Reviews for Pillow
autumncat210 chapter 1 . 4/25/2019
It was good
Guest chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
U should write a sequel where Link escapes.
Dug chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
Too depressing.
Lykeans chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
Boundless Sky chapter 1 . 12/24/2011
This stoty was amazing. Ganondorf and Link were wonderfully written, and very in character. Ganandorf's method of hurting and degrading Link was portrayed wonderfully, and Link's confliction between his body and mind was brilliant. The concept of the pillow itself spoke volumes, about the contrast between the fragility of Link's mind and the harsh reality that Ganondorf forced him into. Definately favorited.
TsukiNova chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
Oh my god...that was fantastic~!

Although it actually made me cry a little. But that's what you want to go for. A fic that brings emotion to the reader is a fic that gets its message across, so you did a great job. Keep up the good work!

aleatoire726 chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
So dark, disturbing. I love It
Anonymous chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
Wow, that last sentence really rings true. *safe hugs for Link* ;_;
Shinosuke chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
well that was.. disturbing. you know anal sex without lube isn't fun for either parties. just saying..
UnHappyPrincess chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
Yes, I love it. It's dark, disturbing; emotionally and physically. I like how although Ganondorf is aggressive and pleasures himself in beating Link, he gives the boy time to adjust and whispers grotesque 'sweet-nothings' into his ear. It's a nice touch, bravo!
Jayadragon chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
poor link. why is it that on fanfiction ganondorf is likely to rape link then zelda. just curious. hahaha poor little link. also why does ganon always have a huge penis. its ridiculous but probably true. haha. anyways i loved it . greatly amusing and very well written.
ellie chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
this was really quite powerful; dialogue could use some work, imagery fine. it'd be interesting to see this expanded upon. great to finally see a reason as to ganon's motives in fics like this, usually a lot of authors just cop out, but here his actions become and are about something here. neatly done.
hi chapter 1 . 4/28/2010