Insanity's Servant was gracious enough to let me add How to Live with a Demigod 101 to her fanfiction archives. I'm Alassiel (Lassie) and am currently co-writing Case Red with Insanity. However, I thought it would be fun to put up some of my personal projects. This one is purely the result of too much caffeine and not enough sleep.
Entries will be very short, but funny, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.
No real warnings to speak of - although Tony's alcohol addiction will be mentioned once or twice in later entries, it never takes center stage.
Entry #1: Stark Tower
"So if I pour the contents of this flask into that mixture of chemicals over there, it's going to cause an explosion? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"
"That is exactly what I am trying to tell you." Bruce Banner reached out and took the flask away from Tony Stark with a raised eyebrow. "Best not to test that here."
"Ah." Tony grabbed a handful of peanut-butter M&M's off the countertop and popped them all in his mouth. He resumed talking, this time around a mouthful of chocolate. "So you don't know if it will cause an explosion?"
"I have a fairly good idea."
"But this is a specialized, highly safe environment. I had this laboratory built with you in mind!" Tony reached out and took back the flask of bubbling blue chemicals.
"I try not to cause explosions of any kind," Bruce reminded him, holding out a rubber-gloved hand for the flask.
Tony took a few steps backward, swallowing the M&M's before pointing out, "We're wearing goggles."
"We're talking about a potential fireball."
"We have flame-resistant aprons on."
"I'm doubting that will prove very efficient should the entire laboratory go up in flames."
"Chill," Tony insisted, tipping the flask slightly on its side and grinning broadly behind his mask. "I just want to see what this does."
"Tony! Give me that!" Bruce snapped, swiping at the flask.
He missed, and hit Tony on the arm instead.
Both men went sprawling on the floor. The flask went flying across the laboratory and smashed into several other bottles that had been placed on the counter. There was a loud crash, and then several disturbing pops and sizzles.
Tony and Bruce both sat up and began scrambling for the door as hot pink sparks started jumping off of the counter and the spilled concoctions began to hiss.
"Out! Get out! See what you've done?!"
"It wasn't my fau—"
Tony choked as Bruce shoved him out the door, and then slammed it closed behind them. They both collapsed in the hallway.
There was a muffled whump from the laboratory, and then a sound that resembled million elephants stampeding across a field of bubble-wrap. The metal around the door melted slightly.
Silence ensued.
"Sir, I believe we have a slight malfunction in the south wing."
"Yes, Sir."
"Shut up."
And there is my introduction to the world of fanfiction!
If you like it and want more, review ;)