Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Marvel-characters!

Warning: there will be talk about a man/man relationship, but that is over now. For the rest, this contains no slash!

AN: Yes, I know… What was I thinking? Starting yet another story? But Wildest Moments and The Opposites are coming to an end so I figured I could swing it. I also wrote this weeks ago and I just hadn't posted it yet. I really hope people will like it.

The focus will be Thor and Loki, but this chapter is more of an introduction so I chose Tony to be the POV. Also, the chapters will all be short, but the updates should come regularly.

~ Nobody Sees ~

Chapter 1

Tony gazed around his living room. It had never been this full. Actually, it had been. Being a twenty year old billionaire that lived alone in a mansion meant that he had thrown a lot of parties in his short lifetime. What he meant by 'full' was 'full of people he actually gave a crap about'. Yes, that was an accurate description.

Tony never had many friends. He had…acquaintances since being a billionaire also meant that people were always trying to suck up to him.

He had quickly figured out how life worked and he had decided it was best if he played along. He made sure he had a few close friends, but other than that he cared very little about people. There was Pepper Pots, a young woman who still studied psychology at the University of Yale. There was Bruce Banner who he had met a few months ago while visiting a local hospital for a charity-event. Bruce had just started working there. Somehow, their love for science had connected them.

However, it was meeting Steve Rogers that had changed everything.

Steve was a young soldier who was much too kind and polite to be from this time and age. Honestly, he blushed whenever the conversation was about women! Through Steve, Tony had come in contact with a bunch of other people he actually liked. There was Clint, a guy who had archery as a hobby and a girlfriend that could probably kill you with her thighs. She was a professional gymnast. Then there was Coulson who was a local detective. He was a few years older than they were. Somehow, whenever that guy came around, Tony felt that Coulson was babysitting them.

The latest addition to this merry band was Thor Odinson. He was a polite, young English giant. At first, Thor had been ever so polite, reminding Tony of Steve, but now he was considered the jock of the bunch. He was loud, unintentionally funny and yet very admirable. Also, the dude had connections since he was the son of some big industrial magnate and he met the freakin' Queen of England!

Now, all of those people were currently hanging out in his living room. Pepper, Natasha and Clint were having a conversation near the window. Steve, Bruce and Thor were playing a game on his Xbox and Coulson's ear was glued to his cellphone. Tony felt pretty content with having them all here. It made his giant house feel a little smaller and more like a home.

He didn't know when exactly it had happened, but lately most of his friends slept over all the time.

"Who wants something to drink?" He called out, having everyone's attention at once. Then he remembered everyone was here. "Oh, forget it, get it yourselves!"

They all laughed, but Thor's laugh was the loudest. It always was, but Tony had grown used to that. If anything, he kinda liked Thor's laugh. It was a deep rumbling noise, but it always sounded well meant.

Just as he was about to drop down on the couch beside Bruce, the bell of his front door rang. He groaned. Since everyone he cared about was already inside, only someone annoying and unimportant could be outside. Chances were it was a journalist seeking a thrilling story.

He went to open the door anyway and was surprised to find a young man standing before him. He was definitely younger than him, not even eighteen years old if Tony was any good at guessing. He had slick raven hair, green eyes and fair skin. He also wore a devilish grin on his face that Tony sort of liked. It lay full of mischief.

Then Tony noticed the clothes. There was something…off about them. Black shoes, black trousers, black hoodie.

Was the boy going to mug him?

"Euhm," Tony said, realizing he hadn't spoken since he'd opened the door which had been about thirty seconds ago, "can I help you? If you're selling, then I am going to disappoint you I'm afraid, because I-"

"You must be Tony Stark," the boy said, his hands disappearing into the pockets of his trousers, "you look hotter in your pictures."

Is that why that boy was here? To insult him? Tony was momentarily taken off guard. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by that boy again.

"Is Thor here?"

Again, not something Tony had expected.

"I'll take that as a yes," the boy said, his grin having disappeared. He pushed past Tony and entered the mansion without any real permission. He looked around when he stepped into the hallway just before focusing on Tony again. "God, I thought you'd be more sociable with that reputation of yours, but you lose your tongue very easily, don't you?"

That was it. Tony was growing annoyed with this person. He didn't even know who this person was! For all he knew, it was a serial killer out to destroy him and his friends. Or maybe he was just a nutjob.

"Is Thor in there?" The boy pointed at a closed door and before Tony could stop him, he opened it and entered the living room. Tony darted after him.

His friends all turned to look at the two that had entered. Only one person reacted, however, but it was not something Tony had expected.

Thor jumped up from the couch, his face growing pale.


A strange name that fitted a strange boy. Tony wanted to kick him out of his house.

"Hello, brother," Loki said. His grin had vanished, something Tony found strange, but then he realized exactly what Loki had said. That made no sense and clearly, the others agreed with him.

"Wait," Steve said, confused, "Thor, you have a brother?"

Why on earth did Tony not know this?

AN: Please tell me what you think!