A Collaboration of: Narruby23 AND Obsession No Es Amor
READ: Well, this is mine and Narruby23's first fic, written together. WELL, this is Narruby23 's first fanfic, so I hope you all like it.
=Summary: In a world full of shadows, creations are born, a world where no one is safe. Two brother, two families, Battle for their lives, one salvaging peace, the other destruction. Can Love be born upon this war or shall there forever be destruction.
This is an : Uchihacest all around Fanfic. Fantasy/Romance some Angst/Action Adventure/Drama/Hurt-Comfort -It depends.
Apron String-A Failed Weapon
Deep underground, under the darken catacombs of a building where no voice could be heard, lies a women in agony. She bites down her scream and gasps, as the contraptions of labor tare through her. She wanted so badly to just hide, but there was no escape and has long since given up on hope, and it saddens her that she will never see her children. Her deep dark eyes cry, and her long raven hair stick to her pasty pale and clammy skin. She had given up because she could not hide, and there was no escape…
No way out.
She had once been so beautiful, prominent, and had lived such a happy life that she never thought she would be facing this fate. On her first pregnancy, she had been kidnapped and used for cruel experiments that were performed on her daily, injected with things- odd fluids- in order to create 'the ultimate weapon'. The ultimate weapon being her child, but she had not seen her first born in nearly ten months now.
Now she was in pain once more, 'I wonder how my first-born is. Alive, dead, alone…cold hungry?' coughing up blood, she wipes her tears away 'I only knew that now, my second child, moments from coming, is going to suffer as well. I don't want either of them alone…' She struggles to sit up, but she feels herself be pushed down as well as a contraption tares through her once more. There is no longer a choice for escape.
"Bring the alcohol, and my scythe," The voice murmurs, and it sounds far away.
"Baby, be strong and look for him". As she whispers, she stokes her belly with shaky hands as she turns her head to the murmuring voice. 'I'm sorry to you as well Itachi…' She gasped, her dark eyes trained on the flash of the silver scythe that brought panic within her…
Inside her belly, a baby about to be born hears her mother's soft voice, and in his small head turned to hear her words. Funny… the baby curled into itself, 'Itachi'? Who is he? I think mother isn't satisfied with me, and then I remember she also said tells me to be strong. The feel of her so connected to me makes me feel safe and the beat of her heart…. 'Thump, thump...' makes me feel like she is singing a lullaby. However, even the baby could tell the beating of the heart was increasing.
'Some things wrong' the baby begins to feel. For the first time the baby heard his mother screeching in deep and loud agony, starting his small form. Before he knows it, the warmth that once enveloped him is being ripped away from him. Cold hands grab a hold of him, hands that make him feel scared, and rip him away from the warmth, brutally reaching and tearing at his mother for a hold of him. Whatever it is, he does not like it, and before he knew it, he is out, and he is crying his lungs out in a desperate and futile attempt to be near its mother. It had been sudden, but he was ripped out of the world he had been safely held in, to a world so strange.
Evil laughter surrounds the room, the man of a terrible aura with his minions taking the baby out of Mikoto. She can only watch, mindful of the blood spilling from her mouth and bellow her from her ripped stomach. It had hurt, and it was too much for her to take. She reaches out a hand as the man coos at her baby, whispering into his ear and a long needle in his hands, with some clear fluid…
As Mikoto watches in horror at what is happening and how her baby has come into the world, she fears for him even more. She knows she will not live through this, and with eyes fluttering close at the sound of her baby's screeching wail, she hopes her last thoughts reach her baby. 'Baby, even though we'll never meet, know…I love...you..' the baby hears the thoughts and he feels his mother slowly slipping away, making his little being wrench and cry that much harder. It was as if begging her not to leave him alone, but she's fading ' find..Him..find Itachi…And once more, tell him to...forgive me.'
Feeling something injected to his small body, the baby goes quiet and falls to restless slumber. The evil laughter once more, echoes the small room but this time is followed by steady and hard footsteps. "Dispose of the body" he snarled, the baby safely tucked in his arms as he walked out of the room.
The long blade pulled out of the convulsing throat as the owner of the sword gazed at the gushing red liquid produced. An abomination of something lesser than him-something that life could not grant it the breath of reality even if it tried. Darkened eyes who never saw the world painted in colors, other than the red that shone through the moon light reflected no emotions at the slaughter of his prey. Looking at the stars now had neither feeling nor purpose left behind in it.
Yet, somewhere within this lone figure lies conflicting emotions. Whether he should follow his gut wrenching instinct and find that thing or person that is screaming out for him. Every now and then, he would get the feeling he was no longer in his own skin-perhaps the soul within his own agile body trying to escape… Long traces of hair sway with the wind as long forgotten memories pound at the back of his young mind.
He knows that somewhere his mother lays screaming for freedom and in agony for what is being done to her. He can picture it, and sometimes wish that his own tragic birth had not caused her much pain either. He had to save her.
Sometimes he wonders why he does not go and save her, but he knows the time is not right. Call it heartless, but he knows otherwise. He knows that time will only tell when he and his family will get redemption, until then he walks forward ignoring the voice he had started to hear a few months ago, and decided to head towards his home, the home that has housed him since he was discarded. Thrown away like trash. Until then, he will get stronger to save those weaker and save what he knows to be his family.
However, for now, he lives in a world where identity means nothing, and friendship is nothing but a means for survival. Heavy steps fell behind him, and he knew those who were just like him were following him to that same home…
Obsession: Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it. We are doing are best.
Narruby23:Please oh god be gentel with the reviews, tell me what you honestly think, BUT don't be rude. Thank you
:Please Review: