A/N: This is my first ever Vampire Knight fiction, so please be gentle…please. I only saw a few episodes of the anime, and I briefly skimmed the manga, but from several fanfictions I have read, and from helpful advice from my friends, I am sure I will get most of the facts right. I'm a quick learner, so if I do make errors, please tell me about them so I can repair the damage and learn from my mistakes.

I hope the characters don't seem a bit OOC, because I really tried my best. I personally find Yuuki a bit annoying, but I assure you, there will be no Yuuki bashing in this fic. She, apparently, is a great friend of Zero, so I suppose she deserves some degree of respect.

Summary: Zero is kidnapped by a group of Vampire Haters called the "Kronos" and is brutally tortured for months for information about the Purebloods and nobles in the Vampire Society. The Night Class eventually finds him in an almost irreparable state, and they begin to realize that even though he is considered lower than the gum underneath their shoes, he is much stronger than all of them combined.

The relationship between Kaname and Zero will a bit of a slow burner…not too slow to get you bored, but slow enough to keep you interested.

Please enjoy.

The Gum Beneath Our Shoes

Chapter One: The Missing

Yuuki's POV

"He's been missing for over three months, WE NEED TO FIND HIM!" I screeched hysterically, my brown eyes already welling up with salty tears, threatening to spill over at any given moment.

Zero Kiryuu had been missing for exactly three months and ten days without a trace. No evidence, no blood, no nothing. It seems as though Zero had just dropped off the face of the planet, never to be seen of or heard of ever again. This very thought made my stomach clench in sadness and guilt and I simply wanted to cry and cry forever. Zero was…is like my brother…my friend. I would never forgive myself if anything ever happened to him. I loved him so much it hurt. I missed his silver eyes and silver hair. I even miss his unforgiving glares at the other Day Class girls who forever flirted with the Night Class Students. To everyone, he was all hard, cold exterior, but with me and Cross…we saw his gentle side…the kind side he kept bottled up inside in favour for the harsh mask that hid his true feelings.

And now…he was gone. Just like that. Gone one cool September afternoon when we were on patrols together. I was once again ogling Kaname-senpai, and I had almost forgotten my duties. When I went looking for Zero…I couldn't find him. I looked in all the usual places: the roof, the stables, the small forest…but there was no sign of him anywhere. I checked his room, the classrooms, even Cross' house, but there was nothing. No hint that he had even been to any of those places. I barely remembered what happened next. Everything was such a blur. I recalled running to Cross' office and rambling about Zero's sudden disappearance. He simply laughed it off thinking that Zero was just skivving his duties again. I remember rambling some more…and Cross told me not to worry, that he will show up sooner or later.

I didn't think so. Something in my gut told me that there was something amiss. That was when I turned desperate and ran into the Moon Dorms without any further thought. I practically begged Kaname-senpai to help me find him, knowing that he could easily sniff out a Level D. He looked at me through raised eyebrows, and then gave me the same bullshit excuse Cross had. I didn't buy those lame, two-bit excuses for shit. I knew deep in my heart that Zero was in trouble and that he needed me.

After spilling a few tears, Kaname-senpai agreed to help, and he then enlisted the aid of Aidou-senpai and Ruka-senpai. They couldn't find him either. We even went out into the town…but there was nothing. When we reported this to Cross…things turned desperate, and over the next few days, extensive search parties were carried out. The Hunter Association was called in, and they immediately pointed fingers at the vampires. The Vampire Council was then forced to step in…and no matter what each group did…albeit a bit grudgingly, there was no positive outcome. The Vampire Council gave up after the second week, stating that Zero simply wasn't worth the time or effort. He was just a Level D, and he had probably gone rabid and died. That thought angered me even more and I had practically blown up in Cross' office and Kaname-senpai was forced to escort me out and placate me.

I could not be easily placated.

The Hunter Associated stayed a bit longer, but about a month later, they too had given up. Zero was something they hunted even though he was a vampire hunter himself. They said there was nothing they could do.

They left.

I remembered asking Kaname-senpai to continue looking at least…to use his status to obtain slivers of information, anything that could be useful. He had reluctantly agreed. I knew he didn't like Zero, but I was grateful that he even tried and will continue to try.

So here we are, still in Cross' Office debating what to do about the Missing Zero situation. I knew that Kaname-senpai and the other Night Class Students thought he was dead. But I knew otherwise…he was alive…I know he was…and I will never rest until I had found my wonderful Zero.

Kaname's POV

I knew that Yuuki was feeling helpless…I could see the look in her soft hazel eyes. She was much paler than usual…and I knew she was having a hard time sleeping. She looked exhausted and tired, but the determined gaze told me that she would continue looking for the stupid ex-human.

Zero had been missing for over three months and things were simply not looking good at all. There was no way that Zero could survive that long without blood, and all Level E attacks left no trace of Zero being the culprit. I probably thought that the stupid Level D had gotten kidnapped…but for the life of me, the only enemy Zero ever had were vampires. He hated us…and he certainly never kept it a secret. He cared little for our status and strengths…he disliked us…and that was that. Even though the Vampire Council had denied ever laying a hand on Zero, I still found them a bit suspicious.

I knew they didn't like Zero. He was worthless. Sometimes I would actually feel sorry for the pale youth. There was no place for him in this world. He was no longer human, purebloods and nobles despised him, and the Hunter Association was wary of him. So where did young Zero Kiryuu belong? I simply did not know.

All I did know was that a missing Zero=a very unhappy, extremely upset Yuuki, and that was unforgivable. I figured when I did find the idiot, I chain him to his room so he would never leave again. I did not understand what Yuuki felt for him, but in some insane way, he made her happy…he made her smile and laugh and cry and everything. So it was my duty to keep her happy…and I needed to find Zero in order to that.

Normal POV

"Kaname-sama…ano…are we still going to look for the hunter?" Ruka asked warily in the confines of Cross' large office. Kaname chose to conveniently ignore the noble's question and silently gazed at the occupants currently filling the office. Yuuki was seated in a chair sobbing uncontrollably with Kaien Cross at her side with a box of tissues in his hands. He too was extremely pale…so unlike his usual cheery self. There was a deep frown marring his features, and his bespectacled eyes shone with concern and worry. Touga Yagari, Zero's former teacher was standing on the other side of the room, away from the vampires. He was casually leaning on the wall with an unlit cigarette halfway out his mouth.

Aidou, Akatsuki and Ruka were with him in the office. Kaname had told the others to remain in the Moon Dorms and look through files and books which could perhaps link Zero's mysterious disappearance with any other similar cases. He wished he could console Yuuki and tell her that everything was going to be alright…but it seemed as though things were far from alright.

"Cross-san…is there a reason why we were called here?" Kaname asked finally, unable to bear the sight and sound of Yuuki's ever flowing tears.

Kaien Cross walked over to his desk and put the box of tissues on the surface. Yuuki then grabbed the box and cradled it to her chest, her tears seemed almost never ending and they simply made Kaname's heart twinge painfully.

"Yes, there is a reason. I…I know how hard these past few months had been…maybe not on you four…but for Yuuki, Yagari and I…it certainly was a horrible nightmare," Cross began, his voice clenching painfully and everyone could see the sorrow in his eyes and tense body language. Kaname almost scoffed…Cross was right though…Zero's disappearance certainly wasn't too tough on the vampires. Ok…well maybe it was a bit…seeing Yuuki so depressed made Kaname's heart break.

And yes…Aidou did complain that life without the hunter was a bit boring…there was no-one to oppose them and keep him entertained.

Ruka cared nil.

Kaname thought that Akatsuki was a bit jittery at the beginning of the whole ordeal. He looked for Zero as hard as he could, even offering to do any extra searches. Aidou had poked fun at the vampire telling him that he secretly liked Zero. Kain neither denied nor admitted whether it was true or not. He never said much and he was often very hard to read. Kaname thought that his recent behavior was a bit odd…but did not bother to comment.

Although Kaname had to silently agree with Aidou, not that he would ever admit it…it was a bit boring without the stubborn, hot-headed hunter around. Everything just seemed a bit dull. Kaname finally turned his attention to Cross once again who had finally gained some composure and was about to start speaking.

"Right…sorry about that. Some new information has been uncovered," he said, and Yuuki gasped…all traces of tears already gone from her face and a look of pure concentration and determination was etched into every facial feature. On Yuuki, the look was quite comical and if circumstances were a bit different, Kaname would have laughed.

"Yes. Yagari has managed to do some research on his own and it looks as though Zero may…and I mean "may" in the broadest of terms since we have no proof, but we are investigating a group of Vampire Haters called the Kronoz."

"Vampire Haters? Kronoz?" Yuuki repeated, confusion evident in her voice.

Yagari stepped forwards, his arms crossed about his chest, the cigarette still dangling haphazardly from his thin lips.

"Well we don't want to call them Vampire Haters…it makes them sound like a sucky boy band…but that's what they are…they hate vampires…but mostly purebloods and those of high esteem since we have traced several Level E attacks to them. The Hunter Association has apparently known about this for some time, but they are keeping it on the down low. As far as I can tell…I'm not sure if the Vampire Council has ever heard of them," Yagari explained. Yuuki looked even more confused and puzzled than before.

But before Yuuki could intervene, Kaname proceeded to respond to Yagari's subtle question.

"I have never heard of them…but that does not mean that the Council has never heard of them either. If they withheld the information, then it probably means that they thought it was worthless like Kiryuu," he finished.

"Don't say that Kaname-senpai," Yuuki whispered harshly…"Don't you dare call my Zero worthless. He is worth more than you could ever know." Kaname raised a regal eyebrow, but refrained on commenting. He knew he was making the situation all the more volatile…but he was beginning to get sick and tired of all the accusations. Yagari was implying that the Vampire Council had something to do with Kiryuu's disappearance, and even though Kaname found them a bit shady, he did not think that they would even bother with a Level D. To them, he was a mere servant. Level Ds were only created if the Vampires needed an army, or if someone wanted a pet or a slave. Meaning they were worthless. Kiryuu was worthless to them…so he thought it was logical to assume that they would not bother to dispose of the young hunter.

"Look, we are not fighting here. We just some information on these Kronos people… group…thing," Cross explained, his voice laced with fatigue.

"Kaname, I was hoping that you can help dig up some information about them," Cross stated hopefully. Knowing that Yuuki would have a fit if he declined, he nodded his head in agreement.

"I will call Sieren and see if she can find anything," Kaname said.

"Alright, thank you very much Kaname. Dismissed. Oh and Yuuki…please try and get some sleep. We will find Zero soon, I promise," Cross said finally and opened the door, letting everyone leave. As Yuuki was about to walk towards her dorm, she gave Kaname a grateful smile. The brunette returned the gesture and he too left for the Moon Dorms on the opposite side of the school.

"Erm, Kuran-sama…do you want me to call Sieren now?" Ruka asked as they walked the corridors.

"Yes, Aidou, Kain, come with me. There is someone we need to talk to," Kaname said. The two teens simply looked at each other and followed Kaname without question. Aidou realized that they were heading towards the Sun Dorms. He looked over his shoulder to see Ruka giving them a questioning stare, but continued walking in the opposite direction.

"Kaname-sama…what are we doing in the Sun Dorms? Did you need to speak to Yuuki?" Aidou asked, unable to figure out any other plausible reason.

"No Hanabusa, we need to speak to Touga Yagari."

Once again Aidou and Akatsuki shared a look, but nothing was mentioned between the two.

They both followed their superior with unquestioningly loyalty.

Whether Zero Kiryuu was there or not…he always seemed to be causing up a stir.

A/n: Well that's it for the first chapter. I know it was a bit slow, but I promise that it will pick up speed soon, most likely in the next chapter. I know that the "Kronos" was a bit unoriginal, but it was the best I could come up with. They will be a few OCs, but they will not play a major role.

Please please review because at least I know that people are reading my stories. If I don't get enough reviews…then…I dunno. But I am really enjoying writing this story and I hope that you would enjoy reading them. The 2nd chapter will up in a couple of days since I already have it on my computer. I also have the 3rd one too…so I'm just testing it out and see how many people like it.