Dedication: Hmm.......Well, I don't rightly know. How about to Las Vegas, where I'm sure this happens a lot, but generally to complete strangers. And even then, they can fix it in a few short minutes. Heck, nothing counts in Vegas! It a holiday from yourself!
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Inuyasha, Rumiko does. But, I do own a bag of Hot Fries and a few hundred books, so there!
Jeez, I'm a nut job.
(Yes, a little cliche, but....) The Morning After
Take a deep breath Sango, just take a deep breath.
I squeezed my eyes shut, and deeply breathed in, and then exhaled, then repeated. I vaguely thought of doing it for a third time, but I was already starting to feel a little light headed.
Now trust me, I'm not what you'd call a suicidal person, but the hangover that I was experiancing at that moment, was enough for me to want to end it all. To end the pounding in my head and the searing pain that mere sunlight seemed to be causing. I moaned, and tugged the covers over my head.
Smelly, scratchy covers. Covers that felt like the extremely cheap material you find in hotels, rather than my bedsheets made out of tee-shirt material. And while we're on the subject of cheap things, I'd swear that the lumpy pillow under my head wasn't my feather-down pillow that I have on my bed at home.
.....Now that I think about it, I have no idea where I am.
I sat up with a start, and it was then that I noticed that I was naked. I was naked, and in a seedy looking hotel. What was I doing in a seedy hotel? What the HECK was I doing in a hotel period?!
"AWWWWWWWWW!" I screamed, wrapping the sheet around my chest, and jumping to my feet.
"Could you tone it down a bit?" a groggy voice murmured from the bed.
From the bed.....oh my lord!
It was then that I think my heart stopped, and with eyes full of fear, I looked down to see a man on the bed. And not just any man, no, my archnenemy, Miroku Houshi. A very naked Miroku Houshi.
A Note from Me: I know that this was an extroidinarily short chapter, but I just wanted to introduce the conflict. I was actually going to make it a little longer, but then I decided not to. It's kind of like a hook, hopefully it draws you in. . Plus, I'm sleepy.
Please review (if you think it's worth continuing)!!!!