Disclaimer: I do not own anything recognizable to the Harry Potter world, but my plots are my own.
"Boy! What are you doing?" Vernon yelled as he pounded up the stairs.
"Shit" Harry moaned. He had gone inside to rest because all his wounds hurt so much. He hadn't expected Vernon to be home so early.
"Why aren't you outside working?" Vernon screamed as he stormed into his room. "Boy, you're gonna get it now." Harry curled onto his side and tried to protect his head as Vernon pulled off his belt. Vernon grabbed his hair and pulled him off the bed and threw him into the wall. Harry slid down the wall until he laid on the floor in a heap. Vernon then proceeded to kick him into the middle of the room to be able to get at him easier. "You filthy good for nothing freak. We take you in and this is how you repay us? We should have left you out on the street where you belong." Meanwhile he was ripping into Harry's back. As Harry was slipping into unconsciousness he felt his hold on his magic release, and felt it start calling out to something.
. . .
Lucius looked up as there was a knock on his office door. "Yes?" He called severely.
"Father, may I come in?" Draco called through the door.
"Of course Dragon." Lucius said, his voice quite a bit softer.
"I felt him." Draco said as he came into the room.
"That's amazing Dragon that means he's around your age." Lucius exclaimed, excited, until he took a closer look at his son, "Son are you alright? What's the matter? Aren't you happy? You do know that I don't care if your mate is a male right?"
"It's not that. I know that you don't care what gender my mate is. It hurts, like it really hurts to breathe, and I'm – I'm scared father, because I'm pretty sure it's not me." Draco said, looking up at his father from where he sat down on the seats by the fireplace.
"What? Are you positive Dragon?" Lucius exclaimed rushing over to him.
"Yeah, it's making my wings want to burst out, and I have an urge to go to him. Dad you have to help, please." Draco said, tears in his eyes.
"This is not good, come on Dragon, we need to go find your mate now. You remember how to apperate right?" He asked as he pulled Draco up with him. "Were going to the Leaky Cauldron first then apperating from there. Okay?"
"Of course I do." Draco said affronted. "But how will you follow me?"
"Simple, you'll take me by side along."
"Oh, well let's go then. There's no time to waste." Draco said as he turned towards the fireplace. "The Leaky Cauldron!" Draco called out as he threw the floo powder in the fireplace and stepped in. once on the other side he quickly stepped out of the way and transfigured his robes into more proper muggle attire - an Armani suit - as his father followed right behind him, already dressed. After cleaning the soot from their outfits with a quick cleaning charm, they left the Leaky Cauldron for the muggle world, quickly finding an abandoned alley way. Draco pulled his father close and following the pull to his mate, apperated away with a near silent pop.
They appeared on a clearly muggle street with cookie cutter homes. "Wow," Draco muttered, "they all look the same..."
"Which house does your mate live in Dragon?" Lucius asked, turning to Draco. Draco closed his eyes and focused in on the pull he felt towards his mate. "That one." Draco said pointing to a house with a gold number four on the mailbox. As he started pointing though, they heard a loud thump. "Ow. Dad, why did that hurt?" He asked, resting a hand over his stomach.
"We have to hurry Draco, come on." Lucius said as he rushed to the door, throwing an Alohamora at the door as he rushed through it. "Where is he?" He asked Draco, letting him lead.
"Upstairs, come on." Draco ground out, worried for his mate. Once upstairs, he almost ran to a door that had a cat flap at the bottom of the door, and locks all along the door. Draco just started growling so Lucius pushed past him and opened the door. What they saw shocked them. There was Harry Potter curled up on the floor bleeding profusely, with a large man standing over him, wielding a belt that was covered in blood.
"What are you doing here? Wait, you're one of those freaks aren't you?" Vernon exclaimed. "I want you out of my house, you have no business here."
Draco roared as wings burst from his back, and he ran forward and pulled his passed out mate into his arms, not caring about the blood that was getting on his clothes. Vernon raised the belt above his head, getting ready to bring it down on Draco when he was blasted into the wall by Lucius. "No one, and I mean absolutely no one, hurts my son." Lucius growled out.
"Come on Harry, please wake up." Draco crooned, trying to get a response from hos mate. Lucius wrapped his arms around his son and his mate as he murmured "Come on Dragon, we need to go." Then apperated them away.
. . .
Thousands of miles away in an office situated by itself in a turret of a magnificent castle, no one was there to notice when many of the instruments situated there started whirring; many of them pulsing, flashing, or making noise.
A/N: this is my first story, so please press the newly redesigned button down there and review! :)