![]() Author has written 216 stories for Babylon 5, Smallville, X-Men, Sandman, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Firefly, Harry Potter, Jeremiah, Roswell, Xena: Warrior Princess, Labyrinth, Misc. Comics, Alias, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, DC Superheroes, Dark Angel, L Word, Stargate: SG-1, Hunger Games, Beauty and the Beast, Farscape, Chronicles of Narnia, Spider-Man, ElfQuest, Kushiel's Legacy series, Terminator, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Sundering series, Wayfarer Redemption series, X-Men: The Movie, Taken, Last Unicorn, Star Wars, Supernatural, Robin Hood BBC, Twilight, Movie X-overs, Holes, Mythology, Once Upon a Time, Animorphs, Leverage, Glee, Sanctuary, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Band of Brothers, Princess Tutu, and Ysabel. 2013 UPDATE: I NO LONGER UPDATE AT . MY ACCOUNT IS NOW AT WANDERLUSTLOVER OVER AT A03. THIS WILL BE KEPT FOR ARCHIVING PURPOSES, BUT ALL NEW FIC AND UPDATES TO LONGER FICS IS TAKING PLACE OVER THERE AND WILL NOT BE UPDATED HERE ANY LONGER. 375 FICS AND COUNTING NOW OVER THERE. X People say I write about ordinary experiences like poetry. I am very spiritual. I breathe music and books, have an icon art gallery, ink stained fingertips, and a deep, abiding, unapologetic love for Jean Grey, Lyta Alexander and Edward Cullen. Where to find me: You asked: "What is Milliways?" and so I'm seeing it's going to need a fitting answer here. Milliways_Bar is a panfandom RPG (based on the premise that doors open a pan-dimensional door where all canon characters anywhere can intersect) where I've played off and on, pretty solidly, since about 2007. It's seen me through my undergrad, my graduate school, my thesis, living in Korea, and any endless number of life situations. Its there that I spent a lot of time walking around in different characters heads. So when you see the designation for 'Milliways Fic' on one of my descriptions for a fic, it means it might not make purely canon sense. It also means I may slash together fandoms, based on these circumstances, that you never saw coming. But it's a bit fun honestly, both the cannon slashing and the gaming. Not to mention the purely fic based insane writing prompts we saddle each other with from time to time. |