Ok, I've never written anything like this before, so you're gonna have to tell me how I get on! Reviews, criticisms and ideas are always welcome, but no flaming please! Thank you!

Chapter 1 – New School

Kagome looked up at the big buildings and gulped. New school.

"Are you sure you'll be ok here?" her mum asked, concerned.

"Ill be fine mama."

"Ok, but the second that you even think they've found you again, I want you to tell me. Straight away. Am I clear?"

"Yes mama."

"I mean it. I don't want you to leave it as long as you did last time before you told me about the… trouble."

"I just didn't want to worry you."

"It is impossible to share that information with me and not get me worried."

Kagome gulped.

"Bye mama."

"Good luck.

She threw her bag over one shoulder and closed the door to the car. She inhaled deeply and began to walk, looking over her shoulder anxiously as she did. Oh God I hope Koga's here today.

As she walked through the main doors, she was greeted by… silence. Absolute silence.

She looked at her watch. She wasn't late, right? Nope, on time… unless her watch had stopped?


"KAGOME!!" a brown and black blur streaked across the lobby and tackled her, pushing her to the ground. She impacted with a shriek, laughing.


"How are you?! I haven't seen you in so long!"

"I'm great! How are you?!"

"I'm… wait, they didn't tell you?"

He helped her up, then dropped his face, not meeting her eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah, they told me. It's gonna be alright."

"Yeah, sure it is!" she said brightly, injecting false optimism into her voice. To mask the awkwardness, she looked around. "Where is everyone?"

"I asked them all to clear the corridor."

"And the entire school obeyed?"

"Nope, but all of my clan did. And everyone follows the leaders, right?"

"You have not changed."


She grinned. Hearing a door swing shut behind her, she swung automatically with a familiar knot in her chest.

"Kagome," a hand settled on her shoulder. She forced herself to turn back to him. "Kagome, it's gonna be alright. I promise. I won't them find you. I won't let them hurt you." He said gently.

She felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"Thanks Koga."

"What's this?" called a voice from behind. "The new girl's only been here for five minutes and already you're making her cry, Koga!"

She pulled herself away and put her hand to her hip with a well-practiced speed, feeling for a knife… that wasn't there.

"Easy," another voice laughed.

Two boys and a girl were walking down the hall toward them. The girl on the far left had long brown hair swinging to the centre of her back. She was stunning, with round brown eyes and a kind, but wise face. The boy in the centre was wearing his hair in a short black ponytail, and had a… suspiciously innocent face. And the boy on the right…

Kagome's breath caught in her throat.

He had long silver hair, but it didn't look old. It was… silver. Perfect. Underneath his brows were large, sincere, golden eyes. Hold on. Did he have fangs? And… and on the top of his hair…

There were two tiny dog ears.

He was a demon.

They continued walking down the hall. The girl was looking at her curiously.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but have you ever had any contact with demon slayers?"

Kagome went red. "Err… yeah. They helped me with a… a problem. Why?"

"You went to your hip when you got surprised. For a dagger?"

She bit her lip.


She looked down. She could tell that Koga was shaking his head frantically, but the girl ignored him.

"Was it Darian you spoke to? Darian Suikatsa?"

She blinked in surprise. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

The girl laughed. "He's my uncle," she said in a friendly voice. "That's what he always gives…" her voice died. Kagome silently pleaded her with her eyes. Please don't. The girl shook her head, then held out her hand with a friendly smile. "I'm Sango. Sango Suikatsa."

"Kagome Higurashi." Kagome said, shaking gratefully.

"Miroku Yanatsu," Miroku said. Instead of shaking her hand, he caught it and pressed his lips to it. "Such exquisite beauty…" he murmured. "I wonder, my lady, would you-"


"Stupid monk," Sango muttered.

Kagome cast her eyes to the last person. She knew she should feel slightly afraid, him being a demon and all, but she wasn't.

"Inuyasha Takahashi," he said. He made no move to greet her.

She nodded at him.

Koga slung his arm casually over her shoulder. "Me 'n Sango'll show you to the office."

She felt her face going pink.

"That's… that's really kind, but you don't have to…"

"Don't worry about it. I'm sorry Ayame couldn't be here though. She said to say hi."

Kagome grinned; she hadn't seen Ayame for ages. "Where is she?"

"Training," Koga rolled her eyes. "If she trains too hard, I swear her ears'll start to bleed."

"That's diving," Sango corrected.

He flashed her a grin.

Later that morning…

"Kagome," Sango whispered, catching her sleeve.

Kagome turned in surprise. "Oh, hey Sango. Are you ok?"

"I need to talk to you." She ushered Kagome over into a corner.

"What's up?"

"Kagome, I know why you're here, and I know why you spent the last six months of your life walking around with a dagger at your hip and why you start every time someone makes an unexpected noise."

Kagome felt tears form in her eyes.

"Please, Sango, it's not…"

"Ssh, don't worry," Sango said, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sorry," Kagome whispered into Sango's shoulder. "I just…"

"It's ok, don't worry about it." They parted, and Kagome could see that Sango was smiling.

"I'm just trying to let you know that you'll be safe here. My father is head of the demon slayers, and I have had plenty of training myself. Trust me, trust us. And you know Koga won't let anything happen to you. You two have known each other since you were, like, three? He sees you as his little sister. Look at me, Kagome."

Kagome raised her chocolate eyes and stared into Sango's.

"You'll be safe. We'll protect you. I promise."

Kagome felt tears again. "Thank you Sango. I'm sorry, I'm just… I'm scared."

"Don't be. Trust in me. My dad told me what you've been through, and asked me to keep an eye on you. That means I'm officially, like, your protector."

Kagome looked at Sango. She was wise beyond her years. Serious about her job.

"I'll need you to tell me if anything – and I mean anything – happens, or you think it happened. Ok?"

Kagome sniffed. "Ok. Thanks, Sango. I really… really appreciate it."

She grinned. "No problem. All goes toward my CV."

Kagome laughed.

As they were exiting the classroom, Kagome caught hold of Sango.

"Oh, and Sango…"


"That black haired boy, Miroku. He likes you."

Sango blinked. "Really? You think so?"

"Trust me on this. I know these things."

"But he's such a womanizer!"

"Oh, I know. I can tell. But he's a cute womanizer."

Sango sighed, then laughed. "Yeah, I suppose he is."

The two girls walked down the corridor together to their next class.



I hope you liked it!
