![]() Author has written 32 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Homestuck, and Rise of the Guardians. To anyone who visits my page. Please watch this beautiful video on safety. WEll worth your time, trust me. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151206427300756 Preferred Fandoms: RISE OF THE GUARDIANS, Homestuck, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, Ouran Highschool Host Club Dislikes: homophobes, Art thieves, people who don't get the hint, people don't understand sarcasm, assholes with with internet boners, ect. Ok, I am now even going to be accepting flames so have at it. Again, If while reading my stuff you find spelling or grammar errors let me know, I'm bad at spotting that shit. Guys, guys, GUARDIANS. My life's calling, I think I found it. *I am making a comeback with the KH stories. I've re-read the chapters already up and with what I remember from the original bits I am going to try and finish them. I have better ideas for them now anyway. If anyone is still interested in them that is. Guess we'll see. As for the SephaSor story, No. I did give it an honest shot but I just can't. I can't hurt that poor boy any more. I mean really, go give the poor bastard a hug guys. I do accept requests, commissions and suggestions so feel free to pop one on me. Though I do reserve the obvious right to refuse any I might disagree with. I can make it a simple oneshot or a multi-chapter. Though, a multi-chapter might be reserved for commissions unless the idea REALLY strikes me as a 'must write'. Just because the time and energy it would take to write. I can write for a full range of things from friendship to drama, sad to happy, and of course fluff to smut. That list I put off for a few years. Characters/Pairings I write for: *Pairings I'm good at writing or just characters in general that I write well for. If someone isn't mentioned it doesn't mean I wont or can't write them. It just means I'm not especially good at it or I haven't done it much. Guardians: (I'm not sure who I really do best with, but those that review my stories say I'm doing good with them all. Though I must admit Pitch is such a pain with dialog. It doesn't help that I can hear him insulting me in my head for writing 'such simple things' for him. Apparently my brain-Pitch thinks I'm not making him sassy enough.) Pairings: Brotp- JackxBunny, Brot3 JackxBunnyxSandy, (No romantic pairings really, but there could be some minor Jackrabbit if you squint.) KH: Leon, Cloud, Sora, Riku(I'm out of practice though) Pairings: Cleon/Loud, Soriku(thats what I've started calling them), Brotp CloudxLeon (When they manage to not become boyfriends), Brotp SoraxRiku, brot3 RoxasxAxelxDemyx, Brotp AxelxDemyx, Zemix, Zimix,(Akuroku if you squint) Homestuck: Lets make this easy. I can write well for everyone except Vriska, Feferi, Eridan, Equius and Nepeta. The others are at least manageable. Pairings: (Dear lord. These are all going to be full ships. brotp's are more or less obvious. Not gunna bother putting non-requited either.(Not doing the Alpha either, I fell behind so I don't write for them yet)) JohnKat(red), PBJ, RoseMary(red), DaveJade, DaveTerezi(red), Erisol(Red/black), Sollux(pretty much anyone. I ship the hell out of him), DaveJohn, DaveGamz(black), ect. : That is all I have for now. I've not really written outside these fandoms yet. At least not enough to post.: SO, if you have a story that you would like me to write please let me know. Though, keep in mind that I have life stuff going on and that I do procrastinate so it may take a while to write. I also have standards to what I write so sorry to say some pairings might not be accepted, but don't hesitate to ask none the less, I do have friends who can help me write something I myself may not be good with. |