R.D.D.G: Okay, I'm sorry my first Huntik story didn't turn out so well…I was just looking over the chapters I had already written (and I was up to five) and I realized that the story was kind of crappy. So I'm attempting a new one. Only instead of Daemons (demons) it will have vampires, why cause they're cool like that. It's going to take place after The Vampire Loses Its Fangs. I hope you enjoy this more than Daemon Seekers. Though one thing hasn't changed. It is a yaoi, and if you don't like yaoi, then don't read it and certainly don't flame it. I cannot stress that enough. Anyways the pairing is DantexLok and I would also like to add that I own nothing in this fic. The only person I own really is the vampire that turns Lok. Other than him, nothing. So no suing is permitted
"I'm going out for a walk!" Lok called from the front entrance of Dante's house. They had been cooped up with nothing to do for about a week after their mission at Vlad Castle. Zhalia had finally returned and Dante figured it would be a good idea if they kept on the down low for a little while. After all they could use the break.
Dante walked down the stairs, the book he was reading earlier still in his hands. The Paranormal: Its Creatures and Wonders the title read. Lok smiled, he had just learned about two days ago that his mentor had a love for the paranormal, the same love that Lok himself had, aside from his puzzles that is. Dante looked down from his place on the stairway, and nodded towards the younger seeker before him. "All right, Lok." He said. "Be back in two hours. Do you have one of the cells?"
Lok nodded as he pulled one out from his pocket. "Yup." He said. Dante had kept spare cell phones around the house in case one of his teammates needed it to get a hold of one another.
"What number?" Dante asked.
"Umm…" Lok flipped open the phone and looked at the number that was used as the banner for the background. "Number 13." Lok answered. Cells 1-9 were broken due to some fights with some suits over the years.
Dante nodded. "All right, have fun." He said with a small smile, before heading back upstairs.
"Enjoy your book." Lok replied before he walked out the door. After closing the door behind him, Lok looked around the nighttime scenery of Venice before walking down the stairs and through the gate. Lok sighed in contentment as he felt a breeze brush past him. It was, indeed, a good night for a walk.
Lok smiled to himself as he walked through the nearly empty streets of Venice. He was glad tourist season was over, since it always made the streets crowded at night. Crowded enough that he could not enjoy the scenery that this beautiful city had to offer.
Lok was so lost in the scenery that he completely lost track of direction, and walked farther away from the safe house than he had originally planned. It wasn't until the alarm on his phone went off; stating he had about ten minutes to get back, that the young Lambert was ripped from his thoughts. After shutting off the alarm, he looked around; he had no idea where he was.
Crap! Where am I? Lok thought as he looked around the area warily. A worried feeling entering his gut as he looked around trying to find any familiar land marks. Anything to help him find his way home.
Running through the streets, Lok desperately looked for anything that was familiar. No success.
Then as he turned a corner to a dimly lit street, he began to feel as though he was being followed. Turning around, he found no one there. His senses on high alert, Lok decided to go down the dimly lit road, remember he had passed by one while he walked, down side, he wasn't sure if this was the same one, since the only dimly lit streets are the ones that not a lot of people use at night, and there are a lot. Well it looks familiar Lok thought hopefully then added worriedly, I think…
As he walked down the street, the feeling that he was being followed grew stronger. Worry growing, the young seeker picked up the pace until he reached an intersection. Okay…which way do I…
Lok was unable to finish the thought due to feeling something hitting his neck and knocking him out. The limp form fell backwards into a shadowy silhouette, which quickly picked him up and held him bridal style, before jumping away. Never noticing the phone fall out of the teen's pocket and onto the ground; the battery falling out of its spot thanks to the fall.
(At the house)
Dante looked at a clock worriedly, as he paced back and forth in the living room. It was now 10:00 pm, Lok left at 8:00… he should have been back by now.
Sophie, Cherit, and Zhalia were also in the room and watched as the older seeker paced. "I'm sure, he's fine." Sophie said. "He's probably heading back right now."
"He would have called if he was going to be late getting back." Zhalia pointed out, which made the younger girl glare at her.
"Thanks Zhalia," she said jerking her head towards Dante who still looked worried. Cherit flew from his place on the arm of the chair and landed on Dante's shoulder.
"I'm sure Lok's fine," the small titan assured. "The lad's made of stronger stuff, I say. He would be able to take care of himself. How about you sit down and relax."
Dante nodded, and sat down on an empty couch. "I know," he said. "But I still can't shake the feeling that something's not right."
"He'll be fine." Zhalia said. "Cherit's right; the kid can handle himself."
Sophie stood up. "I'll make us some tea." She said. "Maybe that'll settle our nerves."
The group nodded as the teen walked out of the room to the kitchen. Zhalia looked towards Dante. "We'll wait for a bit." She said. "Venice is a big city; he might have gotten slightly lost. If he's not back by morning we'll search for him, all right?"
Dante sighed and nodded. "All right." he agreed, still unable to shake the unnerving feeling in his gut.
"Wait, didn't you say he carried a cell phone?" Cherit asked remembering that Dante mentioned it. Dante nodded. "Well then why don't you call the cell?"
"Good idea, Cherit." Dante said as he pulled out a cell phone and looked through the contacts for the number for phone number thirteen. After pressing the call button, Dante put the phone to his ear then it went straight to voicemail. "What the?"
"What is it?" Zhalia asked. "He not answering?"
"No. It's going automatically to voicemail." Dante said trying it again. Same result. "Damn it."
"What number phone did he have?" Zhalia asked.
"Maybe the battery died." Cherit suggested.
The group shrugged. "Regardless," Zhalia said. "We wait till morning."
The two nodded as Sophie walked in with a tray with four mugs of steaming tea. "Here we are." Sophie said setting down the tray and distributing the mugs. "It's hot." She warned.
"No dip." Zhalia muttered sarcastically while gingerly taking the mug. "There's steam coming off of it, I assumed it was cold."
"So what's the game plan?" Sophie asked.
"We wait until morning." Dante said. "If he doesn't return by then, then we go search for him."
Nodding the group drank their tea and waited. Over time, the gang (starting with Sophie and ending with Zhalia) headed to bed. The only two left was Dante and Cherit, since they wanted someone to be up in case the blonde teen came back.
Becoming bored, Dante and the titan began to play chess to pass the time. Ties' happening more often then wins. The entire time, all Dante still had suspicions that something had happened with the younger seeker. Lok, please be all right…
(Somewhere in a forest not far from Venice.)
When Lok came to, he found his hands were tied behind his back, and his head was still groggy. What happened? He thought as he got a look at his surroundings; eyes widening when he noticed that he was in a forest. How the hell did he get there? He was just in Venice…oh man; Dante was going to kill him when he got back. Then he remembered that his hands were tied, someone had brought him there…nix that, if he ever got back.
Lok struggled against his bonds. No way was he going to die out here. Realizing that he wouldn't be able to undo the ropes (having left his titans at the safe house), Lok ceased to struggle and took a closer look around his surroundings. He was surrounded by Pine and oak trees, and he seemed to be in a small clearing since he could see the stars. It was a new moon unfortunately so he wasn't able to make out much more than that. Cursing, Lok tried to get to his feet which wasn't successful since he couldn't lift his upper body off the ground. But knowing he had to get out of there and back to the safe house, Lok continued to try.
Lok froze, knowing there was someone nearby. Was it his captor? There were several more cracking noises before Lok could clearly hear footsteps coming in his direction.
"Who's there?" Lok called out, hoping that it was someone from Venice. The footsteps continued to come closer but the owner never called back to the young seeker, making him think that it belonged to his captor.
After another moment, Lok saw a pair of red eyes staring at him from the bushes. Now officially scared, Lok began to call out for help. Knowing that no one would be able to hear him, and how weak he looked but he didn't care. Seeing the red eyes belong to a shadowy figure of a human made Lok struggle harder as he tried to get away from the approaching silhouette. "Stay away from me!" Lok yelled as he inched away.
The figure stopped and stared at him for a second, its eyes looking at him hungrily, and made the young seeker even more terrified than he was before. He began to wish that he had asked Dante or one of the others to come along on the walk as well. Then in the blink of an eye, the figure was gone. Lok looked around warily, then before he knew it, the silhouette was right in front of him. "NO!" Lok yelled, as he tried to back away, but the figure grabbed him and pulled him so that he was pushed against his chest (as Lok quickly noted) his eyes facing the red orbs. "Sleepymind." A voice that definitely belonged to a male, said and Lok felt his mind grow fuzzy Only one thought crossed his mind as before he lost consciousness, Dante…help me…thenhe fell into a deep sleep.
The teen's struggles ceased after the spell was uttered. "relax." The voice continued with practiced charm. "It will only be a moment of pain, until it's over." Content that the teen in his arms was fully relaxed and unaware, the man moved Lok's head until the left side of his neck was bare. Feeling his fangs lengthen the man looked at the bare neck beneath him; he could smell the fresh blood that rushed through the boy's veins. Without a second thought, the man plunged his fangs into the bare neck before him and began to suck out the life giving substance.
He could feel the boy's body tense to the sudden intrusion, but knew that it was a normal reaction and continued to feed. He could feel some of the blood miss his mouth and land on the boy's white shirt, but paid no heed, sating his hunger was more important at the moment. After a few minutes, he could hear some footsteps coming in their direction.
"I heard the shouts from over here." A man said.
"I hope you're right." a woman answered. "Grier will be pretty pissed if we don't return on time."
The man cursed as he dropped the boy he was feeding off of and jumped into the shadows of the night. He had had his fill, the boy probably wouldn't last long anyways, might as well let someone else clean up the mess.
Just as the man jumped into the shadows, two suits walked into the clearing and saw Lok who was now lying in a small pool of his blood.
"What the hell?!" the female suit said as she rushed over to the body. Kneeling down she checked him for a pulse, it was there. "It's one of the foundation's people…and surprisingly enough he's alive."
"Then we leave him." The man said. "The fewer Huntik operatives the better. And he won't live very long anyways."
"Is it wise to leave the body where it could be found?" the female asked, looking back to her partner.
"We'll hide the body, and report our findings to Grier." The man said. "Can you recognize him?"
"No. But it must be one of Dante Vale's people." The woman answered. "There are no other Huntik seekers in the area aside from his team."
The man nodded as he walked over and picked up the Lok's body after untying his hands. "Let's go then. I saw a cave a little ways back. We'll put the foundation kid in there, then get the heck out of here. This place gives me the creeps."
Nodding in agreement, the woman followed her partner and the two walked once more into the forest, Lok in tow.
(Back at the house a little earlier)
Dante…help me… Dante looked up from the 38th chess game and glanced around the room. Who just said that? "Cherit, did you hear something?"
The small titan cocked his head to the side. "Like what?"
"I don't know, like someone saying, 'help me'." Dante said.
Cherit shook his head. "Can't say that I have." He said then studied the seeker carefully. "Maybe it would be best if you go to sleep, Dante. You seem tired; I'll stay up and keep watch."
"You don't even sleep."
"So I'm already going to stay up." Cherit said. "Go ahead and get some sleep."
Dante shook his head. "Maybe I'm just hearing things," he said shaking his head again, before looking back at the chess board. "So whose turn is it?"
"Mine." Cherit answered as he did his move.
Dante sighed as he continued with the game. Stating in his mind that he was just hearing things, but deep down he knew that he wasn't just hearing things. Someone had genuinely called for help. He didn't know how, but he knew someone did it. And only one person came to mind, Lok. Worry began to flood him once more, but he did his best to hide it from the titan. Praying to anyone that would listen that these feelings weren't right.
R.D.D.G: phew! There's chapter one of a better story (in my opinion) and I just started it today…man I must have been bored…oh well…I hope you guys enjoyed this story, I enjoyed writing this, I grew bored of Daemon Seekers, I really couldn't figure out a plot. So I'm probably going to avoid crossovers for a while…it's too complicated. Anyways please read and review, and for those who are reading Hidden Pains-New Hopes, I'm almost done with the 13th Chapter =D