Author has written 8 stories for Inuyasha. April 27, 2008 Still looking for that beta (see last post)... Miko Malice Epilogue: 35 done-ish, but I am working on it. Hopefully I can post it next week. Thinking about what story to take up next, so all my already-started stories are up for grabs. Here's what's left to do on what. The Foruneteller and the Nerdy Hanyou: Haven't touched this one for a long, long, long time, but I've had some ideas for what I want to do with it, and every now and then someone drops me a review. Its going to require me to go back, re-read all of it (which I'm sure it needs to be proofread anyway) and to come up with an outline, because I wrote this before I learned to live off outlines. Better Things than You: Also written before my outline days, so it will also require a complete proofreading and outline. I think I might be able to wrap this one up in a few chapters, but then I aways seem to think my stories will be short and then they're not. Filling the Void: This one only has two-ish chapters to go, and maybe an epilogue. Marriage of Convinience for Whom?: Officially all this puppy needs is an epilogue, but I also really want to do an alternate ending because I'm not really pleased with the one that posted now. Howevery, to do the alt end, I need to go back and re-read/edit the story to come up with an idea for one that will go with the rest of the story. Letters on a Train: I know this is a one shot, and I've said its done (not to mention the prototype for Better Things than You) but I've noticed there are still people reading it and its on like 5 C2 communities, more than any of my other stories. I might do a like an epilogue type thing for it, or if you have any ideas you can send them my way. Any opinions etc? I don't know how many people read this, but if you have any impute, I'd love to hear it. February 28, 2008 I'm looking for a beta. Someone who can work with my erractic writing schedule, screwball tangents, and someone who is not a particular fan of my work. Like if you read my stories, tolerate them, and hope they get better. Not if you read them and then review, saying they'er awsome. (Not that I don't love reviews like that; they'er near and dear to my heart, and motivate me to write more.) Its just in a beta, I want someone who almost doesn't like what I write, but sees potential in a pile of crap. It would probably be somone who would make me cry if they wrote a review. Miko Malice Ch 18: Probably about 55 done. Its outline--in great detail--but my brain has stopped working. Its not writers block; I'm just a fuckwit. October 17, 2007 My computer has eaten Word. I can't open it and I might have lost all of my files. While I am in the process of hunting out a new one, all my stories are on hold. I will continue writting in notebooks, but I can't say when I'll be able to post anything on line. Patience, please! July 26, 2007 Marriage fic is complete except for the epilouge which I'm half way through. There is also a possible alternate ending for this story which I hope to have finished soon. First Chapter of Miko Malice: 45 complete Better Things Than You: Temporarily stalled, but working on the outline July 5, 2007 Marriage of Convience for Whom? Chapter 19: 55 done, and working. May 24, 2007 Gaah! I haven't updated this thing in sooo long! Its growing moss. I am presently a resent college grad looking for work, and others have said it before, but because fanfiction does not pay the rent or provide me with substinance I am job hunting. Also for this summer (check the date) I will probably have limited internet access, so updates may be few and far between, but I will try to have more than one thing to post at a time when I do. I heart my reviewers and any feed back you have to offer is appreciated, but believe me when I say I have thin skin, so be gentle when you criticize. What I am working on: Marraige of Convience for Whom?: Next Chapter 75 Done Better Things than You: Haulted until Marriage is complete, but I will be working on it soon. The Fortuneteller and a Nerdy Hanyou: Practically on Hiatus. January 10, 2006 I'm in London for the semester, so I doubt I will write that much there's just too much to do. That said, I will try to get updates out as soon as I get back, and you can expect new "Marriage" chapters before "Fourtunteller" because I'm more on a roll with that one. The Fourtuneteller and a Nerdy Hanyou: Updated sometime around Christmas. No ideas for next chapter... A Marriage of Convinence for Whom: Chapter 4 is up sometime after New Yeas and I have 75 of chapter 5 done...the only problem is that even if I get it done, I won't be able to post it until May, so as long as my converter works for my laptop, expect it then. I also have a one-shot on the way, untitled as yet. Kag/Inu fluff on a Victorian train ride.I wouldsay its about 50 to date, but knowing me, I'll pick at it and drag it out so I don't know when it willbe done orif it will remain a one-shot.Its probably better not to ask about the content, I think I've been watching too many chick flicks lately. Will counter with some Sin City. |