Disclaimer: I don't own VK.

Chapter 1: Silver on the Horizon

Today was as glorious a day as any other… And I say that with the utmost sarcasm, I assure you.

Aidou was up at five in the afternoon for a start, waffling on about something blatantly stupid and unnecessary.

I briefly recall it had something to do with collecting ancient treasure and scrumptious ice-cream. Oh, god only knows what miraculous clutter he'll haul back to the recesses of his so-called 'room'.

I say room, but the image in my mind tells me pig sty…Hmm…I think I am going to rename it 'cavern of the very stupid'.

So a ruined sleep for all of the night class it was.

I could have fit in a couple more cheeky hours, but no. I was denied that luxury as I am denied many luxuries, but at least I learnt one thing that evening…

I now dislike Aidou's hyper tendencies with every fibre of my being.

Later that night at around 9:00 pm I decided to take a peaceful moon-lit stroll.

It was, after all, Sunday, and so no classes had to thankfully be attended.

I may be a pure-blood and of royal lineage, but even I dislike the feeling of having to attend lessons.

As I was walking along one of the many stone paths my deep, night-accustomed eyes caught sight of a trace of silver.

Kiryuu-kun was walking towards me in the distance with his head poised to the ground beneath him, and his eyes beat down to match.

His long, silver eyelashes that matched the colour of his hair hung low, acting almost as a shield to protect his hurt and glass-like eyes from witnessing anymore pain that would wrench at his heart.

I had come to acknowledge, recently, that Kiryuu-kun is actually a very fragile person underneath.

I can sense his deep, sorrowful yearning for warmth; for we are tied by a blood bond.

Ever since the broken boy drank from me, I have occasionally been able to sense any flares of anger or desire, presumably when his emotions reached a state which he could no longer control.

I suppose you could say I pity him…

I am, or like to think I am, not entirely heartless, though I have done dreadful things.

My hands are stained with much blood and regret, no water or soap could wash it away now…

But Kiryuu-kun has done nothing wrong, really…

And yet still I treat him like the most sordid dirt.

My spiral of thoughts clouded my awareness of the present, and before I knew it, Kiryuu-kun was less than ten metres in front of me.

It was apparent that he had just snapped out of his own thoughts too, as he snapped his head up quickly and gazed directly into my eyes with much disdain.

For some reason unknown to me, that look really tore at something inside…

As soon as the pale boy had looked, he looked away, and made for the grass on the side of the path we were walking on.

I suppose his aim was to walk around and pass the offending object in his way, that being me, as far away as the situation would allow.

When he did pass by, with his long fringe shadowing his eyes from sight, something inside me clicked.

At that moment, something inside me made me want to stop and grab his snow white hand, and pull him back into an embrace…

But I didn't.

I stopped in my tracks and let him walk on, all the while trembling slightly at the rush of strange and new thoughts.

When I got back to the dorm at around half ten, Ichijou was waiting for me by the main staircase.

He appeared to be reading one of his many manga volumes, most definitely of the yaoi genre, and had an intense, almost perverse look on his face.

When he heard the door click shut as I strolled in out of the darkness, he rapidly shut his book and looked up at the same time, beet red from embarrassment.

'K-kaname, I didn't expect you back so soon! I thought you'd at least be wandering about for another half an hour or so'…

Is what he had said, playing innocent, of course.

He then proceeded to walk towards me, albeit awkwardly as he was trying to conceal his 'questionable' hobby down the back of his trousers, and gave me a whopping great hug.

I complied with less strangulating arms round his back rather than his neck, patting him slightly in thanks for his friendly gesture.

It was an obvious attempt at idly trying to change the subject on his part, but for his sake, I pretended to forget about his yaoi.

It makes no difference to me what he reads anyway, why should it?

Ichijou is my most loyal, best friend after all.

Besides…After what happened earlier with Kiryuu-kun, I have no right to criticize anything…

Later, when the morning sun began to slowly peep its' head up from the lowly horizon, I ascended the main staircase in the night dorm, sliding my hand up against the varnished banister as I did so.

After my meeting with Ichijou I had to deal with a few issues involving the senate and some misbehaving pupils, so it was not a surprise to me when I suddenly felt my legs become woozy and heavy to carry.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, even purebloods get tired and run down from time to time.

Of course, I would never let it seep through for my underlings to notice…

When I reached my room and study the first thing I did was collapse onto my favourite velvet sofa, and began to doze quite sloppily for someone of my stature, but nevertheless, composed to the average commoner.

I began to dream about flawless porcelain skin, beautiful lilac orbs and glossy silver strands…

I fear things may turn topsy-turvy from here on out.

Dear god, I wonder what Yuuki would say?

Still, no matter how loud my inner protests, the image of the broken ex-human Level D vampire refuses to disappear…

At that final thought, my eyes began to shut completely, sleep capturing them and turning them into dreams.

I assure you, ladies and gentlemen, waking up in the morning is going to be a seemingly impossible task…

To be continued…