Larry Daley had never ever seen anything like this. He had seen quite a lot in his day, given his job. Seeing statues and wax figures come to life at night was quite a lot to comprehend, and he had managed that enormous task of not crumbling and ending up in an insane asylum. But this… this was insane. It all started with Mr. McPhee introducing a new artifact into the museum. Normally, any new artifact didn't make any difference to Larry, and it hardly altered his night. If it was a new wax figure, he'd simply and calmly introduce himself and the others, and easily befriend it. No more than that, and if it was a new taxidermy animal, he'd tame it... Although, this particular artifact was unique.

"Taweret, goddess of fertility and childbirth."

"It's a pregnant hippopotamus." Larry said flatly, staring at the odd, statue.

McPhee rolled his eyes in irritation. "She's our newest artifact, treat her with respect."

Larry chuckled lightly in a dry humor at that. "Right... And I'm sure children won't point and laugh at our pregnant hippo exhibit."

"They're children, you are not." McPhee argued, snapping at Larry, pointing a finger in his direction while sitting down at his desk quietly. Once McPhee settled, he reached a hand out, swiping at a speck of dust on the statue's shiny surface. He pricked his finger back up, seemingly examining said speck of dust, then glaring in disgust and flicking it away, one of the many odd, overly exaggerated things Larry had noticed about his boss.

Larry rolled his eyes at him before shaking his head and looking at the statue closer. It was a brown hippo with the limbs of a cat, and the back of a crocodile, along with an expectant stomach to exaggerate her being the goddess of fertility. Though, aside from that, the rest of it's appearance got even stranger.

"That's not exactly PG, you know." Larry said, examining the very, large, exposed breasts on the statue. "Those look like eighty-year-old granny tits!"

"Oh well. It'll attract attention." McPhee said, shuffling through papers on his desk. The papers he held were filled with vast information on the latest addition to the museum, giving it's back-story and legend. "Ah, here. She was common in Egyptian households, said to have the gift of pregnancy if touched." he said with a light laugh dripping with non-belief of the magic abilities associated with Taweret.

This caught Larry's attention. Said to meant legend. And legend was one of the many things that came to life at night. "…Like a curse..?" Larry asked, concern wavering in his voice as all of his attention was directed to McPhee.

"So to speak." McPhee answered, glancing up at his employee then back to his papers filled with information on the object before them. "She drew Egyptians near, and granted them with the gift of a child… Ooh, here's something interesting, the pregnancy lasted three days, one day for each trimester. Does sound awfully a lot like a curse, doesn't it?" he chuckled again.

As Larry absorbed this information, his mind raced with worried thoughts of his dear nocturnal friends. Jaw clenching in concern, he looked back up at McPhee. "Yeah, yeah it does." he said shortly to him. "And how long until it gets put into the museum…?" he questioned mildly.

"Oh it'll be in there by closing time, it's due to be picked up now actually."

Larry nodded slowly, his expression belaying his true emotions and concern. He had to find out more about this thing. This was dangerous... Well, not that pregnancy was dangerous per say, but McPhee claimed it attracted Egyptians. This worried Larry beyond belief as he thought to one particular Pharaoh that was under his watch every evening. Interrupting Larry's thoughts, McPhee's office door suddenly opened, the creak of the door and the twisting of the nob sounding throughout the room, bringing forth both Larry and McPhee's attention. The door opened fully, revealing two of the museum's employees walking in. Larry had seen them a few times before, they were a few of the many moving men that specialized in bringing the artifacts into the museum. Given that there were two present, it meant that Taweret wasn't exactly light. Upon their entrance, McPhee gave them a forced smile and nod, motioning to Taweret. "Just on time, gentlemen."

Larry watched in near horror as they both picked up the heavy object, and carefully carried it out the door, shuffling slowly and watching their foot-movements carefully. Larry turned back to McPhee, his expression showing the shock he felt at this situation. "Wait, hold on, it'll be an exhibit by this evening? During my shift?"

"Yes, I told you that already. What's got you so spooked?"

Larry shook his head quickly in response. "It's nothing… Hey, can I, uh, see those?" he asked, motioning to the papers in his boss' hands. This perked a strange glance of distrust in McPhee's eyes, but he handed them over, an odd look of confusion on his face at the request. "Alright, have fun. But what do you-"

"No time, gotta run." Larry said hurriedly, collecting the papers and holding them tightly in his arms. Giving a curt nod to McPhee, he quickly paced out of the door, trying his hardest to keep himself from running.

Larry had never rushed so fast to work in his life. He nearly sprinted to his locker room, dressing in his uniform in a haste. His mind was racing with worried thoughts over that damned artifact. Why the hell would the museum even need that?! "To attract attention…" Eat me, McPhee. He groaned inwardly at that, flushing thoughts of his annoying boss away. Once Larry had gotten dressed in his uniform, he started with the task of reading through the papers. Sitting down in a metal fold up chair in his locker room, he sat and started reading.

"In Egyptian Mythology, Taweret is the protective ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility and childbirth."

"Yeah, yeah... I know that already." Larry said to himself in a groan, eyes scanning through the page, searching for anything to he saw as useful. Hold on,

"If touched, Taweret is said to bring the gift of pregnancy. Although, her gift is is unlike most pregnancies. It is extremely quick, the gestation lasting only 72 hours or less."

Larry let out a sigh as the words processed in his mind. "...Just like McPhee said... Jesus, that's fast..." he mumbled to himself, then continuing on through the page.

"Though pregnancy is strictly the task of females in humans, Taweret is said to also lay upon her gift to males as well. Her powers only affect those of Egyptian blood, and will draw them near, quite similar to Sleeping Beauty's affiliation with the spinning wheel. Those drawn near are said not be in control of themselves, and will most definitely touch upon Taweret, infecting themselves with her gift."

Larry's eyes widened in surprise at this, mind numbing at what could happen if Taweret came to life in the evening. With another shuddering sigh, he dropped the paper, and brought his hands to his forehead. He dropped his head into his hands, whispering to himself, "You've got to be kidding me..."