![]() Author has written 10 stories for Naruto, Sherlock, RESCUE/特別高度救助隊, Supernatural, Thor, Game of Thrones, and Star Wars. Hello there I am Arekkusu Naitofaia (formally Uchihacest Girl) OMG GAME OF THRONES HOLY SHIT MOTHER FUCKER AMAZING. MUST WRITE FANFIC. About: This Is Going To Go Well Guess what guys who still check my profile? I've gotten back into Naruto, full force. Not sure how long it will last but I'm trying everything to stay in the fandom. Sadly though this does mean I'm actually re-writing the whole damn fic because JFC I had no writing skill at 14. There won't be major changes most likely considering I'm too lazy to full salvage this emo-fest but the grammar needs sorting and I refuse to sit back and leave it. So hopefully if I can finish that, I may finally write the final chapters and complete this damn fic after 4 long years. 7.5 I will change the number after each one I post - just because I can and well at least I have something to work towards. About: Lies, Disorders and Not So Brotherly Love Sorry about the late update for the smut, I should have it up soon, it took me ages to write it. About: Shadow of the Sharingan I made no commitment to finish this fic and probably never will considering there is nothing I can possibly think of to add to it, so therefore at some point in the near future I will probably delete it. About: Fragments of an Ambiguous Trickster A oneshot that is indeed finished, I will probably do a re-write in the near future to discard any spelling and grammar mistakes and maybe add more detail but other from that it is done, there may also be some more oneshots in the future for this pairing. About: The Not So Amazing Skating Sherlock A completed oneshot, also may re-write for spelling and grammar purposes but naturally I am quite happy with this fic. About: I Will Save You From Your Miserable Expression Not many of you have probably heard of this show considering it is indeed a Japanese drama but naturally this will also be discontinued from lack of interest and well I can no longer pair the pairing as the actors just don't go together in my head anymore. About: Burning Seraphim As much as I still love Supernatural, it came to me a while back that this show was my childhood and to write a slash fic would be impossible, I support Destiel don't get me wrong but I can't really read or write it anymore because it really would destroy my childhood image, I've grown up with the Winchesters, they are my heroes. Maybe I will write a fic one day that won't end in smut but really the characters are just too sentimental. About: Crash Landing Sherlock has taken TOO long to produce another series which has completely bored me so I'm no longer deeply into the fandom. However this is a fairly decent chance I will continue this when season 3 is finally released, but no guarantees. Future Projects: Right now I've decided to work on some more ThorKi, since The Dark World I have once more become infatuated with Thor and Loki and they beautiful chemistry they have on screen, I do support both the bromance and the yaoi so I will hopefully sprout out some more oneshots and at least one multi-chaptered fic which I am currently working on ideas for, too bad it's going quite slowly. I apologize to all about the fics I will indeed discontinue. ADAM LAMBERT OMG BEST UCHIHACEST INSPIRATION SINGER EVER, HIS SONGS REEK YAOI AND EMOTION!!! GOD I LOVE HIM!! Back to BVB Once again lol. As for my other fic, Burning Seraphim will be continued after I finish TIGTGW and when I watch season 8 of Supernatural, my other Naruto story will be deleted soon cause it sucks and I will never write more. My Sherlock one may eventually be finished, who knows. OMG KAT-TUN my new favourite band!! They are so awesome!! GACKT too!! Fave solo artist! Kamenashi Kazuya Akanishi Jin (I still like to count his name, maybe one day he'll return) Taguchi Junnosuke Tanaka Koki Ueda Tatsuya Nakamaru Yuichi Gotta love Jinda, Junda, Kameda, Akame XD and lol Akamejunda :P If you have never watched Japanese drama, then you have not lived!! Do it NOW!! My new top 10 of hotties! Keeps changing! 1. Is joint between Yamamoto Yusuke, Tom Hiddleston (as Loki) and Ueda Tatsuya 2. Is joint between Chris Hemsworth (as Thor), Kamenashi Kazuya, Akanishi Jin and Taguchi Junnosuke 3. Camui Gackt 4. Seto Koji 5. Kim Jae Wook 6. Mizushima Hiro 7. Takagi Manpei (I like him the best! Of the two) 8. Kaname Jun 9. Mukai Osamu 10. Daito Shunsuke My new favourite pairings OTP - THORXLOKI (AKA ThorKi or ThunderFrost)) DanteXNero - Devil May Cry SatoruX Masaru – Atashinchi no Danshi RyosukeXWataru – Tumbling NakatsuXKayishima – Hana Kimi KitijamaXFudo – RESCUE TendouXTsurugi – Kamen Rider Kabuto KyoyaXTamaki - Ouran High School drama AgehaXMakoto - RH Plus TonyXSteve - Avengers Drama’s and Movie’s I have watched! Ouran High School Host Club It’s pretty much the same as the anime just shorter, Tamaki and Honey have brown hair (however Tamaki slowly gets blonder haha), the characters have the same kind of personalities and the drama is just as wild. If you enjoy the anime then it’s likely you will love the drama too. Rating: 7/10 (the anime is still my favourite) Hot guys (from my list): Yusuke Yamamoto (Tamaki), the Takagi twins (Hikaru and Kaoru) and Shunsuke Daito (Kyoyo) Mei-Chan’s no Shitsuji It’s about a regular girl called Mei who finds out she is the heir to the power and rich Hongo family which forces her to attend an all-girls private school called Lucia’s Academy where all the girls have their own personal butlers. Mei is given Rihito, an S-Rank butler, the best of the best which initially makes all the other girls jealous. The story is about how she slowly fits into the school and interacts with the other students, she begins to sort all their problems out while trying to figure out who is trying to get rid of her. Rating: 7/10 (the plot becomes predictable at certain points) Hot guys: Hiro Mizushima (Rihito), the Takagi twins (Sakon and Ukon) and Osamu Mukai (Shinobu) Atashinchi no Danshi My favourite family drama. It’s about a young woman named Chisato whose father has run up a 100 million yen debt and co-signed her name. She is being chased my debt collectors one day when a mysterious and rich man named Shinzo Ōkura pays off her debt. He then gives her the choice to pay back the money to him or sign a contract and marry him. She chooses to marry him. One month later he dies and the sub clauses of the contract are revealed. For 3 months she must live in Trick Heart Castle and be a mother to his six eccentric sons while completing the mother’s tasks. The sons incluce: Fū Ōkura, a 30 year old travelling artist who spends his time running up a girlfriend count, he’s cold and selfish and doesn’t particularly take up his role as they eldest. He has a serious grudge against his father. Takeru Ōkura, a 27 year old biker gang leader who wears a red fighter coat, he is wild, rude and mean yet has a strong sense of justice and an empathetic heart. He tends to act like the big brother to the rest of his younger brothers. Sho Ōkura, a 25 year old mastermind, he tends to be the one who runs the family, he can be manipulative at times and very selfish. He works as a host at night and hides a secret of his own, he doesn’t understand his responsibilities at first and is also quite the player. Masaru Ōkura, a 22 year old ‘Okama’ model who identifies himself as a female (wearing eye shadow and nail polish), his actions and mannerisms are very feminine. He has low self-confidence about himself despite being a famous model and has a severe phobia of women. Satoru Ōkura, a 17 year old recluse who spent a whole year of his life without coming out of his room, formally a magician he now spends his time by himself being afraid to go outside. He is the most aggressive of the family with a short temper yet secretly aspires to do outdoor activities. Akira Ōkura, a 12 year old genius who makes money via the stock market, he’s antisocial and cares little of anyone else. Although having a rough exterior he is actually rather innocent deep down. Rating: 10/10 (absolutely perfect) Hot guys: Jun Kaname (Fū), Osamu Mukai (Sho), Yusuke Yamamoto (Masaru) and Koji Seto (Satoru) Tumbling My favourite friendship drama. It’s about a high school delinquent named Wataru who is forced to either take extra lessons or join a school club to make up for extra credit if he wants to not have to repeat a school year. He soon comes across the male rhythmic gymnasts club after finding out that the new girl he fancies is a part of the female one. He joins the club and starts to become very serious, during the time he helps out all the other club members and helps maintain the dream of Yuta who has always wanted to do group tumbling. It’s a very heart-warming drama which shows the bond between best friends. Rating: 10/10 (you watch the characters develop so much) Hot Guys: Yusuke Yamamoto (Wataru), Koji Seto (Yuta), Shunsuke Daito (Kiyama) and Shohei Miura (Ryosuke) RESCUE Literally it’s about a guy in the fire department named Daichi who aspires to be part of the Super Ranger Rescue team (not power rangers btw XD) so he attends the rescue team course where he meets many other participants. He eventually makes it onto the squad and the drama is about all the rescue operations they proceed in and how the characters interact and save each other. It’s a drama that keeps you heart pumping! Rating: 9/10 (I thoroughly enjoyed it) Hot Guys: Yusuke Yamamoto (Fudo), Jun Kaname (Katsuragi) and Shunsuke Daito (Kohinata) Hana Kimi (original 2007 Japanese version) About a girl named Mizuki who pretends to be a boy to get into an all-male school so she can convince a guy named Sano to high jump again. In the school she meets some weird characters and ends up falling in love. She has to choose which dorm she enters: Dorm 1, the martial arts specialists. Dorm 2, the Sports specialists. Or Dorm 3, the drama and arts specialists. The show consists of the dorms competing against each other for ridiculous prizes. Some other dorm members include: Nakatsu, Dorm 2, he’s a football star and very popular within the school, he’s funny and energetic, he believes he is gay when he falls for Mizuki and he tends to mentally rant a lot. Minami, Dorm 2 leader, he’s a hyperactive flirtatious lady’s man. He loves to have as many girlfriends as possible and can literally charm any girl he likes. Masao (Oscar), Dorm 3 leader, spends most of his time wearing a cape believing he is sexy; he’s very dramatic and spends most of his time getting possessed. Tennoji, Dorm 1 leader, a violence obsessed crazed maniac who beats up his dorm. He’s totally in love with his fiancé but struggles with romance. Kayishima, Dorm 2, a psychic boy who can see auras and ghosts. He spends most of time popping up randomly and saying some weird things. Rating: 9/10 (the two main characters began to get on my nerves and the love triangle also got annoying, the other characters made up for it though) Hot guys: Hiro Mizushima (Minami), Yusuke Yamamoto (Kayishima) and Shunsuke Daito (Shin) Puzzle A random murder mystery drama about a bad English teacher who is obsessed with money going on treasure hunts where usually someone ends up date. She takes three of her students along with her and usually leaves them to fend for themselves in dangerous situations. She then acts all innocent and the three boys get the blame. The drama has no chronological order it’s just funny to watch. Rating: 5/10 (there isn’t any storyline, it’s just fun to watch the predicaments they get into) Hot guys: Yusuke Yamamoto (Imamura) Taiyo to Umi no Kyoshitsu I haven’t finished this one yet though I do particularly love episode 3. The ep is about a teenager named Eiji who by this point has decided that he wanted to drop out of school, which we find out why. He had been left alone to look after his three younger siblings as his mother was in hospital, the school try and force him to give up his siblings but he decides he can’t and tries to run away with them. Rating: As a whole I don’t know but ep 3 definitely 9/10 Hot guys: Yusuke Yamamoto (Eiji) Jun Kaname (guest star) Ryusei no Kizuna A drama about three siblings (two brothers and a sister) whose parents were murdered when they were kids. The drama is set 14 years later when they are trying to find out who murdered their parents, planning on killing said person themselves. They are all swindlers and make money by conning people they don’t like. The eldest brother Koichi being the mastermind while his younger brother Taisuke and sister Shizuna act the parts out. They slowly unravel the mystery behind their parents death. Rating: 9/10 (a perfect balance between seriousness and comedy) Hot guys: Ryo Nishikido (Taisuke) and Jun Kaname (Yukinari) Brother Beat Basically it’s about three brothers who have been raised solely by their younger acting mother since their father died. It’s about how their relationship evolves, how they all fall in love and problems at their workplace. Contains lots of bromance particularly between the eldest and middle brother. Rating: 8/10 (the brothers are hilarious to watch and there are some cute momemts) Hot guys: Hiro Mizushima (Yoshi) Rinne no Ame (Short Film) A sad film about two brothers Kouhei and Shuhei. The mentally disabled Shuhei is looked after by his older brother Kouhei and is abused at work by his boss. Though one day after Shuhei tried to steal from his boss Kouhei catches the boss beating up his brother and violently flips out killing the man. The film is about how they are trying to cover up the murder, and how Shuhei struggles to keep it a secret and how Kouhei struggles to look after his brother which eventually unfolds to an inevitable tragedy. Rating: 9/10 (a very sad movie which ultimately unfolds to a tragedy) Hot guys: Yusuke Yamamoto (Kouhei) and Koji Seto (Shuhei) Paradise Kiss (Movie) A movie about a regular girl who is asked to model for the students clothes line company Paradise Kiss, she falls in love and takes the modelling into a further career. Rating: 4/10 (I found the movie rather boring, predictable, cheesy and unrealistic) Hot guys: Osamu Mukai (George) and Yusuke Yamamoto (I can’t remember the name haha) Himitsu no Hanazono About a woman who is forced into becoming the editor of a famous shojo manga. The manga is supposedly written by a woman named Yuriko Hanazono but soon realises that Yuriko is actually four brothers. She has to keep their secret from the world why trying to keep all the brothers on task. Rating: 6/10 (it could have been better in my opinion) Hot guys: Jun Kaname (Satoshi), Yusuke Yamamoto (Takumi) and Shunsuke Daito (Miura) Kamen Rider Kabuto Kind of like a more serious version of power rangers with a better storyline and characters. An alien species known as the Worm have invaded Earth and are killing the mimicking the humans .The Kamen Riders are there to defeat them. Tendou is the main character; he soon becomes Kamen Rider Kabuto, he’s a character that believes he is the best at everything and likes to be in charge. The other Riders are pretty funny and have strange personalities, surprisingly some episodes are really sad and even some of the character storylines. Rating: 8/10 (the characterization is surprisingly good for that kind of show, yet the main characters gets annoying sometimes) Hot guys: Hiro Mizushima (Tendou) and Yusuke Yamamoto (Tsurugi) Orthros no Inu A drama about two guys, Ryuzaki, the man with the hand of God who can heal any injury or illness with one touch but has a dark soul and Ryosuke the man with the hand of the Devil who can kill with one touch who has an innocent soul and hates to kill. The drama is about how the two meet and how Ryuzaki is manipulating the other characters, it has a running theme about morals and is realistic, both characters are rather interesting and we find out how close a bond the two characters actually have. Rating: 9/10 (I wasn’t sure of it at first but watching the whole thing through was amazing) Hot guys: Ryo Nishikido (Ryosuke) Niini no Koto wo Wasurenaide (Movie) If you found My Sisters Keeper side then you will cry at this too. It’s about a guy called Keisuke who is diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 15 after wanting to become a physicist the film is about the last years of his life and how he lived with the disease up until he dies at the age of 23. It’s a heart-breaking movie that has some serious tear- jerking moments. You will need a WHOLE box of tissues for this movie. Rating: 10/10 (it had me crying for over an hour and a half non-stop, just thinking about it makes me want to cry) Actor (it isn’t right to put hot with this): Ryo Nishikido Tokyo Ghost Trip Well the title pretty much explains it, it's about this family of mainly boys (three/four brothers and 1/2 cousins depending on how you look at it) who basicaly work as mediums helping people contact dead relatives and such. It's not a particularly powerful drama but it has some funny bits I guess and is a great one to kill time if you have nothing you want to get attached to. Rating: 6/10 (it was ok) Actors: No smexy actors at all in my opinion RH Plus This is surprisingly good, it's about a 'family' of four male vampires who live together in a mansion who help do missions that the regular police cannot, the vampires are cool (unlike Twilight crap) and it is easy to get attached to the four characters because they are all rather funny. Some episodes are hilarious and some are serious, a very good mixture and there is a nice side of bromance between the four (well the eldest acts like the dad, tis cute) Rating: 8/10 (I actually really enjoyed it and felt really sorry for the main character Makoto) Actors: None off my list but they are all ok tbh Well this is Arekkusu Naitofaia Real name: Alex Age: 18 Animes I have watched: Naruto (clearly), Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Junjou Romantica, Elfen Lied, Ouran High School Host Club, Ao no Exorcist, Loveless (though I didn't get it), Katekyo Hitman Reborm (OMFG I ADORE IT), Black Butler, Death Note, Avatar the Last Airbender (if you class that), Something something World's greatest first love (lol) Animes I'm planning on watching in the near future: Vampire Knight, Fairytail, Hetalia or anything that looks interesting Favourite Movies: Well I have waaaay too many, I like Horror, Comedy, Fantasy (geeky movies like LOTR and Star Wars), Bloody Action/Thriller...most movies but not such a big fan of Romance or Chickflicks or even War/Western really. Favourite Singers/Bands: LOTS I'll try and list them...ok...Black Veil Brides, Within Temptation, Dead by April, The Blackout, Linkin Park, Muse, My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds to Mars, Slipknot, Nickelback, Bon Jovi, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Evanescence, Anberlin, Rise Against, Sarah McClagnen, FM Static lots of Japanese songs... Favourite Books: The Mortal Instruments series, Sprout and I HATE PASSIONATELY the Goddamn Twilight Saga. I read mainly Fanfiction to be honest. Favourite Colour: Black and Ruby Red Favourite Animal: White Tigers they are beautiful. I AM A GOTH!! Well I can tell you that my favourite couples are: 1. ItachiXSasuke, 2. ZackXCloud and 3. RoyXEd 4. BlaineXKurt 5. JohnXSherlock - BBC version (they're like the main 5 I read!!) Other Couples and threeways I like: MadaraXItachiXSasuke (Ultimate Uchihacest) - Naruto ItachiXDeidaraXSasuke (three best looking Naruto characters) - Naruto SephirothXZackXCloud (talk about gorgeous) - FFVII ZackXRenoXCloud (LOL, funny, funny, emo) - FFVII GreedXLing (make them into seperate people) - Fullmetal Alchemist AkihikoXMisaki (well that one IS in the anime, it's adorable) - Junjou Romantica KyoyaXTamaki (I think that will be cute, and I'm seriously starting to like Tamaki) - Ouran High School Host Club ByakuyaXRenji (well a CaptainXLieutenant relationship, smexy) - Bleach RenjiXToshiro (I know that's perverted but I dunno I think it could be cute and besides Toshiro is probably older than he looks) - Bleach RenjiXIchigo (I dunno I think they would be cute together) - Bleach AlecXJace (HOT!!!!) - Mortal Instruments (BTW book series) MagnusXAlecXJace (lol sub Jace XD) - Mortal Instruments SnowXHope (Big guy and small guy...they would have to be careful) - FFXIII DeanXCastiel (I can imagine them going out in the actual series!) - Supernatural DerekXStiles (OBVIOUS MUCH?) - Teen Wolf AragornXLegolas (seriously I'm a little nuts...I blame someone for this) - Lord of the Rings HarryXDraco (just got into this pairing and it's suprisingly good) - Harry Potter DemyxXAxel (they are just soooo alike and adorable) - Kingdom Hearts YamamotoXGokudera (it is so one sided rivalry but they love each other really) - Katekyo Hitman Reborn DinoXHibari (so clear, they did like 'train' for days) - Katekyo Hitman Reborn SebastianXCiel (well they are binded even if it is kinda wrong, demonXchild) - Black Butler GrellXSebastian (Grell loves him...everyone falls in love with Sebastian) - Black Butler As you can see I'm a yaoi fangirl... -/ \- ITACHI o\/ DEIDARA -:- PEIN o_o= KISAME \o.o/ ZETSU @ TOBI . KAKAZU -.- SASORI o.o HIDAN V2 /_\\) Deidara o/_\OItachi Hidan $_$ Kakazu -:- Pein ((o))) Tobi O_O= Kisame Sasori (dissapeared O_O?) ((O_o)) Zetsu /-_-\\*) Konan D.E.I.D.A.R.A - Dangerously Explosive Idiot Doing Amazing Reckless Art XD Take Time To Read Each Sentence This is this cat This is is cat This is how cat This is to cat This is keep cat This is a cat This is retard cat this is person cat This is busy cat This is for cat This is forty cat This is seconds cat Now read the THIRD word of every line :) 37 Things to do in an Elevator 1. Crack open your briefcase or handbag, peer inside and ask "Got enough air in there?" 16 THINGS IM GOING TO DO AT WAL-MART (well Supermarket for me, I'm British XD) 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks in Electronics to go off at 5-minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 5. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away. 6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department. 8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, 9. Look right into the security camera & use it as a mirror, and pick your nose. 10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti - depressants are. 11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. 12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels. 13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, 14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream.. 15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while and then yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here! 16. Get several bouncy balls and throw them down an aisle shouting "pikachu, I choose you!" Repost this if you laughed... - If death eaters are attacking Hogsmeade I will not point at the sky and shout TO THE BAT MOBILE -So I was like Avada Kadavra and he was like Dead - I will not ask Harry if his scar senses are tingling. - Draco Malfoy the amazing...bouncing...Ferret. - Remus Lupin does NOT want a flee collar - I am not authorized to negotiate a peace treaty with Voldemort. - I will not make any jokes about Lupin and his time of the month. - I will not say 'dude, get a life' to Lord Voldemort - I will not ask Snape why he stole Batman's cape - I will not scare the Arythmancy students with my calculas book - Jesus was a Hufflepuff - Dear Harry, I hate you, Love Voldy - When Voldemort goes to bed he checks his closet for Mrs. Weasley. - This icon is off trying to shut Percy in a pyramid. -"Percy wouldn't recognize a joke if it dances naked infront of him wearing Dobby's tea cozy -I will not sing "we're off to see the wizard" when sent to the headmasters office -I have eight horcruxes, take that Voldy! -Professer Flitwick's name is not Yoda -I will not bring a magic eight ball to Divination class -If a classmate falls asleep, I will not take advantage of the situation and draw a Dark Mark on their arm -Neville: OMG I killed Harry Potter (somewhere in the distance) Voldemort: Nooooo! I wanted to do it! sob -Draco: I mock you with my spirit fingers! (don't ask) -I stalked a death eater and all i got was this lousy potions master! -I am not allowed to make lightsaber sounds with my wand -I am not allowed to introduce Peeves to paintballing -I will not follow potions intstructions in reverse order just to see what happens -I will not give Hagrid pokemon cards and convince him that they are real animals -I will not dress up as Voldemort for Halloween -I will not teach the house-elves to impersonate Paris Hilton -Perfect ending to The Harry Potter Series: The Giant Squid consumes Britian -Sirius Black escaped askaban... evaded death eaters... outwitted ministry... killed by drapery. (he had a good run) -I have a lot to live up to you know. There are so many Gryffindors' to tourture, and my minions can't do all the work. That's why I need milk. Because, ferrets with strong bones bounce a lot higher. GOT MILK? Draco Malfoy For people that hate stereotypes: If you think people should just shut up and stop, put this on your profile. (BOLD the ones you are.) Stupidist Warning EVER: 1. Children's Asprin: Warning: Keep Away From Children 2. Peanuts: Warning: Product May Contain Nuts 3. Curling Iron: Warning: Do not use while sleeping 4. Candle: Warning: Warning, A burning candle is fire 5. Frozen Pizza: Warning: Do not eat before cooking 6. Blanket from Taiwan: Warning: Not To Be Used As Protection From A Tornado 7. Frisbee: Warning: May Contain Small Parts 8. Butcher Knife: Warning: Keep Out of Children 9. Railroad Sign: Warning: Beware! To touch these wires is instant death. Anyone found doing so will be prosecuted. 10. Hair Coloring: Warning: Do not use as an ice cream topping 11. Dial Soap: Warning: Use like regualr soap 12. Sleeping Pills: Warning: May Cause Drowsiness 13. Puzzle: Warning: Some Assembly Required THE NARUTARD SURVEY! NARUTARDS UNITE! 1. Who are/is your favorite Naruto character(s)? Itachi all the way!! Deidara, Kakashi, Madara/Tobi, Sasuke in fanfic (when he doesn't kill Itachi ) 2. What is/are your favorite pairing(s)? ItaSasu, NaruSasu, MadaSasu, MadaIta, MadaItaSasu, ItaDei and SasoDei 3. Are you a Naruto yaoi or hentai fan? Yaoi!!!!! (can't you tell from my overloaded maleXmale pairing list??) 4. Ever cosplayed Naruto characters? No...but will do XD 5. List your collection of Naruto junk and merchandise, if any: Itachi and Sasuke plushie and Itachi's mangekyo sharingan necklace and a shitload of manga 6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a Naruto character? Nope 7. NaruHina or KibaHina? KibaHina, prefer NaruSasu 8. SasuSaku or SasuNaru? SasuNaru it's adorable!!!! 9. Which team is your favorite? Team 7 or Team Gai? Team 7!!! (sorry Neji) 10. Do you support the obito theory? (Tobi=Obito) Yes, yes I do, though just his body of course 11. Do you support the 'Yondaime is Naruto's father' theory? Well he is, Minato!!! 12. Your favorite Akatsuki member? Itachi of course second favouritist character EVER...so far :P 13. Are you Pro-Sasuke or Anti-Sasuke? Both, I hate his guts but I kinda understand him and he can be ok in Fanfiction 14. Have you seen all Naruto episodes so far (including Shippuden and fillers)? Nope I am WELL behind 15. Have you read all the chapters so far? Nope 16. Do you believe Naruto has ADD? That is the only explanation 17. Sub or dub? Both, Dubbed for smexy English voice but Sub for awesomeness 18. Pro-Sakura or Anti-Sakura? ANTI FUCKIN SAKURA!!!!! HATE THE PATHETIC BITCH 19. Tobi = Annoying or funny? AWESOMELY Hilarious 20. Do you even know who Tobi is? MADARA the ultimate Uchiha!!! WOOOOO 21. Gai = Sexy beast or Ugly nerd? *eye twitch* I swear anyone who thinks him as sexy is dead to me 22. Which character would be the best crossdresser? Deidara of course, he already looks like a girl (I already thought Haku did) 23. Rock Lee = Weird or Awesome? WEIRD 24. Which character would be best OOC? Who and how? Not a big fan of OOC though seing Sasuke neing nicer and Itachi less triple agent and more brotherly is adorable 25. Do you like Naruto fanfics? Let me think...DUH!!! 26. Do you write Naruto fanfics? Go check for yourself 27. Do you like lemons? If they are hot yaoi lemons...HELL YEAH 28. Do your parents know about the Naruto characters? Not really... 29. Have you watched the Naruto Abridged Series? Nope 30. Have you seen The Naruto Ultimate Fanflashes? Yeah they is very awesome, fat Sakura ftw!!! 31. Have you ever gotten someone else hooked on Naruto? Yes my little bro...he bought all the games and the DVD's all up to date 32. Have you ever been drawing Naruto in school and has someone recognized it? Yeah I know some Narutards 33. Have you ever been in class drawing Naruto and the teacher came up to you and 34. Has Naruto affected your school life and grades? Nah, my dead brain affects that 35. Are you broke thanks to Naruto? Nope 36. Do you want to read Icha Icha Paradise? By the sounds of it, it sounds like Het so no 37. Do you support the 'Yondaime is the Akatsuki Leader' theory? No, it's MADARA 38. Do you draw Naruto fanart? If so, count how many there are in your gallery. A little only the odd pic 39. Is Sasuke still sexy in his second stage of the cursed seal? Hell yes!! Even I will admit that, Sasuke = smexy prat 40. Do you have a Naruto OC? No, don't like OC's 41. Looking back at some of your answers, do you think Naruto has taken over your life? Used to, gotten over it :D -Hello and welcome to the Mental Health Hot-line. If you are obsessive compulsive, press 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependent ask someone to press 2 for you. If you have multiple personalities press 3, 4, 5, 6. If you are paranoid, we know what you are and what you want so stay on the line and we'll trace your call. If you are delusional press 7 and your call will be sent to the Mother Ship. If you are schizophrenic listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press. If you are depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press, no one will answer you. If you are dislexic press 6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 9. If you have a nervous disorder fidget with the hatch key until the beep. After the beep, please wait for the beep. If you have short term memory loss, please try your call again later and if you have low self esteem, hang up; all our operators are too busy to talk to you. To Sakura (Naruto)Haters: If you think it would be awesome to see Sakura sacrificed to resurrect Itachi properly, COPY THIS If you want to see Sakura end up dead at the end of the Naruto series, COPY THIS If you want to see Sakura be killed by Sasuke at the end of the Naruto series, COPY THIS If you want to see Sakura be killed by Sasuke and Naruto for the good of the world, COPY THIS If you hate the parings itasaku, sasusaku, gaasaku or narusaku or anythingsaku COPY THIS If you agree with Sai that Sakura is ugly, COPY THIS If you just hate her, COPY THIS AKASTUKI_RULES_ _ |