Chapter 19: Till Undeath Do Us Part
(Thanks so very much to everyone who has loved and supported this story! You guys are awesome and Spunky loves you so much that I'm continuing the story with Ichigo's pregnancy. That will be along soon! In the meantime, enjoy the end of Dirty Little Secret Part 1: Kurosakura!)
"You look wonderful, Nii-sama," Rukia said, meeting her brother's eyes in the mirror as she admired the lovely dance of bright pink sakura petals that decorated the royal blue bridal kimono he wore, "And even better, you look so happy."
Byakuya gazed quietly into the mirror, not able to think of an answer.
"You were sad for a long time after my sister died," the girl went on, "I know that she would have been honored by your devotion to her memory, but she would also have been happy to know that you were able to find love again. She wouldn't have wanted you to be lonely."
"No," Byakuya agreed, "She said as much before she passed, although I had no desire to fall in love again. Your sister was ever a gentle and kind soul. She couldn't bear to see a person in distress. She...had a fondness for children, and it was always her wish to have a child of her own. I grieve that she never had the opportunity to hold her own child in her arms, and so when the time comes, I will embrace my son or daughter and remember her longing to experience that."
"Ichigo told me that he would be having your child, Nii-sama."
Rukia smiled.
"You do realize that you did way more for Ichigo than I ever hoped for, ne?" she chuckled.
"And in so doing, I gained a happiness that I could not have imagined," Byakuya said quietly, "It will not be without its difficulties. We have a lot that will challenge us, but...Ichigo is a good and honorable man. I could not ask for a better life partner."
Rukia laid a hand on his arm and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.
"I think you and Ichigo will be very happy together...and you are going to give those old men on the Kuchiki council a run for their money."
Byakuya's normally frowning lips suddenly curved upward.
"Yes. I think we will."
The two looked quietly into the mirror for a few moments together, then Rukia squeezed her brother's hand and nodded at his reflection.
"I'm going to go and see if Ichigo is ready."
"I will be there in a few minutes."
Byakuya watched as his sister left, then turned away from the mirror and walked to the window, where he looked out into the gardens at the blossoming trees and thought quietly of his parents.
I wonder what they would say to me if they were still here. I don't know what my mother would say because she did not survive giving birth to me. My father was a gentle soul, and an honorable one. He wouldn't have cared that Ichigo is not noble class or that he is a human. He would only have thought of my happiness.
Ichigo makes me happy. When I am with him, I always feel warm inside and my lips want to smile. It's strange, having been taught to be colder and more stern, to begin to feel that gentleness of spirit that made my father the lovely man he was. I always wanted to be more like him. It hurt inside when others would tell me that he was 'too soft' and that I must be different than that. But now, at least when we are alone together, I can be myself.
He paused in his thoughts as he felt the brushing of Kurosakura's presence inside him.
That 'self'' is different from what it used to be...both darker and lighter. But I will accept both the light and the dark. It takes both to make a complete person. I walked around, the shell of a person, for many years...taking solace from the loneliness in sweet, colorful gardens and pale moonlight. But the colors in my world are much richer for him being there. I am content.
Thank you, Ichigo.
He turned towards the door and walked slowly to it, pausing to take a steadying breath, then opening it and walking out to where Ichigo waited with Rukia and the Karakura Town official. Byakuya's eyes widened as they fell on the shinigami substitute and he smiled at the striking beauty of the mingled blue and green kimono he wore. And even more beautiful was the pleased expression in the younger man's brown eyes as he looked back at the noble.
"You look amazing!" Ichigo said, taking his hand, then leaning forward to give him a kiss of welcome.
"You look wonderful as well," he answered, looking around briefly, "But are you sure that you do not want to have your father and sisters here?"
Ichigo chuckled softly.
"We'll invite them to the bigger ceremony in the Seireitei, later. Today is just for us...and for the friend who brought us together."
Rukia blushed.
"It wasn't me who made the two of you right for each other. All I did was to ask Byakuya for a favor. I didn't imagine that it would come out like this."
"Nor did I," Byakuya agreed, taking Ichigo's hands and meeting the official's eyes.
"Me either," Ichigo agreed, "But I'm happy it did end up this way."
"Very well," said the official, his dark eyes meeting theirs, "Welcome. We join today to bring together two who have walked on separate paths, and to make those paths merge to make one that will lead both into the bright future. Marriage is the most solemn and beautiful of occasions, a binding of hearts that love each other enough to desire never to be parted. So, come forward and speak your promises, but do so in the light of full cognizance. Before you take your vows, do you, Kurosaki Ichigo, and you, Kuchiki Byakuya, swear that you seek this joining of your own free will?"
"We do," the two said together.
"And who will stand witness to the joining of these two?"
"I will!" Rukia said proudly.
"Then we are ready," the official said, nodding, "Ichigo, Byakuya, you have told me that you have personal statements to make to each other. Please make those statements now before these witnesses."
Ichigo smiled, looking into Byakuya's dark eyes and holding his slightly clenching hands.
"Byakuya, I know that we met under the worst of circumstances and for a while, we were enemies. I don't really think that we ever wanted to be, and I was glad that day when, even though we had to fight hard, heartbreaking battles, when all was said and done, you did what you really wanted to do, and protected Rukia when I couldn't. I can never thank you enough for that. And ever since, I've felt you moving closer to me. I'm glad Rukia asked you to help me...even though, back then, I didn't know that I wanted so much to be helped. I was in a lot of pain, but you helped me get through that. I know that our future together won't be all champagne and roses, but l will love you and I will do right by you. I will give everything to protect you and our children. I love you and I promise to stay with you and to always honor the vows we are making today. I offer my hand and my heart to you in marriage, Kuchiki Byakuya."
"Thank you, Ichigo," the official said, nodding, "Byakuya?"
The noble's dark eyes closed for a moment, then opened again and fastened on Ichigo's.
"Kurosaki Ichigo, when we met, I would not have ever imagined the path our lives would take. You were like the storm that rushes in and disturbs the blossoms, blowing them out of their path and sending them in new directions, far from the gentle spiral they would normally follow. But even though this blossom was thrown off its course, because it was, it knew things that it never would have, things both dangerous and beautiful. You changed the course of my life, Kurosaki Ichigo, and by doing so, you have made it all the richer. I am grateful to you. I promise to be faithful to you, to love and protect you and our children. To the end of my days, I will honor the promises that we are making today. I offer my hand and my heart to you in marriage, Kurosaki Ichigo."
The official nodded in approval.
"You have spoken your intent, now speak your promises. Do you, Kurosaki Ichigo, take Kuchiki Byakuya to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward? Will you love, honor and protect him for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for all the days of your lives?"
"I will," Ichigo promised.
"And do you, Kuchiki Byakuya, take Kurosaki Ichigo to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward? Will you love, honor and protect him for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for all the days of your lives?"
"I will."
Ichigo took a fine, delicately detailed, gold ring from his pocket and slid it onto Byakuya's finger.
"With this ring, I thee wed," he said quietly, "With this token, I give to thee my hand and my heart, forsaking all others, I choose this path, two hearts joined and two lives made one."
Byakuya withdrew a matching ring from his pocket and placed it on Ichigo's finger, repeating the words of joining. Then, the two looked up at the official, waiting expectantly.
"Ichigo, Byakuya, having made your statements of love and having taking the vows of holy matrimony, I now declare you partners in life, bonded in love and bound from this day forward. Please exchange a kiss as the first gift of your new marriage."
Both men's lips smiled, and Rukia's joyful laugh floated in the air around them as Ichigo took Byakuya's lovely face in his hands and brought their lips together for a long, sweet joining.
"Congratulations," said the official, shaking their hands.
The three took their leave of the official's office and walked outside, where they paused and Rukia hugged them both and bade them farewell.
"Have fun, you two," she laughed, "And stay out of trouble!"
"Heh, what trouble do you think we're going to get into?" Ichigo chuckled, "We're just a couple of guys off to celebrate our wedding."
"Yeah, right," Rukia said, shaking her head, "When you two get together, no one knows what will happen."
"You can say that again," Ichigo said, shaking his head, "We'll try to behave."
"Yeah, sure. I won't hold my breath!" she said, taking her leave of them.
Left alone with Ichigo, Byakuya met the shinigami substitute's eyes appraisingly.
"Are you ready, then? You have said your goodbyes for a while?"
"Yeah," Ichigo said, his eyes misting slightly, "I'm ready to go."
"You are sure that you want to do this now?" Byakuya asked, "There is no rush. We can wait until..."
"Byakuya," Ichigo said, his eyes looking slightly haunted as they met the noble's, "If there's one thing that I've learned from my mom, and you probably learned it from your parents and from losing your wife, it's that when you decide on a future, it's best to move forward into it and not to stand around debating it. I love you and I can't wait to have our first kid. I'm going to miss home, but that place really isn't my home anymore. As of today, my home is with you...wherever we are. I won't be lonely as long as we're together. So, let's go."
"Very well," Byakuya said, opening a senkaimon.
They entered the precipice world and walked slowly through the darkness together, listening to their breaths as they followed the path.
"I'm surprised this place is so quiet," Ichigo commented, his hand finding Byakuya's, "Most of the time, the damned cleaner thing comes along and chases me through here."
"That is because you ooze with power and the cleaner is drawn to that. While you are with me, I suppress that power and we do not attract such attention."
He sighed softly, looking at Byakuya's handsome profile in the half light.
"Byakuya, where are we going?"
"We are going to a private retreat. It is a property of my family where my parents went to celebrate their marriage. I thought that you might like to go there."
Ichigo smiled.
"'s where they made you?"
"Then, it's good that we're going there. You told me before that your parents really loved each other, and that they would have wanted to be together, even if the family hadn't chosen them to marry."
"I'm glad that we got to choose for ourselves too. But, what would have happened if we hadn't done this? Would you have...?"
"The elders would eventually have found a bride for me. I would have accepted it, but my heart would not have wanted it. And...I couldn't have brought that person here."
He opened the senkaimon and Ichigo's eyes rounded at the simple beauty of the elegantly crafted mansion and stunningly lovely gardens all around it.
"It is called Sakura no Kaiyou, Ocean of Cherry Blossoms."
"That's what it looks like," Ichigo said breathlessly, "It's just the kind of place I can imagine you coming out of. It's beautiful, Byakuya. Thank you for bringing me here."
Byakuya's lips curved upward and he sought the younger man's lips for a tender, heart-melting kiss.
"Welcome, Ichigo. Come with me."
Ichigo grinned widely as they reached the entrance to the house and were greeted by a familiar looking old woman and a younger Kuchiki male with lively green eyes.
"Matsuko! Torio! So, Byakuya told you?"
"I told them," Byakuya affirmed, "I felt that they would be trustworthy and not let out that we had been married until we were ready to make a statement to the Kuchiki council of elders. They will attend us while we are here."
"Congratulations, sirs," Matsuko and Torio said, bowing.
They led the two men into the prettily decorated entryway, then into the dining room, where a large meal awaited them. They ate slowly, savoring the fine food and wine as the light outside the window faded and night came. Walking out onto the balcony, they stood under the stars, admiring the lovely, full moon and bright array of stars, before turning back inside and holding hands as they walked to the bedroom. They stood quietly in the dressing area as Torio appeared and dressed them in white, silken yukatas, then left them with evening tea and snacks.
Byakuya walked to the large, comfortable looking bed and paused, gazing down at it.
"Are you all right?" Ichigo asked, slipping an arm around him, "You know, we don't have to do this now if you don't want to."
"But, I do," Byakuya confessed softly, "It is just that...I would like it to be just the two of us...without their interference. But the way Kurosakura is..."
"It's okay," Ichigo chuckled, "I think Shirosaki will keep him occupied in there, so that we can be alone out here. We can take things slowly, okay?"
Byakuya nodded and climbed onto the bed, then took Ichigo's hand and welcomed him into the bed with him. They met for several long, hungry open-mouthed kisses, then Byakuya smiled and slipped a protection charm around his neck, leaving Ichigo's neck bare. But to the shinigami substitute's surprise, he lowered himself onto his back, opening his yukata and looking up into his new husband's amorous eyes.
"What are you doing?" Ichigo asked, "I'm going to..."
"I want you to take me first," Byakuya said calmly, "I may be too weak from injury to bear a child, but I love you and I want to feel you touch me, inside and out."
Ichigo's eyes narrowed and filled with desire and he dropped down onto Byakuya's offered body, plundering the noble's soft mouth and exploring every inch of his pale, pristine skin. He prepared his new mate slowly, looking into his smoky eyes and watching them change as their bodies were joined.
"I want to know what it's like while you are with child," Byakuya whispered, sliding his arms down Ichigo's back and capturing his hips to encourage the strong, deep thrusts, "I want you to tell me everything!"
"I will," Ichigo panted softly, kissing the noble harder and thrusting faster as he approached release.
He went still for a moment against Byakuya's heaving breast, then descended into sweet shudders of completion, loosing his heat inside the still unsated noble and making Byakuya overthrow him while he was still writhing with pleasure. The noble trapped the younger man's body beneath his, soothing him with kisses and gazing into his eyes as he prepared him, then joined with him. He meant to be gentle, but Ichigo moaned and continued to writhe provocatively against him. His hands clenched Byakuya's sweating shoulders and he felt the unexpected oncoming of a second gripping release.
"Byakuya!" he gasped, holding on tightly as the noble's body stiffened, then shook with pleasure that overwhelmed him as well. A stronger orgasm took him, making him scream the noble's name again as Byakuya's release filled him.
It's happening now. I can feel it! We're making a new life. I wonder what our kid is going to be like...a boy? A girl? Prettier like him or more like me? It's funny how it doesn't matter what the answers are. I cant wait to know them...
Inside their slowly joining inner worlds, Shirosaki looped an arm around Kurosakura's slender waist and stole a biting kiss.
"They're kind of cute together, ne?" Ichigo's hollow hissed with an edge of sarcasm, "But they are too restrained. I think we can do much better, can't we?"
A soft, wicked laugh sounded and Kurosakura's lips curved into a decidedly wicked smile. An evil snarl escaped him as Shirosaki's teeth bit down on his shoulder, drawing a thin line of blood. Kurosakura scented the coppery fluid and felt mingled throbs of pain, fury and intense desire. He turned to tackle the other hollow, but found himself taken down onto a soft bed, where the two struggled for a time, before Shirosaki trapped the slighter hollow on his belly and invaded his body enthusiastically from behind.
"I think our way is better," he panted, closing his eyes, then reeling as Kurosakura upended him and began to writhe gracefully on top of him.
He dug his fingers into the slender, grinding hips, enjoying the dance of that other blazing hot body against his. Their pleasure crested and the air around them filled with shrieks and sharp hisses of delight. Kurosakura collapsed next to Shirosaki, barely able to move and panting so furiously he saw stars.
"I am glad I made you," Shirosaki whispered, licking a fine, pale earlobe, "We are going to have a wonderful time tormenting the two of them!"
The other hollow didn't answer, but gave a soft chuckle and curled closer to Shirosaki as they drifted off to sleep.
(Yup, that's the end of this one! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you noticed the slight change of title to make way for the sequel...Ichigo pregnant and dealing with a less than supportive council that doesn't know yet that the human boy is also half true shinigami and noble! Set just before the opening of the quincy war, this one will be explosive! Hope to see you there!)