Reviews for Chess
Ranma84 chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
I really liked the story I congratulate you
Elsil chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
This was an excellent take on what could have been. Thank you very much for writing it. I just wish that there was more ;-)

Akuma-Heika chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
Magister is Master so no need to double speak it.

Please continue this in some form! NegiEva was the original pairing I liked for Negima. I have since expanded but I will never abandon that pairing!
TGxSTep chapter 1 . 9/22/2013
Hi there, interesting interpretation of the Negima AUverse.

Gonna check if you have a continuation for this fic with how the story will continue
with Negi as the Dark Emperor.

Looking forward to see your other fics.

Yuu3 chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
Sad but interesting. When i read the manga, I didn't think too much of it so your ending/AU is quite interesting for me. ...though it been too long since I last read the manga, my memory is blurred. Ehehe...
Darklord chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
I love Eva and and I love this thank you
Guest chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
Netherworld, to summerize what i want to express, you should seriously make more negima fics. It would be greatly interesting to see what you come up with. This fic was awesomly written, the story you wrote the interaction if negi and eva was fascinating. I hope in a near future that you feel like written more fics like this one. -leaving more reviews everytime, jackofalltrades
Noip13 chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Wow. I like the original idea you had, but this was really interesting. It's a shame it's a oneshot, but a sequel would be hard to make to something like this. Negi chose dark magic, who says he gets to be a hero? Kind of doesn't fit the image. So thanks for the great story!
xerrex chapter 1 . 6/27/2012
Wow. I haven't read the manga in a while, nor have I finished it, but I do have an idea of what's happening, so I can understand what Eva's saying. Anyway, this story is amazing! I really have no other word for it; your point in this story really made me think more about those "heroes" that are always in the stories (I've had an idea somewhat like yours, but I never really thought about it), and I must thank you for that! Amazing. Keep up the wonderful work! :)
GrandHaberdasher chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
Cool story. I find it interesting that Ala Rubra (Red Wing) was represented by white pieces and Ala Alba (White Wing) was represented by red pieces. Whether that was intentional or not, it's a nifty bit of symbolism.
Belthasar chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
Very nice.
Toby860 chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
this is awsome. a great story and as i am a fan of chess i can agree with it
Keikun4283 chapter 1 . 8/6/2011
This was a good one shot. I'd have to agree with you about there interactions on the manga as well. They are kinda dark and twisted but that's why I love having these two together all the time. It would be cool if you made a second chapter for this. Maybe something like a aftermath chapter or something like that.
Shiso no Kitsune chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
This was very good, questioning the morality of the actions of 'Heros' always ends up with intresting stuff, and Evangeline just makes it so much more intresting.
Savaris chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
Stirring work you've done on this! This is like a veritable "what could have been" or "what might be" if Akamatsu went to a darker shade in his work...

What's more, you've pegged Eva's character/mannerisms to a tee. Even when she portrayed some of the Ala Alba as chess pieces and her deconstruction of Setsuna and Konoka's double-edged relationship. I also like at how Eva portrayed at how things would stand for Negi and how scores of people in panic reacts (from her experiece), though if one studied history enough it'd be somehow obvious (or read enough shonen manga) that's how things roll as a group/country... it'll be up to the author's talent to portray it with their character of choice (this in this being Evangeline) which makes it more profound when explained...whew.

While I feel sad that this will be a one-shot, I have to thank you for posting this up. I'll be keeping an eye on whatever new work you'll be releasing from now onwards, your writing is something to look forward to. Oh, and uh, you wouldn't mind doing another one-shot from this in the future, yeah? At least consider it for a second, or an hour?
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