Author has written 2 stories for Code Geass, Sailor Moon, and Ranma. Name: Hmmm I think I misplaced mine, ah well can’t be that important. Hey I know dongaro sounds nice. Age: Scary thing that. The older you get the less you want to mention it. I know, I’ll put down how old I want to live to be. The age I wish to reach is 1000. Nice good number that and suitably far away from my current age. Hmm maybe medicine will improve so that it becomes possible. Gender: Male. Hello to whomever is reading this profile. Hopefully you came here after reading my story below. Or maybe you’re an internet stalker and are following my every move. Hmm well welcome to the former at least (and if there ever comes to be a latter there’s nothing of interest here). History: I became interested in fan fiction only last year after someone sitting beside me mentioned some thing sounded completely impossible. He described an Evangelion and War Hammer 40K crossover he was reading (“Shinji and Warhammer40K” to be precise, an amazing story). To which I replied, send me the link. After that I became hooked and started reading fan fiction of many different varieties and genres. I still prefer crossovers, as they bring together characters who would never otherwise meet, and allow them to fall in love. Unusual pairings are almost always better than cannon pairings, as we already have cannon to tell that pairing’s story. After trying, and failing, to write a few other fan fictions (three actually) I finally started writing a code geass one. Mainly because I couldn’t find a geassless Lelouch anywhere. So I asked myself what to do. My response was to try writing one. I make no claims that about it beyond it is to date the longest work I have ever written. It will one day be finished, as I have seen too many stories most cruelly extinguished before their time to ever do the same. When I have written more I will expand this page. I am only updating this page because some people have already been looking at this profile and it would be a pity to have nothing here to greet them. Better Late than Never Chapters Complete: 7 + prologue (next chapter 80% complete) London: That Crazy Swinging City Chapters Complete: 5 (Next chapter 10%) |