Boy where do I start…? Okay how about sorry would be good. Yes, sorry that I have been late or actually almost inactive on fanfiction only replying here and there. Ever since I got into college I've been mostly caught up in work. I'm trying to juggle updating, but the releases keep getting pushed back. In fact this chapter was nearly finished and would have been released in August actually, but like I said it got pushed back and forgotten. So I'm hoping to bring you a good amount of chapters this break for updating stories. I hope… Pray for me or something. Anyways I hope you enjoy this and give feedback on it.

Disclaimer: Don't own VK.

"Rido sends his regards." Shizuka said sitting comfortably in the armchair with her legs crossed. Maria's gray eyes scanning him with interest as she sat elegantly. Apparently Kaname had hit a sensitive spot when he claimed the twins didn't belong to her and now she was dodging anything related to the subject.

"So it is Rido whose putting you up to this." The pureblood wondered aloud with Shizuka narrowing her eyes at him.

"I never said that. Can't someone cross paths with others and deliver a message from that person?"

"You two hate each other, that's suspicious enough. Question is what is he sending regards for then?"

"How should I know? I don't really care what business Rido conducts outside of my interest. I simply wanted to know the whereabouts of the twins and I was told in exchange for something." Kaname scanned her for any dishonesty but found none. There was really no motive in Shizuka lying. What she said was the truth and he could tell. Though he was bothered by what she told the bastard about for that information, though he couldn't press her too much or she would retaliate violently. But why the sudden revived interest in the twins?

"State your business and reason for trying to get the Kiryuu twins."

Shizuka, who had been examining her nails on her left hand, dropped it like dead weight angrily looking at the prince. The once grey eyes turned red with hate as she uncrossed her legs. "Didn't I tell-?"

"That's not good enough!" He snapped at her causing their aura to shift in the room. "Claiming that you have a right will not do. I need reason."

"Why, its not like you will let me take them if I tell you." She countered smoothly.

"No I wont, but I like to understand." He claimed tapping the pen impatiently on the desk.

"It's complicated, Kuran and its personal."

"Personal my ass. As the lord of vampires it's my job to know what s going on and if it causes harm to the humans."

"There not even human, Kaname. Their ex-humans. Former Humans and nothing more." Shizuka explained her eyelids hooding as she looked at him with a disturbed smile.

"Because of you." Kaname's eyes narrowed at her like daggers as Zero's face came to mind and his constant struggle with being a level D.

"I have my reason as to why they are like that. " Shizuka stood up smoothing out her school skirt. "Now if you don't mind, I have some stalking to do." She headed for the door and before she could even grab the knob, Kaname was there one hand pressed against the door firmly restraining her. She had her head down looking at the untouched knob before looking back up at the prince with a smile.

"Now come, Kaname you wouldn't actually harm me would you? Or should I say Maria? She's an innocent bystander and Zero's friend attacking her would be like a felon." She explained keeping eye contact with him and giggling on the inside, as Kaname appeared reluctant.

She heard the low growl resonating in him as he bared his fangs towards her. How lovely the white pearls were she thought. Kaname remained that way for some time before it was his turn to smirk catching Shizuka off guard. "I remember my parents telling me that the reason behind you attacking the Kiryuu family was because your lover left you. If that was the case why didn't you just hunt him down? Or wait," He stopped letting his next sentence register in his mind and surprisingly connect with the accusation. Shizuka remained stoic in her appearance, but she felt her heart pound in her chest. "Was, Zero's father your lover? He left you because he had a family already, he didn't want you anymore. That's what it was."

"Shut up!" Shizuka wasn't at her full power in Maria's body making her susceptible to being defeated easily. She made an aim to smack the brunette, but Kaname caught her by the throat lifting her off the ground. "Careful you don't want blood on your hands."

"I have enough of it on them for a lifetime. One life does not affect me compared to thousands. I will ask you once more. Why. Are. You. Obsessed. With. The. Twins?" God forbid that question didn't register in her mind and she decided to keep playing her childish games. It was irking him that he didn't know what Shizuka's connection to Zero was besides being his father's former lover. Was she guilty of killing his parents and turning them into ex-humans? "Answer me!"

"Fine! Only if you put me down though." Shizuka had Maria's arms crossed as her feet remained lifted off the ground and a sour look plastered on her face. In attempt to not harm the host body, Kaname put Shizuka down only for her to push past him and go towards his desk.


"Relax," Sitting down in his desk chair and giving him a smug look. "It's not like I ran out as you can clearly see. Anyways its obvious you are aware that the twins parents were famous hunters right?" Kaname nodded in response still keeping a close eye on her. Shizuka continued on after, "He was my lover…" She paused for some time, staring off in a lonely manner causing Kaname to get annoyed and speak up.

"What else?" He growled out. Her eyes darted back to him glaring and answering in a cold voice.

"How would you feel if you were told that someone couldn't be with you because it was against the hunters code to love a vampire? It was wrong to have a family with them? Hiro knew I wanted children and instead denied me that right by marrying someone else and having twins. Zero and Ichiru were the children I was suppose to have."

"If he had children with you, there would be no guarantee that you would have had the twins nor would they have turned out the way they did. You killed both of their parents and changed them-"

"On accident! Hiro got in my way!" She yelled, standing up from the chair now as her nails cleaved into the desk. "He protected that stupid woman and got killed." She sounded distress as she sat back in the chair looking ready to cry at any moment. Kaname stared in shock and felt something clenching at his heart. Pain?

OooOooOO- The Town -OOooOooO

After spending a bit more time together Zero had separated from Yuki in an attempt to avoid her prying at him about his relationship with her brother. Though she had said something that had made him feel warm and grateful. She had told him that he was the very first friend she had made and was happy that he made her feel normal. She had told him she was sheltered all her life by her parents and really her only friend was Kaname even when she was allowed to go to Cross Academy. Zero felt happy that Yuki was comfortable around him and glad she put her trust in him.

As Zero walked around town musing he stopped when a flower shop came into view and scanned the flowers it had on display in the window. The lilac eyes stopped on a bouquet of daffodils, the flower his mother adorned the inside of the house with. The weary smile that formed on his lips had slowly turned into one of sadness as he reminisced about how much he missed her overdramatic attitude and daring persona. Akane Kiryuu nicknamed "Bloody Scarlett" due to her bloodlust tendencies when angered. He always thought she was bipolar and assumed she would turn from quiet spoken to a demonic hellcat if they made her angry.

Of course it never came. Zero mused to himself as he though about how he and Ichiru would countdown her tantrums, but later found out she only did that when hunting vampires. It was a relief and then it was also sad for the vampires having to deal with her. His mother at one point had ran into Kaien and in response to meeting the red head Kaien had actually named Bloody Rose after her to Zero surprise. Pondering, Zero decided to go in to which the flower shop lady greeted him.

"Is there something you need sir?" She asked in a meek voice. Pointing at the daffodils, Zero answered,

"Can I have a bouquet of those please?"

"Certainly." She answered before retrieving the bundle and coming back to the register to ring it up. Handing her the money, Zero said goodbye as he walked out of the store only to stop in his tracks outside. Eyes widening Zero noticed to familiar blondes looking about the town.

"Ichijo and Aido?" Surprised the silverette let those words escape his mouth as he followed their movements. They were looking for something and it was rare for them to just be out in town unless… They disappeared down an ally to which the exhuman decided to follow them with obvious notion.

"I smell a vampire…" He stated before taking off.

OoOoOooO-Cross Academy School Yard-OooOoOoO

Separating from Zero, Yuuki had walked back to the school slightly sick from her sugar indulgences and pouting as she remembered how Zero called her a "glutton" in playful manner.

"I do not eat that much!" She said looking down at her stomach, which was clearly flat. "I look like a model." She claimed pretending to pose only for another voice to startle her out her happy world.

"Last I checked modeling agencies don't hire hobbits who still look like five year olds." Turning around in anger, Yuuki ran into Ichiru's chest. Hiding her gasp she glared at the younger twin. "Don't look at me with that hideous face, I might turn to stone."

"Ha! Ha! Ha, very funny! Just like your hateful words from earlier. I do not look like a five year old!"

Covering his ears with his hands, Ichiru glanced down Yuuki with an annoyed look. "Must you yell every time someone speaks to you? Your voice makes nails scratching on chalkboard bearable." Now Yuuki was getting irritated. She had thought that he was joking around with her at first like Zero does, but now he was just being rude.

"No offense, but its no wonder Zero's considered the good twin, because his brother has a god-awful attitude."

"Oh please as if you know nii-sama. He's probably just pitying you because no one wants to be your friend especially me." Ichiru stated shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as Yuuki's temper rose. Ignoring it, Ichiru began to take his leave when Yuuki called out to him.

"Are you jealous that I might know what's lurking in Zero's mind more than you do? That he trust me more than you?" At that Ichiru turned around with cold red eyes directed at her. Yuuki stopped talking as she thought he might attack her but to her relief Ichiru only meant to say something.

"You know nothing about what goes on in his mind and you don't know how he feels. He's good at hiding and always has been. One day he will find someone that gives back all the things Zero let go of for others including his own desires. You are definitely not that person and I wont allow you to hurt him. I suggest you tread lightly." With that the twin left at a striding pace leaving Yuuki dumfounded and hurt.

OoOoOOo-The Town-OOOoOoO

Still following closely behind, Zero watched as Takuma and Aidou hunted for the level E vampire. He had spotted the former human once noticing it was a young male most likely in his early twenties after he was attacked. It was moving at the occasional inhuman speed most level e's had and was screaming hysterically much to Zero's annoyance. Zero stopped quietly at an abandoned house watching as Takuma shouted off orders to Aidou.

"Check the back for an entrance, Hanabusa." Leaving to go around the house, Aidou conjured an ice sword that gleamed in the sunlight. For once Zero was impressed by the annoying blonde's daringness. He never took him for the type to actually fight up close and personal. Turning his attention to Takuma he saw him pull out a long katana and ready his stance as he waited for the level e to make its move.

So it's decided to hide itself in the house? Noticing the house was two story, Zero knew even if the two vampires did go in they would have to spilt up with one going upstairs and the other staying downstairs. Level E's might be insane, but their dangerously smart too. They enjoy games and catching others off guard.

Zero stopped his train of thought when he noticed one of the windows was opened and standing in front of it was the exhuman. It smiled at him with a chilling smile as his shoulders shook violently. From the looks of it, it was laughing at Zero and trying to provoke him. Smirking to himself, Zero leaned against the brick wall challenging the figure.

"I'm not playing your silly game. If you really want me to play you'll have to come down here." He voiced to the vampire causing his spot to be revealed to the two aristocrats nearby. Takuma turned to Zero with a shocked expression.

"When did you get here Kiryuu-kun?" The older vampire asked to which, Zero shrugged his shoulders.

"I wasn't really paying any attention to the time, because I was caught up in following you and Aidou." The blondes looked at each other surprised by how 'off' Zero was today. Normally he would never be caught especially by vampires nor would he not pay attention to details like time. "What?" He asked when they remained quiet.

Takuma was the first to speak up, "Are you okay today, Kiryuu-Kun? You seem off." Surprised at first by the question, Zero thought back and figured it was because it was so late and he was tired. Perhaps Yuuki had talked him into boredom earlier.

"I'm fine. More importantly isn't there a certain someone who you're chasing? I mean he's right there at the window… laughing… at us." The vampires followed, Zero's finger and sure enough the Level E stood there, shoulders shaking uncontrollably with a cat-like grin spread on its face. The damn freak… Zero thought to himself while silently fearing that would be him someday. A shiver ran up his spine at the reminder. Every time he saw one he feared his own fate often finding the feeling unshakeable and haunting him in his nightmares. He realized that instead of thinking of this as a job he thought of hunting E's to get rid of his fear and he realized that the thought made him reckless. In an instant a gunshot was fired causing Takuma and Aidou to duck for cover in an attempt to get away from the hunter.

"Oh! That's so scary!" Zero heard Aidou say as he hid. Much to his despair, Zero didn't hit the level E and knew what would come because of his irrational decision. Indeed it did as he was caught in a power struggle with the fallen vampire. Hands clasped together, Zero struggled to push the vampire back only for it's nails to dig into his hands instead. Releasing slightly allowed the monster to make a quick slash at the ex hunters neck causing blood a thin line of blood to draw from the broken skin. Zero pulled back from the monster, grasping at his wounded neck to hide the sight. From the corner of his eye he saw, Takuma with a larger sword in hand and with a never before seen seriousness on his face coming at them. The level E let out a shrill of laughter and attempted to disappear only for another gun to ring out this time hitting him. Takuma froze on the spot watching as the vampire turned to dust in front of Zero.

The silver haired male turned to look at where the shot had come from and to his surprise there stood his teacher, Yagari Toga looking at him with one dejected eye. "Why the look of shock? You act as though you've seen a ghost." Came the greeting.

-OoOoOOO- Night Class Dorm-OOOoOoO-

After separating from Ichiru, Yuuki found herself in the dorm looking for her brother. She had been in the mood to talk about wedding details and especially the color scheme. Red and White? No! Red and Grey. Um… Red and…. She trailed off in her head oblivious to the greetings she was receiving from passing night class students. She stopped when she ran into the door leading to her brother's room. Clutching at her nose in pain, Yuuki watched as the door opened and her brother stood looking down at her.

"Hi big brother." She said trying to sound cheerful, but instead sounded like she had a cold.

"What is it?" The tone was curt and somewhat irritated to Yuuki's surprise. Kaname told Ruka to not let anyone through while he talked to Shizuka –who was still here- especially Yuuki.

"I wanted to talk about wedding details." She explained. Rolling his eyes, Kaname nearly snapped at his sister,

"The wedding is two years away, Yuuki. I don't have time for this or you for that matter." He made an aim to close the door when Yuuki slid her foot between the door and its frame refusing to be turned away.

"I don't care if it is. I want to talk about it now!" She demanded ignoring her brothers piercing glare. As she forced herself in, Yuuki came to a stop when she saw Maria sitting in her brother's chair, legs crossed and eyes glossed over with disgust. "Why are you here, Maria." She looked between both her brother and the supposed to be sickly girl obviously getting the wrong idea.

"My, my, my a pushy little brat you are." Shizuka said amused at Yuuki's stupidity and lack of reasoning. Hell, Kaname doesn't even want to marry her, but she doesn't know that. "This is a talk between grown ups. Get lost." She said coldly.

Appalled by Maria's tone, Yuuki retorted, "Grown ups?! You're the same age as me, Maria aren't you supposed to be with Zero today anyhow!"

"I am, I always will be. As long as you nowhere near him there wont be any problems." The girl stated in a matter fact tone appearing blind to the princesses growing anger. "Listen well-"

Kaname cut off Shizuka hoping to keep her calm before she snapped at Yuuki. "Yuuki, we can talk about this later, but now you need to leave."

The brunette girl snatched her arm away from her brother seething at him. "Why so you can be with her? What makes her better!?" She did have the wrong idea and Shizuka was amused by this girl's low self-esteem. How stupid she was indeed. Figuring had enough of the couples squabble she stood up causing the two to stop arguing.

"I've had enough idiocy for today. As I was saying before, I suggest you stay away from Zero, Yuuki." She warned giving the younger pureblood a hard stare.

"Don't fire off orders like you own the world! Besides he's my friend so I can be near him all I want." Yuuki looked defiant towards Shizuka, but the rebellious attitude withered away as she noticed the vile aura around Maria.

Something had snapped in, Shizuka when Yuuki defied her. It had nothing to do with superiority, but instinct. Yes… a mother's instinct she thought it was. Her eyes changed to a blood red color before she lunged at Yuuki. The princess let out a gasp at the sudden attack and waited for it to come, but to her surprised it never did. Opening one eye to look she saw that, Kaname stood in front of her as buffer holding back Shizuka with one arm while the other held Yuuki back. Seeing, Maria's anger, Yuuki ran out the room screaming through the dorm.


RikusChika778: Well that was an interesting twist of events for this chapter. The ending was supposed to be different, but I lost the sheet that I wrote it down on so I had to improvise… and this was the result. Once again I apologize for the incredibly late update, but it's really hard when college professors pile work on you like you have no life. I will try and update whenever I can so just be patient. Luckily I'm on break now so I'll try my best to put out chapters. Once again I apologize to everyone for being so late.

PS: You know you are really behind when you have to reread the story in order to remember where you were going with the plot. Who