Guess who no longer has a computer? This author! Props to my Father for backing up my documents. Thanks to him, this chapter survived! This does mean, however, that updates may slow as I bounce from computer to tablet. (Which are at my Parents house!) I apologise IMMENSELY for it!

Now, serious point: This fic (and ALL my fics) will NOT contain rape, sex or anything sexual in general. If you are looking for that, please look elsewhere.

To all my wonderful Reviewers, favouriters and followers- Thank you! Please continue to review- it brightens my day!

Chrissie: As do I! Drama is so FUN!

EgyptianAngel: Hehe! Evil Ahkmenrah is just SO fun to write!

Angelicfrosty: Anything is possible, hehe! And thank you so much! I love writing this! ;)

Pewdiepie: ... Yer, nah that's not going to happen. This is a family fandom- as is my fic.

Tersa Quinones: Yes I do! And it makes me so happy- as do all of your reviews! :)

Now, to the part you all want- the next chapter!

Disclaimer: Plot is mine, nothing else.


"Maki sou!"

"For the last time, we are not ripping ANYBODY apart! Especially not Ahkmenrah!" The exasperated night guard cried. Attila huffed, crossing his arms in disappointment.

"We want to end all of this with ease- and with everybody in one piece."

"Brovka sou-"

"And with no broken bones, either!" Attila huffed again, rolling his eyes. Larry rubbed his forehead before leaning over, placing a hand on the Huns shoulder.

"Come on- the plan we've got is going to work. We just need to find a way to get Ahkmenrah alone, and away from his guards. So, I suggest we distract him by sending in your men. If we're right, he'll send his guards after them. When he does, you and I can take him on. I think. We just need to get that dagger away from him." The Hun nodded, climbing to his feet, and signalling to his men. Suddenly, a thought occurred to the Night Guard.

"Hey, Attila- have you seen Rexy around? I haven't seen him all night." He asked. When the Hun shook his head, Larry frowned.

"The doors are locked so he can't be outside."

"Sar baki va maho Dino?" The Hun suggested. Larry thought for a second, before nodding.

"Yer, I think if we can find him, we can easily do this. Send two of your men to check the different rooms on the upper level- if they find him, bring him here. We'll search this level. Tell them to be back here in ten minutes." He instructed as the Hun repeated the orders. Immediately, two of the soldiers nodded before turning and racing for the elevator. Attila ordered the rest of his to search the lower levels, before he and Larry set off at a quick pace.

"Let's hope we find him, Attila- we'll be in big trouble if we can't."


"Think about this, Teddy! We ain't gonna do much good for Sacagawea if we get caught!" Hissed Jedediah as the President crept along the hall.

"If she has been captured, we must do all we can to ensure her safety." He replied, pulling out his miniature telescope as they reached the corner.

"I fear that if she has been captured, there may not be much we can do." Octavius replied.

"Wad'ya see, Teddy?" Jed asked, leaning forward.

"I see Ahkmenrah- he is still on the balcony. His Guards are in the foyer. I do not see Sacagawea." The miniatures did not miss the concern in the President's voice. They shared a look, seemingly having a silent conversation.

"We will search for her." Octavius announced. Almost immediately, Teddy reached up and removed his hat so he could see the miniatures.

"We must stick together." He argued. Jedediah shook his head.

"Nahuh. You needa go and find Gigantor, and figure this out. We can find Sacagawea and take care of ourselves." The cowboy shot back, crossing his arms. Teddy stared at the pair, not sure what he should do. Finally, his shoulders dropped in defeat.

"Alright- you two shall search for Sacagawea. When you find her, make sure to get to the Hall of African Mammals once more and remain in there. Do I make myself clear?"

"We shall follow your orders to the letter, My Liege." Octavius vowed, bowing his head. "Now, place us on the floor so we can begin our search while you find Larry." Teddy did so, a sense of dread taking over him.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" He asked. Jedediah grinned and Octavius nodded.

"Don't you worry 'bout us, Teddy. We're gonna be just fine." And with those words the cowboy turned, racing off around the corner with the Roman close behind. With a sigh Teddy stood once more, returning his hat to his head.

Now all he had to do was find Lawrence.


They found the dinosaur locked inside the Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians. They could hear his roar from the other side of the thick door, making Larry's heart beat quicken.

"Let's get this door open before he breaks it down." He called to Attila. The two of them examined the lock, Larry frowning when it seemed to have just been locked with the key. Quickly, he pulled his set out, placing the key in the lock. He was rewarded with the sound of the click of the door unlocking. Attila raised an eyebrow.

"Larki mano Dino?" He asked. Larry shook his head as he opened the door.

"There's no way I locked this door while Rex was inside. The sun was up when I came through." He explained, stepping into the room. He expected to find it destroyed, with the Dinosaur dipping things apart in anger. Instead, he found the Dinosaur happily running around, seemingly playing with some of the larger reptilian exhibits. As the night guard and Hun stepped inside, the T-Rex turned his head, letting out a roar of (what seemed to be) joy. He turned, quickly bounding the few steps to reach the pair, lowering his head so Larry could reach it.

"Hey Buddy!" He grinned, giving the T-Rex a pat. "Are you making a few friends?" The Dinosaur wagged his tail in reply.

"Dino abak so!" The Hun glanced back at the door they'd opened, and Larry nodded in agreement.

"Yer, now we've found Rexy we can go." He turned back to the Dinosaur. "So Rexy-"

A sudden vibration made the night guard jump in surprise. When it happened again, he sighed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone. On the incoming call screen was a picture of a young Nicky with Nicholas above it. Frowning, he hit the answer button.

"Nicky? What-"

"Dad! It's not the…I think you…Email…Coming!" Larry frowned again.

"Nicky, I can' hear you, you're breaking up. What's going on? Where are you?" He demanded.

"I'm on…museum…I took…book says…Set! Ahkmenrah... It!" Larry shook his head.

"I can't hear you, Nicky- just go home to your Mom, Okay? And stay there! We'll talk tomorrow." He paused. "Nicky?" After a few moments, he sighed, putting his phone in his pocket. "He dropped out." He told the Hun, who nodded slowly.

"Now, where were we?" He grinned, glancing up at the Dinosaur. "Now, Rexy- want to have some fun?"


Slowly and silently the Cowboy and the Roman made their way across the foyer, searching for a sign of Sacagawea. They could see the Egyptian on the next floor up, seemingly staring into nothing. As they continued along, they could hear the sound of movement close by. They looked at each other, Octavius signalling to the nearby customer service desk, in the middle of the room. Both the miniatures broke into a sprint, quickly covering the distance between them and the safety of said desk.

"How exactly are we gonna find Sacagawea, Ockie? We can't exactly cover a lotta ground without a car, and we don't even know if she came this way!" Jedediah hissed, moving up to the corner so he could see as well. Octavius rolled his eyes.

"Well, we had to do something! I cannot- I will not hide in fear while are friends are in need!" The Roman declared, bringing himself to his full height. "A true Roman does not run from battle! He trusts the Gods to-"


"Yes, Jedediah?"

"Shut it."

"Right. Sorry."

Jedediah shook his head as his friend blushed slightly with embarrassment, before turning his attention back to the Pharaoh, who was no longer standing on the balcony. Instead, he was leaning against the wall, almost out of view, with his head in his hands. The Cowboy felt worry overtake him- it was clear that Ahkmenrah was in some sort of pain. And he was willing to bet that the pain had something to do with the weird way he was acting. Suddenly, a loud whistle cut through the air, making the Cowboy jump.

"Jedediah?" Octavius whispered, reaching out to place a hand on his friend's shoulder. "My friend," The Roman continued. "Look!" He pointed up at the computer, barely in view from their hiding place. The screen was illuminated, with Larry's email account open. A new email had apparently just arrived. Squinting, Jedediah could just make out bold words at the top of the screen.

"Nicky_D… Urgent?" He read aloud. He glanced at Octavius.

"Do you think it's got somethin' to do with Ahkmenrah?" Jedediah whispered, earning a nod from the Roman.

"I do. And I believe it may be vital information. We must climb up there and see what the electric mail says!"

"Yer, but how're we gonna do that, Smarty Pants? We got no big people 'round to help us up!" The Cowboy pointed out.

Octavius frowned, trying to figure out what they should do. Finally, it hit him.


"Yer, Ockie?"

"Do you remember that time in the Neanderthal Exhibit?" He didn't need to continue- the Cowboy's massive grin told him he did.

"Let's get to work."

So, what do you think? And where on earth is Sacagawea?! Hit me up in the reviews with some love!
