Author has written 5 stories for Rise of the Guardians, and Hobbit. My deviantart: Age: 25 Country: USA Profession: Paralegal, first responder, musician, artist, horse breeder/trainer, and writer. Hello all! To be quite honest, I mostly just read stores. I hardly ever post them (due to the fact I'm not that much of a writer), but every now and then I might post a story or two! I warn you though, I am not the best, but hopefully what I do happen to write doesn't cause your eyes to bleed. I am an avid fan of: Axis Powers Hetalia, CATS the Musical, Transformers, Thor, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings and Rise of the Guardians. I browse their stocks frequently. :D |
Dinogeek (46) Galimatias (18) | General Kitty Girl (18) sheraiah (29) |