KillerEmotions: Hey guys! It's been years since I haven't use this account.

I'm just super lazy! A big procrastinator,hehehehe! Gomen!

Well I decided to make a story, AGAIN and let see how this goes.

On with the STORY!

Chapter 1: You're my fiancé?

Love the heart that hurts you,
But never hurt the heart that loves you.

Kagome sighed, looking up to the moon on her balcony which sparkled her beautiful brown eyes that she inherited from her mother, Kaoriri, Queen of the Shikon Kingdom.

She is wearing her gown for the ball. A white strapless dress that flows down to her ankles with a silver chain on her waist.

Today is her birthday, turning at the age of 17. She should be excited as most girls would be for they are turning into adults but the life of an adult is nothing new to Kagome for ever since she was 10 she learned about her kingdom's welfare because of her father. Her father was a strict and fair man to his Kingdom but when it comes to his family he was very loving to his wife and kids. He died when Kagome was 12 because of a war that occurred with the Mongolians. They won the war but a heavy price has to pay, her father.

Someone knocked and barged in the room, it was her best friend Sango also dressed for the party that was held for Kagome.

"Oh! So you're dressed! Come sit! I have to put some make-up on you" Kagome moaned then walked to her dresser where Sango was.

Sango noticed how quiet Kagome was, she's worried for her.

"Why so gloomy Kagome? It's your birthday! Be happy!" Kagome smiled a bit for worrying about her and trying to cheer her up.

"I am happy Sango it's just getting old and boring…" Looking at the mirror, seeing her reflection. A princess with brown eyes and silky black hair that went down on her shoulders.

"Old and boring? You sound like there's nothing else to do in the world", Sango giggled

What else is there? Kagome thought

Sango finished putting make-up on her. "There all done! Now let's go down and celebrate!"

"Eh? Isn't it too early? The Sun just set you know, I'll come down in a few minutes" Kagome explained, not wanting to go down yet. It's gonna be the same anyway, people greet me, we eat and I receive gifts then I danced with guys who wants to court me, though I always turn them down

"Ok then, just don't stay here too long. Who knows maybe you might meet somebody" Sango winked then left her alone

Somebody? That will be the day. I don't even believe in love. She smirked

In the Ballroom

Ugh! I don't see why I have to go here! It's a stupid party! Inuyasha thought, looking somewhere else where there weren't any girls looking at him because of his good looks even though he looked odd for he had long silver-white hair, golden eyes and for some reason dog ears.

The person beside him looked bored aswell, his older brother, Sesshomaru. He had long blue hair, golden eyes and dog ears aswell. They inherited their traits from their father, Lord Inu no Taisho, former King of the Inutaisho Kingdom.

Then a woman with very long black silky hair and mysterious black orbs walk towards the brothers but for her they were her beloved sons. She smiled at them.

"Enjoying the party so far?" she asked, looking at their bored faces. She giggled.

"Don't worry, just wait for the surprise", she excused herself leaving the two wondering.

"Keh! I wonder what she meant by that" said Inuyasha

"It's surprising on how stupid you are for even wondering about it" said Sesshomaru quietly and calmly. Inuyasha got annoyed.

"What did you say moron!", said Inuyasha getting angrier

"You're the moron if you don't understand what I just said"

"Ggggrrrr! You fu-", but he was cut-off by the announcement.

"Presenting the birthday celebrant and princess of the kingdom, Princess Kagome!"

Everyone looked at the grand stair case then came Kagome, looking flushed and a bit nervous. She smiled at them, grateful for their greetings as she walked down the stairs then joined with her friends and family.

"Happy Birthday Kagome!" exclaimed Souta, her younger brother who is 15 yrs. Old

"Thanks Souta", she hugged her brother then she walked to her mother and hugged her.

"Happy Birthday dear", said Kaoriri pulling back looking at her daughter's face with a smile

"Thanks Mom", she smiled then she felt someone touching her bottom


Everyone looked at Miroku who had a hand print on his left cheek when Sango slapped him for touching Kagome's butt. Kagome giggled.

"That's what you get Miroku!" said Souta, laughing

"Hmph! He'll never learn his lesson" said Sango

Kagome looked at them, she grinned, "Let's get this party started then"

Everyone sat on the table eating the delicious food that is set on the table. Kagome was chatting with her friends that she was oblivious that Inuyasha was looking at her skeptically.

So that's the birthday girl,eh? She looks younger than me, I wonder how old is she…Hey, wait! Why am I thinking about this? Damn! I must be bored that I'm thinking stupid thoughts now!

Inuyasha growled that caught Kagome's attention, she turned to look at him. Inuyasha felt nervous when she looked at him. Kagome blushed a bit for looking at him directly then she looked away. Inuyasha was relieved.

Why the fuck am I nervous? She was just looking at me, it's not like she'll do anything to me,keh! Inuyasha thought then continued eating his meal.

Who was that guy? And why does he have dog ears anyway? That's kinda weird though I wanna touch them. Aaaaahhh! I shouldn't be thinking about that!, Kagome shook her head to get rid of the thought.

After the banquet everyone started dancing. Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and their mother, Izayoi, approached Kagome and Kaoriri.

"Happy Birthday Princess Kagome", greeted Izayoi then gave her a hug. Kagome hugged back, smiling.

"Please your highness just call me Kagome", Izayoi smiled for her hospitality

"These are my sons, Sesshomaru my eldest son", Sesshomaru and Kagome shook hands

"Pleasure to meet you Prince Sesshomaru" said Kagome, smiling. He has dog ears too,heh! Just like brothers, she mused

"The pleasure is all mine princess" Sesshomaru said smoothly making Kagome blush a bit

"And this is my other son, Inuyasha"

Kagome and Inuyasha looked at each other strangely. They stared each other for awhile it's like they were under a spell that they couldn't look away but luckily Kagome had the strength to break the spell.

"N-nice to meet y-you, Prince Inuyasha" Kagome stuttered, handing him her shaking hand

Inuyasha noticed that her hand was shaking, he took her hand. Giving it a firm grip.

"Keh! Just call me Inuyasha, princess" he smirked. Kagome giggled.

"Then call me Kagome aswell, Inuyasha" she said with humor in her eyes

"Sure thing, Kagome"

Izayoi and Kaoriri squealed with glee. Sesshomaru looked skeptically at the older women.

Izayoi had an idea. She walked up to Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Why don't you two dance?"

"Eh? Acck!" they exclaimed as they were pushed to the dance floor. They looked dumbfounded at each other. Inuyasha shrugged then place his arm on her waist, pulling her towards him making her gasp, taking her hand then started dancing.

Woah! I'm actually dancing with this guy….. he's a good dancer. He's the only guy I actually danced with on parties, she thought as she danced along with him, actually smiling a genuine smile

She looks more beautiful when she smiles…..aaarrrgghhh! I'm losing it!, he looked shock when Kagome lied her head on his chest, he felt warmth.

Who knows you might meet somebody, Sango's words seeped through her head.

Have I met that somebody? Wait! No I haven't! No one! I don't believe in this magic called LOVE! Everything's a trick!, she stopped dancing, pulling back with her face down. Inuyasha looked at her wondering why she stopped dancing.

"You ok?", she looked up at his face, realizing he had golden eyes

What powerful eyes…..nooo!, she shook her head then smiled at Inuyasha

"Excuse me, I'll be going now. It was nice dancing with you", she curtsied then she left leaving him wondering what just happened seconds ago.

Inuyasha walked out of the dance floor then saw his brother who was talking to some old men

He rolled his eyes, typical of his brother to talk about business as usual. That's all he ever thought about while he still wondered about what happened to the dance floor between him and Kagome.

I feel something strange yet welcoming……it was very weird,Keh! Thinking about it just annoys me. Better forget about it, she probably excused herself cause she doesn't want to dance with me anymore

The thought gave him a feeling of heaviness inside which bothers him.

"Keh!", he walks to a bar and drank some vodka


Kaoriri who was talking to Izayoi on her throne, stood up and told musicians to stop playing. The music stopped, the guests clapped their hands then everyone was silent awaiting for the Queen's announcement.

"Everyone I have wonderful news" she said as Kagome walked back to the ballroom from the garden. Inuyasha stopped drinking and listened to the Queen with anticipation.

"My daughter, Princess Kagome is engage-"

Kagome gasped.

Izayoi stood up, "to my son, Prince Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha's eyes widened with shock.

Everyone clapped their hands. Kagome and Inuyasha walked towards their mothers.

"So not only are we celebrating my daughter's birthday, we are also celebrating their engagement! So everyone please enjoy!" said Kaoriri then Kagome and Inuyasha arrived with shock and dread in their eyes.

"Mother! How could you do this to me! I don't want to be engaged!" exclaimed Kagome to her mother

"Are you out of your mind, mom!" exclaimed Inuyasha to his mother.

The mothers sighed.

"Lets go to my study room shall we" said Kaoriri, everyone followed her as she led the way until they reached to the study room. Everyone sat down as the engaged couple waited for them to explain.

Everyone was silent. Inuyasha couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"Ok out with it!" he growled, Kagome gasped at his outburst but also would like to know about this crazy fiasco.

"Well since you guys were born, me, your father and Kagome's parents agreed to an arranged marriage. When Kagome turns 17, she is now of legal age to be engaged.", explained Izayoi looking at the shock couple. Kagome turned to her mother.

"Is this true mother?" she asked. Kaoriri nodded.

"It's all true"

Kagome frowned

"But why? Why do I have to be engaged?", she said softly looking down

"You're father and I thought that you will be happy with Inuyasha when you two will get married, don't worry dear you will love him in time", Kagome looked pissed-off

"But I don't believe in love! Have you given thought of how would I feel about it? Did you? Or is it for our economy that our Kingdom will be richer! You don't need to worry about that! I could make our Kingdom better! A queen doesn't need a king!", Kagome exclaimed, her eyes full of fury

The other 3 was a bit take aback by her speech. Kaoriri shook her head.

"It was never about the money, dear. It never was. Please Kagome just give this a chance", Kaoriri looked at her daughter with pleading eyes.

"Plus the only way you could get out of this engagement if you two find someone else to marry so if you don't want to marry each other find someone else then" Izayoi explained.

Inuyasha and Kagome gave it some thought.

Is there someone for me?, they both thought

"Gggrrrr! Fine then! Guess I don't have a choice anyway!", said Inuyasha then stood up and left, slamming the door behind him.

Kagome just nodded then left quietly.

Read and Review guys! And you guys can give me ideas on how the story goes aswell if you want