![]() Author has written 7 stories for Inuyasha. Profile Pic: Dokugasona drawn by the talented Ms. Kairou Watoshimi About Me: Name: Ashley Penname: Inume Takahashi...InumeT_FlyGirl on Dokuga Age: 24 Date of Birth: March 12 May 15, 2016 Jesus it's been a long time. Thanks for all the support, criticism, and reviews I've received over the years. I have been on Fanfiction.net for 10 years now and have been writing for about 8. When I first started this journey I was unaware of the impact it would have on me; nor was I aware of the impact it would have on all of you. So I thank you all, for everything With that being said, I will finish both Starlight/State of Grace and Are You Listening for sure, but I am unsure of when I will delve back into the writing world. It could be years, months, or even a couple of days. Real life has become to...real. I finally understand he concept of the reality check :) June 11, 2016 Hey Guys...ugh. I know I was supposed to update long ago but I'm trying to get two chapters out instead of only one to speed up the process. However today after learning that my absolute favorite YouTuber Christina Grimmie was killed I just couldn't. I never imagined that at 24 I would be fangirl ing this hard or that someone I've never met death would affect me so much. I think it was because she was tangible she was a celebrity that was down to earth and that everyone could relate to. She was the girl that gave everyone else the courage to reach your dreams and never give up. I am saddened, angry, hurt, and mortified that her life was taken in such a way. So to the Mother Nugget of all and Zeldalover I pray for you and your family. I understand that she is in a much better place and that she would want her fans to continue her legacy and never give up hope. A lot of celebrities showed her love and a lot of people are just as hurt if not more than I am. I just wanted you guys to know that. Christina Grimmie Rocks on. Her legacy will go on to inspire others around the world. She was my homie. JULY 20, 2016 Guys the world is such a wonderful place; however the state that the U.S is in is starting to scare me. As an African American with a dad whose been a police officer for 8 years and counting it has been tough for me to verbally speak out about everything that has happened. Of course I want to pick sides, but in the end there aren't any sides Just right and wrong. Nothing can justify a death not dealt by God and I feel that every life taken be it cop or civilian has been tragic. I pray for better times but somewhere deep down I feel that this world we live in is coming to an end. Therefore, I chose to focus on the good; on loving each other, and eliminating the hate. To all of the fallen and their families I apologize for our corrupt society and to my readers; no matter your race I love you all and appreciate you each and everyday.~ Ashley OAN: I AM working on the chapters and I promise you guys will enjoy the little surprise I have for you. |