General Uchiha


The world is divided into three classified demons: Bird demons, Land demons, and Water demons. Water demons are relatively graceful and caring, except for a select few, and often have a calming nature around them. However, for years the Fowl(*) demons and the Terrestrial(**) demons have been at war. 'Why?' you ask, well if you think about it; those who roam the skies and they who walk the earth can never see eye to eye.

The leader of the Hyuga Clan, Hiashi Hyuga, guides the rest of their bird like brothers. While the head Uchiha Clan, Fugaku Uchiha, led the 'earth bound' demons. Both very successful and both very dangerous. The Hyuga species are mainly made up of Hawks, though most of the higher branches are eagles. The Uchiha's are mainly wolves. A very rare species, no one has ever seen a wolf that wasn't linked to the Uchiha name.

Although, their is one type of demon that is holds a rarity that's higher than even the Uchiha's: the Fox. So far their has only been one sighting of a fox in nearly 400 years! But once the regular land demons caught sight of the rare creature, they tried to dispose of him. For three years they have been hiding the fact a fox still exists from the Uchiha's, not wanting to disturb the wolves from war, and not wanting to come to the fact that their is something that stands above their 'precious Uchihas' when it comes to race.

Seeing no other way out, they abused the poor fox. None have even come close to killing the hated creature, the fox was to good at escaping, so they settled with beatings. Hoping that the fox would get a hint and kill himself. Two more years of abuse went by and the little fox understood that he was not wanted. Packing up what little clothing he had, the kit dashed to where the birds resided. Hoping to find pace and acceptence where people loathed the Uchihas.

However, the birds treated the fox worse than the land demons.

Just the sight of someone who doesn't have wings on their backs sent the sky people into a frenzy, exiling the last fox into an abandoned forest. Every now and then the fox comes out, hoping to show the birds that he means no harm. If only the little fox knew that once a person's mind has ben set ... It cannot be changed.

Chapter 1

Limping to a den, a kit named Naruto carefully crawled into the hole in the ground. 'It was a mistake to go out today' Naruto thought angrily, 'I should have known better than going anywhere near those blasted birds.' The birds was anything other than merciful, a large gash resided at the top of his hip.

Sighing Naruto laid down slowly on his uninjured side of his body. Whenever the fox had time to himself he would think way to much. What would it be like if he actually had someone? Would he be in a loving family with friends and have never ending support? What if... What if he had parents?


I don't need anyone. I'm just fine by my self.' every time Naruto's mind wondered like that he would just convince himself that all he needs is himself. But Naruto knew, no matter how much he would tell himself other wise, he would one day break under pressure. Not having someone to hold you is... mind blowing. However Naruto didn't have a person to hold him in the first place, so how would he know?

Well, he's seen it. The look in two lovers eyes as they gazed at each other. The loving murmurer whispered into an ear. He's watched it all, and it left him feeling emptier than he did before. Just before a Naruto closed his eyes to sleep, as always, he said a silent prayer.

'God, if you're listing. For one day, just one day, please... bless me with someone. Anyone would do. I'm just ... so ... lonely.'

On the other side of the world, the Uchiha family was having a meeting.

"As you know, tomorrow is the day we march into bird territory and take the heiress of the Hyuga Clan, Hinata." Fugaku Uchiha spoke of his enemy with so much hate his wife, Mikoto, had to remind him of that his two son's were still in the room with a not-so-friendly kick. Mikoto knew that her son's were excited about traveling with the ANBU, and she also knew that if her husband continued with his speech he would never get to the big announcement. Nodding his head at Mikoto, Fugaku turned his head towards his head ANBU wolf: Kakashi Hatake.

"Kakashi, on this mission my two sons Itachi and Sasuke will be accompanied you and your team. You'll see that they will benefit from this trip won't you?" even though the question was rhetorical it was answered.

"Of course sir." replied the silver haired man. Nodding his head in content, Fugaku went over the plans one last time and sent the ANBU off to sleep before their mission.

"Sasuke, I wish to speak with you." Fugaku's youngest son stood up wordlessly and sat in front of him.

"Yes, Otosan?"

"Tomorrow is a big day for you. Itachi has already been on two missions, I expect you to make me proud also." Holding his head high Sasuke replied with a 'I will' and silently left the room. Reaching his door Sasuke felt empowered. He saw this as his chance, a chance to prove he is just as good as his older brother.

*Knock Knock*

"Sasuke?" Mikoto asked. Opening his door Sasuke allowed his mother in. "You know Sasuke, don't let your fathers words or any others make you feel uneasy. I believe in you, you and I both know that." With a warm smile Mikoto kissed Sasuke on the forehead, bidding him a good night.

Whispering a 'thank you' he walked to his bed and stared at the wooden ceiling. Sasuke laid under the covers for a few more minutes and finally let his smile run free.

Little did he now that that was the last time he would see his family alive.

(*) Fowl means bird

(**) Terrestrial means 'land' or in this story 'land animals'