![]() Author has written 8 stories for Inuyasha. Don't ask where the name Patche came from. I developed it so long ago, I can't remember for the life of me how I decided that would be a great nickname for myself. Well, I'm an eighteen year old college student. I'm majoring in film studies. I harbor an unhealthy addiction to ramen, twizzlers, the office, Inuyasha, acting, singing in my car, and romantic things. I love to write, but don't claim to be any good. I hope that it would at least seem that my writing improves with each story (because, quite frankly, I think Accidentally In Love is the worst thing that ever happened to ). My homepage is set to my facebook. I'm always open to making new frends :) Story Stuff The only anime you'll ever see me write about is Inuyasha. It's the only show I obsess over as much as I do... and I've been a freak for it for about six years now. It's embarrassing. Now, as far as pairings go... I don't like to delve too far into the odd ones. I'm pretty canon with my stuff. My stories are usually only centered around Inuyasha and Kagome with hints of Miroku and Sango, Rin and Kohaku, or Kagura and Sesshoumaru... My stance on Inuyasha and Kikyou...? Ehh... I appreciate what all they went through, and I can appreciate the fact that Inuyasha really did love her... buuut I can't see them together. And, though sometimes my stories suggest otherwise, I really think Kikyou's decent. On that note, my favorite character of all time is still Inuyasha. The man can do no wrong. I love him to death! Kagome's a close second just because of how much I and every other average teenage girl can relate to her. I only write one story at a time, at least for now. I know myself well enough to know that if I write two at a time, I'll lose interest in one of them completely and then never end up finishing it. |