirosaki didn't miss that Ichigo moaned his name as he came and Shirosaki lapped down as much as he could.
When he was finished cleaning Ichigo's hard on, he slipped up beside Ichigo and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"See, and that's what you have been saying no to for so long."
"Did you drink all of it?" Ichigo asked and frowned when Shirosaki nodded. "That's disgusting. Don't ever do that again."
Shirosaki chukled.
"But I wanted to taste you and does that mean I get to do it again?"
"NO! I just made one promise this time, it won't happen again."
Shirosaki pouted. Well, that was no fun. Now he had to find a way to make Ichigo promise it again. But how would he manage to do that? He kissed Ichigo's cheek again before cuddling up against him and he smirked. Oh well, he could always just do it, like when he jerked Ichigo off in the beginning. That reminded him.
"Hey, I haven't gotten my kiss for today."
"You have had plenty of kisses, now rest, you idiot."
Shirosaki pouted again.
"Not until I get my kiss."
"Damn it Shiro, I won't give you a kiss when you have just swallowed my semen, that's just plain disgusting."
"And if I brush my teeth first?"
Ichigo lay silent for a while.
"Yeah, maybe..."
Shirosaki was out of the bed in record time and rushed to the bathroom. Ichigo couldn't help but chuckle at the childishness of it all. Shirosaki really found happiness in the smallest of things and somehow that made Ichigo happy.